#' Method extend
#' For each sample in an input dataset, it generates new metadata attributes
#' as result of aggregate functions applied to sample region attributes
#' and adds them to the existing metadata attributes of the sample.
#' Aggregate functions are applied sample by sample.
#' @importFrom rJava J .jnull .jarray
#' @param .data GMQLDataset class object
#' @param ... a series of expressions separated by comma in the form
#' \emph{key} = \emph{aggregate}. The \emph{aggregate} is an object of
#' class AGGREGATES. The aggregate functions available are: \code{\link{SUM}},
#' \code{\link{COUNT}}, \code{\link{MIN}}, \code{\link{MAX}},
#' \code{\link{AVG}}, \code{\link{MEDIAN}}, \code{\link{STD}},
#' \code{\link{BAG}}, \code{\link{BAGD}}, \code{\link{Q1}},
#' \code{\link{Q2}}, \code{\link{Q3}}.
#' Every aggregate accepts a string value, except for COUNT, which does not
#' have any value.
#' Argument of 'aggregate function' must exist in schema, i.e. among region
#' attributes. Two styles are allowed:
#' \itemize{
#' \item list of key-value pairs: e.g. sum = SUM("pvalue")
#' \item list of values: e.g. SUM("pvalue")
#' }
#' "mixed style" is not allowed
#' @return GMQLDataset object. It contains the value to use as input
#' for the subsequent GMQLDataset method
#' @examples
#' ## This statement initializes and runs the GMQL server for local execution
#' ## and creation of results on disk. Then, with system.file() it defines
#' ## the path to the folder "DATASET" in the subdirectory "example"
#' ## of the package "RGMQL" and opens such folder as a GMQL dataset
#' ## named "data"
#' init_gmql()
#' test_path <- system.file("example", "DATASET", package = "RGMQL")
#' data <- read_gmql(test_path)
#' ## This statement counts the regions in each sample and stores their number
#' ## as value of the new metadata attribute RegionCount of the sample.
#' e <- extend(data, RegionCount = COUNT())
#' ## This statement copies all samples of data dataset into 'res' dataset,
#' ## and then calculates for each of them two new metadata attributes:
#' ## 1. RegionCount is the number of sample regions;
#' ## 2. MinP is the minimum pvalue of the sample regions.
#' ## res sample regions are the same as the ones in data.
#' res = extend(data, RegionCount = COUNT(), MinP = MIN("pvalue"))
#' @name extend
#' @rdname extend
#' @aliases extend-method
#' @export
setMethod("extend", "GMQLDataset", function(.data, ...) {
ptr_data = value(.data)
meta <- list(...)
gmql_extend(ptr_data, meta)
gmql_extend <-function(input_data, meta){
if(!is.null(meta) && length(meta)) {
aggr <- .aggregates(meta, "META_AGGREGATES")
metadata_matrix <- .jarray(aggr, dispatch = TRUE)
metadata_matrix <- .jnull("java/lang/String")
WrappeR <- J("it/polimi/genomics/r/Wrapper")
response <- WrappeR$extend(metadata_matrix, input_data)
error <- strtoi(response[1])
val <- response[2]
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