# just in case?
# if ( exists(envir = .schnappsEnv, x=".SCHNAPPs_LiteData")){
# return (NULL)
# }
# inputData ----
inputData <- reactive({NULL})
if (!exists('AllowClustering')) {
AllowClustering = FALSE
if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), "ui-lite: AllowClustering not defined\n")
# scEx_log ----
scEx_log <- reactive({
cat(file = stderr(), green("lite: scEx_log\n"))
get(".SCHNAPPs_LiteData",envir = .schnappsEnv)$scEx_log
# scEx ----
scEx <- reactive({
cat(file = stderr(), green("lite: scEx\n"))
get(".SCHNAPPs_LiteData",envir = .schnappsEnv)$scEx
# pca ----
if (!AllowClustering)
pcaReact <- reactive({
cat(file = stderr(), green("lite: pca\n"))
get(".SCHNAPPs_LiteData",envir = .schnappsEnv)$pca
# dbCluster ----
if (!AllowClustering)
dbCluster <- reactive({
cat(file = stderr(), green("lite: dbCluster\n"))
get(".SCHNAPPs_LiteData",envir = .schnappsEnv)$projections$dbCluster
# projections ----
# if (!AllowClustering)
projections <- reactive({
if (DEBUG) {
cat(file = stderr(), green("projections lite started.\n"))
start.time <- base::Sys.time()
printTimeEnd(start.time, "projections")
if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
removeNotification(id = "projections")
if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
showNotification("projections", id = "projections", duration = NULL)
# scEx is the fundamental variable with the raw data, which is available after loading
# data. Here we ensure that everything is loaded and all varialbles are set by waiting
# input data being loaded
scEx <- scEx()
# pca is already fixed in the calculation so we don't need to recalculate it.
# pcaReact <- NULL
# in schnapps-lite we are only interested in adding the sessionProjections
# to the already calculated other projections
prjs <- sessionProjections$prjs
newPrjs <- projectionsTable$newProjections
if (!exists("scEx") |
is.null(scEx)) {
if (DEBUG) {
cat(file = stderr(), "sampleInfo: NULL\n")
if (.schnappsEnv$DEBUGSAVE) {
save(file = normalizePath("~/SCHNAPPsDebug/projections.RData"), list = c(ls()))
# cp = load(file="~/SCHNAPPsDebug/projections.RData"); DEBUGSAVE=FALSE
# deepDebug()
# todo colData() now returns a s4 object of class DataFrame
# not sure what else is effected...
pd <- as.data.frame(colData(scEx))
if (ncol(pd) < 2) {
cat(file = stderr(), "phenoData for scEx has less than 2 columns\n")
projections <- pd
# Commenting out during dev. here we are usually calculating the user defined new projections like tsne, umap
# etc which are already calculated.
# withProgress(message = "Performing projections", value = 0, {
# n <- length(.schnappsEnv$projectionFunctions)
# iter <- 1
# for (proj in .schnappsEnv$projectionFunctions) {
# start.time1 <- Sys.time()
# incProgress(1 / n, detail = paste("Creating ", proj[1]))
# if (DEBUG) {
# cat(file = stderr(), paste("calculation projection: ", proj[1], "\n"))
# }
# if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), paste("projection: ", proj[2], "\n"))
# assign("tmp", eval(parse(text = paste0(proj[2], "()"))))
# if (.schnappsEnv$DEBUGSAVE) {
# save(file = paste0("~/SCHNAPPsDebug/projections.", iter, ".RData"),
# list = c("tmp")
# )
# iter <- iter + 1
# }
# # load(file="~/SCHNAPPsDebug/projections.1.RData")
# # deepDebug()
# # TODO here, dbCluster is probably overwritten and appended a ".1"
# if (is(tmp, "data.frame")) {
# cn <- make.names(c(colnames(projections), colnames(tmp)), unique = TRUE)
# } else {
# cn <- make.names(c(colnames(projections), make.names(proj[1])), unique = TRUE)
# }
# if (length(tmp) == 0) {
# next()
# }
# if (ncol(projections) == 0) {
# # never happening because we set pca first
# projections <- data.frame(tmp = tmp)
# } else {
# if (nrow(projections) == length(tmp)) {
# projections <- cbind(projections, tmp)
# } else {
# if (!is.null(nrow(tmp))) {
# if (nrow(projections) == nrow(tmp)) {
# projections <- cbind(projections, tmp)
# }
# } else {
# save(file = "~/SCHNAPPsDebug/projectionsError.RData", list = c(ls()))
# stop("error: ", proj[1], "didn't produce a result, please send file ~/SCHNAPPsDebug/projectionsError.RData to bernd")
# }
# }
# # else {
# # stop("error: ", proj[1], "didn't produce a result")
# # }
# }
# if (!length(colnames(projections)) == length(cn)) {
# save(file = "~/SCHNAPPsDebug/projectionsError2.RData", list = c(ls()))
# stop("error: ", proj[1], "didn't produce a result, please send file ~/SCHNAPPsDebug/projectionsError2.RData to bernd")
# }
# colnames(projections) <- cn
# if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), paste("colnames ", paste0(colnames(projections), collapse = " "), "\n"))
# if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), paste("observe this: ", proj[2], "\n"))
# # observe(proj[2], quoted = TRUE)
# }
# })
# add a column for gene specific information that will be filled/updated on demand
# projections$UmiCountPerGenes <- 0
# projections$UmiCountPerGenes2 <- 0
# for (pdIdx in colnames(pd)) {
# if (!pdIdx %in% colnames(projections)) {
# projections[, pdIdx] <- pd[, pdIdx]
# }
# }
if (ncol(prjs) > 0 & nrow(prjs) == nrow(projections)) {
projections <- cbind(projections, prjs)
} else if (ncol(prjs) > 0) {
commIds = intersect(rownames(prjs), rownames(projections))
missing = rownames(projections)[!rownames(projections) %in% rownames(prjs)]
if (length(missing)>0) {
prjs[missing,] = NA
projections <- cbind(projections, prjs[rownames(projections),])
# remove columns with only one unique value
rmC <- c()
for (cIdx in 1:ncol(projections)) {
# ignore sampleNames
if (colnames(projections)[cIdx] == "sampleNames") next()
if (length(unique(projections[, cIdx])) == 1) rmC <- c(rmC, cIdx)
if (length(rmC) > 0) projections <- projections[, -rmC]
if (ncol(newPrjs) > 0) {
projections <- cbind(projections, newPrjs[rownames(projections), , drop = FALSE])
# in case (no Normalization) no clusters or sample names have been assigned
if (!"dbCluster" %in% colnames(projections)) {
projections$dbCluster <- 0
if (!"sampleNames" %in% colnames(projections)) {
projections$sampleNames <- "1"
# TODO figure out how to limit this.
# add2history(type = "save", input = isolate( reactiveValuesToList(input)), comment = "projections", projections = projections)
exportTestValues(projections = {
# DE_scaterPNG ----
#' DE_scaterPNG
#' reactive to plot highest expressed genes
#' take quite some time to compute, but since we normally don't need it
#' it is not in the heavyCalculations list.
#' maybe in a future version there can be a button to enable caclulations
DE_scaterPNG <- reactive({
start.time <- base::Sys.time()
if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
removeNotification(id = "DE_scaterPNG")
if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
showNotification("DE_scaterPNG", id = "DE_scaterPNG", duration = NULL)
if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), "DE_scaterPNG\n")
clicked <- input$runScater
cat(file = stderr(), paste("DE_scaterPNG", clicked, "\n"))
# takes too long, commenting out for course
# if (is.null(.schnappsEnv$scaterRan)){
# .schnappsEnv$scaterRan = 0
# return(list(
# src = "",
# contentType = "image/png",
# width = 10,
# height = 10,
# alt = "Scater plot will be here when 'apply changes' is checked"
# ))
# }
# if (clicked < 1) {
# return(list(
# src = "",
# contentType = "image/png",
# width = 10,
# height = 10,
# alt = "Scater plot will be here when 'apply changes' is checked"
# ))
# }
scaterReads <- isolate(scaterReads())
if (is.null(scaterReads)) {
src = "",
contentType = "image/png",
width = 10,
height = 10,
alt = "Scater plot will be here when 'apply changes' is clicked"
scols <- isolate(projectionColors$sampleNames)
width <- session$clientData$output_plot_width
height <- session$clientData$output_plot_height
if (.schnappsEnv$DEBUGSAVE) {
save(file = normalizePath("~/SCHNAPPsDebug/scater.Rmd"), list = c(ls()))
# load(file='~/SCHNAPPsDebug/scater.Rmd')
# calculations
if (is.null(width)) {
width <- 96 * 7
if (is.null(height)) {
height <- 96 * 7
myPNGwidth <- width / 96
myPNGheight <- height / 96
outfile <- paste0(getwd(), .Platform$file.sep, "scaterPlot.png")
if (file.exists(normalizePath(outfile, mustWork = FALSE)) & clicked == 0){
src = normalizePath(outfile, mustWork = FALSE),
contentType = "image/png",
width = width,
height = height,
alt = "Scater plot should be here"
cat(file = stderr(), paste("getwd:", getwd(), "didn't contain png file.\n"))
# outfile <- paste0("~/SCHNAPPsDebug",'/scaterPlot.png')
if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), paste("output file: ", outfile, "\n"))
if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), paste("output file normalized: ", normalizePath(outfile, mustWork = FALSE), "\n"))
n <- min(nrow(scaterReads), 50)
rownames(scaterReads) <- rowData(scaterReads)$symbol
# p1 <- scater::plotHighestExprs(scaterReads, colour_cells_by = "sampleNames", n = n)
p1 = pltHighExp( scaterReads, n, scols)
ggsave(file = normalizePath(outfile, mustWork = FALSE), plot = p1, width = myPNGwidth, height = myPNGheight, units = "in"),
error = function(e) {
if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
showNotification("Problem saving ggplot", type = "warning", duration = NULL)
# deepDebug()
retVal <- list(
src = normalizePath(outfile, mustWork = FALSE),
contentType = "image/png",
width = width,
height = height,
alt = "Scater plot should be here"
# end calculation
af = pltHighExp
# remove env because it is too big
environment(af) = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
.schnappsEnv[["DE_scaterPNG"]] <- list(plotFunc = af,
# plotHighestExprs = plotHighestExprs,
scaterReads = scaterReads,
n = n,
scols = scols
vars = list(
c("scaterRan", 1)
button = "runScater"
printTimeEnd(start.time, "DE_scaterPNG")
exportTestValues(DE_scaterPNG = {
# groupNames ----
# store cell groups that are defined on the fly using the modular 2D plot
groupNames <- reactiveValues(
namesDF = if(!is.null(.schnappsEnv$.SCHNAPPs_LiteData[["namesDF"]])) {
} else {
if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), "end: reactives-lite\n")
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