# TODO close the socket connections in case of interruptions
# TODO use the marker JSI as indicator for stabiliity instead of / together with the ECC
#' Assess the stability for configurations of feature types and sizes
#' @description Evaluate the stability of clusterings obtained
#' based on incremental subsets of a given feature set.
#' @param data_matrix A data matrix having the features on the rows
#' and the observations on the columns.
#' @param feature_set A set of feature names that can be found on the rownames
#' of the data matrix.
#' @param steps Vector containing the sizes of the subsets; negative values will
#' be interpreted as using all features.
#' @param feature_type A name associated to the feature_set.
#' @param resolution A vector containing the resolution values used for
#' clustering.
#' @param n_repetitions The number of repetitions of applying the pipeline with
#' different seeds; ignored if seed_sequence is provided by the user. Defaults
#' to `100`.
#' @param seed_sequence A custom seed sequence; if the value is NULL, the
#' sequence will be built starting from 1 with a step of 100. Defaults to
#' `NULL`.
#' @param graph_reduction_type The graph reduction type, denoting if the graph
#' should be built on either the PCA or the UMAP embedding. Defaults to `PCA`.
#' @param ecs_thresh The ECS threshold used for merging similar clusterings. We
#' recommend using the 1 value. Defaults to `1`.
#' @param matrix_processing A function that will be used to process the data
#' matrix
#' by using a dimensionality reduction technique. The function should have
#' one parameter, the data matrix, and should return an embedding describing the
#' reduced space. By default, the function will use the precise PCA method with
#' `prcomp`.
#' @param umap_arguments A list containing the arguments that will be passed
#' to the UMAP function. Refer to the `uwot::umap` function for more details.
#' @param prune_value Argument indicating whether to prune the SNN graph. If the
#' value is 0, the graph won't be pruned. If the value is between 0 and 1, the
#' edges with weight under the pruning value will be removed. If the value is
#' -1, the highest pruning value will be calculated automatically and used.
#' @param clustering_algorithm An index indicating which community detection
#' algorithm will be used: Louvain (1), Louvain refined (2), SLM (3) or
#' Leiden (4). More details can be found in the Seurat's
#' `FindClusters` function.
#' @param clustering_arguments A list containing the arguments that will be
#' passed to the community detection algorithm, such as the number of iterations
#' and the number of starts. Refer to the Seurat's `FindClusters` function
#' for more details.
#' @param verbose A boolean indicating if the intermediate progress will
#' be printed or not.
#' @return A list having one field associated with a step value. Each step
#' contains a list with three fields:
#' * ecc - the EC-Consistency of the partitions obtained on all repetitions
#' * embedding - one UMAP embedding generated on the feature subset
#' * most_frequent_partition - the most common partition obtained across
#' repetitions
#' @note The algorithm assumes that the feature_set is already sorted when
#' performing the subsetting based on the steps values. For example, if the
#' user wants to analyze highly variable feature set, they should provide them
#' sorted by their variability.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2024)
#' # create an artificial expression matrix
#' expr_matrix <- matrix(
#' c(runif(100 * 10), runif(100 * 10, min = 3, max = 4)),
#' nrow = 200, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' rownames(expr_matrix) <- as.character(1:200)
#' colnames(expr_matrix) <- paste("feature", 1:10)
#' feature_stability_result <- assess_feature_stability(
#' data_matrix = t(expr_matrix),
#' feature_set = colnames(expr_matrix),
#' steps = 5,
#' feature_type = "feature_name",
#' resolution = c(0.1, 0.5, 1),
#' n_repetitions = 10,
#' umap_arguments = list(
#' # the following parameters are used by the umap function
#' # and are not mandatory
#' n_neighbors = 3,
#' approx_pow = TRUE,
#' n_epochs = 0,
#' init = "random",
#' min_dist = 0.3
#' ),
#' clustering_algorithm = 1
#' )
#' plot_feature_overall_stability_boxplot(feature_stability_result)
assess_feature_stability <- function(data_matrix,
n_repetitions = 100,
seed_sequence = NULL,
graph_reduction_type = "PCA",
ecs_thresh = 1,
matrix_processing = function(dt_mtx, actual_npcs = 30, ...) {
# WARNING using more threads will lead to slightly different results
# check using RhpcBLASctl::blas_get_num_procs()
actual_npcs <- min(actual_npcs, ncol(dt_mtx) %/% 2)
embedding <- stats::prcomp(x = dt_mtx, rank. = actual_npcs)$x
rownames(embedding) <- rownames(dt_mtx)
colnames(embedding) <- paste0("PC_", seq_len(ncol(embedding)))
umap_arguments = list(),
prune_value = -1,
clustering_algorithm = 1,
clustering_arguments = list(),
verbose = FALSE) {
# TODO create a function that does checks of the parameters
# NOTE irbla using all cores; fix with RhpcBLASctl::blas_set_num_threads(1)? seems to be fixed, keep under observation
# check parameters
if (!is.matrix(data_matrix) && !inherits(data_matrix, "Matrix")) {
stop("the data matrix parameter should be a matrix")
# transpose the matrix to have observations on rows and features on columns
if (inherits(data_matrix, "dgCMatrix")) {
data_matrix <- Matrix::t(data_matrix)
} else {
data_matrix <- t(data_matrix)
ncells <- nrow(data_matrix)
if (!is.character(feature_set)) {
stop("feature_set parameter should be a vector of strings")
if (!all(feature_set %in% colnames(data_matrix))) {
stop("all features from the feature_set should be found in the data_matrix")
if (!is.numeric(steps)) {
stop("steps parameter should be numeric")
# convert steps to integers
steps <- as.integer(steps)
if (!is.character(feature_type)) {
stop("feature_type parameter should be a string")
if (!is.numeric(n_repetitions) || length(n_repetitions) > 1) {
stop("n_repetitions parameter should be numeric")
# convert n_repetitions to integers
n_repetitions <- as.integer(n_repetitions)
if (!(graph_reduction_type %in% c("PCA", "UMAP"))) {
stop("graph_reduction_type parameter should take one of these values: 'PCA' or 'UMAP'")
if (!is.numeric(ecs_thresh)) {
stop("ecs_thresh parameter should be numeric")
if (!is.numeric(clustering_algorithm) || length(clustering_algorithm) > 1 || !(clustering_algorithm %in% 1:4)) {
stop("algorithm should be a number between 1 and 4")
ncores <- foreach::getDoParWorkers()
partitions_list <- list()
object_name <- feature_type
steps_ecc_list <- list()
steps_ecc_list[[object_name]] <- list()
embedding_list <- list()
embedding_list[[object_name]] <- list()
pca_list <- list()
pca_list[[object_name]] <- list()
# create a seed sequence if it's not provided
if (is.null(seed_sequence)) {
seed_sequence <- seq(
from = 1,
by = 100,
length.out = n_repetitions
} else {
n_repetitions <- length(seed_sequence)
# convert the negative steps to the size of the feature
steps[steps <= 0 |
steps > length(feature_set)] <- length(feature_set)
steps <- sort(unique(steps))
umap_arguments <- process_umap_arguments(umap_arguments, ncells)
if (verbose) {
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = glue::glue("{feature_type} - :featuresize [:bar] eta: :eta total elapsed: :elapsed"),
total = length(steps),
show_after = 0,
clear = FALSE,
width = 80
clustering_arguments <- process_clustering_arguments(clustering_arguments, clustering_algorithm)
for (step in steps) {
if (verbose) {
pb$tick(0, tokens = list(featuresize = step))
used_features <- feature_set[1:step]
step <- as.character(step)
partitions_list[[step]] <- list()
steps_ecc_list[[object_name]][[step]] <- list()
embedding <- matrix_processing(data_matrix[, used_features])
if (is.null(rownames(embedding))) {
rownames(embedding) <- rownames(data_matrix)
if (is.null(colnames(embedding))) {
colnames(embedding) <- paste0("PC_", seq_len(ncol(embedding)))
pca_list[[object_name]][[step]] <- embedding # nolint
# build the SNN graph before if PCA
if (graph_reduction_type == "PCA") {
used_n_neigh <- min(20, ncells - 1)
if (prune_value >= 0) {
neigh_matrix <- getNNmatrix(
RANN::nn2(embedding, k = used_n_neigh)$nn.idx,
} else {
neigh_matrix <- get_highest_prune_param(
nn_matrix = getNNmatrix(
RANN::nn2(embedding, k = used_n_neigh)$nn.idx,
n_neigh = used_n_neigh
rownames(neigh_matrix) <- rownames(embedding)
colnames(neigh_matrix) <- rownames(embedding)
# the variables needed in each PSOCK process
needed_vars <- c(
if (graph_reduction_type == "PCA") {
needed_vars <- c(needed_vars, "shared_neigh_matrix")
if (ncores > 1 && is_package_installed("SharedObject")) {
shared_neigh_matrix <- SharedObject::share(neigh_matrix)
} else {
shared_neigh_matrix <- neigh_matrix
} else {
needed_vars <- c(needed_vars, "shared_embedding")
if (ncores > 1 && is_package_installed("SharedObject")) {
shared_embedding <- SharedObject::share(embedding)
} else {
shared_embedding <- embedding
package_needed <- c()
if (4 %in% clustering_arguments$algorithm) {
package_needed <- c(package_needed, "leiden")
all_vars <- ls()
seed <- 0
# send the name of the umap arguments
partitions_list[[step]] <- foreach::foreach(
seed = seed_sequence,
.inorder = FALSE,
.noexport = all_vars[!(all_vars %in% needed_vars)],
.packages = package_needed
) %dopar% {
if (graph_reduction_type == "UMAP") {
row_names <- rownames(shared_embedding)
# calculate the umap embedding
if ("seed" %in% names(umap_arguments)) {
umap_arguments$seed <- seed
ump_embedding <- do.call(
list(X = shared_embedding),
colnames(ump_embedding) <- paste0("UMAP_", seq_len(ncol(ump_embedding)))
rownames(ump_embedding) <- row_names
# build the nn and snn graphs and apply graph clustering
used_n_neigh <- min(20, ncells - 1)
if (prune_value >= 0) {
umap_neigh_matrix <- getNNmatrix(
RANN::nn2(ump_embedding, k = used_n_neigh)$nn.idx,
} else {
umap_neigh_matrix <- get_highest_prune_param(
nn_matrix = getNNmatrix(
RANN::nn2(ump_embedding, k = used_n_neigh)$nn.idx,
n_neigh = used_n_neigh
rownames(umap_neigh_matrix) <- row_names
colnames(umap_neigh_matrix) <- row_names
# apply graph clustering to the snn graph
cluster_results <- lapply(resolution, function(r) {
cl_res <- do.call(
object = umap_neigh_matrix,
resolution = r,
seed = seed
# return the clustering
mb = cl_res,
freq = 1,
seed = seed
names(cluster_results) <- as.character(resolution)
# apply graph clustering to the snn graph
cluster_results <- lapply(resolution, function(r) {
cl_res <- do.call(
object = shared_neigh_matrix,
resolution = r,
seed = seed
# return the clustering
mb = cl_res,
freq = 1,
seed = seed
names(cluster_results) <- as.character(resolution)
if (is_package_installed("SharedObject")) {
if (graph_reduction_type == "PCA") {
shared_neigh_matrix <- SharedObject::unshare(neigh_matrix)
} else {
shared_embedding <- SharedObject::unshare(embedding)
set.seed(42) # to match Seurat's default
embedding <- base::do.call(
list(X = embedding),
colnames(embedding) <- paste0("UMAP_", seq_len(ncol(embedding)))
rownames(embedding) <- rownames(data_matrix)
embedding_list[[object_name]][[step]] <- embedding
# merge the identical partitions into the same object
partitions_list[[step]] <- lapply(as.character(resolution), function(r) {
lapply(partitions_list[[step]], function(x) {
ecs_thresh = ecs_thresh,
order_logic = "freq"
names(partitions_list[[step]]) <- as.character(resolution)
# update the returned object with a list containing the ecc,
# the most frequent partition and the number of different partitions
steps_ecc_list[[object_name]][[step]] <- lapply(as.character(resolution), function(r) {
ecc = partitions_list[[step]][[r]]$ecc,
# TODO check if these two do the same thing
# ecc = weighted_element_consistency(
# lapply(partitions_list[[step]][[r]]$partitions, function(x) {
# x$mb
# }),
# sapply(partitions_list[[step]][[r]]$partitions, function(x) {
# x$freq
# }) # NOTE ECS should be fast enough without parallelization
# ),
most_frequent_partition = partitions_list[[step]][[r]]$partitions[[1]],
n_different_partitions = length(partitions_list[[step]][[r]]$partitions)
names(steps_ecc_list[[object_name]][[step]]) <- as.character(resolution)
if (verbose) {
pb$tick(tokens = list(featuresize = step))
steps <- as.character(steps)
resolution <- as.character(resolution)
incremental_ecs_list <- list()
incremental_ecs_list[[object_name]] <- list()
if (length(steps) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(steps)) {
temp_list <- lapply(resolution, function(r) {
steps_ecc_list[[object_name]][[steps[i - 1]]][[r]]$most_frequent_partition$mb,
names(temp_list) <- resolution
incremental_ecs_list[[object_name]][[paste(steps[i - 1], steps[i], sep = "-")]] <- temp_list
by_steps = steps_ecc_list,
incremental = incremental_ecs_list,
embedding_list = embedding_list,
pca_list = pca_list
#' Per resolution Feature Stability Boxplot
#' @description Display EC consistency for each feature set and for each step.
#' Above each boxplot there is a number representing
#' the step (or the size of the subset). The ECC values are extracted depdening
#' on the resolution value provided by the user.
#' @param feature_object_list An object or a concatenation of objects returned
#' by the `assess_feature_stability` method
#' @param resolution The resolution value for which the ECC will be extracted.
#' @param violin_plot If TRUE, the function will return a violin plot instead
#' of a boxplot. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param text_size The size of the labels above boxplots
#' @param boxplot_width Used for adjusting the width of the boxplots; the value
#' will be passed to the `width` argument of the `ggplot2::geom_boxplot` method.
#' @param dodge_width Used for adjusting the horizontal position of the boxplot;
#' the value will be passed to the `width` argument of the
#' `ggplot2::position_dodge` method.
#' @param return_df If TRUE, the function will return the ECS values as a
#' dataframe. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @return A ggplot2 object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2024)
#' # create an artificial expression matrix
#' expr_matrix <- matrix(
#' c(runif(100 * 10), runif(100 * 10, min = 3, max = 4)),
#' nrow = 200, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' rownames(expr_matrix) <- as.character(1:200)
#' colnames(expr_matrix) <- paste("feature", 1:10)
#' feature_stability_result <- assess_feature_stability(
#' data_matrix = t(expr_matrix),
#' feature_set = colnames(expr_matrix),
#' steps = 5,
#' feature_type = "feature_name",
#' resolution = c(0.1, 0.5, 1),
#' n_repetitions = 10,
#' umap_arguments = list(
#' # the following parameters are used by the umap function
#' # and are not mandatory
#' n_neighbors = 3,
#' approx_pow = TRUE,
#' n_epochs = 0,
#' init = "random",
#' min_dist = 0.3
#' ),
#' clustering_algorithm = 1
#' )
#' plot_feature_per_resolution_stability_boxplot(feature_stability_result, 0.5)
plot_feature_per_resolution_stability_boxplot <- function(feature_object_list,
violin_plot = FALSE,
text_size = 4,
boxplot_width = 0.4,
dodge_width = 0.7,
return_df = FALSE) {
resolution <- as.character(resolution)
min_index <- -1 # number of steps that will be displayed on the plot
feature_object_list <- feature_object_list$by_steps
final_melt_df <- NULL
# create a dataframe based on the object returned by `get_feature_stability`
for (config_name in names(feature_object_list)) {
list_ecc <- lapply(feature_object_list[[config_name]], function(x) {
# NOTE as.numeric is necessary for the shiny app, which creates arrays, not numeric vectors
melt_object <- reshape2::melt(list_ecc)
melt_object$L1 <- factor(
levels = stringr::str_sort(unique(melt_object$L1), numeric = TRUE)
melt_object[["feature_set"]] <- rep(config_name, nrow(melt_object))
temp_steps_df <- data.frame(
step = levels(melt_object$L1),
index = 1:nlevels(melt_object$L1),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
temp_steps_df$feature_set <- rep(config_name, nrow(temp_steps_df))
levels(melt_object$L1) <- 1:nlevels(melt_object$L1)
if (min_index == -1) {
final_steps_df <- temp_steps_df
final_melt_df <- melt_object
min_index <- nrow(temp_steps_df)
} else {
if (nrow(temp_steps_df) < min_index) {
min_index <- nrow(temp_steps_df)
final_steps_df <- rbind(final_steps_df, temp_steps_df)
final_melt_df <- rbind(final_melt_df, melt_object)
# given that the input object can have multiple configurations with different
# number of steps, we will use only the first `min_index` steps
# final_melt_df <- final_melt_df %>% dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.data$L1) <= min_index)
# final_steps_df <- final_steps_df %>% dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.data$index) <= min_index)
final_melt_df$feature_set <- factor(final_melt_df$feature_set, levels = names(feature_object_list))
final_steps_df$feature_set <- factor(final_steps_df$feature_set, levels = names(feature_object_list))
names(final_melt_df) <- c("ecc", "step_index", "feature_set")
if (return_df) {
# generate the coordinates where the sizes of the steps will be displayed
text_position <-
stats::aggregate(ecc ~ step_index + feature_set, final_melt_df, max)
text_position$ecc <- max(text_position$ecc) + (max(final_melt_df$ecc) - min(final_melt_df$ecc)) / 100
geom_function <- ifelse(violin_plot, ggplot2::geom_violin, ggplot2::geom_boxplot)
# return the ggplot object
x = .data$step_index,
y = .data$ecc,
fill = .data$feature_set
) +
position = ggplot2::position_dodge(width = dodge_width),
width = boxplot_width,
outlier.shape = NA
) +
data = text_position,
ggplot2::aes(label = final_steps_df$step),
position = ggplot2::position_dodge(width = dodge_width),
size = text_size
) +
ggplot2::theme_classic() +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::xlab("# features") +
ggplot2::ylab("EC consistency") +
ggplot2::ggtitle(glue::glue("Stability for resolution = {resolution}"))
#' Overall Feature Stability Boxplot
#' @description Display EC consistency for each feature set and for each step.
#' Above each boxplot there is a number representing
#' the step (or the size of the subset). The ECC values are extracted for each
#' resolution value and summarized using the `summary_function` parameter.
#' @param feature_object_list An object or a concatenation of objects returned
#' by the `assess_feature_stability` method
#' @param summary_function The function that will be used to summarize the ECC
#' values. Defaults to `median`.
#' @param text_size The size of the labels above boxplots
#' @param boxplot_width Used for adjusting the width of the boxplots; the value
#' will be passed to the `width` argument of the `ggplot2::geom_boxplot` method.
#' @param dodge_width Used for adjusting the horizontal position of the boxplot;
#' the value will be passed to the `width` argument of the
#' `ggplot2::position_dodge` method.
#' @param return_df If TRUE, the function will return the ECS values as a
#' dataframe. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @return A ggplot2 object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2024)
#' # create an artificial expression matrix
#' expr_matrix <- matrix(
#' c(runif(100 * 10), runif(100 * 10, min = 3, max = 4)),
#' nrow = 200, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' rownames(expr_matrix) <- as.character(1:200)
#' colnames(expr_matrix) <- paste("feature", 1:10)
#' feature_stability_result <- assess_feature_stability(
#' data_matrix = t(expr_matrix),
#' feature_set = colnames(expr_matrix),
#' steps = 5,
#' feature_type = "feature_name",
#' resolution = c(0.1, 0.5, 1),
#' n_repetitions = 10,
#' umap_arguments = list(
#' # the following parameters are used by the umap function
#' # and are not mandatory
#' n_neighbors = 3,
#' approx_pow = TRUE,
#' n_epochs = 0,
#' init = "random",
#' min_dist = 0.3
#' ),
#' clustering_algorithm = 1
#' )
#' plot_feature_overall_stability_boxplot(feature_stability_result)
plot_feature_overall_stability_boxplot <- function(feature_object_list,
summary_function = stats::median,
text_size = 4,
boxplot_width = 0.4,
dodge_width = 0.7,
return_df = FALSE) {
min_index <- -1 # number of steps that will be displayed on the plot
feature_object_list <- feature_object_list$by_steps
final_melt_df <- NULL
# create a dataframe based on the object returned by `get_feature_stability`
for (config_name in names(feature_object_list)) {
melt_object <- reshape2::melt(lapply(feature_object_list[[config_name]], function(by_step) {
sapply(by_step, function(by_res) {
melt_object$L1 <- factor(
levels = stringr::str_sort(unique(melt_object$L1), numeric = TRUE)
melt_object[["feature_set"]] <- rep(config_name, nrow(melt_object))
temp_steps_df <- data.frame(
step = levels(melt_object$L1),
index = 1:nlevels(melt_object$L1),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
temp_steps_df$feature_set <- rep(config_name, nrow(temp_steps_df))
levels(melt_object$L1) <- 1:nlevels(melt_object$L1)
if (min_index == -1) {
final_steps_df <- temp_steps_df
final_melt_df <- melt_object
min_index <- nrow(temp_steps_df)
} else {
if (nrow(temp_steps_df) < min_index) {
min_index <- nrow(temp_steps_df)
final_steps_df <- rbind(final_steps_df, temp_steps_df)
final_melt_df <- rbind(final_melt_df, melt_object)
# given that the input object can have multiple configurations with different
# number of steps, we will use only the first `min_index` steps
# final_melt_df <- final_melt_df %>% dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.data$L1) <= min_index)
# final_steps_df <- final_steps_df %>% dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.data$index) <= min_index)
final_melt_df$feature_set <- factor(final_melt_df$feature_set, levels = names(feature_object_list))
final_steps_df$feature_set <- factor(final_steps_df$feature_set, levels = names(feature_object_list))
names(final_melt_df) <- c("ecc", "step_index", "feature_set")
if (return_df) {
# generate the coordinates where the sizes of the steps will be displayed
text_position <-
stats::aggregate(ecc ~ step_index + feature_set, final_melt_df, max)
text_position$ecc <- max(text_position$ecc) + (max(final_melt_df$ecc) - min(final_melt_df$ecc)) / 100
# return the ggplot object
x = .data$step_index,
y = .data$ecc,
fill = .data$feature_set
) +
position = ggplot2::position_dodge(width = dodge_width),
width = boxplot_width,
outlier.shape = NA
) +
data = text_position,
ggplot2::aes(label = final_steps_df$step),
position = ggplot2::position_dodge(width = dodge_width),
size = text_size
) +
ggplot2::theme_classic() +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::xlab("# features") +
ggplot2::ylab("EC consistency") +
ggplot2::ggtitle("Overall stability")
#' Feature Stability - Cluster Membership Facet Plot
#' @description Display a facet of plots where each subpanel is associated with
#' a feature set and illustrates the distribution of the most frequent partition
#' over the UMAP embedding.
#' @param feature_object_list An object or a concatenation of objects returned
#' by the `assess_feature_stability` method
#' @param resolution The resolution value for which the ECS will be extracted.
#' @param text_size The size of the cluster label
#' @param n_facet_cols The number of facet's columns.
#' @param point_size The size of the points displayed on the plot.
#' @return A ggplot2 object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2024)
#' # create an artificial expression matrix
#' expr_matrix <- matrix(
#' c(runif(100 * 10), runif(50 * 10, min = 3, max = 4)),
#' nrow = 150, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' rownames(expr_matrix) <- as.character(1:150)
#' colnames(expr_matrix) <- paste("feature", 1:10)
#' feature_stability_result <- assess_feature_stability(
#' data_matrix = t(expr_matrix),
#' feature_set = colnames(expr_matrix),
#' steps = 5,
#' feature_type = "feature_name",
#' resolution = c(0.1, 0.5, 1),
#' n_repetitions = 10,
#' clustering_algorithm = 1
#' )
#' plot_feature_stability_mb_facet(
#' feature_stability_result,
#' 0.5,
#' point_size = 2
#' )
plot_feature_stability_mb_facet <- function(feature_object_list,
text_size = 5,
n_facet_cols = 3,
point_size = 0.3) {
resolution <- as.character(resolution)
if (!is.numeric(text_size) || length(text_size) > 1) {
stop("text_size parameter should be numeric")
first_temp <- TRUE
umap_object_list <- feature_object_list$embedding_list
feature_object_list <- feature_object_list$by_steps
for (config_name in names(feature_object_list)) {
for (steps in names(feature_object_list[[config_name]])) {
temp_df <- data.frame(
x = umap_object_list[[config_name]][[steps]][, 1],
y = umap_object_list[[config_name]][[steps]][, 2],
mb = feature_object_list[[config_name]][[steps]][[resolution]]$most_frequent_partition$mb
temp_df[["config_name"]] <- rep(config_name, nrow(temp_df))
temp_df[["steps"]] <- rep(steps, nrow(temp_df))
if (first_temp) {
first_temp <- FALSE
final_df <- temp_df
} else {
final_df <- rbind(final_df, temp_df)
final_df$steps <- factor(final_df$steps, levels = stringr::str_sort(unique(final_df$steps), numeric = TRUE))
final_df$mb <- factor(final_df$mb)
text.labs <- final_df %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$config_name, .data$steps, .data$mb) %>%
mean_x = stats::median(.data$x),
mean_y = stats::median(.data$y)
x = .data$x,
y = .data$y,
color = .data$mb
) +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = point_size) +
ggplot2::theme_classic() +
data = text.labs,
x = .data$mean_x,
y = .data$mean_y,
label = .data$mb
size = text_size,
color = "black"
) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
legend.position = "none",
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank()
) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "UMAP_1", y = "UMAP_2") +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ config_name + steps, ncol = n_facet_cols)
#' Feature Stability - EC Consistency Facet Plot
#' @description Display a facet of plots where each subpanel is associated with
#' a feature set and illustrates the distribution of the EC consistency score
#' over the UMAP embedding.
#' @param feature_object_list An object or a concatenation of objects returned
#' by the `assess_feature_stability` method
#' @param resolution The resolution value for which the ECS will be extracted.
#' @param n_facet_cols The number of facet's columns.
#' @param point_size The size of the points displayed on the plot.
#' @return A ggplot2 object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2024)
#' # create an artificial expression matrix
#' expr_matrix <- matrix(
#' c(runif(100 * 10), runif(50 * 10, min = 3, max = 4)),
#' nrow = 150, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' rownames(expr_matrix) <- as.character(1:150)
#' colnames(expr_matrix) <- paste("feature", 1:10)
#' feature_stability_result <- assess_feature_stability(
#' data_matrix = t(expr_matrix),
#' feature_set = colnames(expr_matrix),
#' steps = 5,
#' feature_type = "feature_name",
#' resolution = c(0.1, 0.5, 1),
#' n_repetitions = 10,
#' clustering_algorithm = 1
#' )
#' plot_feature_stability_ecs_facet(
#' feature_stability_result,
#' 0.5,
#' point_size = 2
#' )
plot_feature_stability_ecs_facet <- function(feature_object_list,
n_facet_cols = 3,
point_size = 0.3) {
resolution <- as.character(resolution)
first_temp <- TRUE
umap_object_list <- feature_object_list$embedding_list
feature_object_list <- feature_object_list$by_steps
for (config_name in names(feature_object_list)) {
for (steps in names(feature_object_list[[config_name]])) {
temp_df <- data.frame(
x = umap_object_list[[config_name]][[steps]][, 1],
y = umap_object_list[[config_name]][[steps]][, 2],
ecc = feature_object_list[[config_name]][[steps]][[resolution]]$ecc
temp_df[["config_name"]] <- rep(config_name, nrow(temp_df))
temp_df[["steps"]] <- rep(steps, nrow(temp_df))
if (first_temp) {
first_temp <- FALSE
final_df <- temp_df
} else {
final_df <- rbind(final_df, temp_df)
final_df$steps <- factor(final_df$steps, levels = stringr::str_sort(unique(final_df$steps), numeric = TRUE))
x = .data$x,
y = .data$y,
color = .data$ecc
) +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = point_size) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank()
) +
ggplot2::scale_color_viridis_c() +
color = "ECC",
x = "UMAP_1",
y = "UMAP_2"
) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ config_name + steps, ncol = n_facet_cols)
#' Per resolution - Feature Stability Incremental Boxplot
#' @description Perform an incremental ECS between two consecutive feature
#' steps. The ECS values are extracted only for a specified resolution value.
#' @param feature_object_list An object or a concatenation of objects returned
#' by the `assess_feature_stability` method.
#' @param resolution The resolution value for which the ECS will be extracted.
#' @param dodge_width Used for adjusting the horizontal position of the boxplot;
#' the value will be passed to the `width` argument of the
#' `ggplot2::position_dodge` method.
#' @param text_size The size of the labels above boxplots.
#' @param boxplot_width Used for adjusting the width of the boxplots; the value
#' will be passed to the `width` argument of the `ggplot2::geom_boxplot` method.
#' @param return_df If TRUE, the function will return the ECS values as a
#' dataframe. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @return A ggplot2 object with ECS distribution will be displayed as a
#' boxplot. Above each boxplot there will be a pair of numbers representing the
#' two steps that are compared.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2024)
#' # create an artificial expression matrix
#' expr_matrix <- matrix(
#' c(runif(50 * 10), runif(50 * 10, min = 3, max = 4)),
#' nrow = 100, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' rownames(expr_matrix) <- as.character(1:100)
#' colnames(expr_matrix) <- paste("feature", 1:10)
#' feature_stability_result <- assess_feature_stability(
#' data_matrix = t(expr_matrix),
#' feature_set = colnames(expr_matrix),
#' steps = c(5, 10),
#' feature_type = "feature_name",
#' resolution = c(0.1, 0.5),
#' n_repetitions = 3,
#' umap_arguments = list(
#' # the following parameters are used by the umap function
#' # and are not mandatory
#' n_neighbors = 3,
#' approx_pow = TRUE,
#' n_epochs = 0,
#' init = "random",
#' min_dist = 0.3
#' ),
#' clustering_algorithm = 1
#' )
#' plot_feature_per_resolution_stability_incremental(feature_stability_result, 0.1)
plot_feature_per_resolution_stability_incremental <- function(feature_object_list,
dodge_width = 0.7,
text_size = 4,
boxplot_width = 0.4,
return_df = FALSE) {
resolution <- as.character(resolution)
if (!is.numeric(dodge_width) || length(dodge_width) > 1) {
stop("dodge_width parameter should be numeric")
min_index <- -1
feature_object_list <- feature_object_list$incremental
first_df <- TRUE
ecs_df <- NULL
for (config_name in names(feature_object_list)) {
n_pairs <- length(feature_object_list[[config_name]])
pairs.names <- names(feature_object_list[[config_name]])
first_from_pair <- sapply(pairs.names, function(x) {
strsplit(x, "-")[[1]][1]
second_from_pair <- sapply(pairs.names, function(x) {
strsplit(x, "-")[[1]][2]
# treat the case with only one step
index <- 0
for (i in stringr::str_order(first_from_pair, numeric = TRUE)) {
index <- index + 1
first_n_steps <- first_from_pair[i]
second_n_steps <- second_from_pair[i]
temp_df <- data.frame(
ecs = feature_object_list[[config_name]][[i]][[resolution]],
index = index,
feature_set = config_name
if (first_df) {
first_df <- FALSE
steps_df <- data.frame(
step = paste(
sep = "-\n"
index = index,
feature_set = config_name,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
ecs_df <- temp_df
} else {
ecs_df <- rbind(ecs_df, temp_df)
steps_df <- rbind(steps_df, c(
sep = "-\n"
if (min_index == -1 || n_pairs < min_index) {
min_index <- n_pairs
if (is.null(ecs_df)) {
return(ggplot2::ggplot() +
ecs_df <- ecs_df %>% dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.data$index) <= min_index)
steps_df <- steps_df %>% dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.data$index) <= min_index)
ecs_df$feature_set <- factor(ecs_df$feature_set, levels = names(feature_object_list))
steps_df$feature_set <- factor(steps_df$feature_set, levels = names(feature_object_list))
ecs_df$index <- factor(ecs_df$index)
text_position <-
stats::aggregate(ecs ~ index + feature_set, ecs_df, max)
text_position$ecs <- max(text_position$ecs) + (max(ecs_df$ecs) - min(ecs_df$ecs)) / 25
if (return_df) {
x = .data$index,
y = .data$ecs,
fill = .data$feature_set
) +
position = ggplot2::position_dodge(width = dodge_width),
width = boxplot_width,
outlier.shape = NA
) +
data = text_position,
ggplot2::aes(label = steps_df$step),
position = ggplot2::position_dodge(width = dodge_width),
size = text_size
) +
ggplot2::theme_classic() +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::xlab("# features") +
ggplot2::ylab("EC similiarity") +
ggplot2::ggtitle(glue::glue("Incremental stability for resolution = {resolution}"))
#' Overall Feature Stability Incremental Boxplot
#' @description Perform an incremental ECS between two consecutive feature
#' steps. The ECS values are extracted for every resolution value and summarized
#' using a function (e.g. median, mean, etc.).
#' @param feature_object_list An object or a concatenation of objects returned
#' by the `assess_feature_stability` method.
#' @param summary_function The function used to summarize the ECS values.
#' Default is `median`.
#' @param dodge_width Used for adjusting the horizontal position of the boxplot;
#' the value will be passed to the `width` argument of the
#' `ggplot2::position_dodge` method.
#' @param text_size The size of the labels above boxplots.
#' @param boxplot_width Used for adjusting the width of the boxplots; the value
#' will be passed to the `width` argument of the `ggplot2::geom_boxplot` method.
#' @param return_df If TRUE, the function will return the ECS values as
#' a dataframe. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @return A ggplot2 object with ECS distribution will be displayed as a
#' boxplot. Above each boxplot there will be a pair of numbers representing the
#' two steps that are compared.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2024)
#' # create an artificial expression matrix
#' expr_matrix <- matrix(
#' c(runif(50 * 10), runif(50 * 10, min = 3, max = 4)),
#' nrow = 100, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' rownames(expr_matrix) <- as.character(1:100)
#' colnames(expr_matrix) <- paste("feature", 1:10)
#' feature_stability_result <- assess_feature_stability(
#' data_matrix = t(expr_matrix),
#' feature_set = colnames(expr_matrix),
#' steps = c(5, 10),
#' feature_type = "feature_name",
#' resolution = c(0.1, 0.5),
#' n_repetitions = 3,
#' umap_arguments = list(
#' # the following parameters are used by the umap function
#' # and are not mandatory
#' n_neighbors = 3,
#' approx_pow = TRUE,
#' n_epochs = 0,
#' init = "random",
#' min_dist = 0.3
#' ),
#' clustering_algorithm = 1
#' )
#' plot_feature_overall_stability_incremental(feature_stability_result)
plot_feature_overall_stability_incremental <- function(feature_object_list,
summary_function = stats::median,
dodge_width = 0.7,
text_size = 4,
boxplot_width = 0.4,
return_df = FALSE) {
if (!is.numeric(dodge_width) || length(dodge_width) > 1) {
stop("dodge_width parameter should be numeric")
min_index <- -1
feature_object_list <- feature_object_list$incremental
first_df <- TRUE
ecs_df <- NULL
for (config_name in names(feature_object_list)) {
n_pairs <- length(feature_object_list[[config_name]])
pairs.names <- names(feature_object_list[[config_name]])
first_from_pair <- sapply(pairs.names, function(x) {
strsplit(x, "-")[[1]][1]
second_from_pair <- sapply(pairs.names, function(x) {
strsplit(x, "-")[[1]][2]
# treat the case with only one step
index <- 0
for (i in stringr::str_order(first_from_pair, numeric = TRUE)) {
index <- index + 1
first_n_steps <- first_from_pair[i]
second_n_steps <- second_from_pair[i]
temp_df <- data.frame(
ecs = sapply(feature_object_list[[config_name]][[i]], summary_function),
index = index,
feature_set = config_name
if (first_df) {
first_df <- FALSE
steps_df <- data.frame(
step = paste(
sep = "-\n"
index = index,
feature_set = config_name,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
ecs_df <- temp_df
} else {
ecs_df <- rbind(ecs_df, temp_df)
steps_df <- rbind(steps_df, c(
sep = "-\n"
if (min_index == -1 || n_pairs < min_index) {
min_index <- n_pairs
if (is.null(ecs_df)) {
return(ggplot2::ggplot() +
ecs_df <- ecs_df %>% dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.data$index) <= min_index)
steps_df <- steps_df %>% dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.data$index) <= min_index)
ecs_df$feature_set <- factor(ecs_df$feature_set, levels = names(feature_object_list))
steps_df$feature_set <- factor(steps_df$feature_set, levels = names(feature_object_list))
ecs_df$index <- factor(ecs_df$index)
text_position <-
stats::aggregate(ecs ~ index + feature_set, ecs_df, max)
text_position$ecs <- max(text_position$ecs) + (max(ecs_df$ecs) - min(ecs_df$ecs)) / 25
if (return_df) {
x = .data$index,
y = .data$ecs,
fill = .data$feature_set
) +
position = ggplot2::position_dodge(width = dodge_width),
width = boxplot_width,
outlier.shape = NA
) +
data = text_position,
ggplot2::aes(label = steps_df$step),
position = ggplot2::position_dodge(width = dodge_width),
size = text_size
) +
ggplot2::theme_classic() +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::xlab("# features") +
ggplot2::ylab("EC similiarity") +
ggplot2::ggtitle("Overall incremental stability")
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