#' @title Build Classifier using 'Staking' Ensemble Learning strategy.
#' @description This function implements a 'Stacking' ensemble learning
#' strategy.
#' Users can provide heterogeneous features (other than genomic features)
#' which will be taken into account during
#' classification model building.
#' @param data A transposed data frame of normalized expression data.
#' Rows and Cols should be, respectively, observations and features
#' @param classes A class vector with \code{nrow(data)} elements.
#' Each element represents the class label for each observation.
#' More than two different class labels are handled.
#' @param variables An optional data frame containing other variables
#' (but without 'class' column). Each column represents a different
#' covariate to be considered in the model
#' @param fSample.tr Fraction of samples to be used as training set;
#' default is 0.7
#' @param fSample.tr.w Fraction of samples of training set to be used
#' during weight estimation; default is 0.7
#' @param iter Number of iterations to assess classification accuracy;
#' default is 100
#' @param cl_type List of weak classifiers that will compose the
#' meta-learners. Only "RF", "kNN", "SVM", "LDA", "LR", "NB", "NN", "PLS"
#' are allowed. Default is c("RF", "LR", "kNN", "LDA", "NB", "SVM")
#' @return A list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item A matrix of accuracies of each classifier in each iteration.
#' \item A matrix of weights used for each classifier in each iteration.
#' \item A list of all models generated in each iteration.
#' \item A violin plot of model accuracy obtained for each iteration.
#' }
#' @details
#' To assess the robustness of a set of predictors, a specific 'Stacking'
#' strategy
#' has been implemented. First, a training set (TR1) and a test set (TS1)
#' are generated
#' by 'bootstrap' sampling. Then, sampling again from TR1 subset, another
#' pair of training (TR2) and test set (TS2) are obtained. TR2 is used to
#' train
#' Random Forest (RF), Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machines
#' (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbour (kNN), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
#' and Logistic
#' Regression (LR) classifiers, whereas TS2 is used to test their accuracy
#' and to calculate weights.
#' The decision rule of 'Stacking' classifier is made by a linear
#' combination of the
#' product between weigths (w) and predictions (Pr) of each classifier;
#' for each sample k, the prediction
#' is computed by:
#' \deqn{Pr_{k, Ensemble} = w_{RF} * Pr_{k, RF} + w_{NB} * Pr_{k, NB} +
#' w_{SVM} * Pr_{k, SVM} + w_{k, kNN} * Pr_{k, kNN} +
#' w_{k, LDA} * Pr_{k, LDA} + w_{k, LR} * Pr_{k, LR}}
#' \deqn{Pr_{k, Ensemble} = sum(w[RF] * Pr[k,i]), i = 1, N}
#' Performance of 'Stacking' classifier is evaluated by using TS1. This
#' process is
#' repeated several times (default 100 times).
#' @author Mattia Chiesa, Luca Piacentini
#' @examples
#' # use example data:
#' data(selected_features)
#' data(df)
#' set.seed(1)
#' # only for the example:
#' # speed up the process setting a low 'iter' argument value;
#' # for real data set use default 'iter' value (i.e. 100) or higher:
#' # Classification_res <- DaMiR.EnsembleLearning(selected_features,
#' # classes=df$class, fSample.tr=0.6, fSample.tr.w=0.6, iter=3,
#' # cl_type=c("RF","kNN"))
#' @export
DaMiR.EnsembleLearning <- function(data,
# check missing arguments
if (missing(data))
stop("'data' argument must be provided")
if (missing(classes))
stop("'classes' argument must be provided")
if (missing(cl_type)){
cl_type <- c("RF", "LR", "kNN", "LDA", "NB", "SVM")
# check the type of argument
stop("'data' must be a data frame")
stop("'fSample.tr' must be numeric")
stop("'fSample.tr.w' must be numeric")
stop("'iter' must be numeric")
stop("'classes' must be a factor")
# specific checks
if (fSample.tr >0.9 | fSample.tr < 0.5)
stop("'fSample.tr' must be between 0.5 and 1")
if (fSample.tr.w >0.9 | fSample.tr.w < 0.5)
stop("'th.corr' must be between 0.5 and 1")
if (iter < 1)
stop("'iter' must be greater than 1")
if((dim(data)[1]-round(dim(data)[1]*fSample.tr)) == 0)
stop("The Test Set is not available. Decrease 'fSample.tr'
or increase the number of observation.")
if((dim(data)[1]-round(dim(data)[1]*fSample.tr.w)) == 0)
stop("A Test Set is not available to weight classifiers.
Decrease 'fSample.tr.w' or increase the number of observation.")
if(length(classes) != dim(data)[1])
stop("length(classes) must be equal to dim(data)[1]")
if (missing(variables)){
data <- data
} else {
stop("'variables' must be a data frame") ###
for (ic in seq_len(dim(variables)[2])){
data <- cbind(data, variables)
# check the presence of NA or Inf
if (any(is.na(data)))
stop("NA values are not allowed in the 'data' matrix")
if (any(is.infinite(as.matrix(data))))
stop("Inf values are not allowed in the 'data' matrix")
## body
# check number of classes
class_level <- levels(classes)
if (length(class_level) < 2)
stop("At least 2 classes must be provided")
if (length(class_level) == 2){
out2cl <- DaMiR.EnsembleLearning2cl(data=data,
outNcl <- DaMiR.EnsembleLearningNcl(data=data,
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