.prefixes <- c("_block_size", "_time", "_max_vsz", "_max_rss")
.EXPECTED_TIMINGS_COLS <- c("ncells", "num_var_genes", "format",
paste0("norm", .prefixes),
paste0("realize", .prefixes),
paste0("pca", .prefixes))
.VALID_FORMATS <- c("sparse", "dense")
.VALID_STEPS <- c("norm", "realize", "pca")
.check_and_add_missing_timings_cols <- function(timings)
missing_cols <- setdiff(.EXPECTED_TIMINGS_COLS, colnames(timings))
if (length(missing_cols) != 0L) {
## Add missing cols (filled with NAs).
m <- matrix(NA_character_,
nrow=nrow(timings), ncol=length(missing_cols),
dimnames=list(NULL, missing_cols))
timings <- cbind(timings, m)
timings <- timings[ , .EXPECTED_TIMINGS_COLS, drop=FALSE]
na_idx <- which(is.na(timings[ , "num_var_genes"]))
if (length(na_idx) != 0L)
timings[na_idx, "num_var_genes"] <- 1000
### Returns a single integer or NA_integer_.
.extract_val <- function(timings, what=c("time", "max_vsz", "max_rss"),
ncells, num_var_genes, format, block_size, step)
stopifnot(is.matrix(timings), is.character(timings),
isSingleString(ncells), isSingleString(num_var_genes),
isSingleString(format), isSingleString(step),
what <- match.arg(what)
val_colname <- paste0(step, "_", what)
ok1 <- timings[ , "ncells"] == ncells &
timings[ , "num_var_genes"] == num_var_genes &
timings[ , "format"] == format
block_size_colname <- paste0(step, "_block_size")
ok2 <- timings[ , block_size_colname] == block_size
rowidx <- which(ok1 & ok2)
if (length(rowidx) == 0L)
if (length(rowidx) != 1L)
stop(wmsg("no (or more than one) \"", val_colname, "\" value found for",
"ncells=", ncells, ", num_var_genes=", num_var_genes, ", ",
"format=\"", format, "\", step=\"", step, "\", ",
"and block_size=", block_size))
val <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(timings[rowidx, time_colname]))
as.integer(val + 0.5) # rounding to the closest integer
### Returns a 5D integer array.
.fold_timings_matrix_into_5D_array <-
function(timings, what=c("time", "max_vsz", "max_rss"))
what <- match.arg(what)
timings <- .check_and_add_missing_timings_cols(timings)
stopifnot(all(timings[ , "format"] %in% .VALID_FORMATS))
block_size_colnames <- paste0(.VALID_STEPS, "_block_size")
unique_block_sizes <- as.integer(timings[ , block_size_colnames])
unique_block_sizes <- sort(unique(unique_block_sizes))
unique_num_var_genes <- as.integer(timings[ , "num_var_genes"])
unique_num_var_genes <- sort(unique(unique_num_var_genes))
unique_ncells <- as.integer(timings[ , "ncells"])
unique_ncells <- sort(unique(unique_ncells))
ans_dimnames <- list(step=.VALID_STEPS,
ans_dim <- lengths(ans_dimnames)
ans <- array(NA_integer_, dim=ans_dim, dimnames=ans_dimnames)
for (ncells in dimnames(ans)[[5L]]) {
for (num_var_genes in dimnames(ans)[[4L]]) {
for (format in dimnames(ans)[[3L]]) {
for (block_size in dimnames(ans)[[2L]]) {
for (step in dimnames(ans)[[1L]]) {
val <- .extract_val(timings, what,
ncells, num_var_genes,
format, block_size, step)
ans[step, block_size, format, num_var_genes, ncells] <- val
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### deparse_html_tree()
### Generate HTML from a nested list representation of the HTML document.
### HTML element: named ordinary list with 1 to 4 components:
### 1. tag: single string
### 2. attribs: named character or numeric vector
### 3. style: unnamed character vector
### 4. content: can be either
### - a character vector: interpreted as text (including unparsed html);
### - a named list: must represent an HTML element;
### - an unnamed list: represents mix content where each list
### element must be either a character vector or an HTML element.
### Only the first element (tag) is mandatory.
### Example:
### td_elt <- list(tag="td", style="padding: 2pt", content=c("hi", "there"))
### tr_elt <- list(tag="tr", content=list(td_elt, td_elt, td_elt))
### table_elt <- list(tag="table", style="background: grey", content=tr_elt)
### Note that 'table_elt' is a tree structure similar to the Document Object
### Model (DOM) representation, but with a simple representation based on
### nested lists.
### Returns a single string.
.deparse_elt_attribs <- function(attribs)
if (!(is.character(attribs) || is.numeric(attribs)))
stop(wmsg("'attribs' must be a named character or numeric vector"))
attribs_names <- names(attribs)
if (is.null(attribs_names))
stop(wmsg("'attribs' must be a named character or numeric vector"))
attribs <- paste0(attribs_names, "=\"", attribs, "\"")
paste(attribs, collapse=" ")
### Returns a single string.
.deparse_elt_style <- function(style)
if (!is.character(style))
stop(wmsg("'style' must be a character vector"))
if (!is.null(names(style)))
stop(wmsg("'style' cannot have names"))
paste0("style=\"", paste(style, collapse="; "), "\"")
### Returns a character vector.
.deparse_elt_content <- function(content)
if (is.character(content))
if (!is.list(content))
stop(wmsg("'content' must be either a character vector or a list"))
if (!is.null(names(content)))
unlist(lapply(content, .deparse_elt_content))
### Returns a character vector.
.deparse_elt <- function(elt)
elt_names <- names(elt)
VALID_NAMES <- c("tag", "attribs", "style", "content")
invalid_names <- setdiff(elt_names, VALID_NAMES)
if (length(invalid_names) != 0L) {
in1string <- paste(invalid_names, collapse=", ")
stop(wmsg("invalid names on HTML element: ", in1string))
tag <- elt$tag
if (is.null(tag))
stop(wmsg("'tag' missing on HTML element"))
if (!isSingleString(tag) || tag == "")
stop(wmsg("'tag' must be a single string"))
closing_tag <- paste0("</", tag, ">")
tag <- paste0("<", tag)
attribs <- elt$attribs
if (!is.null(attribs)) {
attribs <- .deparse_elt_attribs(attribs)
tag <- paste(tag, attribs)
style <- elt$style
if (!is.null(style)) {
style <- .deparse_elt_style(style)
tag <- paste(tag, style)
tag <- paste0(tag, ">")
content <- elt$content
if (is.null(content))
return(paste0(tag, closing_tag))
content <- paste0(" ", .deparse_elt_content(content))
c(tag, content, closing_tag)
deparse_html_tree <- function(html_tree) .deparse_elt_content(html_tree)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### .make_td_group()
.LIGHT_RED <- "#D77" # used to display memory usage that is NA or > 4Gb
.BASE_STYLE <- c("border: 1pt solid #BBB", "padding: 2pt")
.make_time_td_style <- function(t, min_time, base_style=NULL)
style <- if (is.null(base_style)) .BASE_STYLE else base_style
if (is.na(t))
return(c(style, "color: #D00"))
if (t != min_time)
if (is.null(base_style)) {
xstyle <- "background: #EFE"
} else {
xstyle <- "font-weight: bold"
c(style, xstyle)
.make_mem_td_style <- function(m, base_style=NULL)
style <- if (is.null(base_style)) .BASE_STYLE else base_style
#style <- c(style, "font-style: italic")
## Display value in red if NA or > 4Gb, otherwise in light grey.
color <- if (is.na(m) || m > 4) .LIGHT_RED else "#777"
c(style, paste0("color: ", color))
### Produces 2 * length(times) <td> elements.
.make_td_group <- function(times, mem, base_style=NULL, draw_box=FALSE)
stopifnot(is.integer(times), is.integer(mem),
length(times) == length(mem))
min_time <- suppressWarnings(min(times, na.rm=TRUE))
function(i) {
t <- times[[i]]
m <- mem[[i]] / 1024 # from Mb to Gb
style <- .make_time_td_style(t, min_time, base_style=base_style)
content <- as.character(t)
if (draw_box && !is.na(t) && t == min_time) {
span_style <- "border: 1pt solid black"
content <- sprintf("<span style=\"%s\"> %s </span>",
span_style, content)
td1_elt <- list(tag="td", style=style, content=content)
style <- .make_mem_td_style(m, base_style=base_style)
content <- sprintf("%.1f", m) # max. mem. used in Gb
if (!is.na(m)) {
Gb <- "Gb"
if (m <= 4)
Gb <- sprintf("<span style=\"color: %s\">%s</span>",
"#AAA", Gb)
content <- paste0(content, Gb)
td2_elt <- list(tag="td", style=style, content=content)
list(td1_elt, td2_elt)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### .make_table()
.TABLE_STYLE <- c("border-spacing: 0px",
"border-collapse: collapse",
"margin-left: 0pt",
"text-align: center",
"font-size: smaller")
.make_hline <- function(colspan, height="0pt", color="#BBB")
style <- c(paste0("border: 1pt solid ", color), "padding: 0px",
paste("height:", height), paste("background:", color))
td_elt <- list(tag="td", attribs=c(colspan=colspan), style=style)
list(tag="tr", content=td_elt)
.make_footnote <- function(colspan, title=NULL)
style <- "font-style: italic"
## Replace "three" with whatever is the new number of block sizes
## if we ever happen to change that.
content <- c("For each operation, the best time across the ",
"three different block sizes is displayed in ",
"<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">bold</span>.<br />",
"In addition, if it's also the best time across ",
"the sparse and dense formats, then we ",
"<span style=\"font-weight: bold; border: 1pt solid black\">",
" box </span> it ",
"(only for Normalization and PCA).<br />",
"The \"max. mem. used\" is the max RSS (Resident Set Size) ",
"value obtained by running <code>ps u -p <PID></code> ",
"every second while performing a given operation. ",
"Values > 4Gb are displayed in ",
"<span style=\"color: ", .LIGHT_RED, "\">light red</span>.")
if (!is.null(title)) {
title <- sprintf("<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">%s</span><br />",
content <- c(title, content)
td_elt <- list(tag="td",
list(tag="tr", content=td_elt)
.TH_BASE_STYLE <- c(.BASE_STYLE, "color: #555")
.TH_STYLE <- c(.TH_BASE_STYLE, "background: #CCC")
.TH_LIGHTER_STYLE <- c(.TH_BASE_STYLE, "background: #E6E6E6")
.NORM_TH_STYLE <- c(.TH_BASE_STYLE, "background: #C7CFC7")
.NORM_TH_LIGHTER_STYLE <- c(.TH_BASE_STYLE, "background: #E7EFE7")
.NORM_TD_STYLE <- c(.BASE_STYLE, "background: #F7FFF7")
.NORM_TD_DENSE_STYLE <- c(.BASE_STYLE, "background: #F0F8F0")
.REALIZE_TH_STYLE <- c(.TH_BASE_STYLE, "background: #C7CFCF")
.REALIZE_TD_STYLE <- c(.BASE_STYLE, "background: #F7FFFF")
.REALIZE_TD_DENSE_STYLE <- c(.BASE_STYLE, "background: #F0F8F8")
.PCA_TH_STYLE <- c(.TH_BASE_STYLE, "background: #CFC7C7")
.PCA_TH_LIGHTER_STYLE <- c(.TH_BASE_STYLE, "background: #EFE7E7")
.PCA_TD_STYLE <- c(.BASE_STYLE, "background: #FFF7F7")
.PCA_TD_DENSE_STYLE <- c(.BASE_STYLE, "background: #F8F0F0")
### Produces 2 <tr> elements that span 3 + 6 * n columns each, where
### n = length(block_sizes).
.make_top_header <- function(block_sizes)
## 1st <tr> element.
content <- "Test dataset"
th1a_elt <- list(tag="th",
content <- "F<br />o<br />r<br />m<br />a<br />t"
th1b_elt <- list(tag="th",
style=c(.TH_STYLE, "font-size: smaller"),
content <- "Normalized<br />Test dataset"
th1c_elt <- list(tag="th",
make_th1_elts <- function(block_sizes, style) {
function(block_size) {
content <- sprintf("block size<br />= %s Mb",
N_th1_elts <- make_th1_elts(block_sizes, .NORM_TH_STYLE)
R_th1_elts <- make_th1_elts(block_sizes, .REALIZE_TH_STYLE)
P_th1_elts <- make_th1_elts(block_sizes, .PCA_TH_STYLE)
content <- list(th1a_elt, th1b_elt, N_th1_elts,
th1c_elt, R_th1_elts, P_th1_elts)
tr1_elt <- list(tag="tr", content=content)
## 2nd <tr> element.
content <- c("nrow x ncol<br />",
"(# genes x # cells)")
th2a_elt <- list(tag="th",
content <- c("nrow x ncol<br />",
"(# sel. genes<br />x # cells)")
th2c_elt <- list(tag="th",
make_th2_elts <- function(block_sizes, style) {
function(j) {
content <- "time<br />in<br />sec."
th21_elt <- list(tag="th", style=style, content=content)
content <- "max.<br />mem.<br />used"
#style <- c(style, "font-style: italic", "color: #777")
style <- c(style, "color: #777")
th22_elt <- list(tag="th", style=style, content=content)
list(th21_elt, th22_elt)
N_th2_elts <- make_th2_elts(block_sizes, .NORM_TH_STYLE)
R_th2_elts <- make_th2_elts(block_sizes, .REALIZE_TH_STYLE)
P_th2_elts <- make_th2_elts(block_sizes, .PCA_TH_STYLE)
content <- c(list(th2a_elt), N_th2_elts,
list(th2c_elt), R_th2_elts, P_th2_elts)
tr2_elt <- list(tag="tr", style="font-size: smaller", content=content)
list(tr1_elt, tr2_elt)
### Produces a <tr> element that spans 3 + 6 * num_block_sizes columns.
.make_steps_header <- function(num_block_sizes, num_var_genes)
th1_elt <- list(tag="th", style=.TH_LIGHTER_STYLE)
#th2_elt <- list(tag="th", style=.TH_LIGHTER_STYLE, content="format")
th2_elt <- list(tag="th", style=.TH_LIGHTER_STYLE)
colspan <- 2L * num_block_sizes
content <- c("1. NORMALIZATION<br />",
"& sel. of ", num_var_genes,
" most var. genes")
N_th_elt <- list(tag="th",
content <- c("2. ON-DISK REALIZATION<br />",
"of the normalized dataset")
R_th_elt <- list(tag="th",
content <- "3. PCA<br />of the normalized dataset"
P_th_elt <- list(tag="th",
content <- list(th1_elt, th2_elt, N_th_elt, th1_elt, R_th_elt, P_th_elt)
list(tag="tr", content=content)
### Produces a <tr> element that spans 3 + 2 * (n1 + n2 + n3) columns,
### where n1 = length(Ntimes), n2 = length(Rtimes), and n3 = length(Ptimes).
.make_data_line <- function(ncells, format, num_var_genes,
Ntimes, Nbox, Nmem,
Rtimes, Rbox, Rmem,
Ptimes, Pbox, Pmem)
is.integer(Ntimes), is.integer(Rtimes), is.integer(Ptimes),
is.integer(Nmem), is.integer(Rmem), is.integer(Pmem),
length(Ntimes) == length(Nmem),
length(Rtimes) == length(Rmem),
length(Ptimes) == length(Pmem))
content <- sprintf("<span style=\"%s\">%s x </span>%s",
"color: #888", .NGENES_BEFORE_NORM, ncells)
td1_elt <- list(tag="td",
content <- sprintf("%s<span style=\"%s\"> x </span>%s",
num_var_genes, "color: #888", ncells)
td2_elt <- list(tag="td",
style <- c(.BASE_STYLE, "font-style: italic", "color: #888")
if (format == "dense")
style <- c(style, "background: #F8F8F8")
td3_elt <- list(tag="td",
## Normalization results.
base_style <-
if (format == "dense") .NORM_TD_DENSE_STYLE else .NORM_TD_STYLE
td_groupN <- .make_td_group(Ntimes, Nmem,
base_style=base_style, draw_box=Nbox)
## Realization results.
base_style <-
if (format == "dense") .REALIZE_TD_DENSE_STYLE else .REALIZE_TD_STYLE
td_groupR <- .make_td_group(Rtimes, Rmem,
base_style=base_style, draw_box=Rbox)
## PCA results.
base_style <-
if (format == "dense") .PCA_TD_DENSE_STYLE else .PCA_TD_STYLE
td_groupP <- .make_td_group(Ptimes, Pmem,
base_style=base_style, draw_box=Pbox)
if (format == "sparse") {
content <- list(td1_elt, td3_elt, td_groupN,
td2_elt, td_groupR, td_groupP)
} else {
content <- list( td3_elt, td_groupN,
td_groupR, td_groupP)
list(tag="tr", content=content)
### Produce a pair of <tr> elements, one for "sparse" and one for "dense".
.make_data_line_pair <- function(times, memused, ncells, num_var_genes)
sparse_Ntimes <- times["norm", , "sparse", num_var_genes, ncells]
dense_Ntimes <- times["norm", , "dense", num_var_genes, ncells]
sparse_Rtimes <- times["realize", , "sparse", num_var_genes, ncells]
dense_Rtimes <- times["realize", , "dense", num_var_genes, ncells]
sparse_Ptimes <- times["pca", , "sparse", num_var_genes, ncells]
dense_Ptimes <- times["pca", , "dense", num_var_genes, ncells]
Nmin1 <- suppressWarnings(min(sparse_Ntimes, na.rm=TRUE))
Nmin2 <- suppressWarnings(min(dense_Ntimes, na.rm=TRUE))
Nbox1 <- Nmin1 < Nmin2
Nbox2 <- Nmin1 > Nmin2
Rmin1 <- suppressWarnings(min(sparse_Rtimes, na.rm=TRUE))
Rmin2 <- suppressWarnings(min(dense_Rtimes, na.rm=TRUE))
Rbox1 <- Rmin1 < Rmin2
Rbox2 <- Rmin1 > Rmin2
## Disable boxing of the best realization time for now (too many boxes!
## which is distracting and not that important for realization anyway).
Rbox1 <- Rbox2 <- FALSE
Pmin1 <- suppressWarnings(min(sparse_Ptimes, na.rm=TRUE))
Pmin2 <- suppressWarnings(min(dense_Ptimes, na.rm=TRUE))
Pbox1 <- Pmin1 < Pmin2
Pbox2 <- Pmin1 > Pmin2
sparse_Nmem <- memused["norm", , "sparse", num_var_genes, ncells]
dense_Nmem <- memused["norm", , "dense", num_var_genes, ncells]
sparse_Rmem <- memused["realize", , "sparse", num_var_genes, ncells]
dense_Rmem <- memused["realize", , "dense", num_var_genes, ncells]
sparse_Pmem <- memused["pca", , "sparse", num_var_genes, ncells]
dense_Pmem <- memused["pca", , "dense", num_var_genes, ncells]
line1 <- .make_data_line(ncells, "sparse", num_var_genes,
sparse_Ntimes, Nbox1, sparse_Nmem,
sparse_Rtimes, Rbox1, sparse_Rmem,
sparse_Ptimes, Pbox1, sparse_Pmem)
line2 <- .make_data_line(ncells, "dense", num_var_genes,
dense_Ntimes, Nbox2, dense_Nmem,
dense_Rtimes, Rbox2, dense_Rmem,
dense_Ptimes, Pbox2, dense_Pmem)
list(line1, line2)
.make_table_section <- function(times, memused,
num_block_sizes, num_var_genes,
steps_header <- .make_steps_header(num_block_sizes, num_var_genes)
unique_ncells <- dimnames(times)$ncells
tr_elts <- lapply(unique_ncells,
function(ncells) {
line_pair <- .make_data_line_pair(times, memused,
ncells, num_var_genes)
if (is.null(hline))
c(list(hline), line_pair)
section <- list(steps_header, tr_elts)
if (is.null(hline))
c(list(hline), section)
### times, memused: 5D integer arrays of same dimensions and dimnames.
.make_table <- function(times, memused, title=NULL)
stopifnot(length(dim(times)) == 5L,
identical(dim(times), dim(memused)),
identical(dimnames(times), dimnames(memused)))
unique_block_sizes <- dimnames(times)$block_size
num_block_sizes <- length(unique_block_sizes)
top_header <- .make_top_header(unique_block_sizes)
hline <- .make_hline(3L+6L*num_block_sizes)
section1 <- .make_table_section(times, memused, num_block_sizes,
num_var_genes="1000", hline=hline)
section2 <- .make_table_section(times, memused, num_block_sizes,
num_var_genes="2000", hline=hline)
footnote <- .make_footnote(3L+6L*num_block_sizes, title=title)
content <- list(top_header, section1, section2, hline, footnote)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### make_timings_table()
.find_timings_file <- function(machine_name)
machine_path <- system.file(package="HDF5Array",
"scripts", "timings_db", machine_name)
if (machine_path == "")
stop(wmsg("no '", machine_name, "' folder in timings db"))
file_path <- file.path(machine_path, "timings.dcf")
if (file.exists(file_path))
pattern <- "^timings.*\\.dcf$"
file_paths <- list.files(machine_path, pattern=pattern, full.names=TRUE)
if (length(file_paths) == 0L)
stop(wmsg("no timings files found in '", machine_path, "'"))
sort(file_paths, decreasing=TRUE)[[1L]]
make_timings_table <- function(machine_name, title=NULL, file="")
file_path <- .find_timings_file(machine_name)
timings <- read.dcf(file_path) # character matrix
times <- .fold_timings_matrix_into_5D_array(timings, what="time")
## We choose to populate the "max. mem. used" table columns with
## the "max_rss" values, not the "max_vsz" values, because the VSZ
## as reported by 'ps u -p <PID>' seems meaningless on macOS.
memused <- .fold_timings_matrix_into_5D_array(timings, what="max_rss")
table_elt <- .make_table(times, memused, title)
cat(deparse_html_tree(table_elt), sep="\n", file=file)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.