### GDSArraySeed class
contains="Array", # from DelayedArray: A virtual class with no slots
# to be extended by concrete subclasses with
# an array-like semantic.
slots = c(
filename = "character", # Absolute path to the gds file so the object
# doesn't break when the user changes the working
# directory (e.g. with setwd()).
varname = "character",
dim = "integer",
dimnames = "list"
## slot accessors
## .gds <- function(x) x@gds
## .filename <- function(x) x@filename ## this can be replace by gdsfile() method
.varname <- function(x) x@varname
## .dim <- function(x) x@dim ## REMOVE: dim() works directly if is one slot.
### show method for GDSArraySeed object
"show", "GDSArraySeed",
function(object) {
"GDS File path: ", gdsfile(object), "\n",
"Array node: ", .varname(object), "\n",
"Dim: ", paste(dim(object), collapse=" x "), "\n",
### extract_array()
.extract_array_from_GDSArraySeed <- function(x, index)
## check
stopifnot(is.list(index), !anyNA(index))
## NOTE: must support empty (NULL) or missing (integer(0)) index. -- YES!
## must support duplicate indices. -- works automatically!
## cannot contain NAs or non-positive values.
## https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/DelayedArray/inst/doc/02-Implementing_a_backend.html#extract_array
ans_dim <- DelayedArray:::get_Nindex_lengths(index, dim(x))
gds <- acquireGDS(gdsfile(x))
## read
if (any(ans_dim == 0L))
tp <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, .varname(x)))$type
ans <- switch(as.character(tp),
Raw=raw(), Integer=integer(), Logical=logical(),
Real=double(), String=character(), Factor = factor(),
stop("Unsupported data type: ", tp))
dim(ans) <- ans_dim
} else {
nd <- index.gdsn(gds, .varname(x))
## ans <- readex.gdsn(nd, index, .sparse=FALSE) ## kept from SCArray
ans <- readex.gdsn(nd, index, simplify = "none")
if (!is.array(ans)) # ans must be an array
dim(ans) <- ans_dim
#' GDSArray constructor and coercion methods.
#' @rdname GDSArray-classes
#' @name extract_array
#' @exportMethod extract_array
#' @description \code{extract_array}: the function to extract data from
#' a \code{GDS} file, by taking \code{GDSArraySeed} as input. This
#' function is required by the \code{DelayedArray} for the seed
#' contract.
#' @param x the GDSArraySeed object
#' @param index An unnamed list of subscripts as positive integer
#' vectors, one vector per dimension in \code{x}. Empty and
#' missing subscripts (represented by \code{integer(0)} and
#' \code{NULL} list elements, respectively) are allowed. The
#' subscripts can contain duplicated indices. They cannot contain
#' NAs or non-positive values.
#' @aliases extract_array,GDSArraySeed-method
setMethod("extract_array", "GDSArraySeed", .extract_array_from_GDSArraySeed)
### GDSArraySeed constructor
#' @import methods
#' @import gdsfmt
#' @importFrom tools file_path_as_absolute
GDSArraySeed <- function(fn, varname)
## check file name
stopifnot(is.character(fn), length(fn) == 1L, !is.na(fn))
## check varname
stopifnot(is.character(varname), length(varname)==1L, !is.na(varname))
gds <- acquireGDS(fn)
nd <- index.gdsn(gds, varname, silent=TRUE)
if (is.null(nd))
stop("No '", varname, "'")
# check dimension
dp <- objdesp.gdsn(nd)
if (!dp$is.array)
stop("'", varname, "' is not an array.")
dm <- dp$dim
# output
new2("GDSArraySeed", filename=fn, varname=varname,
dim=dm, dimnames=vector("list", length(dm)))
## FIXME: may need to remove ".get_gdsnode_dim", and
## ".get_gdsnode_dimnames", ".get_gdsnode_type",
## ".get_gdsnode_first_val", ".read_gdsnode_sampleInCol" (check for
## SNP_ARRAY and SEQ_ARRAY and maybe add the @permute slot because in
## VariantExperiment it needs to be consistent with the first 2
## dimensions).
### GDSArray and GDSMatrix objects
### We define these classes only for cosmetic reasons i.e. to hide the
### DelayedArray and DelayedMatrix classes from the user. The user will see
### and manipulate GDSArray and GDSMatrix objects instead of DelayedArray
### and DelayedMatrix objects.
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import BiocGenerics
#' @import DelayedArray
#' @rdname GDSArray-classes
#' @exportClass GDSArray
#' @aliases GDSArray-class matrixClass,GDSArray-method
setClass("GDSArray", contains="DelayedArray")
#' @rdname GDSArray-classes
#' @name GDSMatrix
#' @exportClass GDSMatrix
#' @aliases GDSMatrix-class
setClass("GDSMatrix", contains=c("DelayedMatrix", "GDSArray"))
### For internal use only.
setMethod("matrixClass", "GDSArray", function(x) "GDSMatrix")
### Automatic coercion method from GDSArray to GDSMatrix (muted for
### higher dimensions) this function works only when GDSArray is
### 2-dimensional, otherwise, it fails.
#' @rdname GDSArray-classes
#' @name coerce
#' @exportMethod coerce
#' @aliases coerce,GDSArray,GDSMatrix-method
#' coerce,GDSMatrix,GDSArray-method coerce,ANY,GDSMatrix-method
setAs("GDSArray", "GDSMatrix", function(from) new("GDSMatrix", from))
setAs("GDSMatrix", "GDSArray", function(from) from)
"ANY", "GDSMatrix",
function(from) as(as(from, "GDSArray"), "GDSMatrix"))
.validate_GDSArray <- function(x)
if (!is(x@seed, "GDSArraySeed"))
return(wmsg("'x@seed' must be a GDSArraySeed object"))
setValidity2("GDSArray", .validate_GDSArray)
### GDSArray Constructor
"DelayedArray", "GDSArraySeed",
function(seed) new_DelayedArray(seed, Class="GDSArray")
#' @description \code{GDSArray}: The function to convert a gds file
#' into the GDSArray data structure.
#' @rdname GDSArray-classes
#' @aliases GDSArray-method
#' @param gdsfile Can be a GDSArraySeed, a character string of gds
#' file name, or an "gds.class" R object.
#' @param varname A character string specifying the gds array node to
#' be read into GDSArray.
#' @return \code{GDSArray} class object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fn <- gdsExampleFileName("snpgds")
#' allnodes <- gdsnodes(fn) ## print all available gds nodes in fn.
#' allnodes
#' GDSArray(fn, "genotype")
#' GDSArray(fn, "sample.annot/pop.group")
#' fn1 <- gdsExampleFileName("seqgds")
#' allnodes1 <- gdsnodes(fn1) ## print all available gds nodes in fn1.
#' allnodes1
#' ## GDSArray(fn1, "genotype/data")
#' GDSArray(fn1, "variant.id")
#' GDSArray(fn1, "sample.annotation/family")
#' GDSArray(fn1, "annotation/format/DP/data")
#' GDSArray(fn1, "annotation/info/DP")
GDSArray <- function(gdsfile, varname)
if (is(gdsfile, "GDSArraySeed")) {
if (!missing(varname))
"GDSArray() must be called with a single argument ",
"when passed an GDSArraySeed object"))
seed <- gdsfile
} else {
if (is.character(gdsfile)) {
seed <- GDSArraySeed(gdsfile, varname)
DelayedArray(seed) ## does the automatic coercion to GDSMatrix if 2-dim.
### GDSArray example data
#' @rdname GDSArray-classes
#' @description \code{GDSArray} example data
#' @aliases GDSArray-data
#' @param type the type of gds file, available are "seqgds" for
#' \code{SeqVarGDSClass} and "snpgds" for \code{SNPGDSFileClass}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gdsExampleFileName("snpgds")
#' gdsExampleFileName("seqgds")
gdsExampleFileName <- function(type = c("seqgds", "snpgds"))
type <- match.arg(type)
fn <- switch(type, snpgds = SNPRelate::snpgdsExampleFileName(),
seqgds = SeqArray::seqExampleFileName("gds"))
gds <- acquireGDS(fn)
fmt <- get.attr.gdsn(gds$root)$FileFormat
msg <- switch(fmt, SNP_ARRAY = "This is a SNP GDS file",
SEQ_ARRAY = "This is a SeqArray GDS file")
cat(msg, "\n", sep="")
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