#' Perform a permutation test on 2 tables
#' The goal of this function is to calculate the values of a test performed
#' by \code{FUN} after each of \code{sample_count} permutations.
#' Each round of the permutation test, two new matrices will be randomly
#' sampled from using the combination of the two original tables. The means
#' of each columns will be calculated to produce the vectors that will be sent
#' \code{FUN}.
#' @param table1 The first table.
#' @param table2 The second table.
#' @param sample_size The number of element to draw for each table.
#' @param sample_count The number of permutations.
#' @param FUN The function to use to compare the 2 table. First two params
#' must be \code{numeric} vector and the return must be a single
#' \code{numeric} value.
#' @param ... Extra param for \code{FUN}.
#' @return A \code{vector} of numeric corresponding to the result of each
#' permutation.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get some tables
#' mg <- get_demo_metagene()
#' mg$produce_table()
#' tab <- mg$get_table()
#' tab <- tab[which(tab$region == "list1"),]
#' tab1 <- tab[which(tab$design == "align1_rep1"),]
#' tab2 <- tab[which(tab$design == "align2_rep2"),]
#' # Perform permutation test
#' sample_size <- min(nrow(tab1), nrow(tab2))
#' FUN = function(a, b) { mean(a) - mean(b) } # Dummy function for demo purpose
#' # A sample_count >= 1000 should be used in a real analysis
#' permutation_results <- permutation_test(m1, m2, sample_size = sample_size,
#' sample_count = 10, FUN = FUN)
#' }
#' @export
permutation_test <- function(table1, table2, sample_size, sample_count, FUN,
...) {
stopifnot(!identical(table1, table2))
stopifnot(ncol(table1) == ncol(table2))
stopifnot(sample_size > 0)
stopifnot(sample_count > 0)
one_of_possible_analysis <- FALSE
if (('bin' %in% colnames(table1))
& !('nuc' %in% colnames(table1))){ #ChIP-Seq
bincount <- length(unique(table1$bin))
stopifnot(sample_size <= ((nrow(table1)/bincount +
# We combine 2 original tables to create the pool for the perm
new_table <- rbind(table1, table2)
#from new_table to new_matrix in order to get value in row and bin in
#columns to facilitate following sample and mean computations
new_matrix <- matrix(new_table$value, ncol=bincount, byrow=TRUE)
# We create 2 matrices of index with sample_count number of columns and
# sample_size number of rows. The same column of the 2 matrices cannot
# contain the same index (i.e.: a sampling without replacement).
i1 <- matrix(nrow = sample_size, ncol = sample_count)
i2 <- matrix(nrow = sample_size, ncol = sample_count)
for (i in seq(1:sample_count)) {
#j <- sample(1:nrow(new_matrix), sample_size * 2, prob = prob)
j <- sample(1:nrow(new_matrix), sample_size * 2, replace = TRUE)
i1[,i] <- split(j, 1:2)[[1]]
i2[,i] <- split(j, 1:2)[[2]]
one_of_possible_analysis <- TRUE
} else if (!('bin' %in% colnames(table1))
& ('nuc' %in% colnames(table1))){ #RNA-Seq
nuccount <- length(unique(table1$nuc))
stopifnot(sample_size <= ((nrow(table1)/nuccount +
# We combine 2 original tables to create the pool for the perm
new_table <- rbind(table1, table2)
#from new_table to new_matrix in order to get value in row and bin in
#columns to facilitate following sample and mean computations
new_matrix <- matrix(new_table$value, ncol=nuccount, byrow=TRUE)
# We create 2 matrices of index with sample_count number of columns and
# sample_size number of rows. The same column of the 2 matrices cannot
# contain the same index (i.e.: a sampling without replacement).
i1 <- matrix(nrow = sample_size, ncol = sample_count)
i2 <- matrix(nrow = sample_size, ncol = sample_count)
for (i in seq(1:sample_count)) {
#j <- sample(1:nrow(new_matrix), sample_size * 2, prob = prob)
j <- sample(1:nrow(new_matrix), sample_size * 2, replace = TRUE)
i1[,i] <- split(j, 1:2)[[1]]
i2[,i] <- split(j, 1:2)[[2]]
one_of_possible_analysis <- TRUE
} else if (('bin' %in% colnames(table1))
& ('nuc' %in% colnames(table1))){ #RNA-Seq with bin
table1 <- table1[, .(value = mean(value)), by=c('bam','bin')]
table2 <- table2[, .(value = mean(value)), by=c('bam','bin')]
bincount <- length(unique(table1$bin))
stopifnot(sample_size <= ((nrow(table1)/bincount +
# We combine 2 original tables to create the pool for the perm
new_table <- rbind(table1, table2)
#from new_table to new_matrix in order to get value in row and bin in
#columns to facilitate following sample and mean computations
new_matrix <- matrix(new_table$value, ncol=bincount, byrow=TRUE)
# We create 2 matrices of index with sample_count number of columns and
# sample_size number of rows. The same column of the 2 matrices cannot
# contain the same index (i.e.: a sampling without replacement).
i1 <- matrix(nrow = sample_size, ncol = sample_count)
i2 <- matrix(nrow = sample_size, ncol = sample_count)
for (i in seq(1:sample_count)) {
#j <- sample(1:nrow(new_matrix), sample_size * 2, prob = prob)
j <- sample(1:nrow(new_matrix), sample_size * 2, replace = TRUE)
i1[,i] <- split(j, 1:2)[[1]]
i2[,i] <- split(j, 1:2)[[2]]
one_of_possible_analysis <- TRUE
if (one_of_possible_analysis) {
# We generate a matrix of profiles corresponding to the mean by bin
# from the matrices i1 and i2 generated during each permutation round.
get_means <- function(i) {
# "2" indicates column
# apply gets row of new_table selected during the sampling
replicates <- apply(i, 2, function(j) new_matrix[j,])
#compute the mean of each replicates
colmeans <- function(x) {
colMeans(matrix(x, ncol = ncol(new_matrix)))
apply(replicates, 2, colmeans)
m1 <- get_means(i1)
m2 <- get_means(i2)
# We calculate the scores for each combination of profiles.
stopifnot(identical(dim(m1), dim(m2)))
vapply(1:ncol(m1), function(x) FUN(m1[,x], m2[,x], ...), numeric(1))
} else {
message(paste('tables provided do not fit a ChIP-Seq or RNA-Seq assay',
'Please check for "nuc" and/or "bin" columns'))
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