### =========================================================================
### Save/load an HDF5-based SummarizedExperiment object
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
"You need the SummarizedExperiment package for this. ",
"Please install\n it with:\n",
" if (!requireNamespace(\"BiocManager\", quietly=TRUE))\n",
" install.packages(\"BiocManager\")\n",
" BiocManager::install(\"SummarizedExperiment\")"
.load_SummarizedExperiment_package <- function()
if (!requireNamespace("SummarizedExperiment", quietly=TRUE))
.SE_RDS_BASENAME <- "se.rds"
.ASSAYS_H5_BASENAME <- "assays.h5"
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### Low-level manipulation of the assay-to-HDF5 links
### Return an error if any of the seeds in any of the assays is not an
### HDF5ArraySeed object.
.get_unique_assay2h5_links <- function(assays)
h5_paths <- lapply(seq_along(assays),
function(i) {
a <- getListElement(assays, i)
ok <- unlist(seedApply(a, is, "HDF5ArraySeed"))
if (!all(ok))
stop(wmsg("assay ", i, " in the SummarizedExperiment ",
"object to load is not HDF5-based"))
unique(unlist(seedApply(a, path)))
### Assume that all the assays are fully HDF5-based (i.e. that all their
### seeds are HDF5ArraySeed objects). This means that all the seeds should
### have a 'filepath' slot. This is NOT checked!
### Note that shortening the path stored in the HDF5ArraySeed objects breaks
### these objects so we must use direct slot access instead of the path()
### setter to do this. This is because the latter is intended for the end user
### so it makes sure that the path replacement is not breaking the object.
shorten_assay2h5_links <- function(assays)
nassay <- length(assays)
for (i in seq_len(nassay)) {
a <- modify_seeds(getListElement(assays, i),
function(x) {
x@filepath <- basename(x@filepath)
assays <- setListElement(assays, i, a)
### Check that all the assays are fully HDF5-based (i.e. that all their seeds
### are HDF5ArraySeed objects), and that all the HDF5ArraySeed objects point
### to HDF5 datasets that are accessible and "as expected".
### Restore all the file paths to their absolute canonical form.
restore_absolute_assay2h5_links <- function(assays, dir)
nassay <- length(assays)
for (i in seq_len(nassay)) {
a <- modify_seeds(getListElement(assays, i),
function(x) {
what <- c("assay ", i, " in the SummarizedExperiment ",
"object to load")
if (!is(x, "HDF5ArraySeed"))
stop(wmsg(what, " is not HDF5-based"))
h5_path <- file.path(dir, x@filepath)
## file_path_as_absolute() will fail if the file does
## not exist.
if (!file.exists(h5_path))
stop(wmsg(what, " points to an HDF5 file ",
"that does not exist: ", h5_path))
x@filepath <- file_path_as_absolute(h5_path)
## TODO: Looks like we're essentially doing what
## .validate_HDF5ArraySeed() does here so maybe just
## call it instead?
msg <- validate_h5_absolute_path(x@filepath,
paste0("'filepath' slot of ", what))
if (!isTRUE(msg))
msg <- validate_h5_dataset_name(x@filepath, x@name,
paste0("'name' slot of ", what))
if (!isTRUE(msg))
msg <- validate_HDF5ArraySeed_dataset_geometry(x, what)
if (!isTRUE(msg))
assays <- setListElement(assays, i, a)
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### .write_HDF5SummarizedExperiment() / .read_HDF5SummarizedExperiment()
.serialize_HDF5SummarizedExperiment <- function(x, rds_path, verbose)
x@assays <- shorten_assay2h5_links(x@assays)
if (verbose)
message("Serialize ", class(x), " object to ",
ifelse(file.exists(rds_path), "existing ", ""),
"RDS file:\n ", rds_path)
## Do NOT call the saveRDS() S4 generic defined in the BiocGenerics
## package here because it will dispatch to the saveRDS() method for
## SummarizedExperiment objects which will refuse to serialize 'x'.
base::saveRDS(x, file=rds_path)
write_h5_assays <- function(assays, h5_path, chunkdim, level,
as.sparse, verbose)
nassay <- length(assays)
for (i in seq_len(nassay)) {
a <- getListElement(assays, i)
h5_name <- sprintf("assay%03d", i)
if (verbose)
message("Start writing assay ", i, "/", nassay, " to ",
"HDF5 file:\n ", h5_path)
a <- writeHDF5Array(a, h5_path, h5_name,
chunkdim=chunkdim, level=level,
if (verbose)
message("Finished writing assay ", i, "/", nassay, " to ",
"HDF5 file:\n ", h5_path, "\n")
assays <- setListElement(assays, i, a)
.write_HDF5SummarizedExperiment <- function(x, rds_path=.SE_RDS_BASENAME,
chunkdim=NULL, level=NULL,
if (!is(x, "SummarizedExperiment"))
stop(wmsg("'x' must be a SummarizedExperiment object"))
if (!isSingleString(rds_path) || rds_path == "")
stop(wmsg("'rds_path' must be a a non-empty string ",
"specifying the path to the RDS file ",
"where to write the ", class(x), " object"))
if (!isSingleString(h5_path) || h5_path == "")
stop(wmsg("'h5_path' must be a a non-empty string ",
"specifying the path to the HDF5 file ",
"where to write the assays of the ", class(x), " object"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(verbose))
stop(wmsg("'verbose' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
x@assays <- write_h5_assays(x@assays, h5_path, chunkdim, level,
as.sparse, verbose)
.serialize_HDF5SummarizedExperiment(x, rds_path, verbose)
### Does a lot of checking (via restore_absolute_assay2h5_links()) on
### the assays of the SummarizedExperiment object found in 'rds_path' and
### fails with an informative error message if they don't look as expected.
.read_HDF5SummarizedExperiment <- function(rds_path)
if (!file.exists(rds_path))
stop(wmsg("file not found: ", rds_path))
if (dir.exists(rds_path))
stop(wmsg("'", rds_path, "' is a directory, not a file"))
ans <- updateObject(readRDS(rds_path), check=FALSE)
if (!is(ans, "SummarizedExperiment"))
stop(wmsg("the object serialized in \"", rds_path, "\" is not ",
"a SummarizedExperiment object or derivative"))
dir <- dirname(rds_path)
ans@assays <- restore_absolute_assay2h5_links(ans@assays, dir)
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### saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment() / loadHDF5SummarizedExperiment()
create_dir <- function(dir)
if (file.exists(dir))
stop(wmsg("\"", dir, "\" already exists and is a file, ",
"not a directory"))
if (!suppressWarnings(dir.create(dir)))
stop(wmsg("cannot create directory \"", dir, "\""))
replace_dir <- function(dir, replace)
if (!replace)
stop(wmsg("Directory \"", dir, "\" already exists. ",
"Use 'replace=TRUE' to replace it. ",
"Its content will be lost!"))
if (unlink(dir, recursive=TRUE) != 0L)
stop(wmsg("failed to delete directory \"", dir, "\""))
if (!suppressWarnings(dir.create(dir)))
stop(wmsg("cannot create directory \"", dir, "\""))
check_and_delete_files <- function(rds_path, h5_path, replace)
if (dir.exists(rds_path) || dir.exists(h5_path))
stop(wmsg("\"", rds_path, "\" and/or \"", h5_path, "\" ",
"already exist and are directories, not files"))
if (!(file.exists(rds_path) || file.exists(h5_path)))
if (!replace)
stop(wmsg("Files \"", rds_path, "\" and/or \"", h5_path, "\" ",
"already exist. Use a different 'prefix' or use ",
"'replace=TRUE' if you really want to replace them."))
if (unlink(rds_path, recursive=TRUE) != 0L)
stop(wmsg("failed to delete file \"", rds_path, "\""))
if (unlink(h5_path, recursive=TRUE) != 0L)
stop(wmsg("failed to delete file \"", h5_path, "\""))
### Save all the assays in HDF5 format, including in-memory assays.
### Delayed assays with delayed operations on them are realized while they
### are written to disk..
saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment <- function(x, dir="my_h5_se", prefix="",
chunkdim=NULL, level=NULL,
if (!is(x, "SummarizedExperiment"))
stop(wmsg("'x' must be a SummarizedExperiment object"))
if (!isSingleString(dir))
stop(wmsg("'dir' must be a single string specifying the path ",
"to the directory where to save the ", class(x),
" object (the directory will be created if needed)"))
if (!isSingleString(prefix))
stop(wmsg("'prefix' must be a single string"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(replace))
stop(wmsg("'replace' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
verbose <- DelayedArray:::normarg_verbose(verbose)
if (!dir.exists(dir)) {
} else if (prefix == "") {
replace_dir(dir, replace)
rds_path <- file.path(dir, paste0(prefix, .SE_RDS_BASENAME))
h5_path <- file.path(dir, paste0(prefix, .ASSAYS_H5_BASENAME))
if (prefix != "")
check_and_delete_files(rds_path, h5_path, replace)
.write_HDF5SummarizedExperiment(x, rds_path=rds_path,
chunkdim=chunkdim, level=level,
"an HDF5-based SummarizedExperiment object ",
"previously saved with saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment",
stop_if_bad_dir <- function(dir, prefix)
if (prefix == "") {
msg <- c("directory \"", dir, "\" does not seem to contain ",
} else {
msg <- c("Directory \"", dir, "\" does not seem to contain ",
"(..., prefix=\"", prefix, "\"). ",
"Make sure you're using the same 'prefix' ",
"that was used when the object was saved.")
### Does a lot of checking (via .read_HDF5SummarizedExperiment()) and fails
### graciously if the content of 'dir' doesn't look as expected.
loadHDF5SummarizedExperiment <- function(dir="my_h5_se", prefix="")
if (!isSingleString(dir))
stop(wmsg("'dir' must be a single string specifying the path ",
"to the directory containing ", .THE_EXPECTED_STUFF))
if (!isSingleString(prefix))
stop(wmsg("'prefix' must be a single string"))
if (!dir.exists(dir)) {
if (file.exists(dir))
stop(wmsg("\"", dir, "\" is a file, not a directory"))
stop(wmsg("directory \"", dir, "\" not found"))
rds_path <- file.path(dir, paste0(prefix, .SE_RDS_BASENAME))
ans <- try(.read_HDF5SummarizedExperiment(rds_path), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(ans, "try-error"))
stop_if_bad_dir(dir, prefix)
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### quickResaveHDF5SummarizedExperiment()
.stop_if_cannot_quick_resave <- function()
stop(wmsg("cannot quick-resave a SummarizedExperiment ",
"object that was not previously saved with ",
.map_h5_path_to_rds_path <- function(h5_path)
dir <- dirname(h5_path)
h5_basename <- basename(h5_path)
h5_suffix <- substr(h5_basename,
nchar(h5_basename) - nchar(.ASSAYS_H5_BASENAME) + 1L,
if (h5_suffix != .ASSAYS_H5_BASENAME)
prefix <- substr(h5_basename,
1L, nchar(h5_basename) - nchar(.ASSAYS_H5_BASENAME))
rds_basename <- paste0(prefix, .SE_RDS_BASENAME)
file.path(dir, rds_basename)
### Check that the assays of the SummarizedExperiment object found
### in 'rds_path' are HDF5-based and point to 'h5_path'.
.check_HDF5SummarizedExperiment_h5_file <- function(rds_path, h5_path)
se <- try(.read_HDF5SummarizedExperiment(rds_path), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(se, "try-error"))
se_h5_path <- try(.get_unique_assay2h5_links(se@assays), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(se_h5_path, "try-error") ||
length(se_h5_path) != 1L ||
se_h5_path != h5_path)
### 'x' must have been previously saved with saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment()
### and possibly modified since then.
### A quick-resave preserves the current HDF5 file and datasets and
### re-serializes the SummarizedExperiment object without realizing the
### delayed operations possibly carried by the assays.
quickResaveHDF5SummarizedExperiment <- function(x, verbose=FALSE)
if (!is(x, "SummarizedExperiment"))
stop(wmsg("'x' must be a SummarizedExperiment object"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(verbose))
stop(wmsg("'verbose' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
h5_path <- try(.get_unique_assay2h5_links(x@assays), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(h5_path, "try-error") || length(h5_path) != 1L)
if (verbose)
message("All assay data already in HDF5 file:\n ", h5_path)
rds_path <- .map_h5_path_to_rds_path(h5_path)
.check_HDF5SummarizedExperiment_h5_file(rds_path, h5_path)
.serialize_HDF5SummarizedExperiment(x, rds_path, verbose)
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