# =========================================================================
# rifi_visualization Plots all the data with fragments and events
# from both strands.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' rifi_visualization plots the whole genome with genes, transcription units
#' (TUs), delay, half-life (HL), intensity fragments
#' features, events, velocity, annotation, coverage if available.
#' rifi_visualization uses several functions to plot the genes including
#' as-RNA and ncRNA and TUs as segments.
#' The function plots delay, HL and intensity fragments with statistical t-test
#' between the neighboring fragment, significant t-test is assigned with '*'.
#' t-test and Manova statistical test are also depicted as '*'.
#' The functions used are:
#' annotation_plot: plots the corresponding annotation.
#' positive_strand_function: plots delay, HL, intensity and events of positive
#' strand.
#' negative_strand_function: plots delay, HL, intensity and events of negative
#' strand.
#' empty_data_positive: plots empty boxes in case no data is available for
#' positive strand.
#' empty_data_negative: plots empty boxes in case no data is available for
#' negative strand.
#' strand_selection: check if data is stranded and arrange by position.
#' splitGenome_function: splits the genome into fragments.
#' indice_function: assign a new column to the data to distinguish between
#' fragments, outliers from delay or HL or intensity.
#' TU_annotation: designs the segments border for the genes and TUs annotation
#' gene_annot_function: it requires gff3 file, returns a dataframe adjusting
#' each fragment according to its annotation. It allows as well the plot of
#' genes and TUs shared into two pages.
#' label_log2_function: used to add log scale to intensity values.
#' label_square_function: used to add square scale to coverage values.
#' coverage_function: this function is used only in case of coverage is
#' available.
#' secondaryAxis: adjusts the half-life or delay to 20 in case of the dataframe
#' row numbers is equal to 1 and the half-life or delay exceed the limit,
#' they are plotted with different shape and color.
#' add_genomeBorders: when the annotated genes are on the borders, they can
#' not be plotted, therefore the region was split in 2 adding the row
#' corresponding to the split part to the next annotation (i + 1) except
#' for the first page.
#' my_arrow: creates an arrow for the annotation.
#' arrange_byGroup: selects the last row for each segment and add 40 nucleotides
#' in case of negative strand for a nice plot.
#' regr: plots the predicted delay from linear regression if the data is on
#' negative strand.
#' meanPosition: assign a mean position for the plot.
#' delay_mean: adds a column in case of velocity is NA or equal to 60.
#' The mean of the delay is calculated outliers.
#' my_segment_T: plots terminals and pausing sites labels.
#' my_segment_NS: plots internal starting sites 'iTSS'.
#' min_value: returns minimum value for event plots in intensity plot.
#' velocity_fun: function for velocity plot.
#' limit_function: for values above 10 or 20 in delay and hl. Limit of the axis
#' is set differently. y-axis limit is applied only if we have more than 3 values
#' above 10 and lower or equal to 20. An exception is added in case a dataframe
#' has less than 3 rows and 1 or more values are above 10, the rest of the values
#' above 20 are adjusted to 20 on "secondaryAxis" function.
#' empty_boxes: used only in case the dataframe from the positive strand is not
#' empty, the TU are annotated.
#' function_TU_arrow: used to avoid plotting arrows when a TU is split into two
#' pages.
#' terminal_plot_lm: draws a linear regression line when terminal outliers have
#' an intensity above a certain threshold and are consecutive. Usually are
#' smallRNA (ncRNA, asRNA).
#' slope_function: replaces slope lower than 0.0009 to 0.
#' velo_function: replaces infinite velocity with NA.
#' plot the coverage of RNA_seq in exponential phase growth
#' @param data SummarizedExperiment: the input data frame with correct format.
#' @param genomeLength integer: genome length output of gff3_preprocess
#' function and element of metadata of SummarizedExperiment.
#' @param annot dataframe: the annotation file, output of gff3_preprocess
#' function and element of metadata of SummarizedExperiment.
#' @param coverage integer: in case the coverage is available.
#' @param chr_fwd string object: coverage of the forward strand.
#' @param chr_rev string object: coverage of the reverse strand.
#' @param region dataframe: gff3 features of the genome.
#' @param color_region string vector: vector of colors.
#' @param color_TU string: TU colors
#' @param fontface integer: value assigning labels font
#' @param color_text.1 string: TU color text
#' @param color_text.2 string: genes color text
#' @param size_tu integer: TU size
#' @param size_locusTag integer: locus_tag size
#' @param Limit integer: value for y-axis limit.
#' @param shape integer: value for shape.
#' @param shape_outlier integer: value for outlier shape.
#' @param col_outiler string: outlier color.
#' @param color_TU string. TU color
#' @param limit_intensity integer: intensity limit if applicable.
#' @param face string: label font.
#' @param tick_length integer: value for ticks.
#' @param arrow.color string: arrows color.
#' @param minVelocity integer: threshold to fix the minimum of velocity.
#' @param medianVelocity integer: threshold to fix the maximum of velocity.
#' @param col_above20 string: color for probes/bin above value 20.
#' @param fontface integer: font type
#' @param shape_above20 integer: shape for probes/bins above value 20.
#' @param axis_text_y_size integer: text size for y-axis.
#' @param axis_title_y_size integer: title size for y-axis.
#' @param Alpha integer: color transparency degree.
#' @param size_gene integer: font size for gene annotation.
#' @param col_coverage integer: color for coverage plot.
#' @param TI_threshold integer: threshold for TI between two fragments in case
#' the TI termination factor drops from the first segment to the second,
#' default 1.1.
#' @param p_value_TI integer: p_value of TI fragments selected to be plotted,
#' default 0.05.
#' @param p_value_manova integer: p_value of manova test fragments to plot,
#' default 0.05.
#' @param p_value_int integer: p_value of intensity fragments fold-change to
#' plot, default 0.05.
#' @param p_value_hl integer: p_value of half_life fragments fold-change to
#' plot, default 0.05.
#' @param p_value_event integer: p_value of t-test from pausing site and
#' iTSS_I events to plot, default 0.05.
#' @param HL_threshold_1 integer: threshold for log2FC(HL) selected to plot,
#' default log2(1.5). log2FC(HL) >= log2(1.5) are indicated by black color.
#' If p_value <= p_value_hl (default 0.05), log2FC(HL) is indicated by HL*
#' otherwise HL.
#' @param HL_threshold_2 integer: threshold for log2FC(HL) selected to plot,
#' default -log2(1.5). log2FC(HL) <= -log2(1.5) are indicated by green color.
#' If p_value <= p_value_hl (default 0.05), log2FC(HL) is indicated by HL*
#' otherwise HL.
#' In case of p_value is significant and the log2FC(HL) is between -log2FC(1.5)
#' and log2FC(1.5), FC is assigned by green color and HL*.
#' @param HL_threshold_color string: color for HL fold change plot.
#' @param vel_threshold integer: threshold for velocity ratio selected to plot,
#' default 200.
#' @param termination_threshold integer: threshold for termination to plot,
#' default .8.
#' @param vel_threshold_color string: color for velocity ratio plot.
#' @param iTSS_threshold integer: threshold for iTSS_II selected to plot,
#' default 1.2.
#' @param event_duration_ps integer: threshold for pausing sites selected to
#' plot, default -2.
#' @param event_duration_itss integer: threshold for iTSS_I selected to
#' plot, default 2.
#' @param ps_color string: color for pausing site plot.
#' @param iTSS_I_color string: color for iTSS_I plot.
#' @return The visualization plot.
#' @examples
#' data(stats_minimal)
#' if(!require(SummarizedExperiment)){
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(SummarizedExperiment))
#' }
#' rifi_visualization(data = stats_minimal,
#' genomeLength = metadata(stats_minimal)$annot[[2]],
#' annot = metadata(stats_minimal)$annot[[1]])
#' @export
rifi_visualization <-
coverage = 0,
chr_fwd = NA,
chr_rev = NA,
region = c("CDS", "asRNA", "5'UTR", "ncRNA", "3'UTR", "tRNA"),
color_region = c(
color_text.1 = "grey0",
color_text.2 = "black",
color_TU = "blue",
Alpha = 0.5,
size_tu = 1.6,
size_locusTag = 1.6,
size_gene = 1.6,
Limit = 10,
shape = 22,
col_outiler = "grey50",
col_coverage = "grey",
shape_outlier = 13,
limit_intensity = NA,
face = "bold",
tick_length = .3,
arrow.color = "darkseagreen1",
minVelocity = 3000,
medianVelocity = 6000,
col_above20 = "#00FFFF",
fontface = "plain",
shape_above20 = 14,
axis_text_y_size = 3,
axis_title_y_size = 6,
TI_threshold = 1.1,
termination_threshold = 0.8,
iTSS_threshold = 1.2,
p_value_int = 0.05,
p_value_event = 0.05,
p_value_hl = 0.05,
p_value_TI = 0.05,
p_value_manova = 0.05,
event_duration_ps = 1,
event_duration_itss = -1,
HL_threshold_1 = log2(1.5),
HL_threshold_2 = -log2(1.5),
vel_threshold = 200,
HL_threshold_color = "black",
vel_threshold_color = "grey52",
ps_color = "orange",
iTSS_I_color = "blue") {
##########################data preparation##################################
#I. add coverage if its available from RNA-seq
data <- as.data.frame(rowRanges(data))
tmp <-
coverage_function(coverage = coverage,
chr_fwd = chr_fwd,
chr_rev = chr_rev)
if (!is.na(tmp)) {
tmp.c1 <- strand_selection(tmp, "+")
tmp.c2 <- strand_selection(tmp, "-")
#II. input for the main features split into 2 data frames according to
#strand orientation
tmp.1 <- strand_selection(data, "+")
tmp.2 <- strand_selection(data, "-")
#replace infinitive in velocity fragment with NA
tmp.1 <- velo_function(tmp.1)
tmp.2 <- velo_function(tmp.2)
#replace slope lower than 0.0009 to 0
tmp.1 <- slope_function(tmp.1)
tmp.2 <- slope_function(tmp.2)
#III. split the genome into fragments
gLength <- seq_len(genomeLength)
names(gLength) <- seq_along(gLength)
fl <- floor(gLength / 10000)
frag <- splitGenome_function(x = fl, gLength = gLength)
#IV. the general plot
onefile = TRUE,
width = 8,
height = 5.3
suppressWarnings(for (i in seq_len(length(frag) - 1)) {
p <- list()
if (i == 1) {
frag[i] <- 0
} else if (i == (length(frag) - 1)) {
#to have homogeneous annotation scaling, 10000 is added to the last
#frag vector.
frag[i + 1] <- frag[i] + 10000
#adjust position for genes split on two pages
pos.1 <- frag[i] - 2000
pos.2 <- frag[c(i + 1)] + 2000
###########################data adjustment###########################
#define the main dataframe with segments positive strand df1, negative
#strand df2
df1 <-
tmp.1[between(tmp.1$position, frag[i], frag[c(i + 1)]), ]
df2 <-
tmp.2[between(tmp.2$position, frag[i], frag[c(i + 1)]), ]
df1_1 <- df1[!is.na(df1$ID), ]
#avoid plot empty pages in case of small data
if (nrow(df1) == 0 & nrow(df2) == 0 & nrow(data) < 10000) {
next ()
##########################annotation section#########################
#an is the annotation dataframe upon the position on the plot, its used
# to loop into exactly the number of region contained in the gff3
an.1 <- annot[between(annot$start, frag[i], frag[c(i + 1)]),]
an <- annot[between(annot$start, pos.1, pos.2),]
an <- an[!duplicated(an),]
an <- as.data.frame(an)
#in case of no data nor annotation are available
if (nrow(an.1) == 0 & nrow(df1) == 0 & nrow(df2) == 0) {
next ()
p7 <-
data_p = df1,
data_n = df2,
annot = annot,
tmp.1 = tmp.1,
tmp.2 = tmp.2,
frag = frag,
i = i,
an = an,
region = region,
color_region = color_region,
fontface = fontface,
color_text.1 = color_text.1,
color_text.2 = color_text.2,
color_TU = color_TU,
Alpha = Alpha,
size_tu = size_tu,
size_locusTag = size_locusTag,
termination_threshold =
iTSS_threshold =
p_value_manova =
size_gene = size_gene,
pos.1 = pos.1,
pos.2 = pos.2)
#########################empty data positive strand###################
if (nrow(df1) == 0) {
p_positive <- empty_data_positive(data_p = df1, data_n = df2,
frag = frag, i = i,
axis_title_y_size = axis_title_y_size,
axis_text_y_size = axis_text_y_size,
Limit = Limit)
p1 <- p_positive[[1]]
p2 <- p_positive[[2]]
p3 <- p_positive[[3]]
if (nrow(df1) != 0) {
p_positive <- positive_strand_function(data_p = df1, data = data,
tmp.c1 = tmp.c1, df1_1 = df1_1,
frag = frag, i = i,
Limit = Limit,
shape = shape,
col_outiler = col_outiler,
col_coverage = col_coverage,
shape_outlier = shape_outlier,
limit_intensity = limit_intensity,
face = face,
tick_length = tick_length,
arrow.color = arrow.color,
minVelocity = minVelocity,
medianVelocity = medianVelocity,
shape_above20 = shape_above20,
col_above20 = col_above20,
fontface = fontface,
coverage = coverage,
axis_text_y_size =
axis_title_y_size =
TI_threshold = TI_threshold,
p_value_TI = p_value_TI,
termination_threshold =
iTSS_threshold = iTSS_threshold,
p_value_int = p_value_int,
p_value_event = p_value_event,
p_value_hl = p_value_hl,
event_duration_ps =
event_duration_itss =
HL_threshold_1 = HL_threshold_1,
HL_threshold_2 = HL_threshold_2,
vel_threshold = vel_threshold,
HL_threshold_color =
vel_threshold_color =
ps_color = ps_color,
iTSS_I_color = iTSS_I_color)
p1 <- p_positive[[1]]
p2 <- p_positive[[2]]
p3 <- p_positive[[3]]
#########################empty data reverse strand###################
if (nrow(df2) == 0) {
p_negative <- empty_data_negative(data_n = df2, frag = frag, i = i,
axis_title_y_size = axis_title_y_size,
axis_text_y_size = axis_text_y_size,
Limit = Limit)
p6 <- p_negative[[1]]
p5 <- p_negative[[2]]
p4 <- p_negative[[3]]
if (nrow(df2) != 0) {
p_negative <- negative_strand_function(data_n = df2, data = data,
frag = frag, i = i,
Limit = Limit,
shape = shape,
col_outiler = col_outiler,
col_coverage = col_coverage,
shape_outlier = shape_outlier,
limit_intensity =
face = face,
tick_length = tick_length,
arrow.color = arrow.color,
minVelocity = minVelocity,
medianVelocity = medianVelocity,
shape_above20 = shape_above20,
col_above20 = col_above20,
fontface = fontface,
coverage = coverage,
axis_text_y_size =
axis_title_y_size =
TI_threshold = TI_threshold,
p_value_TI = p_value_TI,
termination_threshold =
iTSS_threshold = iTSS_threshold,
p_value_int = p_value_int,
p_value_event = p_value_event,
p_value_hl = p_value_hl,
event_duration_ps =
event_duration_itss =
HL_threshold_1 = HL_threshold_1,
HL_threshold_2 = HL_threshold_2,
vel_threshold = vel_threshold,
HL_threshold_color =
vel_threshold_color =
ps_color = ps_color,
iTSS_I_color = iTSS_I_color)
p6 <- p_negative[[1]]
p5 <- p_negative[[2]]
p4 <- p_negative[[3]]
############################Title and plot#############################
p <- list(p1, p2, p3, p7, p6, p5, p4)
plots = p,
ncol = 1,
nrow = 7,
heights = c(4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 6, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5),
bottom = textGrob(p_negative[[4]], gp = gpar(fontsize = 6))
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