filter.GMQLDateset <- function(
m_predicate = NULL,
r_predicate = NULL,
semijoin = NULL,
.by = NULL,
.preserve = NULL
) {
val <- value(.data)
meta_pred <- substitute(m_predicate)
if(!is.null(meta_pred)) {
predicate <- .trasform(deparse(meta_pred))
predicate <- paste(predicate,collapse = "")
predicate <- as.character(glue::glue(predicate))
} else
predicate <- .jnull("java/lang/String")
reg_pred <- substitute(r_predicate)
if(!is.null(reg_pred)) {
region_predicate <- .trasform(deparse(reg_pred))
region_predicate <- paste(region_predicate,collapse = "")
region_predicate <- as.character(glue::glue(region_predicate))
} else
region_predicate <- .jnull("java/lang/String")
gmql_select(val, predicate, region_predicate, semijoin)
#' Method filter
#' @description Wrapper to GMQL SELECT operator
#' @description It creates a new dataset from an existing one by extracting a
#' subset of samples and/or regions from the input dataset according to the
#' predicate. Each sample in the output dataset has the same region attributes,
#' values, and metadata as in the input dataset.
#' When semijoin function is defined, it extracts those samples containing
#' all metadata attributes defined in semijoin clause with at least
#' one metadata value in common with semijoin dataset.
#' If no metadata in common between input dataset and semijoin dataset,
#' no sample is extracted.
#' @importFrom rJava J .jnull .jarray
#' @importFrom methods isClass
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @param .data GMQLDataset class object
#' @param m_predicate logical predicate made up by R logical operations
#' on metadata attributes.
#' Only !, |, ||, &, && are admitted.
#' @param r_predicate logical predicate made up by R logical operations
#' on region attributes.
#' Only !, |, ||, &, && are admitted.
#' @param semijoin \code{\link{semijoin}} function to define filter method
#' with semijoin condition (see examples).
#' @param .by parameters inherited, unused with GMQLDateset data object
#' @param .preserve parameters inherited, unused with GMQLDateset data object
#' @return GMQLDataset object. It contains the value to use as input
#' for the subsequent GMQLDataset method
#' @examples
#' ## This statement initializes and runs the GMQL server for local execution
#' ## and creation of results on disk. Then, with system.file() it defines
#' ## the path to the folder "DATASET" in the subdirectory "example"
#' ## of the package "RGMQL" and opens such folder as a GMQL dataset
#' ## named "data"
#' init_gmql()
#' test_path <- system.file("example", "DATASET", package = "RGMQL")
#' data <- read_gmql(test_path)
#' ## This statement selects from input the data samples of patients younger
#' ## than 70 years old, based on filtering on sample metadata attribute
#' ## 'patient_age'
#' filter_data <- filter(data, patient_age < 70, NULL)
#' ## This statement defines the path to the folder "DATASET_GDM" in the
#' ## subdirectory "example" of the package "RGMQL" and opens such folder
#' ## as a GMQL dataset named "join_data"
#' test_path2 <- system.file("example", "DATASET_GDM", package = "RGMQL")
#' join_data <- read_gmql(test_path2)
#' ## This statement creates a new dataset called 'jun_tf' by selecting those
#' ## samples and their regions from the existing 'data' dataset such that:
#' ## Each output sample has a metadata attribute called antibody_target
#' ## with value JUN.
#' ## Each output sample also has not a metadata attribute called "cell"
#' ## that has the same value of at least one of the values that a metadata
#' ## attribute equally called cell has in at least one sample
#' ## of the 'join_data' dataset.
#' ## For each sample satisfying previous conditions, only its regions that
#' ## have a region attribute called 'pvalue' with the associated value
#' ## less than 0.01 are conserved in output
#' jun_tf <- filter(data, antibody_target == "JUN", pvalue < 0.01,
#' semijoin(join_data, FALSE, conds("cell")))
#' @name filter
#' @rdname filter
#' @aliases filter,GMQLDataset-method
#' @aliases filter-method
#' @export
setMethod("filter", "GMQLDataset", filter.GMQLDateset)
gmql_select <- function(input_data, predicate, region_predicate, s_join) {
if(!is.null(s_join)) {
if("semijoin" %in% names(s_join))
semijoin_data <- s_join$semijoin
stop("use function semijoin()")
} else
semijoin_data <- .jnull("java/lang/String")
WrappeR <- J("it/polimi/genomics/r/Wrapper")
response <- WrappeR$select(
error <- strtoi(response[1])
data <- response[2]
#' Semijoin condition
#' This function is used as support to the filter method to define
#' semijoin conditions on metadata
#' @param .data GMQLDataset class object
#' @param is_in logical value: TRUE => for a given sample of input dataset
#' '.data' in \code{\link{filter}} method, if and only if there exists at
#' least one sample in dataset 'data' with metadata attributes defined
#' in groupBy and these attributes of 'data' have at least one value in
#' common with the same attributes defined in at least one sample of '.data'
#' in \code{\link{filter}} method, FALSE => semijoin condition is evaluated
#' accordingly.
#' @param groupBy \code{\link{condition_evaluation}} function to support
#' methods with groupBy or JoinBy input paramter
#' @examples
#' ## This statement initializes and runs the GMQL server for local execution
#' ## and creation of results on disk. Then, with system.file() it defines
#' ## the path to the folders "DATASET" and "DATASET_GDM" in the subdirectory
#' ## "example" of the package "RGMQL" and opens such folders as GMQL datasets
#' ## named "data" and "join_data", respectively
#' init_gmql()
#' test_path <- system.file("example", "DATASET", package = "RGMQL")
#' test_path2 <- system.file("example", "DATASET_GDM", package = "RGMQL")
#' data <- read_gmql(test_path)
#' join_data <- read_gmql(test_path2)
#' ## This statement creates a new dataset called 'jun_tf' by selecting those
#' ## samples and their regions from the existing 'data' dataset such that:
#' ## Each output sample has a metadata attribute called antibody_target
#' ## with value JUN.
#' ## Each output sample also has not a metadata attribute called cell
#' ## that has the same value of at least one of the values that a metadata
#' ## attribute equally called cell has in at least one sample
#' ## of the 'join_data' dataset.
#' ## For each sample satisfying previous conditions, only its regions that
#' ## have a region attribute called pValue with the associated value
#' ## less than 0.01 are conserved in output
#' jun_tf <- filter(data, antibody_target == "JUN", pvalue < 0.01,
#' semijoin(join_data, FALSE, conds("cell")))
#' @return semijoin condition as list
#' @export
semijoin <- function(.data, is_in = TRUE, groupBy) {
if(!is.null(groupBy)) {
if("condition" %in% names(groupBy)) {
cond <- .join_condition(groupBy)
stop("groupBy cannot be NULL")
} else
stop("use function conds()")
} else
stop("groupBy cannot be NULL")
stop(".data cannot be NULL")
if(!isClass("GMQLDataset", .data))
stop("data: Must be a GMQLDataset object")
ptr_data <- value(.data)
data_cond <- cbind(ptr_data,is_in)
all_conds <- rbind(data_cond,cond)
join_condition_matrix <- .jarray(all_conds, dispatch = TRUE)
semijoin <- list("semijoin" = join_condition_matrix)
.trasform <- function(predicate) {
predicate <- gsub("&|&&","AND",predicate)
predicate <- gsub("\\||\\|\\|","OR",predicate)
#predicate <- gsub("![\\(]+","NOT(",predicate)
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