
Defines functions isESet setESetArgs showESet parseArgs parseDesc getRdAsText getFuncDesc getFilterNames eSetFilter

Documented in eSetFilter getFilterNames getFuncDesc getRdAsText isESet parseArgs parseDesc setESetArgs showESet

# This widget allows users to pick filters in the order they are going
# to be used to filer genes and set the parameters for
# each filter.
# Copyright 2003, J. Zhang. All rights reserved.

eSetFilter <- function(eSet){
    # 2020-12-31 Wolfgang Huber: marking this as deprecated due to dubious coding style
    # (leading to many notes in R CMD check), lack of maintenance, apparently minuscule
    # update (e.g. I did not find a single mention of this function with
    # https://support.bioconductor.org/post/search/?query=esetfilter today) and
    # availability of better alternatives.
    .Deprecated(new = "iSEE", old = "eSetFilter")
    require("tkWidgets", character.only = TRUE) ||
    stop("eSetFilter requires the tkWidgets ",
         "package. Please have it installed")

    descList <- getFuncDesc()

    buildGUI <- function(){
        END <<- FALSE

        selectedNames <- NULL
        filterWithArgs <- list()

        setFilter <- function(){
            currentFilter <- as.character(tkget(filters,
            args <- setESetArgs(currentFilter)
                expression <- paste(currentFilter, "(",
                    paste(names(args), args, sep = "=", collapse = ","),
                    ")", sep = "")
                filterWithArgs[[currentFilter]] <<- eval(parse(text =
                selectedNames <<- unique(c(selectedNames, currentFilter))
                writeList(pickedF, selectedNames)
                tkconfigure(selectBut, state = "disabled")
        cancel <- function(){
        finish <- function(){
            END <<- TRUE
        viewFilter <- function(){
            currentFilter <- as.character(tkget(filters,
            tkconfigure(description, state = "normal")
            writeText(description, descList[[currentFilter]])
            tkconfigure(description, state = "disabled")
            tkconfigure(selectBut, state = "normal")
        pickedSel <- function(){
            tkconfigure(remBut, state = "normal")
        remove <- function(){
             filter <- as.character(tkget(pickedF,
             selectedNames <<- setdiff(selectedNames, filter)
             writeList(pickedF, selectedNames)
             tkconfigure(remBut, state = "disabled")


        base <- tktoplevel()
        tktitle(base) <- "BioC Filter Master"
        # Pack the top frame with a brief description
        introText <- tktext(base, width = 30, height = 4, wrap = "word")
        text <- paste("Bioconductor's gene filtering functons are",
                      "listed below. Select one from the list to view the",
                      "description and formal arguments for each filter.",
                      "A filter can be selected to the set of filters",
                      "for filtering genes using the select button.")
        writeText(introText, text)
        tkconfigure(introText, state = "disabled")
        tkpack(introText, expand = FALSE, fill  = "both", padx = 5)
        # Pack a frame with a list box for selected filters and
        # buttons manipulate the selected filters
        infoFrame <- tkframe(base)
        filterFrame <- tkframe(infoFrame)
        tkpack(tklabel(filterFrame, text = "Filters"), expand = FALSE,
               fill = "x")
        listFrame <- tkframe(filterFrame)
        filters <- makeViewer(listFrame, vHeight = 10, vWidth = 12,
                                vScroll = TRUE, hScroll = TRUE,
                                what = "list")
        tkbind(filters, "<B1-ButtonRelease>", viewFilter)
        tkbind(filters, "<Double-Button-1>", setFilter)
        writeList(filters, getFilterNames())
        tkpack(listFrame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
        selectBut <- tkbutton(filterFrame, text = "Select",
                              command = setFilter, state = "disabled")
        tkpack(selectBut, expand = FALSE, fill = "x")
        tkpack(filterFrame, side = "left", expand = FALSE, fill = "both")
        descFrame <- tkframe(infoFrame)
        tkpack(tklabel(descFrame, text = "Description"), expand = FALSE,
               fill = "x")
        dListFrame <- tkframe(descFrame)
        description <- makeViewer(dListFrame, vHeight = 10, vWidth = 30,
                                vScroll = TRUE, hScroll = TRUE,
                                what = "text")
        tkconfigure(description, wrap = "word", state = "disabled")
        tkpack(dListFrame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
        tkpack(descFrame, side = "left", expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
        selFrame <- tkframe(infoFrame)
        tkpack(tklabel(selFrame, text = "Selected"),
               expand = FALSE, fill = "x")
        selFFrame <- tkframe(selFrame)
        pickedF <- makeViewer(selFFrame, vHeight = 10, vWidth = 12,
                                vScroll = TRUE, hScroll = TRUE,
                                what = "list")
        tkbind(pickedF, "<B1-ButtonRelease>", pickedSel)
        tkbind(pickedF, "<Double-Button-1>", remove)
        tkpack(selFFrame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
        remBut <- tkbutton(selFrame, text = "Remove", command = remove,
                           state = "disabled")
        tkpack(remBut, expand = FALSE, fill = "x")
        tkpack(selFrame, expand = FALSE, fill = "both")
        tkpack(infoFrame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both", padx = 5)
        # Pack the bottom frame with cancel and finish buttons
        endFrame <- tkframe(base)
        cancelBut <- tkbutton(endFrame, width = 8, text = "Cancel",
                           command = cancel)
        tkpack(cancelBut, side = "left", expand = TRUE, fill = "x",
               padx = 10)
        finishBut <- tkbutton(endFrame, width = 8, text = "finish",
                           command = finish)
        tkpack(finishBut, side = "left", expand = TRUE, fill = "x",
               padx = 10)
        tkpack(endFrame, expand = FALSE, fill = "x", pady = 5)


            tempList <- list()
            for(i in  selectedNames){
                tempList[[i]] <- filterWithArgs[[i]]

    filters <- buildGUI()
        filters <- filterfun(unlist(filters))
        return(genefilter(exprs(eSet), filters))

getFilterNames <- function(){
    return(sort(c("Anova", "coxfilter", "cv", "gapFilter", "kOverA",
    "maxA", "pOverA", "ttest")))

getFuncDesc <- function(lib = "genefilter", funcs = getFilterNames()){
    descList <- list()

    lines <- getRdAsText(lib)
    for(i in funcs){
        rd <- lines[grep(paste("\\\\name\\{", i, "\\}", sep = ""), lines)]
        desc <- parseDesc(rd)
        args <- parseArgs(rd)
        if(length(args) > 0){
            temp <- "\n\nArguments:"
            for(j in names(args)){
                temp <- c(temp, paste(j, "-", args[[j]]))
            args <- paste(temp, sep = "", collapse = "\n")
        descList[[i]] <- paste(desc, args, sep = "", collapse = "")

getRdAsText <- function(lib){
    fileName <- gzfile(file.path(.path.package(lib), "man",
                          paste(lib, ".Rd.gz", sep = "")), open = "r")
    lines <- readLines(fileName)

    lines <- paste(lines, sep = "", collapse = " ")
    lines <- unlist(strsplit(lines, "\\\\eof"))

parseDesc <- function(text){
    descRExp <- ".*\\\\description\\{(.*)\\}.*\\\\usage\\{.*"
    text <- gsub(descRExp, "\\1", text)
    text <- gsub("(\\\\[a-zA-Z]*\\{|\\})", "", text)

parseArgs <- function(text){
    argsList <- list()
    text <- gsub(".*\\\\arguments\\{(.*)\\}.*\\\\details\\{.*", "\\1", text)
    text <- gsub(".*\\\\arguments\\{(.*)\\}.*\\\\value\\{.*", "\\1", text)
    text <- unlist(strsplit(text, "\\\\item\\{"))
    text <- gsub("(\\\\[a-zA-Z]*\\{|\\})", "", text)
    for(i in text){
        i <- unlist(strsplit(i, "\\{"))
        if(length(i) > 1){
            argsList[[i[1]]] <- i[2]

showESet <- function(eSet){
    end <- function(){
    if(!is(eSet, "eSet")){
    colNRow <- dim(exprs(eSet))
    vl <- varLabels(eSet)
    text <- c(paste("Genes: ", colNRow[1]),
              paste("Samples: ", colNRow[2], sep = ""),
              "Variable labels:",
              paste(names(vl), ": ", vl[1:length(vl)], sep = ""))

    base <- tktoplevel()
    tktitle(base) <- "BioC ExpressionSet viewer"
    dataDescFrame <- tkframe(base)
    data <- makeViewer(dataDescFrame, vHeight = 10, vWidth = 25,
                       vScroll = TRUE, hScroll = TRUE,
                       what = "list")
    writeList(data, text)
    tkpack(dataDescFrame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
    endBut <- tkbutton(base, text = "Finish", command = end)
    tkpack(endBut, expand = FALSE, fill = "x", pady = 5)

setESetArgs <- function(filter){

    cancel <- function(){
    end <- function(){
        END <<- TRUE
    END <- FALSE
    argsVar <- list()
    desc <- list()
    entries <- list()
    ftFun <- list()

    args <- getRdAsText("genefilter")
    args <- args[grep(paste("\\\\name\\{", filter, "\\}", sep = ""), args)]
    args <- parseArgs(args)
    argValues <- formals(filter)

    base <- tktoplevel()
    tktitle(base) <- "BioC Filter Argument input"

    tkgrid(tklabel(base, text = "Arguments"),
           tklabel(base, text = "Descriptions"),
           tklabel(base, text = "Values"))
    for(i in names(args)){
        argsVar[[i]] <- tclVar(as.character(argValues[[i]]))
        tempFrame <- tkframe(base)
        desc[[i]] <- makeViewer(tempFrame, vHeight = 3, vWidth = 55,
                                vScroll = FALSE, hScroll = FALSE,
                                what = "text")
        writeText(desc[[i]], args[[i]])
        tkconfigure(desc[[i]], wrap = "word", state = "disabled")
        entries[[i]] <- tkentry(base, textvariable = argsVar[[i]],
                                    width = 10)
        tkgrid(tklabel(base, text = i), tempFrame, entries[[i]])
        if(any(as.character(argValues[[i]]) == c("FALSE", "TRUE"))){
             ftFun[[i]] <- function(){}
             body <- list(as.name("{"),
                          substitute(eval(if(tclvalue(argsVar[[j]]) ==
                              writeList(entries[[j]], "FALSE")}else{
                                  writeList(entries[[j]], "TRUE")}),
                                     list(j = i)))
             body(ftFun[[i]]) <- as.call(body)
             tkbind(entries[[i]],"<B1-ButtonRelease>", ftFun[[i]])
        tkgrid.configure(tempFrame, sticky = "eswn")

    butFrame <- tkframe(base)
    canBut <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "cancel", width = 8,
                       command = cancel)
    endBut <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Finish", width = 8,
                       comman = end)
    tkpack(canBut, side = "left", expand = FALSE, fill = "x")
    tkpack(endBut, side = "left", expand = FALSE, fill = "x")
    tkgrid(butFrame, columnspan = 3)

        for(i in names(argValues)){
            argValues[[i]] <- tkWidgets:::formatArg(tclvalue(argsVar[[i]]))

isESet <- function(eSet){
    if(missing(eSet) ||
       (!is(eSet, "ExpressionSet"))) {
        tkmessageBox(title = "Input Error",
                     message = paste("filterMaster has to take",
                     "an object of class ExpressionSet"),
                     icon = "warning",
                     type = "ok")
Bioconductor/genefilter documentation built on Nov. 2, 2024, 7:24 a.m.