#' Estimate the taxon-wise response functions non-parametrically
#' @param sampleScore a vector of length n with environmental scores
#' @param muMarg the offset matrix
#' @param X the n-by-p data matrix
#' @param ncols an integer, the number of columns of X
#' @param thetas a vector of length p with dispersion parameters
#' @param n an integer, the number of samples
#' @param coefInit a 2-by-p matrix with current taxon-wise parameter estimates
#' @param coefInitOverall a vector of length 2 with current overall parameters
#' @param dfSpline a scalar, the degrees of freedom for the smoothing spline.
#' @param vgamMaxit Maximal number of iterations in the fitting of the GAM model
#' @param degree The degree if the parametric fit if the VGAM fit fails
#' @param verbose a boolean, should number of failed fits be reported
#' @param allowMissingness A boolean, are missing values present
#' @param naId The numeric index of the missing values in X
#' @param ... further arguments, passed on to the VGAM:::vgam() function
#' The negative binomial likelihood is still maximized,
#' but now the response function is a non-parametric one.
#' To avoid a perfect fit and overly flexible functions,
#' we enforce smoothness restrictions. In practice we use a
#' generalized additive model (GAM), i.e. with splines.
#' The same fitting procedure is carried out ignoring species labels.
#' We do not normalize the parameters related to the splines:
#' the psis can be calculated afterwards.
#' @return A list with components
#' \item{taxonCoef}{The fitted coefficients of the sample-wise response curves}
#' \item{splinesList}{A list of all the B-spline objects}
#' \item{rowMar}{The row matrix}
#' \item{overall}{The overall fit ignoring taxon labels,
#' as a list of coefficients and a spline}
#' \item{rowVecOverall}{The overall row vector, ignoring taxon labels}
#' @importFrom MASS negative.binomial
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom VGAM s vgam coef negbinomial.size
estNPresp = function(sampleScore, muMarg,
X, ncols, thetas, n, coefInit, coefInitOverall,
dfSpline, vgamMaxit, degree, verbose, allowMissingness, naId,
...) {
logMu = log(muMarg)
MM = getModelMat(sampleScore, degree)
# The model matrix for the parametric fit
MM1 = getModelMat(sampleScore, degree = 1)
# The model matrix of the first degree
taxonWise = lapply(seq_len(ncols), function(i) {
#Fit based on non-NAs
df = data.frame(x = X[, i], sampleScore = sampleScore,
logMu = log(muMarg[, i]))
# Going through a dataframe slows things
# down, so ideally we should appeal
# directly to the vgam.fit function
tmp = try(suppressWarnings(vgam(data = df,
x ~ s(sampleScore, df = dfSpline),
offset = logMu, family = negbinomial.size(lmu = "loglink",
size = thetas[i]), coefstart = coefInit[[i]],
maxit = vgamMaxit, na.option = na.omit,...)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(tmp, "try-error")) {
# If this fails turn to parametric fit
warning("GAM would not fit, turned to parametric fit of degree ",
degree, "!")
nonNaId = !is.na(X[,i])
tmp = try(nleqslv(fn = dNBllcolNP,
x = if (length(coefInit[[i]])) {coefInit[[i]]
} else rep(1e-04, degree + 1), X = X[nonNaId,i],
reg = MM[nonNaId,], theta = thetas[i],
muMarg = muMarg[nonNaId, i], jac = NBjacobianColNP,
allowMissingness = FALSE)$x)
} else {
# if VGAM fit succeeds, retain only
# necessary information
tmp = list(coef = coef(tmp),
spline = tmp@Bspline[[1]])
if (inherits(tmp, "try-error")) {
warning("GLM would not fit either, returning independence model! ")
tmp = numeric(degree + 1)
#If nothing will fit, stick to an independence model
names(taxonWise) = colnames(X)
# Report failed fits
sumFit = sum(!vapply(FUN.VALUE = TRUE,
taxonWise, is.list))
if (verbose && sumFit)
warning("A total number of ", sumFit,
" response functions did not converge! \n")
# Overall fit
samRep = rep(sampleScore, ncols)
sizes = if(length(naId)) rep(thetas, each = n)[-naId] else rep(thetas, each = n)
overall = vgam(c(X) ~ s(samRep, df = dfSpline),
offset = c(logMu), family = negbinomial.size(lmu = "loglink",
size = sizes),
coefstart = coefInitOverall, maxit = vgamMaxit,
na.option = na.omit, ...)
overallList = list(coef = coef(overall),
spline = overall@Bspline[[1]])
# Return lists of splines and of
# coefficients, and a row regression
# matrix
rowMat = vapply(FUN.VALUE = numeric(n),
taxonWise, function(x) {
if (is.list(x))
cbind(MM1, predict(x$spline, x = sampleScore)$y) %*%
c(x$coef, 1) else MM %*% x
rowVecOverall = cbind(MM1, predict(overallList$spline,
x = sampleScore)$y) %*% c(overallList$coef,1)
taxonCoef = lapply(taxonWise, function(x) {
if (is.list(x))
x$coef else x
splinesList = lapply(taxonWise, function(x) {
if (is.list(x))
x$spline else NULL
list(taxonCoef = taxonCoef, splinesList = splinesList,
rowMat = rowMat, overall = overallList,
rowVecOverall = rowVecOverall)
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