#' =========================================================================
#' finding_PDD
#' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' finding_PDD Flags potential candidates for post transcription decay
#' 'finding_PDD' uses 'score_fun_linear_PDD' to make groups by the difference
#' to the slope. The slope is further checked for steepness to decide for PDD.
#' '_PDD_' is added to the 'flag' column.
#' Post transcription decay is characterized by a strong decrease of intensity
#' by position.
#' The rowRanges need to contain at least 'ID', 'intensity', 'position' and
#' 'position_segment'!
#' @param inp SummarizedExperiment: the input.
#' @param cores integer: the number of assigned cores for the task
#' @param pen numeric: an internal parameter for the dynamic programming.
#' Higher values result in fewer fragments. Advised to be kept at 2.
#' Default is 2.
#' @param pen_out numeric: an internal parameter for the dynamic programming.
#' Higher values result in fewer possible outliers. Advised to be kept at 1.
#' Default is 1.
#' @param thrsh numeric: an internal parameter that allows fragments with slopes
#' steeper than the thrsh to be flagged with '_PDD_'. Higher values result in
#' fewer candidates. Advised to be kept at 0.001. Default is 0.001.
#' @return The SummarizedExperiment object: with "_PDD_" added to the flag
#' column.
#' @examples
#' data(preprocess_minimal)
#' finding_PDD(inp = preprocess_minimal, cores = 2, pen = 2,
#' pen_out = 1, thrsh = 0.001)
#' @export
finding_PDD <- function(inp, cores = 1, pen = 2, pen_out = 1, thrsh = 0.001) {
stranded <- 1
num_args <- c(pen, pen_out, thrsh)
names(num_args) <- c("pen", "pen_out", "thrsh")
paste0("one of the following arguments is not numeric: ",
paste0(names(num_args),collapse = ", ")))
registerDoMC(cores) #cores for DoMC
#order the input
inp <- inp_order(inp)
#make the tmp_df
tmp_df <- inp_df(inp, "ID", "position", "intensity", "position_segment")
#revert the order in plus
tmp_df <- tmp_df_rev(tmp_df, "+")
#penalty is cached
tmp_pen <- pen
tmp_pen_out <- pen_out
tmp_df$intensity <- tmp_df$intensity / mean(tmp_df$intensity)
# makes a vector of all position segments (S_1,S_2,...)
unique_seg <- unlist(unique(tmp_df$position_segment))
# the foreach loop iterates over each unique segment
frags <- foreach(k = seq_along(unique_seg)) %dopar% {
# only the part of the tmp_df that responds to the respective segment
# is picked
corr_IDs <- tmp_df[tmp_df$position_segment == unique_seg[k], "ID"]
section <- tmp_df[match(corr_IDs, tmp_df$ID), ]
# the penalties are dynamically adjusted to the mean of the intensity
pen <- tmp_pen * mean(section$intensity)
pen_out <- tmp_pen_out * mean(section$intensity)
# best_frags collects all scores that the dp is referring to
best_frags <- c()
# best names collects the names, and its last element is returned as
# result
best_names <- c()
if (nrow(section) > 2) {
# only segments with more than two values are grouped...*
for (i in 3:nrow(section)) {
# the loop iterates over each value in the segment this part
# always goes from position 1 to the referred position
# 1:3,1:4...
tmp_score <- score_fun_linear_PDD(section[seq_len(i),
"intensity"], section[seq_len(i),
"position"], section[seq_len(i), "ID"], pen_out, stranded)
tmp_name <- names(tmp_score)
# in this loop all smaller parts are scored eg (i = 6)
# 6:6,5:6,4:6... they are then combined with the former score
# eg 1,2,3,4,5|6, 1,2,3,4|5,6... only parts bigger than 6 are
# accepted as three is the smallest possible fragment size
if (i > 5) {
for (j in (i - 2):4) {
tmp_intensity <- section[j:i, "intensity"]
tmp_position <- section[j:i, "position"]
tmp_ID <- section[j:i, "ID"]
# penalty for a new fragment and former scores are added
tmp <- score_fun_linear_PDD(tmp_intensity, tmp_position,
tmp_ID, pen_out, stranded) + pen + best_frags[j - 3]
tmp_score <- c(tmp_score, tmp) #the score is cached
# the new fragment is pasted to its corresponding former
# fragment
tmp_n <- paste0(best_names[j - 3], "|", names(tmp))
tmp_name <- c(tmp_name, tmp_n) #the names is cached
# from the first score eg 1:6 and the smaller scores from the
# loop 1,2,3,4,5|6, 1,2,3,4|5,6... the smallest is chosen and
# passed to best_frags and best_names for the next iteration
pos <- which(tmp_score == min(tmp_score))[1] #lowest score is
tmp_score <- tmp_score[pos]
tmp_name <- tmp_name[pos]
best_frags <- c(best_frags, tmp_score)
best_names <- c(best_names, tmp_name)
} else {
# *...all segments with less than three values are grouped
# automatically
tmp_score <- score_fun_linear_PDD(section[, "intensity"],
section[, "position"],
section[, "ID"], pen_out, stranded)
tmp_name <- names(tmp_score)
best_names <- c(best_names, tmp_name)
# the final result put into a list called frags
rowRanges(inp)$flag <- gsub("_PDD", "", rowRanges(inp)$flag)
# this loop iterates over the segments
for (k in seq_along(frags)) {
# the single fragments are split by |
na <- strsplit(frags[[k]], "\\|")[[1]]
# the loop gives out scores by the slope
for (i in seq_along(na)) {
tmp_trgt <- strsplit(na[i], "_")[[1]][1] #gives IDs
trgt <- strsplit(tmp_trgt, ",")[[1]] #wants to be numeric
rows <- match(trgt, rowRanges(inp)$ID) #matches the row in the inp
score <- as.numeric(strsplit(na[i], "_")[[1]][2]) #gives the slope
if (score > thrsh) {
# this threshold can be chosen in the function and is set to
# 0.001 by default, meaning the slope needs to be lower than
# -0.001
rowRanges(inp)$flag[rows] <-
paste0(rowRanges(inp)$flag[rows], "PDD_")
#all PDD candidates are flagged with 'PDD'
# the inp based df is returned as result
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