#' tagCountTSS
#' @description an internal function that returns a dataframe reporting the
#' locations of unique TSSs and the corresponding tag counts.
#' tagCountTSS is invoked via prcTSS.
#' @import BiocGenerics
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @param y a data frame containing the contents of a single slot of tssTagData.
#' @param n.cores the number of cores to be used for this job.
#' @param outfname the prefix of the file name of TSS information to be written.
#' (character)
#' @param writeTable if TRUE, the tag count information is written to a file in
#' the workding directory (logical)
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a dataframe reporting the locations of unique TSSs and the
#' corresponding tag counts. The last column of the dataframe is the logical
#' isreal, set to TRUE by default. The intent is to provide for user-provided
#' functions that discard specific sites (by setting isreal=FALSE), e.g. sites
#' associated with transposons not of an interest in a study.
tagCountTSS <- function(y, n.cores=1, outfname="TSS.txt", writeTable=FALSE) {
x <- S4Vectors::split(y,seqnames(y))
combined.matrix <- NULL
fctz <- function(z) {
my.matrix <- NULL
this.seq <- as.character(z@seqnames@values[1])
if (is.na(this.seq)) { #z is empty (no tags for the sequence)
#starting with the plus strand:
tss.vec <- start(z[strand(z) == "+"])
if (length(tss.vec) > 3) { #stop if there are nearly no tags
my.TSSs <- unique(tss.vec)
my.matrix.p <- matrix(NA, nrow=(length(my.TSSs)), ncol=4)
this.TSS <- tss.vec[1]
n.TAGs <- 1
k <- 0
for (j in 2:length(tss.vec)) {
if (tss.vec[j] == this.TSS) {
n.TAGs <- n.TAGs + 1
} else {
k <- k + 1
my.matrix.p[k,] <- c(this.seq, this.TSS, "+", n.TAGs)
this.TSS <- tss.vec[j]
n.TAGs <- 1
k <- k + 1
my.matrix.p[k,] <- c(this.seq, this.TSS, "+", n.TAGs)
# ... add the plus strand matrix of this.seq to the overall matrix:
my.matrix <- rbind(my.matrix,my.matrix.p)
#now for the minus strand:
tss.vec <- start(z[strand(z) == "-"])
if (length(tss.vec) > 3) {
# ... no point continuing when there are almost no TSS tags
my.TSSs <- unique(tss.vec)
my.matrix.m <- matrix(NA, nrow=(length(my.TSSs)), ncol=4)
this.TSS <- tss.vec[1]
n.TAGs <- 1
k <- 0
for (j in 2:length(tss.vec)) {
if (tss.vec[j] == this.TSS) {
n.TAGs <- n.TAGs + 1
} else {
k <- k + 1
my.matrix.m[k,] <- c(this.seq, this.TSS, "-", n.TAGs)
this.TSS <- tss.vec[j]
n.TAGs <- 1
k <- k + 1
my.matrix.m[k,] <- c(this.seq, this.TSS, "-", n.TAGs)
# ... adding the minus strand matrix of this.seq to the overall matrix:
my.matrix <- rbind(my.matrix,my.matrix.m)
lm <- lapply(x,fctz)
combined.matrix <- do.call(rbind,lm)
colnames(combined.matrix) <- c("seq","TSS","strand","nTAGs")
my.df <- as.data.frame(combined.matrix)
my.df$seq <- as.character(my.df$seq)
my.df$TSS <- as.numeric(as.character(my.df$TSS))
my.df$strand <- as.character(my.df$strand)
my.df$nTAGs <- as.numeric(as.character(my.df$nTAGs))
my.df$isreal <- TRUE
if (writeTable==TRUE) {
write.table(format(my.df,scientific=FALSE), outfname, quote=FALSE,
col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
message("\nThe TSS dataset has been written to file ", outfname,
"\nin your working directory.")
#' @title tsrCluster
#' @description an internal function that partitions, then clusters TSS data by
#' sequence to create a data frame containing the coordinates of identified TSRs
#' and other associated metrics, including the site and tag counts (nTSSs, nTAGs),
#' TSR width and (modified) Shape Index (SI, mSI). tsrCluster is an internal
#' function that is invoked via detTSR(), which in turn is called by the
#' user-level function determineTSR().
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom gtools mixedsort
#' @param x a data frame containing a single slot from either tssCountData or
#' tssCountDataMerged, depending on its invocation by parent function
#' determineTSR()
#' @param minNbrTAGs the minimum number of tags at a given TSS position
#' for a TSS to be included in clustering. (numeric)
#' @param minDist the maximum distance of TSSs between two TSRs in base pairs.
#' (numeric)
#' @return A data frame of TSRs with variables\cr
#' \enumerate{
#' \item seq = sequence identifier (seq)
#' \item start = start of TSR (num)
#' \item end = end of TSR (num)
#' \item strand = + or - (factor)
#' \item nTSSs = count of TSSs (num)
#' \item nTAGs = count of tags (num)
#' \item tsrPeak = maximum tag count fraction for all TSS positions
#' in the TSR (num)
#' \item tsrWdth = width of TSR (num)
#' \item tsrTrq = TSR torque; measure of TSR balance (num)
#' \item tsrSI = shape index value of TSR (num)
#' \item tsrMSI = modified shape index value of TSR (num)
#' }
#' @export
tsrCluster <- function(x, minNbrTAGs=3, minDist=20) {
tss.df <- x
uni.seq <- mixedsort(unique(tss.df[,1]), decreasing=FALSE)
tss.df.total <- data.frame(seq=NA, start=NA, end=NA, strand=NA,
tsrPeak=NA, tsrWdth=NA, tsrTrq=NA,
tsrSI=NA, tsrMSI=NA)
TSR.df <- data.frame(seq=NA, start=NA, end=NA, strand=NA,
tsrPeak=NA, tsrWdth=NA, tsrTrq=NA,
tsrSI=NA, tsrMSI=NA)
fctn <- function(seqname) {
this.tss <- subset(tss.df, seq==seqname)
sTSS <- subset(this.tss, this.tss$nTAGs>=minNbrTAGs & this.tss$isreal==TRUE)
#... clustering TSS on the plus strand:
sTSS.p <- subset(sTSS, strand=="+")
sTSS.p <- as.matrix(sTSS.p)
my.len <- nrow(sTSS.p)
TSR.df.p <- data.frame(seq=NA, start=NA, end=NA, strand=NA,
tsrPeak=NA, tsrWdth=NA, tsrTrq=NA,
tsrSI=NA, tsrMSI=NA)
if (my.len == 0) { # ... nothing to do
} else if (my.len == 1) {
my.tss <- as.numeric(sTSS.p[1,2])
my.count <- as.numeric(sTSS.p[1,4])
clustered.tss <- cbind(my.tss, my.count)
my.tsr <- tssArrayProperties(clustered.tss, seqname, "+")
TSR.df.p <- rbind(TSR.df.p, my.tsr)
} else {
my.tss <- as.numeric(sTSS.p[1,2])
my.count <- as.numeric(sTSS.p[1,4])
my.nbrtss <- 1
for (i in 1:(my.len-1)) {
tss.1 <- as.numeric(sTSS.p[i,2])
tss.1.count <- as.numeric(sTSS.p[i,4])
tss.2 <- as.numeric(sTSS.p[i+1,2])
tss.2.count <- as.numeric(sTSS.p[i+1,4])
tss.dist <- abs(tss.2-tss.1)
if (tss.dist < minDist) {
if (tss.dist == 0) {
my.count[my.nbrtss] <- my.count[my.nbrtss] + tss.2.count
} else {
my.tss <- rbind(my.tss,tss.2)
my.count <- rbind(my.count, tss.2.count)
my.nbrtss <- my.nbrtss + 1
if (i == my.len-1) { # wrapping up the last TSR
clustered.tss <- cbind(my.tss, my.count)
my.tsr <- tssArrayProperties(clustered.tss, seqname, "+")
TSR.df.p <- rbind(TSR.df.p, my.tsr)
} else {
clustered.tss <- cbind(my.tss, my.count)
my.tsr <- tssArrayProperties(clustered.tss, seqname, "+")
TSR.df.p <- rbind(TSR.df.p, my.tsr)
my.tss <- tss.2
my.count <- tss.2.count
my.nbrtss <- 1
#... clustering TSS on the minus strand:
sTSS.m <- subset(sTSS, strand=="-")
sTSS.m <- as.matrix(sTSS.m)
my.len <- nrow(sTSS.m)
TSR.df.m <- data.frame(seq=NA, start=NA, end=NA, strand=NA,
nTSSs=NA, nTAGs=NA, tsrPeak=NA, tsrWdth=NA,
tsrTrq=NA, tsrSI=NA, tsrMSI=NA)
if (my.len == 0) {
} else if (my.len == 1) {
my.tss <- as.numeric(sTSS.m[1,2])
my.count <- as.numeric(sTSS.m[1,4])
clustered.tss <- cbind(my.tss, my.count)
my.tsr <- tssArrayProperties(clustered.tss, seqname,"-")
TSR.df.m <- rbind(TSR.df.m, my.tsr)
} else {
my.tss <- as.numeric(sTSS.m[1,2])
my.count <- as.numeric(sTSS.m[1,4])
my.nbrtss <- 1
for (i in 1:(my.len-1)) {
tss.1 <- as.numeric(sTSS.m[i,2])
tss.1.count <- as.numeric(sTSS.m[i,4])
tss.2 <- as.numeric(sTSS.m[i+1,2])
tss.2.count <- as.numeric(sTSS.m[i+1,4])
tss.dist <- abs(tss.2-tss.1)
if (tss.dist < minDist) {
if (tss.dist == 0) {
my.count[my.nbrtss] <- my.count[my.nbrtss] + tss.2.count
} else {
my.tss <- rbind(my.tss,tss.2)
my.count <- rbind(my.count, tss.2.count)
my.nbrtss <- my.nbrtss + 1
if (i == my.len-1) { # wrapping up the last TSR
clustered.tss <- cbind(my.tss, my.count)
my.tsr <- tssArrayProperties(clustered.tss, seqname, "-")
TSR.df.m <- rbind(TSR.df.m, my.tsr)
} else {
clustered.tss <- cbind(my.tss, my.count)
my.tsr <- tssArrayProperties(clustered.tss, seqname, "-")
TSR.df.m <- rbind(TSR.df.m, my.tsr)
my.tss <- tss.2
my.count <- tss.2.count
my.nbrtss <- 1
TSR.df.p <- TSR.df.p[-1,]
TSR.df.m <- TSR.df.m[-1,]
TSR.df <- rbind(TSR.df.p, TSR.df.m)
ldf <- lapply(uni.seq,fctn)
tss.df.total <- do.call(rbind,ldf)
#' @title tssArrayProperties
#' @description An internal function that calculates various properties
#' for a TSR derived in tsrCluster()
#' @keywords internal
#' @param tssArray an object containing TSS coordinates and their
#' abundances. (data.frame)
#' @param seqName the name of the chromosome or scaffold. (character)
#' @param strand the strand that the TSR tags are located. (character)
#' @return A vector containing information about the TSR.
#' The returned vector is as follows:
#' seqName (character), TSR start (numeric), TSR end (numeric), strand (character),
#' number of TSSs (numeric), number of tags (numeric), fraction of tags in highest
#' peak (numeric), TSR width (numeric), TSR torque (numeric),
#' Shape Index (numeric), Modified Shape Index (numeric)
tssArrayProperties <- function(tssArray, seqName, strand) {
tsr.range <- range(tssArray[,1])
tsr.midpoint <- (tsr.range[1] + tsr.range[2])/2
tsr.tsscount <- length(tssArray[,1])
tsr.tagcount <- sum(tssArray[,2])
tsr.peak <- round(max(tssArray[,2])/tsr.tagcount, digits=2)
tsr.torque <- round(sum((tssArray[,2]/tsr.tagcount) *
(tssArray[,1]-tsr.midpoint) ), digits=2)
tsr.width <- (tsr.range[2]-tsr.range[1])+1
tsr.SI <- round(TSRshapeIndex(tssArray), digits=2)
tsr.mSI <- round(TSRmshapeIndex(tssArray), digits=2)
#' @title TSRshapeIndex
#' @description An internal function that caculates the shape index (SI)
#' of a given TSR from the output of tsrCluster.
#' TSRshapeIndex is called by tssArrayProperties().
#' @keywords internal
#' @param tssArray an object containing TSS coordinates and their
#' abundances. (data.frame)
#' @return Returns a numeric vector of length 1 containing the Shape Index (SI)
#' value for the selected TSR.
TSRshapeIndex <- function(tssArray) {
tagcount <- sum(tssArray[,2])
v <- apply(tssArray, 1,
function(c) {p <- c[2]/tagcount;
return(p * log2(p))
SI <- 2 + sum(v)
#' @title TSRmshapeIndex
#' @description An internal function that caculates the modified shape index (mSI)
#' of a given TSR from the output of tsrCluster.
#' TSRmshapeIndex is called by tssArrayProperties().
#' @keywords internal
#' @param tssArray an object containing TSS coordinates and their
#' abundances. (data.frame)
#' @return Returns a numeric vector of length 1 containing the Modified Shape Index (mSI)
#' value for the selected TSR.
TSRmshapeIndex <- function(tssArray) {
tagcount <- sum(tssArray[,2])
tsscount <- length(tssArray[,1])
v <- apply(tssArray, 1,
function(c) {p <- c[2]/tagcount;
if (tsscount == 1) {
} else {
return(p * log(p)/log(tsscount))
mSI <- 1 + sum(v)
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