# # LIBRARIES -----------------------------------------------------------------
# suppressMessages(require(shinythemes))
# suppressMessages(require(threejs))
# suppressMessages(require(mclust))
# suppressMessages(require(Rsomoclu))
# suppressMessages(require(shinytest))
if ("debugme" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {
if ("gtools" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {
if ("kableExtra" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {
if ("reactlog" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {
if (!exists(".schnappsEnv")) {
.schnappsEnv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
if (exists("devscShinyApp")) {
if (devscShinyApp) {
if (dir.exists(paths = normalizePath("~/Rstudio/UTechSCB-SCHNAPPs/inst/app/", mustWork = F))){
packagePath <- normalizePath("~/Rstudio/UTechSCB-SCHNAPPs/inst/app/")
} else {
if (dir.exists(paths = normalizePath("~/Rstudio/schnapps/inst/app/", mustWork = F))){
packagePath <- normalizePath("~/Rstudio/schnapps/inst/app/")
} else {
if (dir.exists(paths = normalizePath("~/rstudio/schnappsGit/inst/app/", mustWork = F))){
packagePath <- normalizePath("~/rstudio/schnappsGit/inst/app/")
} else {
stop("package path not found\n")
# setwd("~/Rstudio/UTechSCB-SCHNAPPs/")
} else {
packagePath <- find.package("SCHNAPPs", lib.loc = NULL, quiet = TRUE) %>% paste0("/app/") %>% normalizePath()
if (exists(".SCHNAPPs_locContributionDir", envir = .schnappsEnv)) {
localContributionDir <- get(".SCHNAPPs_locContributionDir", envir = .schnappsEnv)
} else {
localContributionDir <- NULL
if (exists(".SCHNAPPs_defaultValueSingleGene", envir = .schnappsEnv)) {
defaultValueSingleGene <- get(".SCHNAPPs_defaultValueSingleGene", envir = .schnappsEnv)
} else {
defaultValueSingleGene <- "cd3g"
if (exists(".SCHNAPPs_defaultValueMultiGenes", envir = .schnappsEnv)) {
defaultValueMultiGenes <- get(".SCHNAPPs_defaultValueMultiGenes", envir = .schnappsEnv)
} else {
defaultValueMultiGenes <- "cd3g, cd4, cd8b, ighm, TCF4, LILRA2, LYZ, cd74, bcl11b, IL32,hbb"
if (exists(".SCHNAPPs_defaultValueRegExGene", envir = .schnappsEnv)) {
defaultValueRegExGene <- get(".SCHNAPPs_defaultValueRegExGene", envir = .schnappsEnv)
} else {
defaultValueRegExGene <- "^MT-|^RP|^MRP"
if (exists(".SCHNAPPs_DEBUG", envir = .schnappsEnv)) {
DEBUG <- get(".SCHNAPPs_DEBUG", envir = .schnappsEnv)
} else {
if (exists(".SCHNAPPs_DEBUGSAVE", envir = .schnappsEnv)) {
DEBUGSAVE <- get(".SCHNAPPs_DEBUGSAVE", envir = .schnappsEnv)
} else {
# list available colors for samples and clusters, other colors are defined independantly.
# Sys.setenv(DEBUGME = ".")
base::source(normalizePath(paste0(packagePath, "/defaultValues.R")), local = TRUE)
if (!exists("allowedColors")) {
allowedColors <- unique(c(
"#8c510a", "#d8b365", "#f6e8c3", "#c7eae5", "#5ab4ac", "#01665e", "#c51b7d", "#e9a3c9",
"#fde0ef", "#e6f5d0", "#a1d76a", "#4d9221", "#762a83", "#af8dc3", "#e7d4e8", "#d9f0d3",
"#7fbf7b", "#1b7837", "#b35806", "#f1a340", "#fee0b6", "#d8daeb", "#998ec3", "#542788",
"#b2182b", "#ef8a62", "#fddbc7", "#d1e5f0", "#67a9cf", "#2166ac", "#b2182b", "#ef8a62",
"#fddbc7", "#e0e0e0", "#999999", "#4d4d4d"
if (all(c("future", "parallel") %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
# options(future.globals.maxSize = 4000 * 1024^2)
# maxCores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
# maxCores <- 1 # 32GB memory
# plan("multiprocess", workers = maxCores)
# Sys.setenv(DEBUGME = ".")
# this one will be overwritten later, but just in case
.schnappsEnv$cacheDir = NULL
base::source(normalizePath(paste0(packagePath, "/serverFunctions.R")), local = TRUE)
# enableBookmarking(store = "server")
# global variable with directory where to store files to be included in reports
.schnappsEnv$reportTempDir <- base::tempdir()
scShinyServer <- function(input, output, session) {
if (DEBUG) base::cat(file = stderr(), "ShinyServer running\n")
base::options(shiny.maxRequestSize = 20 * 1024^3)
if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
showNotification("starting application", id = "startSCHNAPPs", duration = NULL)
gmtData <- reactiveVal()
gmtUserData <- reactiveVal()
# Here, we store projections that are created during the session.
# These can be selections of cells or other values that
# are not possible to precalculate.
sessionProjections <- reactiveValues(
prjs = data.frame()
clusterMethodReact <- reactiveValues(
clusterMethod = "igraph",
clusterSource = "counts"
# collect copied/renamed projections
projectionsTable <- reactiveValues(
newProjections = data.frame()
# seed ----
# TODO needs to be an option
seed <- 2
# localContributionDir <- .SCHNAPPs_locContributionDir
# debug directory ----
# check that directory is availabl, otherwise create it
if (DEBUG) {
if (!dir.exists(normalizePath("~/SCHNAPPsDebug"))) {
# TODO ??? clean directory??
# in development mode, called not from package? ----
if (base::exists("devscShinyApp")) {
if (devscShinyApp) {
if (dir.exists(paths = normalizePath("~/Rstudio/UTechSCB-SCHNAPPs/inst/app/"))){
packagePath <- normalizePath("~/Rstudio/UTechSCB-SCHNAPPs/inst/app/")
} else {
if (dir.exists(paths = normalizePath("~/Rstudio/schnapps/inst/app/"))){
packagePath <- normalizePath("~/Rstudio/schnapps/inst/app/")
} else {
if (dir.exists(paths = normalizePath("~/rstudio/schnappsGit/inst/app/"))){
packagePath <- normalizePath("~/rstudio/schnappsGit/inst/app/")
} else {
stop("package path not found\n")
# setwd("~/Rstudio/UTechSCB-SCHNAPPs/")
} else {
packagePath <- find.package("SCHNAPPs", lib.loc = NULL, quiet = TRUE) %>% paste0("/app/") %>% normalizePath()
# files to be included in report ----
# developers can add in outputs.R a variable called "myZippedReportFiles"
zippedReportFiles <- c(
"Readme.txt", "report.html", "sessionData.RData",
"normalizedCounts.csv", "variables.used.txt"
# gene list for gene selection tree ----
# TODO check if file exists
# TODO as parameter to load user specified information
# TODO have this as an option to load other files
if (file.exists(normalizePath(paste0(packagePath, "/geneLists.RData")))) {
if(DEBUG) message("reading: ", normalizePath(paste0(packagePath, "/geneLists.RData")))
base::load(file = normalizePath(paste0(packagePath, "/geneLists.RData")))
} else {
if (!exists("geneLists")) {
geneLists <- list(emtpy = list())
# initialize projection functions ----
# base projections
# display name, reactive to calculate projections
projectionFunctions <- list(
# c("sampleNames", "sample"),
c("Gene count", "geneCount"),
c("UMI count", "umiCount"),
c("Feature count", "featureCount"),
c("before filter", "beforeFilterPrj")
.schnappsEnv$projectionFunctions <- projectionFunctions
# differential expression functions ----
# used in subcluster analysis
.schnappsEnv$diffExpFunctions <- list()
diffExpFunctions <- list()
projectionColors <- reactiveValues()
# load global reactives, modules, etc ----
base::source(normalizePath(paste0(packagePath, "/reactives.R")), local = TRUE)
base::source(normalizePath(paste0(packagePath, "/outputs.R")), local = TRUE)
base::source(normalizePath(paste0(packagePath, "/modulesUI.R")), local = TRUE)
base::source(normalizePath(paste0(packagePath, "/moduleServer.R")), local = TRUE)
# # bookmarking ----
# ### too complicated to debug.
# setBookmarkExclude(c("bookmark1"))
# observeEvent(input$bookmark1, {
# if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), paste("bookmarking: \n"))
# if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), paste(names(input), collapse = "\n"))
# session$doBookmark()
# if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), paste("bookmarking: DONE\n"))
# })
# # Need to exclude the buttons from themselves being bookmarked
# # Save extra values in state$values when we bookmark
# onBookmark(function(state) {
# # TODO need to include here the color values and other reactive values
# # message
# # deepDebug()
# if (DEBUG) base::cat(file = stderr(), paste("onBookmark\n"))
# # if (DEBUG) base::cat(file = stderr(), paste("token5", str(environment()), "\n"))
# # if (DEBUG) base::cat(file = stderr(), paste("token2", str(parent.env(environment())), "\n"))
# state$values$schnappsEnv <- .schnappsEnv
# })
# # after bookmarking
# onBookmarked(fun = function(url) {
# # deepDebug()
# if (DEBUG) base::cat(file = stderr(), paste("onBookmarked\n"))
# # if (DEBUG) base::cat(file = stderr(), paste("token2", str(parent.env(environment())), "\n"))
# showBookmarkUrlModal(url)
# }
# )
# setBookmarkExclude("bookmark1")
# # Read values from state$values when we restore
# onRestore(session = session, fun = function(state) {
# # TODO need to include here the color values and other reactive values
# deepDebug()
# if (DEBUG) base::cat(file = stderr(), paste("onRestore\n"))
# .schnappsEnv <<- state$values$schnappsEnv
# })
# #
# onRestored(session = session, fun = function(state) {
# if (DEBUG) base::cat(file = stderr(), paste("onRestored\n"))
# deepDebug()
# .schnappsEnv <<- state$values$schnappsEnv
# })
# load contribution reactives ----
# parse all reactives.R files under contributions to include in application
uiFiles <- base::dir(
path = c(normalizePath(paste0(packagePath, "/contributions")), localContributionDir), pattern = "reactives.R",
full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE
for (fp in uiFiles) {
if (DEBUG) base::cat(file = stderr(), paste("loading: ", fp, "\n"))
# myHeavyCalculations <- NULL
myProjections <- NULL
myDiffExpFunctions <- NULL
base::source(fp, local = TRUE)
# heavyCalculations <- append2list(myHeavyCalculations, heavyCalculations)
projectionFunctions <- append2list(myProjections, projectionFunctions)
diffExpFunctions <- append2list(myDiffExpFunctions, diffExpFunctions)
# update diffExpression radiobutton
dgeChoices <- c()
if (length(diffExpFunctions) > 0) {
for (li in 1:length(diffExpFunctions)) {
liVal <- diffExpFunctions[[li]]
if (length(liVal) == 2) {
dgeChoices <- c(dgeChoices, liVal[1])
} else {
# shouldn't happen
stop("number of values for normalization function is not 2\n")
session = session, inputId = "sCA_dgeRadioButton",
choices = dgeChoices, selected = defaultValue("sCA_dgeRadioButton", "none")
.schnappsEnv$diffExpFunctions <- diffExpFunctions
# load contribution outputs ----
# parse all outputs.R files under contributions to include in application
uiFiles <- base::dir(
path = c(normalizePath(paste0(packagePath, "/contributions")), localContributionDir), pattern = "outputs.R",
full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE
for (fp in uiFiles) {
if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), paste("loading: ", fp, "\n"))
# myHeavyCalculations <- NULL
myProjections <- NULL
myZippedReportFiles <- c()
base::source(fp, local = TRUE)
# heavyCalculations <- append2list(myHeavyCalculations, heavyCalculations)
projectionFunctions <- append2list(myProjections, projectionFunctions)
zippedReportFiles <- c(zippedReportFiles, myZippedReportFiles)
.schnappsEnv$projectionFunctions <- projectionFunctions
### history setup ----
# TODO put in function
# can this be done just with bookmarking?
.schnappsEnv$restoreHistory = FALSE
if (base::exists("historyPath", envir = .schnappsEnv)) {
if (!is.null(x = .schnappsEnv$historyPath)) {
# check that at least some of the files that can be created have been
rmdFiles = dir(path = .schnappsEnv$historyPath, full.names = T, pattern = "history.*.Rmd")
projFiles = dir(path = .schnappsEnv$historyPath, full.names = T, pattern = "projections.*.RData")
sxFiles = dir(path = .schnappsEnv$historyPath, full.names = T, pattern = "scEx\\..*.RData")
sxLogFiles = dir(path = .schnappsEnv$historyPath, full.names = T, pattern = "scEx_log.*.RData")
gmtFiles = dir(path = .schnappsEnv$historyPath, full.names = T, pattern = "gmtData.*.RData")
# scolFiles = dir(path = .schnappsEnv$historyPath, full.names = T, pattern = "scol.*.RData")
# ccolFiles = dir(path = .schnappsEnv$historyPath, full.names = T, pattern = "ccol.*.RData")
plotFiles = dir(path = .schnappsEnv$historyPath, full.names = T, pattern = "plotData.*.RData")
allDataFiles = dir(path = .schnappsEnv$historyPath, full.names = T, pattern = ".RData")
# if there is already a history
if(length(rmdFiles)>0 & length(projFiles)>0 &
length(sxFiles)>0 & length(sxLogFiles)>0 ){
# this will be overwritten but should be session specific
oldTmpFolder = .schnappsEnv$reportTempDir
# load input variables
fileInfo = c(sxLogFiles, plotFiles, sxLogFiles, projFiles) %>% fs::file_info()
latestFile = fileInfo %>% pull("birth_time") %>% order() %>% last()
# this should load inp, i.e. the old input variable with all parameters
tempEnv = new.env(parent=emptyenv())
cat(file = stderr(), paste("reading:", fileInfo[latestFile, "path"] %>% as.character(), "\n"))
cp = load(fileInfo[latestFile, "path"] %>% as.character(), envir = tempEnv)
if(!"schnappsEnv" %in% cp){
cat(file = stderr(), paste("There is no 'inp' in ", rownames(fileInfo)[latestFile], "\n\n\n"))
# RData file now contain the .schnappsEnv
# add anything that is not set
for(na in ls(tempEnv$schnappsEnv)[!ls(tempEnv$schnappsEnv) %in% ls(.schnappsEnv)]){
cat(file = stderr(), paste("setting from history file(",fileInfo[latestFile, "path"] %>% as.character(),"):",na,"\n"))
.schnappsEnv[[na]] = tempEnv$schnappsEnv[[na]]
# input is handled by .schnappsEnv$defaultValues in the UI
if (!is.null(tempEnv$inp)){
# loadInput(inp, session, input)
.schnappsEnv$restoreHistory = TRUE
filesxInfo = sxFiles %>% file.info()
latestsxFile = filesxInfo %>% pull("ctime") %>% order() %>% last()
inp = tempEnv$inp
if(!"file1" %in% names(inp) | is.null(inp$file1)) {
inp$file1 = data.frame(name="dummy name", size = 0, type = "", datapath = "")
inp$file1$datapath = rownames(filesxInfo)[latestsxFile]
.schnappsEnv$inputFile = inp$file1
fileRmdInfo = rmdFiles %>% file.info()
latestRmdFile = fileRmdInfo %>% pull("ctime") %>% order() %>% last()
.schnappsEnv$historyFile = rownames(fileRmdInfo)[latestRmdFile]
cat(file = stderr(), "input is null from history file please update SCHNAPPs and start over.")
if(exists("tempEnv")) rm("tempEnv")
# gmtData
# browser()
fileInfo = gmtFiles %>% file.info()
latestFile = fileInfo %>% pull("ctime") %>% order() %>% last()
tempEnv = new.env(parent=emptyenv())
if(DEBUG) message("reading: ", rownames(fileInfo)[latestFile])
cp = load(rownames(fileInfo)[latestFile], envir = tempEnv)
if("gmtData" %in% cp) {
if(exists("tempEnv")) rm("tempEnv")
# #scol
# fileInfo = scolFiles %>% file.info()
# latestFile = fileInfo %>% pull("ctime") %>% order() %>% last()
# tempEnv = new.env(parent=emptyenv())
# cp = load(rownames(fileInfo)[latestFile], envir = tempEnv)
# if("projectionColors" %in% cp) {
# projectionColors <- tempEnv$projectionColors$projectionColors
# }
# if("scol" %in% cp) {
# projectionColors$sampleNames <- unlist(tempEnv$scol$scol)
# }
# if(exists("tempEnv")) rm("tempEnv")
# fileInfo = ccolFiles %>% file.info()
# latestFile = fileInfo %>% pull("ctime") %>% order() %>% last()
# tempEnv = new.env(parent=emptyenv())
# cp = load(rownames(fileInfo)[latestFile], envir = tempEnv)
# if("ccol" %in% cp) {
# projectionColors$dbCluster <- unlist(tempEnv$ccol$ccol)
# }
# if(exists("tempEnv")) rm("tempEnv")
cat(file = stderr(), paste(rownames(fileInfo)[latestFile], paste(cp, collapse = " "), sep = "\n"))
cat(file = stderr(), "\n")
tfile <- normalizePath(paste0(.schnappsEnv$historyPath, "/userProjections.RData"))
prjs = NULL
newPrjs = NULL
# browser()
if(DEBUG) message("reading: ", tfile)
cp = load(file = tfile)
if(all(c("prjs", "newPrjs") %in% cp)){
sessionProjections$prjs = prjs
projectionsTable$newProjections = newPrjs
} else {
# derived/modified projections from projections tab
.schnappsEnv$reportTempDir = oldTmpFolder
} else {
# create directory with name and Rmd file
.schnappsEnv$cacheDir = list(dir=normalizePath(paste0(.schnappsEnv$historyPath, "/app_cache2/functioncache/")),
max_size = 20 * 1024 * 1024^2,
logfile = stderr()
# .schnappsEnv$cacheDir = cachem::cache_disk(dir = NULL)
} else {
rm("historyPath", envir = .schnappsEnv)
shinyOptions(cache = cachem::cache_disk(dir = normalizePath(paste0(.schnappsEnv$historyPath, "/app_cache2/cache/"),mustWork = F)))
# shinyOptions(cache = NULL)
# bindCache <- function(x, ...){return(x)}
# browser()
# }
# }
# browser()
# bindCache <- function(x, ...){return(x)}
if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
removeNotification(id = "startSCHNAPPs")
# shiny::showReactLog()
# enableBookmarking(store = "server")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.