#' @import ggplot2
#' @include auxfunctions.R
#' @include ASCA2f.R
#' MultiBaC
#' MultiBaC performs a multi-omic, multi-batch correction
#' @docType package
#' @name MultiBaC
#' MultiBaC
#' MultiBaC is a strategy to correct batch effects from multiomic datasets distributed across different labs or data acquisition events.
#' MultiBaC is the first Batch effect correction algorithm that dealing with batch effect correction in multiomics datasets.
#' MultiBaC is able to remove batch effects across different omics generated within separate batches provided that at least one common
#' omic data type is included in all the batches considered.
#' @param mbac mbac object generated by createMbac.
#' @param test.comp Maximum number of components allowed for PLS models. If NULL (default), the minimal effective rank of the matrices is used as the maximum number of components.
#' @param scale Logical. Whether X and Y matrices must be scaled. By default, FALSE.
#' @param center Logical. Whether X and Y matrices must be centered. By default, TRUE.
#' @param crossval Integer: number of cross-validation segments. The number of samples (rows of 'x') must be at least >= crossvalI. If NULL (default), a leave-one-out crossvalidation is performed.
#' @param Interaction Logical. Whether to model the interaction between experimental factors and bacth factor in ARSyN models. By default, FALSE.
#' @param Variability From 0 to 1. Minimum percent of data variability that must be explained by each ARSyN model. By default, 0.90.
#' @param showplot Logical. If TRUE (default), the Q2 and the explained variance plots are shown.
#' @param showinfo Logical. If TRUE (default), the information about the function progress is shown.
#' @return Custom mbac object. Elements in a mbac object:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item ListOfBatches: A list of MultiAssayExperiment objects (one per batch).
#' \item commonOmic: Name of the common omic between the batches.
#' \item CorrectedData: Same structure than ListOfBatches but with the corrected data instead of the original.
#' \item PLSmodels: PLS models created during MultiBaC method performance (one model per non-common omic data type).
#' \item ARSyNmodels: ARSyN models created during MultiBaC performance (one per omic data type).
#' \item InnerRelation: Table of class data.frame containing the inner correlation (i.e. correlation between the scores of X (t) and Y (u) matrices) for each PLS model across all components.
#' }
#' @references
#' Ugidos, M., Tarazona, S., Prats-Montalbán, J. M., Ferrer, A., & Conesa, A. (2020). MultiBaC: A strategy to remove batch effects between different omic data types. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/0962280220907365
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('multiyeast')
#' my_mbac <- createMbac (inputOmics = list(A.rna, A.gro, B.rna, B.ribo, C.rna, C.par),
#' batchFactor = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C"),
#' experimentalDesign = list("A" = c("Glu+", "Glu+",
#' "Glu+", "Glu-", "Glu-", "Glu-"),
#' "B" = c("Glu+", "Glu+", "Glu-", "Glu-"),
#' "C" = c("Glu+", "Glu+", "Glu-", "Glu-")),
#' omicNames = c("RNA", "GRO", "RNA", "RIBO", "RNA", "PAR"),
#' commonOmic = "RNA")
#' my_final_mbac <- MultiBaC (my_mbac,
#' test.comp = NULL, scale = FALSE,
#' center = TRUE, crossval = NULL,
#' Variability = 0.90,
#' Interaction = TRUE ,
#' showplot = FALSE,
#' showinfo = FALSE)
MultiBaC <- function(mbac, test.comp = NULL,
scale = FALSE, center = TRUE,
showplot = TRUE, crossval = NULL,
Interaction = FALSE,
Variability = 0.90,
showinfo = TRUE) {
# Input data structure ------------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(names(mbac$ListOfBatches))) {
stop ("Stop at input evaluation: Elements in ListOfBatches must be named")
# Create PLS models ---------------------------------------------------------
if (showinfo) {
message("Step 1: Create PLS models")
mbac <- genModelList(mbac, test.comp = test.comp,
scale = scale, center = center,
crossval = crossval,
showinfo = showinfo)
# Generate missing omics ----------------------------------------------------
if (showinfo) {
message("Step 2: Generating missing omics")
multiBatchDesign <- genMissingOmics(mbac)
# Batch effect correction using ARSyNbac ---------------------------------------
if (showinfo) {
message("Step 3: Batch effect correction using ARSyNbac")
# Correction step
mbac <- batchCorrection (mbac, multiBatchDesign, Interaction, Variability)
# Inner relation of PLS model table -----------------------------------------
showM <- mbac$InnerRelation
print("Table: Inner correlation between scores for each PLS model computed.")
k1 <- knitr::kable(showM, format = "pandoc")
if (showinfo) {
# Q2 and explained batch-related variability plots ---------------------------
if(showplot) {
plot.mbac (mbac, plotType = "def")
# Update mbac object ---------------------------------------------------------
return (mbac)
#' batchCorrection
#' This function performs the ARSyNbac correction [1] for each omic contained in mulBatchDesign input object.
#' @param mbac mbac object generated by createMbac. PLS models slot must be present.
#' @param multiBatchDesign A list containing the original and predicted omic for each batch. All omics must be present in every batch. Output object of genMissingOmics function
#' @param Interaction Logical. Whether to model the interaction between experimental factors and bacth factor in ARSyN models. By default, FALSE.
#' @param Variability From 0 to 1. Minimum percent of data variability that must be explained for each ARSyN model. By default, 0.90.
#' @return Custom mbac object. Elements in a mbac object:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item ListOfBatches: A list of MultiAssayExperiment objects (one per batch).
#' \item commonOmic: Name of the common omic between the batches.
#' \item CorrectedData: Same structure than ListOfBatches but with the corrected data instead of the original.
#' \item PLSmodels: PLS models created during MultiBaC method performance (one model per non-common omic data type).
#' \item ARSyNmodels: ARSyN models created during MultiBaC performance (one per omic data type).
#' \item InnerRelation: Table of class data.frame containing the inner correlation (i.e. correlation between the scores of X (t) and Y (u) matrices) for each PLS model across all components.
#' }
#' @export
#' @references [1] Nueda MJ, Ferrer A, Conesa A. ARSyN: A method for the identification and removal of systematic noise in multifactorial time course microarray experiments. Biostatistics. 2012;13(3):553-566. doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxr042
#' @examples
#' data('multiyeast')
#' my_mbac <- createMbac (inputOmics = list(A.rna, A.gro, B.rna, B.ribo, C.rna, C.par),
#' batchFactor = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C"),
#' experimentalDesign = list("A" = c("Glu+", "Glu+", "Glu+",
#' "Glu-", "Glu-", "Glu-"),
#' "B" = c("Glu+", "Glu+", "Glu-", "Glu-"),
#' "C" = c("Glu+", "Glu+", "Glu-", "Glu-")),
#' omicNames = c("RNA", "GRO", "RNA", "RIBO", "RNA", "PAR"),
#' commonOmic = "RNA")
#' my_mbac_2 <- genModelList (my_mbac, test.comp = NULL,
#' scale = FALSE, center = TRUE,
#' crossval = NULL,
#' showinfo = TRUE)
#' multiBatchDesign <- genMissingOmics(my_mbac_2)
#' my_finalwise_mbac <- batchCorrection(my_mbac_2,
#' multiBatchDesign = multiBatchDesign,
#' Interaction = FALSE,
#' Variability = 0.9)
batchCorrection <- function(mbac, multiBatchDesign,
Interaction = FALSE,
Variability = 0.90) {
# Bulit cond.factor ----------------------------------------------------------
cond.factor <- lapply(multiBatchDesign, function(x) {
inputList <- getData(multiBatchDesign)
# Making model matrices ------------------------------------------------------
cond_factor <- c()
for ( i in seq_along(cond.factor) ) {
cond_factor <- c(cond_factor, cond.factor[[i]])
cond_matrix <- stats::model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(cond_factor))
batch_factor <- c()
for ( i in seq_along(multiBatchDesign) ) {
batch_factor <- c(batch_factor, rep(i, dim(inputList[[i]][[1]])[2]))
batch_matrix <- stats::model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(batch_factor))
# Omic correction ------------------------------------------------------------
correctedOmics <- inputList
ascamodels <- list()
for ( omic in names(inputList[[1]])) {
Xunfold <- NULL
set_lims <- 0
for ( lab in names(inputList)) {
Xunfold <- rbind(Xunfold, t(inputList[[lab]][[omic]]))
set_lims <- c(set_lims, (set_lims[length(set_lims)])+dim(t(inputList[[lab]][[omic]]))[1])
# Defining Fac ---------------------------------------------------------------
Fac0 <- c(1,2,2)
if (Interaction) {
names(Fac0) <- c("Model.a", "Model.bab", "Model.res")
} else {
names(Fac0) <- c("Model.a", "Model.b", "Model.res")
asca0 <- ASCA.2f(Xunfold, Designa = cond_matrix, Designb = batch_matrix,
Fac = Fac0, Interaction = Interaction,
Variability = Variability)
Fac<- ARSyNcomponents(asca0,Variability=Variability, beta = 2)
for (i in 1:length(Fac)){
asca<- ASCA.2f(Xunfold, Designa = cond_matrix, Designb = batch_matrix,
Fac = Fac0, Interaction = Interaction,
Variability = Variability)
if (Interaction) {
Xunfold.r <- Xunfold - asca$Model.bab$TP #- asca$Model.res$TP
} else {
Xunfold.r <- Xunfold - asca$Model.b$TP #- asca$Model.res$TP
ascamodels[[omic]] <- c(0,asca)
for( i in seq_along(inputList)) {
correctedOmics[[names(inputList)[i]]][[omic]] <- t(Xunfold.r[(set_lims[i]+1):(set_lims[i+1]),])
output <- mbac$ListOfBatches
for (lab in names(multiBatchDesign)) {
for ( omic in names(mbac$ListOfBatches[[lab]]@ExperimentList)) {
output[[lab]]@ExperimentList[[omic]] <- correctedOmics[[lab]][[omic]]
retobj <- list("ListOfBatches" = mbac$ListOfBatches,
"CorrectedData" = c(lapply(output, function(x) x)),
"ARSyNmodels" = ascamodels,
"PLSmodels" = mbac$PLSmodels,
"InnerRelation" = mbac$InnerRelation,
"commonOmic" = mbac$commonOmic)
#' genModelList
#' This function performs PLS models for every batch. A PLS model is generated for each non-common omic in each batch.
#' @param mbac mbac object generated by *createMbac*.
#' @param test.comp Maximum number of components allowed for PLS models. If NULL (default), the minimal effective rank of the matrices is used as the maximum number of components.
#' @param scale Logical. Whether X and Y matrices must be scaled. By default, FALSE.
#' @param center Logical. Whether X and Y matrices must be centered. By default, TRUE.
#' @param crossval Integer: number of cross-validation segments. The number of samples (rows of 'x') must be at least >= crossvalI. If NULL (default) leave-one-out crossvalidation is performed.
#' @param showinfo Logical. Whether to show the information about the function progress. By default, TRUE.
#' @return Custom mbac object. Elements in a mbac object:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item ListOfBatches: A list of MultiAssayExperiment objects (one per batch).
#' \item commonOmic: Name of the common omic between the batches.
#' \item PLSmodels: PLS models created during MultiBaC method performance (one model per non-common omic data type).
#' \item InnerRelation: Table of class data.frame containing the inner correlation (i.e. correlation between the scores of X (t) and Y (u) matrices) for each PLS model across all components.
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('multiyeast')
#' my_mbac <- createMbac (inputOmics = list(A.rna, A.gro, B.rna, B.ribo, C.rna, C.par),
#' batchFactor = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C"),
#' experimentalDesign = list("A" = c("Glu+", "Glu+",
#' "Glu+", "Glu-", "Glu-", "Glu-"),
#' "B" = c("Glu+", "Glu+", "Glu-", "Glu-"),
#' "C" = c("Glu+", "Glu+", "Glu-", "Glu-")),
#' omicNames = c("RNA", "GRO", "RNA", "RIBO", "RNA", "PAR"),
#' commonOmic = "RNA")
#' my_mbac_2 <- genModelList (my_mbac, test.comp = NULL,
#' scale = FALSE, center = TRUE,
#' crossval = NULL,
#' showinfo = TRUE)
genModelList <- function(mbac, test.comp = NULL, scale = FALSE, center = TRUE,
crossval = NULL, showinfo = TRUE) {
# Get matrices ---------------------------------------------------------------
inputList <- getData(mbac$ListOfBatches)
commonOmic <- mbac$commonOmic
# Create models --------------------------------------------------------------
modelList <- list()
q2ofmodels <- list()
init.test.comp <- test.comp
for ( i in names(inputList)) {
if (showinfo) {
message(paste0("\t - Model for batch ",i))
if ( is.null(test.comp)) {
test.comp <- min(dim(inputList[[i]][[1]]))-1
aux <- createPLSmodel(inputList[[i]], test.comp = test.comp, messages = FALSE,
scale = scale, center = center,
crossval, commonOmic, showinfo = showinfo)
modelList[[i]] <- aux[1]
test.comp <- init.test.comp
# Inner correlation table
corr_values <- lapply(modelList, function(l){
lapply(l, function(x){
aux <- c()
for ( c in seq_len(dim(x@scoreMN)[2])) {
aux <- c(aux, stats::cor(x@scoreMN[,c], x@uMN[,c]))
roff <- max(unlist(lapply(corr_values, function(x) lapply(x, length))))
showM <- NULL
cnames <- c()
lab_head <- c(1,unlist(lapply(corr_values, length)))
for ( i in seq_along(corr_values)) {
for ( j in seq_along(corr_values[[i]])) {
aux <- corr_values[[i]][[j]]
if ( length(aux) < roff) aux <- c(aux, rep(NA, roff-length(aux)))
showM <- cbind(showM, aux)
cnames <- c(cnames, paste0(names(corr_values)[i], ": ", names(corr_values[[i]])[j]))
colnames(showM) <- cnames
rownames(showM) <- paste0("Component: ",1:dim(showM)[1])
retobj <- list("ListOfBatches" = mbac$ListOfBatches,
"PLSmodels" = modelList,
"InnerRelation" = showM,
"commonOmic" = mbac$commonOmic)
#' genMissingOmics
#' This function generates for all the batches the omic data they had not originally. This is the previous step to apply ARSyNbac [1] correction.
#' @param mbac mbac object generated by *createMbac*. PLS models slot must be present.
#' @return A list of *MultiAssayExperiment* structures. In this case, each batch contains all the omics introduced in MultiBaC. For instance, if two batches are being studying, "A" and "B", given that "A" contains "RNA-seq" and "GRO-seq" data and "B" contains "RNA-seq" and "Metabolomica" data, after applying *genMissingOmics* function batch "A" will contain "RNA-seq", "GRO-seq" and predicted "Metabolomics" data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('multiyeast')
#' my_mbac <- createMbac (inputOmics = list(A.rna, A.gro, B.rna, B.ribo, C.rna, C.par),
#' batchFactor = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C"),
#' experimentalDesign = list("A" = c("Glu+", "Glu+",
#' "Glu+", "Glu-", "Glu-", "Glu-"),
#' "B" = c("Glu+", "Glu+", "Glu-", "Glu-"),
#' "C" = c("Glu+", "Glu+", "Glu-", "Glu-")),
#' omicNames = c("RNA", "GRO", "RNA", "RIBO", "RNA", "PAR"),
#' commonOmic = "RNA")
#' my_mbac_2 <- genModelList (my_mbac, test.comp = NULL,
#' scale = FALSE, center = TRUE,
#' crossval = NULL,
#' showinfo = TRUE)
#' multiBatchDesign <- genMissingOmics(my_mbac_2)
genMissingOmics <- function(mbac) {
# Get matrices ---------------------------------------------------------------
inputList <- getData(mbac$ListOfBatches)
commonOmic <- mbac$commonOmic
# Generate missing omics -----------------------------------------------------
missingOmics <- inputList
for ( i in seq_along(inputList) ) {
aux <- names(inputList)[-i]
predictedOmics <- list()
for ( n in aux ) {
for ( j in seq_along(mbac$PLSmodels[[n]])) {
Ohat <- ropls::predict(mbac$PLSmodels[[n]][[j]], newdata = t(inputList[[i]][[commonOmic]]))
predictedOmics[[names(mbac$PLSmodels[[n]])[j]]] <- t(Ohat)
missingOmics [[names(inputList)[i]]] <- predictedOmics
# Creating omic blocks to correct --------------------------------------------
multiBatchDesign <- lapply(names(mbac$ListOfBatches), function(l) {
newmap <- lapply(missingOmics[[l]], function (m) {
data.frame(primary = rownames(MultiAssayExperiment::colData(mbac$ListOfBatches[[l]])),
colname = colnames(m),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
newmaplist <- c(MultiAssayExperiment::mapToList(mbac$ListOfBatches[[l]]@sampleMap), newmap)
newsamplemap <- MultiAssayExperiment::listToMap(newmaplist)
MultiAssayExperiment::MultiAssayExperiment(experiments = c(MultiAssayExperiment::experiments(mbac$ListOfBatches[[l]]),
colData = MultiAssayExperiment::colData(mbac$ListOfBatches[[l]]),
sampleMap = newsamplemap)
} )
names(multiBatchDesign) <- names(mbac$ListOfBatches)
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