#' Writes bedGraphs from methrix object
#' @param m \code{\link{methrix}} object
#' @param output_dir Output directory name where the files should be saved.
#' If \code{NULL} creats a \code{tempdir}
#' @param n_thr Default 4.
#' @param rm_NA remove NAs
#' @param force forces to create files if they are existing
#' @param compress Whether to compress the output. Default TRUE
#' @param SeqStyle Default `UCSC` with `chr` prefix.
#' @param multiBed Default NULL. If provided a filename, a single bedGraph file with all samples included is generated.
#' @param metilene Default FALSE. If TRUE outputs bedgraphs in `metilene` format that can be directly used for DMR calling with `metilene`. This option works only when \code{multiBed = TRUE}.
#' @param phenoCol Default NULL. `condition` column from colData. Only applicable if \code{metilene = TRUE}
#' @param add_coverage Default FALSE. Whether to add a coverage column to the output. Only applicable if \code{multiBed = NULL}
#' @examples
#' data('methrix_data')
#' write_bedgraphs(m = methrix_data, output_dir = './temp')
#' #Export to metline format for DMR calling with metline
#' write_bedgraphs(m = methrix_data, output_dir = "./temp", rm_NA = FALSE, metilene = TRUE,multiBed = "metline_ip", phenoCol = "Condition")
#' @return writes bedgraph files to output
#' @export
write_bedgraphs <- function(m, output_dir = NULL, rm_NA = TRUE, force = FALSE,
n_thr = 4, compress = TRUE, SeqStyle="UCSC", multiBed = NULL, metilene = FALSE,
phenoCol = NULL, add_coverage = FALSE) {
if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) {
dir.create(path = output_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
} else if (is.null(output_dir)) {
output_dir <- getwd()
mat_gr <- methrix::get_matrix(m = m, type = "M", add_loci = TRUE, in_granges = TRUE)
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(mat_gr)<- SeqStyle
mat <- as.data.table(mat_gr)
mat <- mat[, c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand", rownames(colData(x = m))),
with = FALSE]
if (!is.null(multiBed)) {
op_bdg = file.path(output_dir, paste0(
multiBed, ".bedGraph", ifelse(compress, yes = ".gz", no = ""))
if (rm_NA) {
mat = mat[complete.cases(mat),]
if (metilene) {
if (is.null(phenoCol)) {
stop("Please provide a value to phenoCol.")
else if (!phenoCol %in% colnames(colData(m))) {
" is not a valid column name in colData().\n Available column name are: ",
paste(colnames(colData(m)), collapse = ", "))
colnames(mat)[1:2] = c("chr", "pos")
colnames(mat)[5:ncol(mat)] = paste(as.character(colData(m)[,phenoCol]),
rownames(colData(m)), sep = "_")
mat = mat[,c(1,2,5:ncol(mat)), with = FALSE]
} else {
colnames(mat)[1] = paste0("#", colnames(mat)[1])
message("*Writing ", op_bdg, " ")
data.table::fwrite(x = mat, file = op_bdg, sep = "\t", na = ".", scipen = 7,
nThread = n_thr, compress = "auto", showProgress = TRUE, quote = FALSE)
} else {
if (add_coverage){
cov_gr <- methrix::get_matrix(m = m, type = "C", add_loci = TRUE,
in_granges = TRUE)
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(cov_gr) <- SeqStyle
cov_mat <- as.data.table(cov_gr)
cov_mat <- cov_mat[, c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand",
rownames(colData(x = m))), with = FALSE]
op_bdgs <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(colData(m))), function(i) {
mat_i <- mat[, c(seq_len(3), i + 4), with = FALSE]
if (add_coverage) {
mat_i <- cbind(mat_i, cov_mat[, c(i + 4), with = FALSE])
if (rm_NA) {
mat_i <- mat_i[complete.cases(mat_i), , ]
op_bdg = file.path(output_dir, paste0(
rownames(colData(m))[i], ".bedGraph", ifelse(compress, yes = ".gz", no = ""))
# bedGraph header line
parameters <-c("color" = "255,0,0",
"altColor" = "128,128,128",
parameters <- paste0(" ", paste(names(parameters), parameters,
sep = "=", collapse = " "))
header <- data.table(paste0('track type=bedGraph name="',
rownames(colData(m))[i], '"', parameters))
if (file.exists(op_bdg) & !force) {
message(paste0("*File ", basename(op_bdg), " already exists. Skipped re-writing"))
message(paste0("*Writing ", rownames(colData(m))[i]))
colnames(mat_i) <- paste0("V", seq_len(ncol(mat_i)))
data.table::fwrite(x = header, file = op_bdg, sep = "\t", append=FALSE, quote=FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, nThread = n_thr, scipen = 7, compress = "auto")
data.table::fwrite(x = mat_i, file = op_bdg, sep = "\t", append=TRUE,
col.names = FALSE, nThread = n_thr, scipen = 7, compress = "auto")
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.