test_that("readSCEfromTXT function reads in correct objects.", {
path <- system.file("extdata/spillover", package = "imcRtools")
# Read in .txt
expect_silent(cur_sce <- readSCEfromTXT(path, verbose = FALSE))
expect_equal(rowData(cur_sce)$channel_name, c("Dy161Di", "Dy162Di",
expect_equal(rowData(cur_sce)$marker_name, c("Dy161", "Dy162",
expect_equal(cur_sce$Start_push[1:10], c(1570, 1955, 2341, 2726, 3111,
3497, 3882, 4267, 4653, 5038))
expect_equal(cur_sce$End_push[1:10], c(1953, 2338, 2724, 3109, 3494,
3880, 4265, 4650, 5036, 5421))
expect_equal(cur_sce$Pushes_duration[1:10], cur_sce$End_push[1:10] - cur_sce$Start_push[1:10] + 1)
expect_equal(cur_sce$X, rep(0:99, 4))
expect_equal(cur_sce$Y, rep(0, 400))
expect_equal(cur_sce$Z, cur_sce$X)
expect_equal(cur_sce$sample_id, rep(c("Dy161", "Dy162",
"Dy163","Dy164"), each = 100))
expect_equal(cur_sce$sample_metal, rep(c("Dy", "Dy",
"Dy","Dy"), each = 100))
expect_equal(cur_sce$sample_mass, rep(c("161", "162",
"163","164"), each = 100))
expect_equal(assayNames(cur_sce), "counts")
cur_txt <- lapply(list.files(path, full.names = TRUE), read_delim, delim = "\t")
cur_txt <- lapply(cur_txt, as.data.frame)
cur_txt <- do.call("rbind", cur_txt)
expect_equal(as.numeric(counts(cur_sce)[1,]), cur_txt$`161Dy(Dy161Di)`)
expect_equal(as.numeric(counts(cur_sce)[2,]), cur_txt$`162Dy(Dy162Di)`)
expect_equal(as.numeric(counts(cur_sce)[3,]), cur_txt$`163Dy(Dy163Di)`)
expect_equal(as.numeric(counts(cur_sce)[4,]), cur_txt$`164Dy(Dy164Di)`)
expect_equal(dim(cur_sce), c(4, 400))
# Verbose output
cur_out <- capture_output(cur_sce <- readSCEfromTXT(path))
expect_equal(cur_out, "Spotted channels: Dy161, Dy162, Dy163, Dy164\nAcquired channels: Dy161, Dy162, Dy163, Dy164\nChannels spotted but not acquired: \nChannels acquired but not spotted: ")
# Other parameters
expect_silent(cur_sce_2 <- readSCEfromTXT(path, pattern = "Dy162", verbose = FALSE))
expect_equal(dim(cur_sce_2), c(4, 100))
expect_equal(rowData(cur_sce)$channel_name, c("Dy161Di", "Dy162Di",
expect_silent(cur_sce_2 <- readSCEfromTXT(path, metadata_cols = "X", verbose = FALSE))
expect_equal(counts(cur_sce), counts(cur_sce_2))
expect_equal(names(colData(cur_sce_2)), c("X", "sample_id", "sample_metal",
"sample_mass" ))
# Read in list
cur_files <- list.files(path, pattern = ".txt", full.names = TRUE)
cur_files_names <- list.files(path, pattern = ".txt")
cur_files <- lapply(cur_files, read_delim, delim = "\t")
names(cur_files) <- str_extract(cur_files_names, "[A-Za-z]{1,2}[0-9]{2,3}")
expect_silent(cur_sce_3 <- readSCEfromTXT(cur_files, verbose = FALSE))
expect_equal(cur_sce, cur_sce_3)
expect_silent(cur_sce_4 <- readSCEfromTXT(cur_files, metadata_cols = "X", verbose = FALSE))
expect_equal(cur_sce_2, cur_sce_4)
# Don't extract metal names
cur_sce_5 <- readSCEfromTXT(path, verbose = FALSE, read_metal_from_filename = FALSE)
expect_equal(counts(cur_sce), counts(cur_sce_5))
expect_equal(names(colData(cur_sce_5)), c("Start_push", "End_push",
"Pushes_duration", "X", "Y",
"Z", "sample_id"))
# Error
names(cur_files)[1] <- "test"
expect_error(readSCEfromTXT(cur_files, verbose = FALSE),
regexp = "Not all names match the pattern (mt)(mass).",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(readSCEfromTXT(path, pattern = "Dy175", verbose = FALSE),
regexp = "Files could not be read in.",
fixed = TRUE)
names(cur_files)[1] <- "test"
expect_error(readSCEfromTXT(cur_files, verbose = FALSE),
regexp = "Not all names match the pattern (mt)(mass).",
fixed = TRUE)
names(cur_files)[1] <- "XYZ1"
expect_error(readSCEfromTXT(cur_files, verbose = FALSE),
regexp = "Not all names match the pattern (mt)(mass).",
fixed = TRUE)
names(cur_files) <- NULL
expect_error(readSCEfromTXT(cur_files, verbose = FALSE),
regexp = "If 'x' is a list, it needs to be named.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(readSCEfromTXT("test", verbose = FALSE),
regexp = "Path does not exist.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(readSCEfromTXT(c("test", "test2"), verbose = FALSE),
regexp = "Input 'x' is not of the correct format.",
fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(readSCEfromTXT(path, metadata_cols = "test", verbose = FALSE),
regexp = "Not all 'metadata_cols' are present in entries to 'txt_list'",
fixed = TRUE)
test_that("readSCEfromTXT function detects channels that were not acquired.", {
path <- system.file("extdata/spillover", package = "imcRtools")
# Move files to tmp location
cur_path <- tempdir()
file.copy(path, cur_path, recursive = TRUE)
# Alter the files
lapply(list.files(paste0(cur_path, "/spillover"), full.names = TRUE),
function(x) {
cur_file <- read.csv(x)
cur_file <- cur_file[,-8]
write.csv(cur_file, x)
# Read in .txt
expect_error(cur_sce <- readSCEfromTXT(paste0(cur_path, "/spillover"),
verbose = FALSE),
regexp = "Not all spotted channels were acquired.",
fixed = TRUE)
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