## quality scores needs to be a 3way array,
## you can create one using something like this
# sp <- SolexaPath("/mnt/fred/solexa/ycao/080623_HWI-EAS88_0001")
# rfq <- readFastq(analysisPath(sp), pattern="s_1_sequence.txt")
# abc <- alphabetByCycle(quality(rfq))
## this gives a three way array, rows areq
seqQScores <- function(inScores, abc) {
##set up the quality scores
##we need to translate to integer from ascii,
##then average the integer codes and translate back
q = rawToChar(as.raw(32:(32+93))) # these are valid quality encodings
intQ = as(SFastqQuality(q), "numeric") + 33L # actually, 'integer' :(
##we start with a 3-way array (letter by quality by position)
##and drop to a two-way (letter by position) containing the
##average quality for that letter and position
x1 = apply(abc, c(1,3), function(x)
if(sum(x) > 0) round(sum(x*intQ)/sum(x)) else 0)
##drop all the letters with zero scores
x1 = x1[rowSums(x1) != 0, ]
##fix up the N's in the first 12, as they will have scores of
##zero, since Solexa requires the first 12 to be unambiguous
## calls
x1[5, 1:12] = 36
##and now, translate back from integer codes to ascii
ss = strsplit(q, "")[[1]]
x2 = ss[x1]
dim(x2) = dim(x1)
dimnames(x2) = dimnames(x1)
## assume size is a named vector with names correspond to chromosomes
## whose values are the number of reads to simulate from that chromosome,
## genome is the name of a genome, eg Mmusculus, assume BSgenome
## is loaded,
## readLength is the length of the reads
## qualityScores is a matrix of 5 (ACGTN) by number of cycles
## replace is a logical for sampling with replacement
simulateReads <- function(size, genome, readLength, qualityScores,
replace=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
if(ncol(qualityScores) != readLength)
stop("ncol(qualityScores) != readLength")
if(all(size < 1))
size = size * seqlengths(genome)[names(size)]
simValues =
lapply(seq_len(length(size)), function(i) {
if(verbose) cat("Iteration: ", i, " ", sep="")
chr = names(size)[i]
seq = unmasked(genome[[chr]])
if(verbose) cat(".")
chrlen = seqlengths(genome)[[chr]] - readLength
starts = sample(chrlen, size[i], replace=replace)
if(verbose) cat(".")
simReads =
as.character(Views(seq, IRanges(start=starts, width=readLength)))
if(verbose) cat(".done\n")
return(list(sread = simReads, id = paste(chr, starts, sep = ",")))
simReads = unlist(lapply(simValues, "[[", "sread"))
simQ =
c(lapply(seq_len(readLength), function(i)
qualityScores[substring(simReads, i, i), i]),
return(ShortReadQ(sread = DNAStringSet(simReads),
quality = SFastqQuality(BStringSet(simQ)),
id = BStringSet(unlist(lapply(simValues, "[[", "id")))))
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