#' Get Concordant Signatures from iLINCS
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This function takes a full or filtered signature
#' and gets concordant signatures
#' from any of the 3 LINCS databases in iLINCS. This can get Overexpression,
#' Knockdown or Chemical Perturbagen signatures.
#' @param signature A data frame with the names of genes, their expression value
#' and optionally their p-value
#' @param ilincsLibrary The Library you want to search.
#' Must be one of "OE", "KD" or "CP"
#' for Overexpression, Knockdown or Chemical Perturbagens
#' @return A tibble with the list of concordant and discordant signatures
#' @export
#' @importFrom readr write_tsv
#' @importFrom httr2 request req_method req_url_query req_user_agent
#' @importFrom httr2 req_url_path_append req_perform resp_status
#' @importFrom httr2 resp_body_json resp_body_string
#' @importFrom purrr map flatten_dfr
#' @importFrom dplyr select any_of mutate filter
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom stringr str_glue
#' @importFrom curl form_file
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @examples
#' # Get the L1000 signature for LINCSKD_28
#' kdSignature <- getSignature("LINCSKD_28")
#' # Get concordant gene knockdown signatures
#' concordant_signatures <- getConcordants(kdSignature, ilincsLibrary = "KD")
#' head(concordant_signatures)
getConcordants <- function(signature, ilincsLibrary = "CP") {
if (!"data.frame" %in% class(signature)) {
stop("signature must be a data frame or data frame like object")
} else {
signatureFile <- tempfile(pattern = "ilincs_sig", fileext = ".xls")
signature |>
sigDirection <- if (all(signature[["Value_LogDiffExp"]] > 0L)) {
} else if (all(signature[["Value_LogDiffExp"]] < 0L)) {
} else {
libMap <- c(
OE = "LIB_11",
KD = "LIB_6",
CP = "LIB_5"
request <- httr2::request(.ilincsBaseUrl()) |>
httr2::req_url_path_append("SignatureMeta") |>
httr2::req_url_path_append("uploadAndAnalyze") |>
httr2::req_url_query(lib = libMap[ilincsLibrary]) |>
httr2::req_body_multipart(file = curl::form_file(signatureFile)) |>
httr2::req_method("POST") |>
httr2::req_user_agent(.return_user_agent()) |>
if (httr2::resp_status(request) == 200L) {
concordants <- httr2::resp_body_json(request) |>
purrr::map("concordanceTable") |>
purrr::flatten_dfr() |>
"signatureid", "compound", "treatment",
"concentration", "time", "cellline", "similarity", "pValue"
))) |>
similarity = round(.data[["similarity"]], 8L),
pValue = round(.data[["pValue"]], 20L),
sig_direction = sigDirection
} else {
stop(httr2::resp_status(request), " ", httr2::resp_body_string(request))
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