liana_scExReact <- reactive({
if (DEBUG) cat(file = stderr(), "liana_scExReact started.\n")
start.time <- base::Sys.time()
printTimeEnd(start.time, "liana_scExReact")
if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
removeNotification(id = "liana_scExReact")
if (!is.null(getDefaultReactiveDomain())) {
showNotification("liana_scExReact", id = "liana_scExReact", duration = NULL)
if(input$updateLianaParameters < 1){return(NULL)}
scEx = isolate(scEx())
scEx_log = isolate(scEx_log())
proj = isolate(projections())
resource = isolate(input$Liana_resource)
method = isolate(input$Liana_method)
idents_col = isolate(input$Liana_idents_col)
min_cells = isolate(input$Liana_min_cells)
selectedCells = isolate(Liana_dataInput())
cellNs <- isolate(selectedCells$cellNames())
if(is.null(scEx)) return(NULL)
if(is.null(scEx_log)) return(NULL)
if (.schnappsEnv$DEBUGSAVE) {
save(file = normalizePath("~/SCHNAPPsDebug/liana_scExReact.Rdata"), list = c(ls()))
# cp = load(file="~/SCHNAPPsDebug/liana_scExReact.Rdata")
# browser()
proj = proj[cellNs,]
proj[,idents_col] = droplevels(proj[,idents_col])
} else {
proj[,idents_col] = as.factor(proj[,idents_col])
liana_scEx <- liana_scExFunc(scEx=scEx[, cellNs], scEx_log = scEx_log[, cellNs], proj, resource, idents_col, method, min_cells)
if(is.null(liana_scEx)) return(NULL)
for(na in names(liana_scEx)){
if(is(liana_scEx[[na]], "error")){
liana_scEx[[na]] = NULL
# lapply(liana_scEx, FUN=function(x)any(duplicated(rownames(x))))
liana_aggr <- reactive({
liana_scEx = liana_scExReact()
method = isolate(input$Liana_method)
req(method, liana_scEx)
if(length(method) > 1){
liana_scEx <- tryCatch(liana_scEx %>% liana_aggregate(),
error = function(e) {
cat(file = stderr(), "\n\ncaught exception with liana_aggregate:", toString(e), "\n\n")
liana_scExFunc <- function(scEx, scEx_log, proj, resource, idents_col, method, min_cells){
# browser()
# scEx %>% dplyr::glimpse()
rownames(scEx) = toupper(rownames(scEx))
rownames(scEx_log) = toupper(rownames(scEx_log))
colData(scEx) = as(proj, "DFrame")
# assays(scEx)
assays(scEx)[["logcounts"]] = as(assays(scEx_log)[["logcounts"]],"CsparseMatrix")
# what if only one method is used? do we still need to aggregate?
liana_scEx <- tryCatch(
liana_wrap(scEx, idents_col = idents_col, assay="logcounts",
base = 2 , # log expression base
method = method,
resource = resource),
error = function(e) {
cat(file = stderr(), "\n\ncaught exception with liana_wrap:", toString(e), "\n\n")
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