AAString-class | AAString objects |
AMINO_ACID_CODE | The Single-Letter Amino Acid Code |
Biostrings-internals | Biostrings internals |
chartr | Replace letters in a sequence or set of sequences |
coloring | XString Display Colors |
detail | Show (display) detailed object content |
dinucleotideFrequencyTest | Pearson's chi-squared Test and G-tests for String Position... |
DNAString-class | DNAString objects |
findPalindromes | Searching a sequence for palindromes |
GENETIC_CODE | The Standard Genetic Code and its known variants |
getSeq | getSeq |
gregexpr2 | A replacement for R standard gregexpr function |
HNF4alpha | Known HNF4alpha binding sequences |
injectHardMask | Injecting a hard mask in a sequence |
IUPAC_CODE_MAP | The IUPAC Extended Genetic Alphabet |
letter | Subsetting a string |
letterFrequency | Calculate the frequency of letters in a biological sequence,... |
longestConsecutive | Obtain the length of the longest substring containing only... |
lowlevel-matching | Low-level matching functions |
MaskedXString-class | MaskedXString objects |
maskMotif | Masking by content (or by position) |
matchLRPatterns | Find paired matches in a sequence |
matchPattern | String searching functions |
matchPDict-exact | Matching a dictionary of patterns against a reference |
matchPDict-inexact | Inexact matching with matchPDict()/countPDict()/whichPDict() |
matchProbePair | Find "theoretical amplicons" mapped to a probe pair |
matchprobes | (Deprecated) A function to match a query sequence to the... |
matchPWM | PWM creating, matching, and related utilities |
match-utils | Utility functions operating on the matches returned by a... |
MIndex-class | MIndex objects |
misc | Some miscellaneous stuff |
moved_to_pwalign | InDel objects |
MultipleAlignment-class | MultipleAlignment objects |
needwunsQS | (Defunct) Needleman-Wunsch Global Alignment |
nucleotideFrequency | Calculate the frequency of oligonucleotides in a DNA or RNA... |
padAndClip | Pad and clip strings |
PDict-class | PDict objects |
pmatchPattern | Longest Common Prefix/Suffix/Substring searching functions |
predefined_scoring_matrices | Predefined scoring matrices |
QualityScaledXStringSet-class | QualityScaledBStringSet, QualityScaledDNAStringSet,... |
replaceAt | Extract/replace arbitrary substrings from/in a string or set... |
replaceLetterAt | Replacing letters in a sequence (or set of sequences) at some... |
reverseComplement | Sequence reversing and complementing |
RNAString-class | RNAString objects |
seqinfo-methods | seqinfo() method for DNAStringSet objects |
toComplex | Turning a DNA sequence into a vector of complex numbers |
translate | Translating DNA/RNA sequences |
trimLRPatterns | Trim Flanking Patterns from Sequences |
xscat | Concatenate sequences contained in XString, XStringSet and/or... |
XString-class | BString objects |
XStringPartialMatches-class | XStringPartialMatches objects |
XStringQuality-class | PhredQuality, SolexaQuality and IlluminaQuality objects |
XStringSet-class | XStringSet objects |
XStringSet-comparison | Comparing and ordering the elements in one or more XStringSet... |
XStringSet-io | Read/write an XStringSet object from/to a file |
XStringSetList-class | XStringSetList objects |
XStringViews-class | The XStringViews class |
yeastSEQCHR1 | An annotation data file for CHR1 in the yeastSEQ package |
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