## First 54-cycle read
## lane1: C2C12 0h DNA methylation ChIP (rep1)
## lane2: C2C12 0h DNA methylation ChIP (rep 2)
## lane3: C2C12 96h DNA methylation ChIP (rep 1)
## lane4: C2C12 96h DNA methylation ChIP (rep 2)
## lane5: phiX
## lane6: Rhabdomyosarcoma(RD) 24h Myod ChIP -- RD is a human muscle tumor with defects in muscle differentiation program
## lane7: primary mouse myotubes 72h Myod ChIP (Antibody: 6975)
## lane8: primary mouse myotubes 72h Myod ChIP (Antibody: 6196)
mouse.chromlens <- seqlengths(Mmusculus)
human.chromlens <- seqlengths(Hsapiens)
## function to compute GC content
gcContent <- function(isochore = isochore.df,
chrom = "chr1")
v <- with(isochore[[chrom]],
Views(Mmusculus[[chrom]], start = start, end = end))
rowSums(alphabetFrequency(v, baseOnly = TRUE, freq = TRUE)[, c("G", "C")])
combined54 <-
list(h0 = combineLaneReads(solexa54[c("1","2")]),
h96 = combineLaneReads(solexa54[c("3","4")]),
RD = solexa54[["6"]],
ctubes = combineLaneReads(solexa54[c("7","8")]))
## Step 3: Get ``peaks'' in combined data.
### DE islands/peaks
extRanges54 <- lapply(combined54, extendReads)
if (FALSE) ## dump coverage
cov54 <-
c(lapply(extRanges54[-3], # mouse
function(x) {
function(chr) {
coverage(x[[chr]], width = mouse.chromlens[chr])
}, simplify = FALSE)
lapply(extRanges54[3], # human
function(x) {
function(chr) {
coverage(x[[chr]], width = human.chromlens[chr])
}, simplify = FALSE)
cov2dfChr <- function(x, chr = "")
vals <- as.integer(x@values)
lens <- as.integer(x@lengths)
ends <- cumsum(lens)
starts <- c(1L, head(ends, -1) + 1L)
data.frame(chr = chr, start = starts, end = ends, coverage = vals,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cov2df <- function(x)
function(chr) {
cov2dfChr(x[[chr]], chr = chr)
}, simplify = FALSE))
covdf54 <- lapply(cov54, cov2df)
## h96cov <-
## do.call(rbind,
## sapply(names(cov54$h96),
## function(chr) {
## message(chr)
## cov2df(cov54$h96[[chr]], chr = chr)
## }, simplify = FALSE))
## RDcov <-
## do.call(rbind,
## sapply(names(cov54$RD),
## function(chr) {
## message(chr)
## cov2df(cov54$RD[[chr]], chr = chr)
## }, simplify = FALSE))
write.csv(covdf54$h0, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, file = "h0cov.csv")
write.csv(covdf54$h96, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, file = "h96cov.csv")
write.csv(covdf54$RD, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, file = "RDcov.csv")
write.csv(covdf54$ctubes, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, file = "ctubes54cov.csv")
peakSummaryMethyl <-
diffPeakSummary(extRanges54$h0, extRanges54$h96,
chrom.lens = mouse.chromlens, lower = 8, islands = FALSE)
xyplot(asinh(sums2) ~ asinh(sums1) | chromosome,
subset = (chromosome %in%
c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3", "chr4",
"chr5", "chr6", "chr7", "chr8", "chr9")),
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
## panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
panel.smoothScatter(x, y, ...)
panel.abline(median(y - x), 1)
main = "Fibroblast+MyoD vs Myotube",
type = c("p", "g"), alpha = 0.5, aspect = "iso"))
## Add columns to peak-summary data frame giving GC content and
## promoter information.
## get contxt information so that we can identify promoter peaks
gregions <- genomic_regions(genes = geneMouse, proximal = 2000)
gregions <- subset(gregions, chrom %in% paste("chr", 1:19, sep = ""))
gregions$chrom <- gregions$chrom[drop = TRUE]
gpromoters <- gregions[c("chrom", "promoter.start", "promoter.end", "gene")]
names(gpromoters) <- c("chr", "start", "end", "gene")
### FIXME: isochore data had problems (no chr11 and above), lift-over
### needs updating
overlap.index <-
function(object, query)
findOverlaps(with(query, IRanges(start, end)),
with(object, IRanges(start, end)),
select = "first")
updatePeakSummary <- function(x, promoters = gpromoters)
x.split <- split(x, x$chr)
promoter.split <- split(promoters, promoters$chr)
for (chr in names(x.split))
message("Processing ", chr)
## peak GC content
x.split[[chr]]$peakGC <- gcContent(x.split, chrom = chr)
## In promoter?
oo <- overlap.index(promoter.split[[chr]], x.split[[chr]])
x.split[[chr]]$promoter <- !is.na(oo)
x.split[[chr]]$promoter.gene <- ifelse(is.na(oo), "", as.character(promoter.split[[chr]]$gene[oo]))
ans <- do.call(rbind, x.split)
rownames(ans) <- NULL
ans$promoter <- factor(ans$promoter, levels = c(FALSE, TRUE),
labels = c("Outside promoter", "In promoter"))
ans <-
diffs <- asinh(sums2) - asinh(sums1)
peakSummaryMethyl <- updatePeakSummary(peakSummaryMethyl)
peakSummaryMethyl <- na.omit(peakSummaryMethyl)
## fmx.control <- lm(diffs ~ 1 + promoter + peakGC, peakSummaryMethyl)
fmx.control <- lm(diffs ~ 1 + peakGC, peakSummaryMethyl)
## summary(fmx.control)
peakSummaryMethyl$fitted <- fitted(fmx.control)
peakSummaryMethyl$rstandard <- rstandard(fmx.control)
peakSummaryMethyl$rstudent <- rstudent(fmx.control)
qqmath(~rstandard | chromosome, peakSummaryMethyl, aspect = "iso",
## f.value = ppoints(1000),
type = c("p", "g"), pch = ".")
qqmath(~rstandard, peakSummaryMethyl, aspect = "iso",
f.value = ppoints(1000),
type = c("p", "g"))
if (FALSE)
x11(type = "Xlib")
qqmath(~rstandard | chromosome, peakSummaryMethyl)
mosaiq.qqmath(x = rstandard, margin.vars = ~ factor(chromosome),
data = peakSummaryMethyl, pch = ".",
antialias = FALSE)
foo <- subset(peakSummaryMethyl, abs(rstandard) > 2.5)
splom(foo[c("fitted", "rstandard", "rstudent")])
write.csv(foo, row.names = FALSE, file = "methyl_DE.csv", quote = FALSE)
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