#' Test Genomic Feature Enrichment
#' Tests the enrichment of genomic features in supplied peaks. See *details*.
#' @param object An RLRanges object.
#' @param annotype The type of annotations to use. Can be one of "primary"
#' or "full". Default: "primary". See
#' [RLHub::annotations] for greater detail.
#' @param annotations A custom annotation list of the same structure
#' described in [RLHub::annotations].
#' @param downsample If a numeric, data will be down sampled to the requested
#' number of peaks. This improves the speed of genomic shuffling and
#' helps prevent p-value inflation.
#' If FALSE, then downsampling will not be performed. Default: 10000.
#' @param quiet If TRUE, messages will be suppressed. Default: FALSE
#' @details
#' ## Method
#' Annotations relevant to R-loops were curated as part of the
#' [RLBase-data](https://github.com/Bishop-Laboratory/RLBase-data) workflow
#' and are provided via [RLHub::annotations].
#' In `featureEnrich`, each annotation "type" (e.g., "Exons", "Introns", etc)
#' is compared to the supplied RLRanges, yielding enrichment statistics with
#' the following procedure:
#' 1. For each annotation type, the peaks are overlapped with the annotations.
#' 2. Then, [valr::bed_reldist] is used to find the relative distance
#' distribution between the peaks and the annotations for both the supplied
#' RLRanges and shuffled RLRanges (via [valr::bed_shuffle]).
#' Significance of the relative distance is calculated via [stats::ks.test].
#' 3. Then, Fisher’s exact test is implemented via [valr::bed_fisher]
#' to obtain the significance of the overlap and the odds ratio.
#' @return An RLRanges object containing the results of the enrichment test
#' accessed via `rlresult(object, "featureEnrichment")`. The results
#' are in `tbl` format. For a full description of all columns in the output
#' table see [RLHub::feat_enrich_samples].
#' @examples
#' # Example RLRanges dataset
#' rlr <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "rlrsmall.rds", package = "RLSeq"))
#' # RL Region Test
#' featureEnrich(rlr)
#' # With custom annotations
#' small_anno <- list(
#' "Centromeres" = readr::read_csv(
#' system.file("extdata", "Centromeres.csv.gz", package = "RLSeq"),
#' show_col_types = FALSE
#' )
#' )
#' featureEnrich(rlr, annotations = small_anno)
#' @export
featureEnrich <- function(object,
annotype = c("primary", "full"),
annotations = NULL,
downsample = 10000,
quiet = FALSE) {
# Cutoff for stats tests
MIN_ROWS <- 200
# Check genome
genome <- GenomeInfoDb::genome(object)[1]
if (!genome %in% c("hg38", "mm10") & is.null(annotations)) {
"Genome is not supported by built-in annotations. ",
"Please supply custom ones of use one of hg38, mm10"
} else if (is.null(annotations)) {
annotations <- switch(paste0(annotype[1], "_", genome),
"primary_hg38" = RLHub::annots_primary_hg38(quiet = TRUE),
"primary_mm10" = RLHub::annots_primary_mm10(quiet = TRUE),
"full_hg38" = RLHub::annots_full_hg38(quiet = TRUE),
"full_mm10" = RLHub::annots_full_mm10(quiet = TRUE)
# Get annotations
if (is.null(annotations)) {
stop("Annotations must be supplied!")
# Get the genome
chromSizes <- getChromSizes(object)
# Wrangle the peaks
toTest <- object %>%
dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::select(chrom = .data$seqnames, .data$start, .data$end)
# Downsample
if (is.numeric(downsample) && nrow(toTest) > downsample) {
toTest <- dplyr::sample_n(toTest, size = downsample)
# Get shuffle
toTestShuff <- regioneR::randomizeRegions(
A = as.data.frame(toTest), genome = as.data.frame(chromSizes)
) %>%
dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::select(chrom = .data$seqnames, .data$start, .data$end)
# Only keep annotations above cutoff
annots <- annotations[vapply(annotations, nrow, numeric(1)) > MIN_ROWS]
# Test on all annotations
if (!quiet) message(" - Calculating enrichment...")
annoRes <- lapply(
function(j) {
annoSubNow <- annots[[j]]
typeNow <- names(annots)[j]
# Get shared seqnames -- important to avoid NAs
shared_seqnames <- intersect(
# Get the peaks to test
x <- toTest %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$chrom %in% shared_seqnames) %>%
dplyr::mutate(chrom = as.character(.data$chrom))
# Get shuffled peaks
xshuff <- toTestShuff %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$chrom %in% shared_seqnames) %>%
dplyr::mutate(chrom = as.character(.data$chrom))
# Get the annotations
y <- annoSubNow %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$chrom %in% shared_seqnames)
# Get shared chromSizes
chromSizesNow <- chromSizes %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$chrom %in% shared_seqnames)
# Use the peak_stats test to get the enrichment
pat <- "(.+)__(.+)"
y <- valr::bed_merge(y)
pkstats <- peak_stats(x, xshuff, y, chromSizesNow, quiet = quiet)
db = gsub(typeNow, pattern = pat, replacement = "\\1"),
type = gsub(typeNow, pattern = pat, replacement = "\\2"),
num_tested_peaks = nrow(y),
num_total_peaks = nrow(toTest),
num_tested_anno_ranges = nrow(x),
num_total_anno_ranges = nrow(annoSubNow)
) %>%
if (!quiet) message(" - Done")
# Add to object
name = "featureEnrichment"
) <- annoRes
#' Build peak statistics tibble
#' A helper function for building the peak statistics tibble
#' @param x The R-loop peaks to test.
#' @param xshuff x, but shuffled around the genome to build a control peakset.
#' @param y The annotations against which to test x.
#' @param chromSizeTbl A tibble containing the sizes of each
#' chromosome in x and y.
#' @param quiet If TRUE, messages will be suppressed. Default: FALSE
#' @return A tibble containing the test results.
peak_stats <- function(x, xshuff, y, chromSizeTbl, quiet = FALSE) {
# Cutoff for stats tests
MIN_ROWS <- 200
# Obtain distance test results (rel and abs). Based upon:
# https://rnabioco.github.io/valr/articles/interval-stats.html
reldist_rl <- valr::bed_reldist(x, y, detail = TRUE)
if (!length(reldist_rl$chrom) | nrow(x) < MIN_ROWS | nrow(y) < MIN_ROWS) {
if (!quiet) warning("Not enough observations for interval tests...")
# Return results
avg_reldist_rl = NA,
avg_reldist_shuf = NA,
pval_reldist = NA,
stat_fisher_rl = NA,
pval_fisher_rl = NA,
stat_fisher_shuf = NA,
pval_fisher_shuf = NA
} else {
reldist_shuf <- valr::bed_reldist(xshuff, y, detail = TRUE)
ks <- stats::ks.test(
x = reldist_rl$.reldist,
y = reldist_shuf$.reldist,
exact = FALSE
pval_reldist <- ks$p.value
# Obtain fisher test results
fshres_rl <- valr::bed_fisher(x, y, chromSizeTbl)
fshres_shuf <- valr::bed_fisher(xshuff, y, chromSizeTbl)
# Return results
avg_reldist_rl = mean(reldist_rl$.reldist),
avg_reldist_shuf = mean(reldist_shuf$.reldist),
pval_reldist = ifelse(pval_reldist == 0, 2.2E-16, pval_reldist),
stat_fisher_rl = fshres_rl$estimate,
stat_fisher_shuf = fshres_shuf$estimate,
pval_fisher_rl = ifelse(fshres_rl$p.value == 0,
.Machine$double.xmin, fshres_rl$p.value
pval_fisher_shuf = ifelse(fshres_shuf$p.value == 0,
.Machine$double.xmin, fshres_shuf$p.value
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