match-utils: Utility functions operating on the matches returned by a...

match-utilsR Documentation

Utility functions operating on the matches returned by a high-level matching function


Miscellaneous utility functions operating on the matches returned by a high-level matching function like matchPattern, matchPDict, etc...


mismatch(pattern, x, fixed=TRUE)
nmatch(pattern, x, fixed=TRUE)
nmismatch(pattern, x, fixed=TRUE)
## S4 method for signature 'MIndex'
coverage(x, shift=0L, width=NULL, weight=1L)
## S4 method for signature 'MaskedXString'
coverage(x, shift=0L, width=NULL, weight=1L)



The pattern string.


An XStringViews object for mismatch (typically, one returned by matchPattern(pattern, subject)).

An MIndex object for coverage, or any object for which a coverage method is defined. See ?coverage.


See ?`lowlevel-matching`.

shift, width

See ?coverage.


An integer vector specifying how much each element in x counts.


The mismatch function gives the positions of the mismatching letters of a given pattern relatively to its matches in a given subject.

The nmatch and nmismatch functions give the number of matching and mismatching letters produced by the mismatch function.

The coverage function computes the "coverage" of a subject by a given pattern or set of patterns.


mismatch: a list of integer vectors.

nmismatch: an integer vector containing the length of the vectors produced by mismatch.

coverage: an Rle object indicating the coverage of x. See ?coverage for the details. If x is an MIndex object, the coverage of a given position in the underlying sequence (typically the subject used during the search that returned x) is the number of matches (or hits) it belongs to.

See Also

lowlevel-matching, matchPattern, matchPDict, XString-class, XStringViews-class, MIndex-class, coverage, align-utils in the pwalign package


  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## mismatch() / nmismatch()
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  subject <- DNAString("ACGTGCA")
  m <- matchPattern("NCA", subject, max.mismatch=1, fixed=FALSE)
  mismatch("NCA", m)
  nmismatch("NCA", m)

  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## coverage()
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  ## See ?matchPDict for examples of using coverage() on an MIndex object...

Bioconductor/Biostrings documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 8:59 a.m.