args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
if (length(args) == 0)
stop("Provide gappedPeak file as an argument")
## Step 1: Match JASPAR TFs to chromosomes
opts <- list()
opts['species'] <- '9606'
pfm <- getMatrixSet(JASPAR2018, opts)
pwm <- toPWM(pfm)
pwm <- pwm[1]
bs <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
chrs <- bplapply(list(17), function(i) {
bs[[paste0('chr', i)]]
peaks <- import.bed(paste0(args, "_peaks.gappedPeak")) #import.bed('/Users/da42327_ca/Monocytes/01_results/NA_peaks.gappedPeak')
pro <- promoters(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
siteseqs <- bplapply(seq_along(chrs), function(i) {
seqs <- searchSeq(pwm, chrs[[i]], seqname = paste0('chr', i), min.score="80%", strand = "*")
as(seqs, "GRanges")
## Step 2: Perform ORA to find signficant TFBS's
run_seq3 <- function(seqname, motif_id, pwms, bsgenome, peaks, promoters) {
message("Motif ID: ", motif_id, " -- Seqname: ", seqname)
## Find binding sites on chromosome
siteseq <- searchSeq(pwms[motif_id], bsgenome[[seqname]], seqname = seqname, min.score="80%", strand = "*")
tfbs <- as(siteseq, "GRanges")
promoters_chr <- promoters[seqnames(promoters) == seqname]
peaks_chr <- peaks[seqnames(peaks) == seqname]
## Get promoters with TF
idx <- promoters_chr %over% tfbs
promoters_with_tf <- promoters_chr[idx]
promoters_without_tf <- promoters_chr[!idx]
## Summary statistics for phyper
npromoters_with_tf <- sum(countOverlaps(promoters_chr, tfbs) > 0)
npromoters_without_tf <- length(promoters_chr) - npromoters_with_tf
npromoters_with_tf_in_open_chromatin <- sum(countOverlaps(peaks_chr, promoters_with_tf) > 0)
npromoters_without_tf_in_open_chromatin <- sum(countOverlaps(peaks_chr, promoters_without_tf) > 0)
## Return values
c(q = npromoters_with_tf_in_open_chromatin,
m = npromoters_with_tf,
n = npromoters_without_tf,
k = npromoters_with_tf_in_open_chromatin + npromoters_without_tf_in_open_chromatin)
perform_run_by_motif <- function(motif_id, pwm, bs, peaks, pro) {
seqnames <- paste0('chr', 1:22)
motif_result <- lapply(seqnames, run_seq3, motif_id = motif_id, pwms = pwm, bsgenome = bs, peaks = peaks, promoters = pro)
red <- Reduce(`+`, motif_result)
do.call(phyper, as.list(red))
motif_names <- names(pwm)
motif_symbols <- vapply(pwm, function(motif) {
}, character(1))
total_results <- bplapply(motif_names, perform_run_by_motif, pwm = pwm, bs = bs, peaks = peaks, pro = pro)
total_results <- matrix(total_results)
rownames(total_results) <- motif_symbols
write.table(total_results, file = paste0(args, "_total_results.txt"), colnames = TRUE)
## c(q = npromoters_with_tf_in_open_chromatin, ## drawn white balls = promoters with TF in open chromatin
## m = npromoters_with_tf, ## total white = promoters with TF
## n = npromoters_without_tf, ## total black = promoters without TF
## k = npromoters_with_tf_in_open_chromatin + npromoters_without_tf_in_open_chromatin) ## all promoters within open chromatin
## Step 2: Match motifs to peaks mapping and motifs to promoters
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