Array-kronecker-methods: Kronecker products on Array objects

Array-kronecker-methodsR Documentation

Kronecker products on Array objects


The S4Arrays package implements kronecker() methods for Array objects that work out-of-the-box on Array derivatives that support [ and *.

Note that kronecker is a generic function defined in the methods package but documented in the base package. See ?base::kronecker.


## S4 method for signature 'Array,ANY'
kronecker(X, Y, FUN="*", make.dimnames=FALSE, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'ANY,Array'
kronecker(X, Y, FUN="*", make.dimnames=FALSE, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'Array,Array'
kronecker(X, Y, FUN="*", make.dimnames=FALSE, ...)

## The workhorse behind the three above methods.
kronecker2(X, Y, FUN="*", make.dimnames=FALSE, ...)


X, Y

Array-like objects. Alternatively X and/or Y can be vectors, in which case they are converted to 1D-arrays with as.array().

Note that X and Y are expected to have the same number of dimensions. However, when they don't, ineffective dimensions (i.e. dimensions with an extent of 1) are added to the object with less dimensions.

For the S4 methods, at least one of X or Y must be an Array derivative.

FUN, make.dimnames, ...

See ?base::kronecker for a description of these arguments.


The three kronecker() methods listed above delegate to kronecker2(), a re-implementation of base::kronecker().

kronecker2() is semantically equivalent to base::kronecker. However, unlike the latter which calls as.array() on X and Y internally, the former operates natively on the input objects regardless of their internal representations, as long as they are array-like objects that support [ (single-bracket subsetting) and *. In particular, when X and Y use the same internal representations, the returned object will also use that representation. In other words, the output object will have the same class as the input objects (endomorphism).

The endomorphism property is particularly important when the input objects are sparse (e.g. SVT_SparseArray objects from the SparseArray package) or when they use an on-disk representation (e.g. DelayedArray objects from the DelayedArray package). For example, if X and Y are DelayedArray objects, the returned object is another DelayedArray object. Also in that case, calling kronecker2() is virtually instantaneous because all the operations that the function performs internally on X and Y by the are delayed!


An array-like object with dimensions dim(X) * dim(Y).

See Also

  • base::kronecker in the base package.

  • The "Kronecker product" page on Wikipedia:

  • The Array class.

  • SparseArray objects implemented in the SparseArray package.

  • DelayedArray objects implemented in the DelayedArray package.

  • TENxMatrix objects implemented in the HDF5Array package.


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## SIMPLE kronecker2() EXAMPLES
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

m1 <- matrix(1:10, nrow=2)     # 2 x 5 matrix
m2 <- matrix(101:106, nrow=3)  # 3 x 2 matrix
kronecker2(m1, m2)             # 6 x 10 matrix

a1 <- array(1:16, dim=c(4, 2, 2))
a2 <- array(1:30, dim=c(3, 5, 2))
kronecker2(a1, a2)    # 12 x 10 x 4 array

## The Kronecker product is **not** commutative:
m1 <- matrix(LETTERS[1:10], nrow=2)
m2 <- matrix(letters[1:6], nrow=3)
kronecker2(m1, m2, paste, sep="*")
kronecker2(m2, m1, paste, sep="*")

## Sanity checks:
  identical(kronecker2(m1, m2, paste0), kronecker(m1, m2, paste0)),
  identical(kronecker2(m2, m1, paste0), kronecker(m2, m1, paste0))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## USING kronecker() ON Array DERIVATIVES
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## The user should typically avoid direct calls to kronecker2() and
## stick to kronecker(). Because this is a generic function, it will
## dispatch to the appropriate method based on the classes of the input
## objects. If one of them is an Array derivative, kronecker2() will
## be called thanks to the methods defined in the S4Arrays package and
## listed in the Usage section above.

## With SparseMatrix objects (Array derivatives):
sm1 <- poissonSparseMatrix(300, 15, density=0.25)
sm2 <- poissonSparseMatrix(80, 500, density=0.15)
kronecker2(sm1, sm2)  # 24000 x 7500 SparseMatrix object

## With TENxMatrix objects (DelayedArray derivatives, therefore also
## Array derivatives):
M1 <- writeTENxMatrix(sm1)  # 300 x 15 TENxMatrix object
M2 <- writeTENxMatrix(sm2)  # 80 x 500 TENxMatrix object
K <- kronecker2(M1, M2)     # instantaneous! (all operations are delayed)
showtree(K)  # show delayed operations details

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## See for details
## about "The mixed-product property".

## We verify the property on 4 random matrices:
A <- matrix(runif(1000), ncol=40)
B <- matrix(runif(800), ncol=100)
C <- matrix(runif(600), nrow=40)
D <- matrix(runif(5000), nrow=100)

kAB <- kronecker2(A, B)
kCD <- kronecker2(C, D)
kAB_x_kCD <- kAB %*% kCD
A_x_C <- A %*% C
B_x_D <- B %*% D
stopifnot(all.equal(kAB_x_kCD, kronecker2(A_x_C, B_x_D)))

## The mixed-product property also for the element-wise product
## (Hadamard product). We verify this on 4 random arrays:
A <- array(1:60, dim=5:3)
B <- array(101:180, dim=c(2,10,4))
C <- array(runif(60), dim=5:3)
D <- array(runif(80), dim=c(2,10,4))

kAB <- kronecker2(A, B)
kCD <- kronecker2(C, D)
kAB_o_kCD <- kAB * kCD
A_o_C <- A * C
B_o_D <- B * D
stopifnot(all.equal(kAB_o_kCD, kronecker2(A_o_C, B_o_D)))

Bioconductor/S4Arrays documentation built on Feb. 8, 2025, 10:13 a.m.