#' Class transcript_archetypes
#' Class \code{transcript_archetypes} holds lists of empirical transcript archetypes
#' and the matched data. Empirical profiles for flanking regions (width is user defined)
#' are included in the archetypes. Synthetic genome annotations, count data, and
#' transcript abundances can be simulated from this object and exported to standard
#' genomic formats.
#' @slot transcripts a \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}} that holds
#' all the transcript coordinates
#' @slot data a list containing run-length encodings of counts for both the sense and
#' anti-sense strand for the transcripts and their flanking regions
#' @slot abundance_estimate abundance estimates for each transcript
#' @slot configs a list of the configuration options used to generate this object
#' @name transcript_archetypes-class
#' @rdname transcript_archetypes-class
#' @importClassesFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @exportClass transcript_archetypes
slots = c(transcripts = "GRanges",
data = "list",
abundance_estimate = "numeric",
configs = "list")
#' transcript_archetypes
#' Contructs an object that holds the transcript archetypes models
#' @param transcripts a \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class} object containing a
#' pre-filtered list of transcripts that show a clear signal that arises from only that
#' transcript with negligible signal from other sources
#' @param bigwig_plus polymerase density signal from the plus strand
#' @param bigwig_minus polymerase density signal from the minus strand
#' @param flank the length of the flanking region for which data is collected for
#' use in simulation
#' @param abundance_filter minimal abundance value for a viable archetype gene, all
#' transcripts with an estimated abundance less than this are removed (default = 100)
#' @param abundance_err_func Error function to use when estimating abundance (defaults
#' to identity)
#' @param mask a two element vector containing the number of bases to ignore at the head
#' and tail of the transcript when estimating abundance
#' @return a \code{\link{transcript_archetypes-class}} object
#' @export
transcript_archetypes <- function(transcripts, bigwig_plus, bigwig_minus, flank = 5e3,
abundance_filter = 100,
mask = c(1e3, 1e3),
abundance_err_func = c("identity")) {
# **Some checks prior to beginning construction**
# Check for correct GRanges object metadata
if (!is.GRanges(transcripts)) {
stop("transcripts is not a GRanges object")
# Check that bigwig files exist
if (!file.exists(bigwig_plus)) {
stop("bigwig_plus file does not exist")
if (!file.exists(bigwig_minus)) {
stop("bigwig_minus file does not exist")
# Check abundance filters
if (!is.numeric(abundance_filter) | abundance_filter < 0 ) {
stop("abundance_filter must be a numeric value > 0")
abundance_err_func <- abundance_err_func[1]
if (!abundance_err_func %in% c("identity")) {
stop("invalid abundance_err_func specified")
# **End checks**
# Construct query regions
tmp <- construct_query_regions(transcripts, bigwig_plus, bigwig_minus, flank)
transcripts <- tmp$tx
query_regions <- tmp$q
# Retrieve data for query regions on both strands
pv_plus <- profile_views(bigwig_file = bigwig_plus, query_ranges = query_regions)
pv_minus <- profile_views(bigwig_file = bigwig_minus, query_ranges = query_regions)
# Extract the rle vectors and estimate abudance based on the sense strand, then keep
# the entries that pass the abundance filter
sense <- list()
antisense <- list()
abundance <- numeric(length(transcripts))
sense_plus <- S4Vectors::decode(GenomicRanges::strand(transcripts) == "+")
for(i in seq_along(transcripts)){
if (sense_plus[i]) {
sense[[i]] <- abs(pv_plus[i][[1]])
antisense[[i]] <- abs(pv_minus[i][[1]])
} else {
sense[[i]] <- abs(S4Vectors::rev(pv_minus[i][[1]]))
antisense[[i]] <- abs(S4Vectors::rev(pv_plus[i][[1]]))
abundance[i] <- estimate_abundance(sense[[i]], mask = mask, flank = flank,
err_func = abundance_err_func)
final_transcripts <- transcripts[abundance >= abundance_filter]
if( length(final_transcripts) == 0) {
stop("No transcripts remaining after abundance filtering")
final_abundance <- abundance[abundance >= abundance_filter]
final_qr <- query_regions[abundance >= abundance_filter]
final_sense <- sense[abundance >= abundance_filter]
final_antisense <- antisense[abundance >= abundance_filter]
# Return transcript model object
return(methods::new(Class = "transcript_archetypes",
transcripts = final_transcripts,
data = list(sense = final_sense,
antisense = final_antisense),
abundance_estimate = final_abundance,
configs = list(bigwig_plus = bigwig_plus,
bigwig_minus = bigwig_minus,
flank = flank,
abundance_filter = abundance_filter,
mask = mask,
abundance_err_func = abundance_err_func)
#' @title Estimate abundance
#' @description Estimates abundance for transcript archetypes
#' @param x A vector of counts
#' @param err_func error function (currently only identity supported)
#' @param mask a two element vector indicating the numbers of bases to skip at the head
#' and tail of the transcripts (respectively)
#' @param flank length of flanking regions present in the count vector
#' @return A single abundance estimation
#' @name estimate_abundance
estimate_abundance <- function(x, err_func, mask = c(0, 0), flank) {
head_skip = mask[1] + flank
tail_skip = mask[2] + flank
if (err_func == "identity") {
a <- mean(abs(x[(head_skip + 1):(length(x) - tail_skip)]))
} else if (err_func == "log") {
stop("log error not implemented yet")
} else {
stop("invalid err_func")
#' @title Simulate annotations
#' @description Simulates per loci annotation
#' @param ta a \link{transcript_archetypes-class} object
#' @param n the number of loci to simulate annotations for
#' @param template can be a \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}} that provides
#' template annotations as a basis for simulating loci with realistic properties.
#' @param method method to use for simulating intra-loci transcript properties. The two
#' methods are \code{neighbors} and \code{empirical}. More in information in details.
#' @param min_loci_tx minimum number of transcripts per loci
#' @param max_loci_tx maximum number of transcripts per loci
#' @param seed random seed to use for simulation
#' @param genome a genome name that will be used to retrieve chromosome lengths if
#' they are not already specified
#' @param tx_min_length do not simulate transcripts shorter than this length
#' @details Stuff about methods
#' @return A \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class} of transcript annotations
#' @name simulate_annotations
#' @rdname simulate_annotations
#' @export
simulate_annotations <- function(ta, n, template, genome = NULL, tx_min_length = 3e3,
method = c("neighbor", "parametric"),
min_loci_tx = 1, max_loci_tx = 40, seed = NULL) {
# If seed is null choose a seed randomly
if (is.null(seed)) {
seed <- round(stats::runif(1) * 1e7)
# Must simulate at least 2 loci
if (n < 2) {
stop("n must be at least 2")
# Shorten method
method <- method[1]
# Chose style for seqinfo, give priority to ensembl, ncbi, and ucsc
possible_styles <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(template)
possible_styles <-
levels = unique(c("Ensembl", "NCBI", "UCSC", possible_styles)))
final_style <- as.character(sort(possible_styles)[1])
# Check that all active seqlevels have a chromosomal length, if not a genome must
# be specified that can be used to get those lengths
if (any(is.na(GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(template)))) {
if (!is.null(genome)) {
message("seqlengths not specified in annotation object, looking up seqlengths")
genome_id <- GenomeInfoDb::mapGenomeBuilds(genome, "UCSC")$ucscID[1]
if (!is.null(genome_id)) {
if (utils::packageVersion("GenomeInfoDb") > 1.23) {
chr_info <- GenomeInfoDb::getChromInfoFromUCSC(genome_id)
# Create seqinfo for annotation
si <- with(chr_info, GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo(
chrom, size, circular, genome_id))
} else {
chr_info <- GenomeInfoDb::fetchExtendedChromInfoFromUCSC(genome_id)
# Create seqinfo for annotation
si <- with(chr_info, GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo(
UCSC_seqlevel, UCSC_seqlength, circular, genome_id))
} else {
stop("invalid genome")
} else {
stop("invalid seqlengths specified without a genome being provided")
} else {
si <- GenomicRanges::seqinfo(template)
# Handle various template forms
if (is.GRanges(template)) {
loci <- group_transcripts(template, distance = 0)
} else {
stop("template must be a GRanges object")
# Filter out short transcripts
loci <- loci[GenomicRanges::width(loci) >= tx_min_length]
# Filter for loci complexity
loci <- loci[S4Vectors::elementNROWS(loci) >= min_loci_tx &
S4Vectors::elementNROWS(loci) <= max_loci_tx]
# Create representation of loci that will be simulated with three vectors:
# 1) List of which archetypes to use grouped by loci
# 2) List of transcript offsets from 5' end of loci grouped by loci
# 3) Loci strand
# 4) The distance between loci
# Now get #1 and #2 using either the neighbor method or the empirical method
telomere_buffer <- 2e4 # buffer from tips of chromosome
if(method == "neighbor") {
target_loci <- loci[sample(seq_along(loci), size = n, replace = TRUE)]
target_widths <- GenomicRanges::width(BiocGenerics::unlist(target_loci))
archetype_widths <- GenomicRanges::width(ta@transcripts)
# Calculate which archetype is closest to each transcript in length
closest_archetype <- apply(as.matrix(target_widths), 1, function(x) {
which.min(abs(x - archetype_widths))
# Split into per loci archetypes
tx_archetypes <-
closest_archetype, rep(seq_len(n), S4Vectors::elementNROWS(target_loci)))
# Get distance between the tss of the tx and start of loci
loci_start <- GenomicRanges::flank(BiocGenerics::unlist(
GenomicRanges::reduce(target_loci)), 1)
tx_fiveprime_dist <- GenomicRanges::distance(BiocGenerics::unlist(target_loci),
tx_fiveprime_dist <- split(tx_fiveprime_dist,
rep(seq_len(n), S4Vectors::elementNROWS(target_loci)))
} else if(method == "empirical") {
# Simulate inter-loci distances and loci strandedness
stop("empirical method not yet implemented")
} else {
stop("Invalid simulation method specified")
# This is #3 & #4
sim_loci_properties <- loci_property_sim(loci, n)
loci_gaps <- sim_loci_properties$offset
loci_strands <- sim_loci_properties$loci_strand
# Generate annotations as GRanges object
tx_gr <- annotate_loci(ta, tx_archetypes, tx_fiveprime_dist, loci_gaps, loci_strands,
telomere_buffer, si)
tx_gr <- GenomeInfoDb::sortSeqlevels(tx_gr)
tx_gr <- GenomicRanges::sort(tx_gr, ignore.strand = T)
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(tx_gr) <- final_style
#' @title Simulate loci level properties
#' @description Simulates the distance between loci and the strandedness of those loci
#' @param loci A \link[GenomicRanges]{GRangesList-class} of transcripts grouped by loci
#' @inheritParams simulate_annotations
#' @return A list with two elements, the offsets between loci and the strands of the loci
#' @name loci_property_sim
#' @rdname loci_property_sim
loci_property_sim <- function(loci, n) {
# Calculate empirical distribution of distances between subsequent loci and whether
# there is a change of strand or not
loci_ranges <- unlist(GenomicRanges::reduce(loci))
follow <- GenomicRanges::follow(loci_ranges, ignore.strand = TRUE, select = "all")
# Add +1 to make it an offset as gap([1,2], [3,4]) = 0
loci_offsets <- GenomicRanges::width(GenomicRanges::pgap(
loci_ranges[S4Vectors::subjectHits(follow)], ignore.strand = TRUE
)) + 1
loci_strand_swap <- GenomicRanges::strand(loci_ranges[S4Vectors::queryHits(follow)]) ==
# Simulate the distances between loci and their various strands
offset_sample <- sample(seq_along(loci_offsets), size = n - 1, replace = TRUE)
sim_offset <- loci_offsets[offset_sample]
sim_switch <- BiocGenerics::as.vector(loci_strand_swap[offset_sample])
# Choose random starting state
init_state <- sample(c(0, 1), 1)
loci_strand <- c(init_state, init_state + (cumsum(sim_switch) %% 2)) %% 2 + 1
loci_strand <- c("+", "-")[loci_strand]
return(list(offset = sim_offset, loci_strand = loci_strand))
#' @title Generate transcript annotations
#' @description Generate a \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class} of transcript annotations
#' from a variety of inputs describing the loci, the archetypes, and their relative
#' offsets
#' @inheritParams simulate_annotations
#' @param tx_archetypes a list of which transcript archetypes go to each locus grouped
#' by locus
#' @param tx_fiveprime_dist a list of transcript offsets from 5' end of the locus grouped
#' by locus
#' @param loci_gaps a vector of offsets between loci
#' @param loci_strands a vector of the strandedness of each loci
#' @param telomere_buffer regions at the head and tail of each chromosome that do not
#' contain transcripts
#' @param seq_info a \code{seqinfo} object used to determine chromosome lengths
#' @return A \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}
#' @name annotate_loci
#' @rdname annotate_loci
annotate_loci <- function(ta, tx_archetypes, tx_fiveprime_dist, loci_gaps,
loci_strands, telomere_buffer, seq_info) {
# Elements per loci use lengths()
tx_per_loci <- unlist(lapply(tx_archetypes, length))
# Get per trancript width
tx_width <- GenomicRanges::width(ta@transcripts[unlist(tx_archetypes)])
# Get max distance from tss to 3' end per transcript which is the total loci width
loci_width <- unlist(lapply(S4Vectors::split(
unlist(tx_fiveprime_dist, use.names = FALSE) + tx_width,
rep(seq_along(tx_per_loci), tx_per_loci)
), max
# Get chromosomal lengths minus telomeres
seq_lengths <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(seq_info) - (2 * telomere_buffer)
if (any(seq_lengths < 0)) {
message("Removing ", sum(seq_lengths < 0), " chromosomes/scaffolds shorter than ",
(2 * telomere_buffer), " from simulation")
seq_lengths <- seq_lengths[seq_lengths > 0]
seq_info <- seq_info[names(seq_lengths)]
cum_seq_lengths <- cumsum(as.numeric(seq_lengths))
names(cum_seq_lengths) <- names(seq_lengths)
# Get the end of each loci
loci_end <- cumsum(c(0, loci_gaps) + loci_width)
# Check if any loci go beyond total length of genome and remove them with a warning
if (any(loci_end > cum_seq_lengths[length(cum_seq_lengths)])) {
warning(sum(loci_end > cum_seq_lengths[length(cum_seq_lengths)]), " of ",
length(loci_end), " loci go beyond the end of the genome and have been ",
"removed. Consider simulating fewer loci.")
keep_loci <- utils::tail(which(loci_end < cum_seq_lengths[length(cum_seq_lengths)]),
loci_end <- loci_end[seq_len(keep_loci)]
tx_archetypes <- tx_archetypes[seq_len(keep_loci)]
tx_fiveprime_dist <- tx_fiveprime_dist[seq_len(keep_loci)]
loci_gaps <- loci_gaps[seq_len(keep_loci - 1)] # remove one off the end
loci_strands <- loci_strands[seq_len(keep_loci)]
tx_per_loci <- tx_per_loci[seq_len(keep_loci)]
loci_width <- loci_width[seq_len(keep_loci)]
# Get per trancript width
tx_width <- GenomicRanges::width(ta@transcripts[unlist(tx_archetypes)])
# Convert strand to a per tx Rle for lookup
tx_strands <- S4Vectors::Rle(loci_strands, tx_per_loci)
# Adjust loci boundries to account for chromosomal lengths
loci_seq_name <- cut(loci_end, breaks = c(0, cum_seq_lengths),
labels = names(cum_seq_lengths))
loci_end <- loci_end - cum_seq_lengths[loci_seq_name] +
seq_lengths[loci_seq_name] + telomere_buffer
loci_start <- loci_end - loci_width
# Rep loci end and start
loci_end <- rep(loci_end, tx_per_loci)
loci_start <- rep(loci_start, tx_per_loci)
# Remove loci simulated on
# Calculate the ranges of each transcript with the loci based offsets
final_tx_start <- integer(length(tx_width))
final_tx_end <- integer(length(tx_width))
tx_plus <- BiocGenerics::as.vector(tx_strands == "+")
final_tx_start[tx_plus] <- loci_start[tx_plus] + unlist(tx_fiveprime_dist)[tx_plus]
final_tx_start[!tx_plus] <- loci_end[!tx_plus] -
(unlist(tx_fiveprime_dist)[!tx_plus] + tx_width[!tx_plus] - 1)
final_tx_end[tx_plus] <- final_tx_start[tx_plus] + tx_width[tx_plus] - 1
final_tx_end[!tx_plus] <- loci_end[!tx_plus] - unlist(tx_fiveprime_dist)[!tx_plus]
# Create GRanges from transcript annotations
# For now gene ids and loci ids are 1:1 but that may change in future
tx_gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
rep(loci_seq_name, times = tx_per_loci),
IRanges::IRanges(start = final_tx_start, end = final_tx_end),
loci = rep(seq_along(tx_per_loci), tx_per_loci),
gene_id = sprintf("G%08d", rep(seq_along(tx_per_loci), tx_per_loci)),
transcript_id = sprintf("T%08d", seq_along(final_tx_start))
tx_gr <- tx_gr[GenomicRanges::start(tx_gr) > 0]
GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(tx_gr, pruning.mode=c("coarse")) <- seq_info
#' @title Simulate abundance values
#' @description Take a \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class} of transcript annotations
#' and return it annotated with abundance values of reach transcript
#' @param annotations a \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class} of transcript annotations
#' @param sampling_dist a function that generates a vector of random numbers greater than
#' or equal to zero. It also must have as an argument \code{n} which specifies the number
#' of observations to draw. (A number of the random number generators from the stats
#' package fits all these requirements; eg. rlnorm, rpois, rgamma, etc.). Additionally,
#' you may design your own custom function to pass here as long as it meets these
#' criteria.
#' @param seed random seed for reproducible sampling
#' @param ... any arguments to be passed to the \code{sampling_dist} function
#' @return A \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class} with a \code{score} column that holds
#' abundances
#' @name simulate_abundances
#' @rdname simulate_abundances
#' @export
simulate_abundances <- function(annotations, sampling_dist = rgtex,
seed = NULL, ...) {
# If seed is null choose a seed randomly
if (is.null(seed)) {
seed <- round(stats::runif(1) * 1e7)
# Check that sampling_dist is of a supported form
if (class(sampling_dist) != "function") {
stop("sampling_dist must be a function")
if (all(methods::formalArgs(sampling_dist) != "n")) {
stop("sampling_dist function must have an argument \'n\' corresponding to the",
"number of samples to be drawn")
# Check annotation is a GRanges
if (!is.GRanges(annotations)) {
stop("annotation must be a GRanges")
# Parse other args and extract any that should be
args <- list(...)
sampling_args <- formals(sampling_dist)
sampling_args[intersect(methods::formalArgs(sampling_dist), names(args))] <-
args[intersect(methods::formalArgs(sampling_dist), names(args))]
sampling_args$n <- length(annotations)
# Sample abundances
annotations$score <- do.call(sampling_dist, sampling_args)
if (any(annotations$abundance) < 0) {
stop("abundances less than zero were generated from the simulating distribution")
#' @title Simulate read data
#' @description Take a \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class} of transcript annotations
#' and a \code{transcript_archetypes} object and simulate read counts.
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
#' @param annotations a \code{GRanges} object with a \code{score} column indicating
#' abundances
#' @param ta a \link{transcript_archetypes-class} object
#' @inheritParams simulate_annotations
#' @inheritParams simulate_abundances
#' @inheritParams resample_reads
#' @param show_progress show progress bar
#' @param library_depth library depth to simulate (approximate)
#' @return A \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}
#' @name simulate_data
#' @rdname simulate_data
#' @export
simulate_data <- function(ta, annotations, library_depth = 3e7, jitter = 0,
show_progress = F) {
# Drop unused seqlevels
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(annotations) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsInUse(annotations)
# check that annotations have an score column
if (!"score" %in% names(GenomicRanges::mcols(annotations))) {
stop("annotations must have an \'score\' column")
# Check that all used seqinfos have a length
if (any(is.na(GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(annotations)))) {
stop("All seqlengths in use must have a finite, non-NA length")
# Create key from length to which archetype to use
arch_key <- as.list(seq_along(ta@transcripts))
names(arch_key) <- as.character(GenomicRanges::width(ta@transcripts))
# Check that all widths in annotations have a matching width in the archetypes
if (!all(as.character(GenomicRanges::width(ta@transcripts)) %in% names(arch_key))) {
stop("There are annotations for which an archtype of a matched length does not ",
# Get mapping between transcripts and archetypes
which_arch <- unlist(arch_key[as.character(GenomicRanges::width(annotations))])
# Calculate reads per archetype
arch_sense_read_depth <- unlist(lapply(ta@data$sense, sum))
arch_antisense_read_depth <- unlist(lapply(ta@data$antisense, sum))
# Get sampling depth for each annotation
sense_sampling_depth <- (annotations$score / ta@abundance_estimate[which_arch]) *
antisense_sampling_depth <- (annotations$score / ta@abundance_estimate[which_arch]) *
# Compute global scaling factor to get out correct total number of reads
lib_size_scale_factor <- library_depth / sum(sense_sampling_depth, antisense_sampling_depth)
sense_sampling_depth <- round(sense_sampling_depth * lib_size_scale_factor)
antisense_sampling_depth <- round(antisense_sampling_depth * lib_size_scale_factor)
# Iterate over seqlevels and simulate per chromosome
ref_seqlengths <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(annotations)
flank_width <- ta@configs$flank
plus <- IRanges::RleList()
minus <- IRanges::RleList()
if (show_progress) {
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = sum(annotations$score > 0), style = 3)
pb_tracker <- 0
for (seqlvl in names(ref_seqlengths)) {
plus_sim <- integer(ref_seqlengths[seqlvl])
minus_sim <- integer(ref_seqlengths[seqlvl])
# Get list of transcripts with non-zero abundances
anno_sub_idx <- which(as.vector(GenomicRanges::seqnames(annotations) == seqlvl) &
annotations$score > 0)
# Iterate over transcripts with non-zero abundance and simulate data from archetypes
for(i in anno_sub_idx) {
adj_start <- GenomicRanges::start(annotations[i]) - flank_width
adj_end <- GenomicRanges::end(annotations[i]) + flank_width
strnd <- as.character(GenomicRanges::strand(annotations[i]))
if (strnd == "+") {
plus_sim[seq.int(adj_start, adj_end)] <-
plus_sim[seq.int(adj_start, adj_end)] +
resample_reads(ta@data$sense[[which_arch[i]]], sense_sampling_depth[i],
replace = T, jitter = jitter)
minus_sim[seq.int(adj_start, adj_end)] <-
minus_sim[seq.int(adj_start, adj_end)] -
resample_reads(ta@data$antisense[[which_arch[i]]], antisense_sampling_depth[i],
replace = T, jitter = jitter)
} else {
minus_sim[seq.int(adj_end, adj_start)] <-
minus_sim[seq.int(adj_end, adj_start)] -
resample_reads(ta@data$sense[[which_arch[i]]], sense_sampling_depth[i],
replace = T, jitter = jitter)
plus_sim[seq.int(adj_end, adj_start)] <-
plus_sim[seq.int(adj_end, adj_start)] +
antisense_sampling_depth[i], replace = T, jitter = jitter)
pb_tracker <- pb_tracker + 1
if (show_progress) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = pb_tracker)
plus[[seqlvl]] <- S4Vectors::Rle(plus_sim)
minus[[seqlvl]] <- S4Vectors::Rle(minus_sim)
if (show_progress) {
return(list(plus = plus, minus = minus))
#' @title Resample reads from 5' coverage vector
#' @description Resample a vector of read coverage where each read only covers a single
#' point.
#' @param x a numeric or \code{Rle} vector
#' @param size number of reads to sample
#' @param replace to sample with replacement (default: TRUE)
#' @param jitter amount by which reads can be shifted to the left or right (default: 0)
#' @return A resampled numeric vector of 5' read counts
#' @name resample_reads
resample_reads <- function(x, size, replace = T, jitter = 0) {
out <- integer(length(x))
pool <- which(S4Vectors::decode(x > 0))
if (jitter == 0) {
pos <- table(
pool[sample.int(length(pool), size, replace = replace,
prob = S4Vectors::decode(x[x > 0]))]
} else {
pos <- pool[sample.int(length(pool), size, replace = replace,
prob = S4Vectors::decode(x[x > 0]))] +
sample.int(2 * jitter + 1, size, replace = T) - (jitter + 1)
pos[pos < 1] <- 1
pos[pos > length(out)] <- length(out)
pos <- table(pos)
out[as.integer(names(pos))] <- as.integer(pos)
#' @title Exports simulation annotations and data
#' @description Exports simulation annotations and data to bed and bigWig files
#' respectively
#' @inheritParams simulate_data
#' @param data a two element list containing a \code{plus} and \code{minus}
#' \code{\link[IRanges]{RleList}} simulated from the \link{simulate_data}
#' function
#' @param directory directory to write output to
#' @param simulation_id character string to name simulation outputs with
#' @return A resampled numeric vector of 5' read counts
#' @importFrom data.table :=
#' @name resample_reads
#' @export
export_simulation <- function(annotations, data, ta, directory = ".",
simulation_id = "sim") {
## Back to everything else
dir.create(directory, showWarnings = F, recursive = T)
bed_path <- file.path(directory, paste0(simulation_id, ".bed.gz"))
plus_path <- file.path(directory, paste0(simulation_id, "_plus.bw"))
minus_path <- file.path(directory, paste0(simulation_id, "_minus.bw"))
ta_path <- file.path(directory, paste0(simulation_id, "_archetypes.RData"))
bed <- data.table::as.data.table(annotations)
bed[, start := start - 1]
bed <- bed[, .(seqnames, start, end, '.', bed$score , strand, gene_id, transcript_id)]
data.table::fwrite(file = bed_path, x = bed, compress = "gzip", sep = "\t",
col.names = F)
rtracklayer::export.bw(sim_dat$plus, plus_path)
rtracklayer::export.bw(sim_dat$minus, minus_path)
saveRDS(ta, file = ta_path)
#' @title View archetype
#' @description Plots archetype in sense/antisense orientation
#' @inheritParams simulate_data
#' @param idx number id of archetype
#' @name view_archetype
#' @export
view_archetype <- function(ta, idx) {
# Create GRanges for data tracks
sense <- iranges_to_granges(ta@data$sense[[idx]])
antisense <- iranges_to_granges(ta@data$antisense[[idx]])
GenomicRanges::score(antisense) <- -GenomicRanges::score(antisense)
# Create scale track that labels flanking regions
region_widths <- c(ta@configs$flank,
length(ta@data$sense[[idx]]) - 2 * ta@configs$flank,
region_iranges <- IRanges::IRanges(start = cumsum(region_widths) - region_widths,
width = region_widths,
names = c("Flank", "Body", "Flank"))
# Create plotting tracks
axisTrack <- Gviz::GenomeAxisTrack(range = region_iranges)
sense_track <- Gviz::DataTrack(range = sense, type = "h", name = "sense", col = "blue")
antisense_track <- Gviz::DataTrack(range = antisense, type = "h", name= "antisense",
col = "red")
Gviz::plotTracks(list(axisTrack, sense_track, antisense_track), showId = TRUE)
iranges_to_granges <- function(x, chrom = "chr1", start = 0, strand = "+") {
start_v <- (cumsum(S4Vectors::runLength(x)) - S4Vectors::runLength(x)) + start
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(chrom,
IRanges::IRanges(start = start_v,
width = S4Vectors::runLength(x)),
strand = strand, score = S4Vectors::runValue(x)
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.