anota2seqSelSigGenes <- function (Anota2seqDataSet, useRVM = TRUE,
analysis = anota2seqGetAvailableAnalyzes(Anota2seqDataSet),
selIds = NULL,
selContrast = seq(along = 1:dim(anota2seqGetContrasts(Anota2seqDataSet))[2]),
minSlopeTranslation = NULL,
maxSlopeTranslation = NULL, minSlopeBuffering = NULL,
maxSlopeBuffering = NULL, slopeP = NULL, minEff = NULL, maxP = NULL,
maxPAdj = NULL, selDeltaPT = NULL, selDeltaTP = NULL,
selDeltaP = NULL, selDeltaT = NULL, sortBy = c("rvmP", "none", "Eff", "p"))
stop("Please provide an Anota2seqDataSet.\n")
if(class(Anota2seqDataSet)!= "Anota2seqDataSet"){
stop("Please provide an Anota2seqDataSet.\n")
if(is.null(anota2seqGetOutputClass(Anota2seqDataSet,"translated mRNA","full"))&
is.null(anota2seqGetOutputClass(Anota2seqDataSet,"total mRNA","full"))&
stop("No anota2seqAnalyze output found in the Anota2seqDataSet. Please run anota2seqAnalyze before using anota2seqSelSigGenes.\n")
if(is.null(analysis) == TRUE){
stop("Please provide the analysis parameter.\nMust be one of the following: translated mRNA, total mRNA, translation, buffering.")
stop("Please provide one or more contrasts using the selContrast parameter.\n")
if(max(selContrast) > dim(Anota2seqDataSet@contrasts)[2]){
stop("One of the selected contrasts does not exist. selContrast must be a numeric vector with 1 or more contrasts.\n The values cannot be greater than the number of columns in the contrast matrix.")
stop("Please provide useRVM parameter. Must be set to TRUE or FALSE.\n")
stop("useRVM parameter must be set to TRUE or FALSE.\n")
if(length(sortBy) <2){
if(!sortBy %in% c("p","rvmP","none","Eff")){
stop("sortBy parameter must be one of the following; p, rvmP, Eff, none.\n")
if(length(sortBy) == 4){
if(useRVM == FALSE){
sortBy <- "p"
if(useRVM == TRUE){
sortBy <- "rvmP"
if(length(analysis) < 2){
if(analysis == "translation"){
if(is.null(selDeltaT) == FALSE){
stop("selDeltaT is set and alysis is set to translation only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(selDeltaTP) == FALSE){
stop("selDeltaTP is set and alysis is set to translation only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(minSlopeBuffering) == FALSE){
stop("minSlopeBuffering is set and alysis is set to translation only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(maxSlopeBuffering) == FALSE){
stop("maxSlopeBuffering is set and alysis is set to translation only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(analysis == "buffering"){
if(is.null(selDeltaP) == FALSE){
stop("selDeltaP is set and alysis is set to buffering only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(selDeltaPT) == FALSE){
stop("selDeltaPT is set and alysis is set to buffering only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(minSlopeTranslation) == FALSE){
stop("minSlopeTranslation is set and alysis is set to buffering only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(maxSlopeTranslation) == FALSE){
stop("maxSlopeTranslation is set and alysis is set to buffering only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(analysis =="translated mRNA"){
if(is.null(selDeltaT) == FALSE){
stop("selDeltaT is set and alysis is set to translated mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(selDeltaPT) == FALSE){
stop("selDeltaPT is set and alysis is set to translated mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(selDeltaTP) == FALSE){
stop("selDeltaTP is set and alysis is set to translated mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(slopeP) == FALSE){
stop("slopeP is set and alysis is set to translated mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(minSlopeTranslation) == FALSE){
stop("minSlopeTranslation is set and alysis is set to translated mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(maxSlopeTranslation) == FALSE){
stop("maxSlopeTranslation is set and alysis is set to translated mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(minSlopeBuffering) == FALSE){
stop("minSlopeBuffering is set and alysis is set to translated mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(maxSlopeBuffering) == FALSE){
stop("maxSlopeBuffering is set and alysis is set to translated mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(analysis =="total mRNA"){
if(is.null(selDeltaP) == FALSE){
stop("selDeltaP is set and alysis is set to total mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(selDeltaPT) == FALSE){
stop("selDeltaPT is set and alysis is set to total mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(selDeltaTP) == FALSE){
stop("selDeltaTP is set and alysis is set to total mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(slopeP) == FALSE){
stop("slopeP is set and alysis is set to total mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(minSlopeTranslation) == FALSE){
stop("minSlopeTranslation is set and alysis is set to total mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(maxSlopeTranslation) == FALSE){
stop("maxSlopeTranslation is set and alysis is set to total mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(minSlopeBuffering) == FALSE){
stop("minSlopeBuffering is set and alysis is set to total mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
if(is.null(maxSlopeBuffering) == FALSE){
stop("maxSlopeBuffering is set and alysis is set to total mRNA only. Please check your parameter settings.\n")
# check cutoffs
cutOffVec <- c(minSlopeTranslation,maxSlopeTranslation,
for(cutOff in 1:length(cutOffVec)){
if(class(cutOffVec[cutOff])%in%c("NULL","numeric") == FALSE){
stop("Supplied filter parameters must be numeric.\n")
if(useRVM == TRUE){
maxRvmPAdj <- maxPAdj
maxRvmP <- maxP
maxPAdj <- NULL
maxP <- NULL
if(useRVM == FALSE){
maxRvmP <- NULL
maxRvmPAdj <- NULL
for(reg in 1:length(analysis)){
for(cont in 1:length(selContrast)){
if(is.null(anota2seqGetOutput(object = Anota2seqDataSet,
analysis = analysis[reg],
selContrast = selContrast[cont],
output = "full",
getRVM = useRVM))){
stop(paste("No anota2seqAnalyze parameter for ",analysis," analysis found.\nPlease change analysis parameter or run anota2seqAnalyze using the specified analysis parameter.\n"))
# Need to reset the delta filtering option ...
deltaVec <- list(selDeltaP = selDeltaP,selDeltaT=selDeltaT,selDeltaPT = selDeltaPT,selDeltaTP =selDeltaTP)
for(reg in 1:length(analysis)){
message(paste("Starting filtering of: ",analysis[reg],"\n",sep=""))
if( analysis[reg] =="translated mRNA"){
maxSlope <- NULL
minSlope <- NULL
slopeP <- NULL
selDeltaPT <- NULL
selDeltaTP <- NULL
selDeltaT <- NULL
selDeltaP <- deltaVec$selDeltaP
if( analysis[reg] =="total mRNA"){
maxSlope <- NULL
minSlope <- NULL
slopeP <- NULL
selDeltaPT <- NULL
selDeltaTP <- NULL
selDeltaP <- NULL
selDeltaT <- deltaVec$selDeltaT
if( analysis[reg] == "translation"){
minSlope <- minSlopeTranslation
maxSlope <- maxSlopeTranslation
selDeltaTP <- NULL
selDeltaT <- NULL
selDeltaP <- deltaVec$selDeltaP
selDeltaPT <- deltaVec$selDeltaPT
if(analysis[reg] == "buffering"){
minSlope <- minSlopeBuffering
maxSlope <- maxSlopeBuffering
selDeltaPT <- NULL
selDeltaP <- NULL
selDeltaTP <- deltaVec$selDeltaTP
selDeltaT <- deltaVec$selDeltaT
for(contr in 1:length(selContrast)){
message(paste("\tfiltering contrast ",selContrast[contr],".\n",sep=""))
### Set anota2seqSigObj according to analyse
anota2seqSigObj <- anota2seqGetOutputClass(Anota2seqDataSet,analysis = analysis[reg],output = "full")
if(is.null(anota2seqGetOutputClass(Anota2seqDataSet,analysis[reg],"selected")) == TRUE){
Anota2seqDataSet <- anota2seqSetOutput(Anota2seqDataSet,
selectedData = rep(list(NULL),dim(anota2seqSigObj@usedContrasts)[2]),
selectedRvmData = rep(list(NULL),dim(anota2seqSigObj@usedContrasts)[2]),
useRVM = useRVM,
deltaData = rep(list(NULL),dim(anota2seqSigObj@usedContrasts)[2]),
usedThresholds = rep(list(NULL),dim(anota2seqSigObj@usedContrasts)[2]),
regModes = FALSE
dataT <- Anota2seqDataSet@dataT
dataP <- Anota2seqDataSet@dataP
phenoVec <- Anota2seqDataSet@phenoVec
if (selContrast[contr] > dim(anota2seqSigObj@usedContrasts)[2]) {
stop("Specified contrast does not exist")
tmpData <- anota2seqSigObj@apvStats[[selContrast[contr]]]
tmpDataRvm <- NULL
if (useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpDataRvm <- anota2seqSigObj@apvStatsRvm[[selContrast[contr]]]
deltaP <- as.matrix(Anota2seqDataSet@deltaData[[selContrast[contr]]][,"deltaP"])
deltaT <- as.matrix(Anota2seqDataSet@deltaData[[selContrast[contr]]][,"deltaT"])
deltaPT <- as.matrix(Anota2seqDataSet@deltaData[[selContrast[contr]]][,"deltaPT"])
deltaTP <- as.matrix(Anota2seqDataSet@deltaData[[selContrast[contr]]][,"deltaTP"])
colnames(deltaP) <- "deltaP"
colnames(deltaT) <- "deltaT"
colnames(deltaPT) <- "deltaPT"
colnames(deltaTP) <- "deltaTP"
rownames(deltaP) <- rownames(dataP)
rownames(deltaT) <- rownames(dataP)
rownames(deltaPT) <- rownames(dataP)
rownames(deltaTP) <- rownames(dataP)
if (is.null(selIds) == FALSE) {
useIds <- selIds
tmpData <- tmpData[useIds, ,drop=FALSE]
if (useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpDataRvm <- tmpDataRvm[useIds, ,drop=FALSE]
if (is.null(selIds) == TRUE) {
if (is.null(minSlope) == FALSE) {
tmpData <- tmpData[tmpData[, "apvSlope"] > minSlope,
if (useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpDataRvm <- tmpDataRvm[tmpDataRvm[, "apvSlope"] >
minSlope, ,drop=FALSE]
if (is.null(maxSlope) == FALSE) {
tmpData <- tmpData[tmpData[, "apvSlope"] < maxSlope,
if (useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpDataRvm <- tmpDataRvm[tmpDataRvm[, "apvSlope"] <
maxSlope, ,drop=FALSE]
if (is.null(slopeP) == FALSE) {
tmpData <- tmpData[tmpData[, "apvSlopeP"] > slopeP,
if (useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpDataRvm <- tmpDataRvm[tmpDataRvm[, "apvSlopeP"] >
slopeP, ,drop=FALSE]
if (is.null(minEff) == FALSE) {
tmpData <- tmpData[abs(tmpData[, "apvEff"]) > minEff,
if (useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpDataRvm <- tmpDataRvm[abs(tmpDataRvm[, "apvEff"]) >
minEff, ,drop=FALSE]
if (is.null(maxP) == FALSE) {
tmpNames <- rownames(tmpData[tmpData[, "apvP"] <
maxP, ,drop=FALSE])
tmpData <- tmpData[tmpNames, ,drop=FALSE]
if (useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpDataRvm <- tmpDataRvm[tmpNames, ,drop=FALSE]
if (is.null(maxPAdj) == FALSE) {
tmpNames <- rownames(tmpData[tmpData[, "apvPAdj"] <
maxPAdj, ,drop=FALSE])
tmpData <- tmpData[tmpNames, ,drop=FALSE]
if (useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpDataRvm <- tmpDataRvm[tmpNames, ,drop=FALSE]
if (is.null(maxRvmP) == FALSE & useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpNames <- rownames(tmpDataRvm[tmpDataRvm[, "apvRvmP"] <
maxRvmP, ,drop=FALSE])
tmpData <- tmpData[tmpNames, ,drop=FALSE]
tmpDataRvm <- tmpDataRvm[tmpNames,,drop=FALSE]
if (is.null(maxRvmPAdj) == FALSE & useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpNames <- rownames(tmpDataRvm[tmpDataRvm[, "apvRvmPAdj"] <
maxRvmPAdj, ,drop=FALSE])
tmpData <- tmpData[tmpNames, ,drop=FALSE]
tmpDataRvm <- tmpDataRvm[tmpNames, ,drop=FALSE]
useIds <- rownames(tmpData)
if (is.null(selDeltaP) == FALSE & analysis[reg] %in% c("translation", "translated mRNA")) {
tmpDelta <- (deltaP[useIds,] > selDeltaP & anota2seqSigObj@apvStats[[selContrast[contr]]][useIds,
"apvEff", drop = FALSE] > 0) | (deltaP[useIds,] < (-selDeltaP) &
anota2seqSigObj@apvStats[[selContrast[contr]]][useIds, "apvEff",
drop = FALSE] < 0)
useIds <- useIds[tmpDelta == TRUE]
tmpData <- tmpData[useIds, , drop = FALSE]
if (useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpDataRvm <- tmpDataRvm[useIds, , drop = FALSE]
if (is.null(selDeltaT) == FALSE & analysis[reg] %in% c("buffering", "total mRNA")) {
tmpDelta <- (deltaT[useIds,] < -(selDeltaT) & anota2seqSigObj@apvStats[[selContrast[contr]]][useIds,
"apvEff", drop = FALSE] < 0) | (deltaT[useIds,] > (selDeltaT) &
anota2seqSigObj@apvStats[[selContrast[contr]]][useIds, "apvEff",
drop = FALSE] > 0)
useIds <- useIds[tmpDelta == TRUE]
tmpData <- tmpData[useIds, , drop = FALSE]
if (useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpDataRvm <- tmpDataRvm[useIds, , drop = FALSE]
if (is.null(selDeltaPT) == FALSE & analysis[reg] == "translation") {
tmpDelta <- (deltaPT[useIds,] > selDeltaPT & anota2seqSigObj@apvStats[[selContrast[contr]]][useIds,
"apvEff",drop=FALSE] > 0) | (deltaPT[useIds,] < (-selDeltaPT) & anota2seqSigObj@apvStats[[selContrast[contr]]][useIds,
"apvEff",drop=FALSE] < 0)
useIds <- useIds[tmpDelta == TRUE]
tmpData <- tmpData[useIds, ,drop=FALSE]
if (useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpDataRvm <- tmpDataRvm[useIds, ,drop=FALSE]
if(is.null(selDeltaTP) == FALSE & analysis[reg] == "buffering"){
tmpDelta <- (deltaTP[useIds,] < -(selDeltaTP) & anota2seqSigObj@apvStats[[selContrast[contr]]][useIds,
"apvEff", drop = FALSE] < 0) | (deltaTP[useIds,] > (selDeltaTP) &
anota2seqSigObj@apvStats[[selContrast[contr]]][useIds, "apvEff",
drop = FALSE] > 0)
useIds <- useIds[tmpDelta == TRUE]
tmpData <- tmpData[useIds, , drop = FALSE]
if (useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpDataRvm <- tmpDataRvm[useIds, , drop = FALSE]
if (dim(tmpData)[1] < 1) {
warning(paste("No genes pass selected thresholds for analysis of ", analysis[reg],".\n",sep=""))
if (is.null(sortBy) == FALSE & !sortBy %in% "none") {
if (sortBy == "Eff") {
tmpSorter <- tmpData[useIds, ,drop = FALSE][order(tmpData[useIds, "apvEff", drop = FALSE]), , drop = FALSE]
useIds <- rownames(tmpSorter)
if (sortBy == "p") {
tmpSorter <- tmpData[useIds, , drop = FALSE][order(tmpData[useIds, "apvP", drop = FALSE]), , drop = FALSE]
useIds <- rownames(tmpSorter)
if (sortBy == "p" & (useRVM == TRUE)) {
stop("You have selected non-RVM based sorting but useRVM parameter is set to TRUE\n To filter based on p, set the useRVM paramter to FALSE\n")
if (sortBy == "rvmP" & (useRVM == TRUE)) {
tmpSorter <- tmpDataRvm[useIds, ,drop = FALSE][order(tmpDataRvm[useIds, "apvRvmP",drop = FALSE]), , drop = FALSE]
useIds <- rownames(tmpSorter)
if (sortBy == "rvmP" & (useRVM == FALSE)) {
stop("You have selected RVM based sorting but useRVM parameter is set to FALSE.\n To filter based on rvmP, set the useRVM paramter to TRUE.\n")
tmpDataOut <- tmpData[useIds, ,drop=FALSE]
tmpDataRvmOut <- NULL
if (useRVM == TRUE) {
tmpDataRvmOut <- tmpDataRvm[useIds, ,drop=FALSE]
if(analysis[reg] == "translated mRNA"){
deltaT <- NULL
deltaTP <- NULL
deltaPT <- NULL
if(analysis[reg] == "total mRNA"){
deltaP <- NULL
deltaTP <- NULL
deltaPT <- NULL
if(analysis[reg] == "translation"){
deltaTP <- NULL
deltaT <- NULL
if(analysis[reg] == "buffering"){
deltaPT <- NULL
deltaP <- NULL
Anota2seqDataSet <- anota2seqSetSelectedOutput(Anota2seqDataSet,
list(selectedData =,
selectedRvmData =,
useRVM = useRVM,
deltaData = cbind(deltaP = deltaP[useIds, ,drop=FALSE],
deltaT = deltaT[useIds, ,drop=FALSE],
deltaPT = deltaPT[useIds, ,drop=FALSE],
deltaTP = deltaTP[useIds, , drop=FALSE]),
usedThresholds = list(selContrast = selContrast[contr], minSlope = minSlope,
maxSlope = maxSlope, slopeP = slopeP, minEff = minEff,
maxP = maxP, maxPAdj = maxPAdj, maxRvmP = maxRvmP,
maxRvmPAdj = maxRvmPAdj, selDeltaPT = selDeltaPT,selDeltaTP = selDeltaTP,
selDeltaP = selDeltaP, selDeltaT = selDeltaT),
regModes = FALSE))
message(paste("\tContrast ",selContrast[contr]," done.\n",sep=""))
message("Filtering for analysis ",analysis[reg]," done.\n")
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