## Load required libraries
## create Position Weight Matrix for CTCF binding
ctcfPWM <-
t(rbind(c(0.22, 0.24, 0.33, 0.22),
c(0.06, 0.35, 0.21, 0.37),
c(0.20, 0.19, 0.41, 0.19),
c(0.28, 0.06, 0.57, 0.09),
c(0.05, 0.87, 0.05, 0.03),
c(0.02, 0.96, 0.01, 0.01),
c(0.67, 0.02, 0.14, 0.16),
c(0.05, 0.53, 0.41, 0.01),
c(0.13, 0.54, 0.12, 0.21),
c(0.90, 0.02, 0.04, 0.05),
c(0.01, 0.01, 0.97, 0.01),
c(0.39, 0.01, 0.59, 0.01),
c(0.03, 0.02, 0.62, 0.33),
c(0.02, 0.01, 0.97, 0.01),
c(0.02, 0.03, 0.91, 0.04),
c(0.17, 0.72, 0.02, 0.10),
c(0.39, 0.02, 0.51, 0.08),
c(0.04, 0.52, 0.41, 0.03),
c(0.15, 0.38, 0.14, 0.34),
c(0.31, 0.28, 0.33, 0.08)))
rownames(ctcfPWM) <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
ctcfPWM <- 100 * ctcfPWM
## match CTCF binding to mouse genome (takes 8 - 10 minutes)
matchPWMList <- function(pwm, subject, min.score = "80%") {
revPWM <- pwm[c("T", "G", "C", "A"), ncol(pwm):1]
rownames(revPWM) <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
subject <- unmasked(subject)
list("+" = start(matchPWM(pwm = pwm, subject = subject, min.score = min.score)),
"-" = end(matchPWM(pwm = revPWM, subject = subject, min.score = min.score)))
bsParams <-
new("BSParams", X = Mmusculus, FUN = matchPWMList,
exclude = c("X","Y","M","random"), simplify = FALSE)
ctcfPWMMatches <- GenomeData(bsapply(bsParams, pwm = ctcfPWM, min.score = "85%"))
save(ctcfPWMMatches, file = "ctcfPWMMatches.rda")
ctcfPWMRanges <- extendReads(ctcfPWMMatches, seqLen = 20)
ctcfPWMScores <-
lapply(structure(names(ctcfPWMMatches), names = names(ctcfPWMMatches)),
function(i) {
revPWM <- ctcfPWM[c("T", "G", "C", "A"), ncol(ctcfPWM):1]
rownames(revPWM) <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
subject <- unmasked(Mmusculus[[i]])
scores <-
c(PWMscore(pwm = ctcfPWM, subject = subject,
start = ctcfPWMMatches[[i]][["+"]]),
PWMscore(pwm = revPWM, subject = subject,
start = ctcfPWMMatches[[i]][["-"]] - ncol(ctcfPWM) + 1L))
ctcfPWMMatches[[i]][["-"]] - ncol(ctcfPWM) + 1L))]
do.call(rbind, lapply(ctcfPWMMatches, sapply, length))
do.call(c, lapply(ctcfPWMRanges, length))
ctcfPWMStringSet <-
lapply(structure(names(ctcfPWMMatches), names = names(ctcfPWMMatches)),
function(i) {
subject <- unmasked(Mmusculus[[i]])
strings <-
IRanges(start = ctcfPWMMatches[[i]][["+"]], width = 20))),
IRanges(end = ctcfPWMMatches[[i]][["-"]], width = 20)))))))
ctcfPWMMatches[[i]][["-"]] - ncol(ctcfPWM) + 1L))])
fragmentLength <- 140L
readLength <- 24L
ctcfPWMPotentialRanges <-
lapply(structure(names(ctcfPWMMatches), names = names(ctcfPWMMatches)),
function(i) {
list("+" =
IRanges(start = unlist(lapply(ctcfPWMMatches[[i]][["+"]],
function(j) {
(j - (fragmentLength - 1L)):(j + (20L - readLength))
#(j - (fragmentLength - ncol(ctcfPWM))):(j + (ncol(ctcfPWM) - readLength))
width = readLength),
"-" =
IRanges(end = unlist(lapply(ctcfPWMMatches[[i]][["-"]],
function(j) {
(j + (20L - readLength) + (fragmentLength - 1L)):j
#(j + (fragmentLength - ncol(ctcfPWM))):(j - (ncol(ctcfPWM) - readLength))
width = readLength))
ctcfPWMPotentialReducedRanges <-
lapply(structure(names(ctcfPWMMatches), names = names(ctcfPWMMatches)),
function(i) {
list("+" = reduce(ctcfPWMPotentialRanges[[i]][["+"]]),
"-" = reduce(ctcfPWMPotentialRanges[[i]][["-"]]))
ctcfPWMPotentialReads <-
lapply(structure(names(ctcfPWMMatches), names = names(ctcfPWMMatches)),
function(i) {
subject <- unmasked(Mmusculus[[i]])
c(as.character(Views(subject, ctcfPWMPotentialRanges[[i]][["+"]])),
qualityScores <- seqQScores(abc)[,3:26]
ctcfPWMPotentialReadQuality <-
c(lapply(seq_len(readLength), function(i)
qualityScores[as.character(narrow(ctcfPWMPotentialReads, i, i)), i]),
writeFastq(ShortReadQ(sread = ctcfPWMPotentialReads,
quality = ctcfPWMPotentialReadQuality),
file = "ctcfPWMPotentialReads140upstream.fastq")
## Using the MAQ mappings from CTCFBindingSites.R
ctcfSegMaqMaps <-
readUniqueMappings(srcdir = "/home/jdavison/simulations/maq/paboyoun/ctcf/maps",
lane = "ctcfPWMPotentialReads.map", type = "MAQMapShort")
ctcfSegMaqCoverage <-
names = as.character(unique(ctcfSegMaqMaps[["chromosome"]]))),
function(i, seqLen = 140) {
ctcfSubset <-
ctcfSegMaqMaps[as.vector(ctcfSegMaqMaps[["chromosome"]] == i),]
ctcfSplit <- split(ctcfSubset[["start"]], as.vector(ctcfSubset[["strand"]]))
ctcfReads <-
IRanges(start = c(ctcfSplit[["+"]], ctcfSplit[["-"]] - seqLen + 1L),
end = c(ctcfSplit[["+"]] + seqLen - 1L, ctcfSplit[["-"]]))
coverage(ctcfReads, start = 1, end = seqlengths(Mmusculus)[[i]])
ctcfMappingTables <-
list("+" =
lapply(as.character(unique(ctcfSegMaqMaps[["chromosome"]])), function(chr) {
mapping <-
IRanges(start =
ctcfSegMaqMaps[as.vector(ctcfSegMaqMaps[["chromosome"]] == chr) &
as.vector(ctcfSegMaqMaps[["strand"]] == "+"),"start"],
width = readLength)
y <- table(findOverlaps(mapping, ctcfPWMPotentialReducedRanges[[chr]][["+"]], select = "first"))
cbind(count = unname(y),
total = width(ctcfPWMPotentialReducedRanges[[chr]][["+"]])[as.integer(names(y))] - readLength + 1L)
"-" =
lapply(as.character(unique(ctcfSegMaqMaps[["chromosome"]])), function(chr) {
mapping <-
IRanges(start =
ctcfSegMaqMaps[as.vector(ctcfSegMaqMaps[["chromosome"]] == chr) &
as.vector(ctcfSegMaqMaps[["strand"]] == "-"),"start"],
width = readLength)
y <- table(findOverlaps(mapping, ctcfPWMPotentialReducedRanges[[chr]][["-"]], select = "first"))
cbind(count = unname(y),
total = width(ctcfPWMPotentialReducedRanges[[chr]][["-"]])[as.integer(names(y))] - readLength + 1L)
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