# =========================================================================
# apply_ancova Statistical test to check variances between 2 segments
#' showing pausing site (ps) or internal starting site (ITSS) independently
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' apply_ancova is a statistical test to check if fragments showing ps and
#' ITSS events have significant slope using Ancova test.
#' The function uses ancova test. Ancova is applied when the data contains
#' independent variables, dependent variables and covariant variables.
#' In this case, segments are independent variables, position is the dependent
#' variable and the delay is the covariant.
#' @param inp SummarizedExperiment: the input data frame with correct format.
#' @return the SummarizedExperiment with the columns regarding statistics:
#' \describe{
#' \item{p_value_slope:}{Integer, tThe p_value added to the inp}
#' \item{delay_frg_slope:}{Integer, the slope value of the fit through the respective
#' delay fragment}
#' \item{velocity_ratio:}{Integer, the ratio value of velocity from 2 delay fragments}
#' }
#' @examples
#' data(stats_minimal)
#' apply_ancova(inp = stats_minimal)
#' @export
apply_ancova <- function(inp) {
# exclude TUs with 'T', 'NA' or 'O'
data <- inp[grep("_T|_O|_NA", rowRanges(inp)$TU, invert = TRUE), ]
data <-
data[grep("_T|_O|_NA", rowRanges(data)$delay_fragment, invert = TRUE), ]
# select unique TU
uniqueTU <- unique(rowRanges(data)$TU)
rowRanges(inp)$p_value_slope <- NA
rowRanges(inp)$delay_frg_slope <- NA
rowRanges(inp)$velocity_ratio <- NA
for (i in seq_along(uniqueTU)) {
df <- data.frame()
del_1 <- rowRanges(data)[
which(rowRanges(data)$TU %in% uniqueTU[i]),"delay_fragment"]
del_1 <- unique(del_1$delay_fragment)
if (length(del_1) < 2) {
next ()
} else {
for (j in seq_len(length(del_1) - 1)) {
seg_1_d <- rowRanges(data)[
which(rowRanges(data)$delay_fragment %in% del_1[j]), "delay"]
seg_2_d <- rowRanges(data)[
which(rowRanges(data)$delay_fragment %in% del_1[j + 1]), "delay"]
seg_1_p <- rowRanges(data)[
which(rowRanges(data)$delay_fragment %in% del_1[j]), "position"]
seg_2_p <- rowRanges(data)[
which(rowRanges(data)$delay_fragment %in% del_1[j + 1]), "position"]
#if negative strand, data is reversed
if (unique(strand(data)[which(rowRanges(data)$delay_fragment %in%
del_1[1])]) == "-") {
seg_1_d <- seg_1_d[rev(seq_len(length(seg_1_d)))]
seg_2_d <- seg_2_d[rev(seq_len(length(seg_2_d)))]
if (length(seg_1_d) == 1 | length(seg_2_d) == 1) {
} else {
df_1 <- cbind.data.frame(seg_1_d, seg_1_p$position)
df_2 <- cbind.data.frame(seg_2_d, seg_2_p$position)
colnames(df_1)[7] <- "position"
colnames(df_2)[7] <- "position"
# linear model for both segments separately
model1 <- lm(delay ~ position, data = df_1)
model2 <- lm(delay ~ position, data = df_2)
# apply the coefficients of both models to the last point...
# ...of segment 1 and subtract the distance separating both
# segments to bring them later... ...to 0
y1 <-
model1$coefficients[1] + model1$coefficients[2] *
y2 <-
model2$coefficients[1] + model2$coefficients[2] *
dif <- abs(abs(y1) - abs(y2))
# set the dataframe with delay fragment and delay values
# subtract the positions from both segments from last
# position... ...of segment_1
df_2$position <-
abs(last(df_1$position) - df_2$position)
df_1$position <-
abs(df_1$position[1] - df_1$position)
# rerun the model with adjusted positions
model1 <- lm(delay ~ position, data = df_1)
model2 <- lm(delay ~ position, data = df_2)
df_1$delay <- df_1$delay - model1$coefficients[1]
df_2$delay <-
df_2$delay - (model2$coefficients[1] - dif)
df <- rbind(df_1, df_2)
df <-
cbind(df, c(
rep("seg.1", times = length(seg_1_d)),
rep("seg.2", times = length(seg_2_d))
colnames(df)[8] <- "seg"
model1 <-
lm(delay ~ position + seg + position:seg, data = df)
p_value_slope <- Anova(model1, type = "II")$"Pr(>F)"[3]
which(rowRanges(inp)$delay_fragment %in% del_1[j])] <-
paste0(del_1[j], ":", del_1[j + 1])
which(rowRanges(inp)$delay_fragment %in% del_1[j])] <-
which(rowRanges(inp)$delay_fragment %in%
del_1[j + 1])[1]] /
which(rowRanges(inp)$delay_fragment %in%
which(rowRanges(inp)$delay_fragment %in%
del_1[j])] <-
}, error = function(e) {
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