
message("Testing rng")

test_rng_lapply <- function()
    .rng_get_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_get_generator
    .rng_reset_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_reset_generator
    .workerLapply <- BiocParallel:::.workerLapply

    .RNGstream <- BiocParallel:::.RNGstream
    .rng_next_substream <- BiocParallel:::.rng_next_substream

    OPTIONS <- BiocParallel:::.workerOptions()

    state <- .rng_get_generator()
    on.exit(.rng_reset_generator(state$kind, state$seed))

    SEED <- .RNGstream(bpstart(SerialParam()))
        ## same sequence of random number streams
        .workerLapply(1:2, function(i) rnorm(1), NULL, OPTIONS, SEED),
        .workerLapply(1:2, function(i) rnorm(1), NULL, OPTIONS, SEED)

    SEED1 <- .RNGstream(bpstart(SerialParam()))
    SEED2 <- .rng_next_substream(SEED1)
    target <- .workerLapply(1:2, function(i) rnorm(2), NULL, OPTIONS, SEED1)
    obs <- c(
        .workerLapply(1, function(i) rnorm(2), NULL, OPTIONS, SEED1),
        .workerLapply(1, function(i) rnorm(2), NULL, OPTIONS, SEED2)
    checkIdentical(target, obs)

    checkTrue(identical(state, .rng_get_generator()))

test_rng_bplapply <- function()
    .rng_get_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_get_generator
    .rng_reset_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_reset_generator

    state <- .rng_get_generator()
    on.exit(.rng_reset_generator(state$kind, state$seed))

    p1 <- SerialParam(RNGseed = 123)
    p2 <- SnowParam(3, RNGseed = 123)
    p3 <- SnowParam(5, RNGseed = 123)
    FUN <- function(i) rnorm(2)

    ## SerialParam / SnowParam same results
    target <- bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p1)
    checkIdentical(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p2), target)

    ## SerialParam / SnowParam same results, different number of workers
    checkIdentical(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p3), target)

    if (identical(.Platform$OS.type, "unix")) {
        ## SerialParam / TransientMulticoreParam same results
        p4a <- MulticoreParam(5, RNGseed = 123)
        checkIdentical(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p4a), target)
        ## SerialParam / MulticoreParam same results
        p4b <- bpstart(MulticoreParam(5, RNGseed = 123))
        checkIdentical(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p4b), target)

    ## single worker coerced to SerialParam
    p5 <- SnowParam(1, RNGseed = 123)
    checkIdentical(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p5), target, "p5")
    checkIdentical(state$kind, .rng_get_generator()$kind)

test_rng_bpiterate <- function()
    .rng_get_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_get_generator
    .rng_reset_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_reset_generator

    state <- .rng_get_generator()
    on.exit(.rng_reset_generator(state$kind, state$seed))

    FUN <- function(i) rnorm(2)

    ITER_factory <- function() {
        x <- 1:11
        i <- 0L
        function() {
            i <<- i + 1L
            if (i > length(x))

    p1 <- SerialParam(RNGseed = 123)
    p2 <- SnowParam(3, RNGseed = 123)
    p3 <- SnowParam(5, RNGseed = 123)

    target <- bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p1)
    checkIdentical(target, bpiterate(ITER_factory(), FUN, BPPARAM = p1), "p1")
    checkIdentical(target, bpiterate(ITER_factory(), FUN, BPPARAM = p2), "p2")
    checkIdentical(target, bpiterate(ITER_factory(), FUN, BPPARAM = p3), "p3")

    if (identical(.Platform$OS.type, "unix")) {
        ## SerialParam / TransientMulticoreParam same results
        p4a <- MulticoreParam(5, RNGseed = 123)
            target, bpiterate(ITER_factory(), FUN, BPPARAM = p4a),
        ## SerialParam / MulticoreParam same results
        p4b <- bpstart(MulticoreParam(5, RNGseed = 123))
            target, bpiterate(ITER_factory(), FUN, BPPARAM = p4b),
    checkIdentical(state$kind, .rng_get_generator()$kind)

test_rng_bpstart <- function()
    .rng_get_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_get_generator
    .rng_reset_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_reset_generator
    state <- .rng_get_generator()

    FUN <- function(i) rnorm(2)

    ITER_factory <- function() {
        x <- 1:11
        i <- 0L
        function() {
            i <<- i + 1L
            if (i > length(x))

    ## bplapply
    p0 <- bpstart(SerialParam()) # random seed
    result1 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    result2 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    checkTrue(!any(result1 %in% result2))

    bpstart(bpstop(p0)) # different random seed
    result3 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    checkTrue(!any(result3 %in% result1))

    p0 <- bpstart(SerialParam(RNGseed = 123)) # set seed
    result1 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    result2 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    checkTrue(!any(result1 %in% result2))

    bpstart(bpstop(p0)) # reset seed, same stream
    result3 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    result4 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    checkIdentical(result3, result1)
    checkIdentical(result4, result2)

    ## bpiterate
    p0 <- bpstart(SerialParam()) # random seed
    result1 <- unlist(bpiterate(ITER_factory(), FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    result2 <- unlist(bpiterate(ITER_factory(), FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    checkTrue(!any(result1 %in% result2))

    bpstart(bpstop(p0)) # different random seed
    result3 <- unlist(bpiterate(ITER_factory(), FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    checkTrue(!any(result3 %in% result1))

    p0 <- bpstart(SerialParam(RNGseed = 123)) # set seed
    result1 <- unlist(bpiterate(ITER_factory(), FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    result2 <- unlist(bpiterate(ITER_factory(), FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    checkTrue(!any(result1 %in% result2))

    bpstart(bpstop(p0)) # reset seed, same stream
    result3 <- unlist(bpiterate(ITER_factory(), FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    result4 <- unlist(bpiterate(ITER_factory(), FUN, BPPARAM = p0))
    checkIdentical(result3, result1)
    checkIdentical(result4, result2)

    checkIdentical(state$kind, .rng_get_generator()$kind)

.test_rng_bpstart_does_not_iterate_rng_seed <- function(param) {
    .rng_get_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_get_generator

    state <- .rng_get_generator()
    target <- runif(1L)

    ## bpstart() should not increment the random number seed
    checkIdentical(target, runif(1L))

    ## bplapply does not increment stream
    result <- bplapply(1:3, runif, BPPARAM = param)
    checkIdentical(target, runif(1L))

    ## bplapply uses internal stream
    result <- bplapply(1:3, runif, BPPARAM = param)
    checkTrue(!identical(result, bplapply(1:3, runif, BPPARAM = param)))
    checkIdentical(target, runif(1L))
    target1 <- lapply(1:3, runif)
    checkTrue(!identical(result, target1))

    checkIdentical(state$kind, .rng_get_generator()$kind)

test_rng_bpstart_does_not_iterate_rng_seed <- function() {
    .rng_get_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_get_generator
    .rng_reset_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_reset_generator
    TEST_FUN <- .test_rng_bpstart_does_not_iterate_rng_seed

    state <- .rng_get_generator()
    on.exit(.rng_reset_generator(state$kind, state$seed))

    if (identical(.Platform$OS.type, "unix"))

.test_rng_global_and_RNGseed_indepenent <- function(param_fun) {
    target <- bplapply(1:3, runif, BPPARAM = param_fun())
    current <- bplapply(1:3, runif, BPPARAM = param_fun(RNGseed = 123))
    checkTrue(!identical(target, current))

test_rng_global_and_RNGseed_independent <- function() {
    .rng_get_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_get_generator
    .rng_reset_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_reset_generator
    TEST_FUN <- .test_rng_global_and_RNGseed_indepenent

    state <- .rng_get_generator()
    on.exit(.rng_reset_generator(state$kind, state$seed))

    if (identical(.Platform$OS.type, "unix"))

.test_rng_lapply_bpredo_impl <- function(param) {
    FUN <- function(i) rnorm(1)
    target <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = param))

    FUN0 <- function(i) {
        if (identical(i, 7L)) {
            stop("i == 7")
        } else rnorm(1)
    result <- bptry(bplapply(1:11, FUN0, BPPARAM = param))
    checkIdentical(unlist(result[-7]), target[-7])
    checkTrue(inherits(result[[7]], "remote_error"))

    FUN1 <- function(i) {
        if (identical(i, 7L)) {
            ## the random number stream should be in the same state as the
            ## first time through the loop, and rnorm(1) should return
            ## same result as FUN
        } else {
            ## if this branch is used, then we are incorrectly updating
            ## already calculated elements -- '0' in the output would
            ## indicate this error
    result <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN1, BPREDO = result, BPPARAM = param))
    checkIdentical(result, target)

    target1 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = param))
    target2 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = param))
    target3 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = param))

    result1 <- bptry(bplapply(1:11, FUN0, BPPARAM = param))
    result1_redo1 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN1, BPREDO = result1, BPPARAM = param))
    result2 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = param))
    result1_redo2 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN1, BPREDO = result1, BPPARAM = param))
    result3 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = param))
    checkIdentical(target1, result1_redo1)
    checkIdentical(target1, result1_redo2)
    checkIdentical(target2, result2)
    checkIdentical(target3, result3)

test_rng_lapply_bpredo <- function()
    .rng_get_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_get_generator
    .rng_reset_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_reset_generator

    state <- .rng_get_generator()
    on.exit(.rng_reset_generator(state$kind, state$seed))

    param <- SerialParam(RNGseed = 123, stop.on.error = FALSE)

    if (identical(.Platform$OS.type, "unix")) {
        param <- MulticoreParam(3, RNGseed = 123, stop.on.error = FALSE)

.test_rng_iterate_bpredo_impl <- function(param) {
    FUN <- function(i) rnorm(1)
    target <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = param))

    FUN0 <- function(i) {
        if (identical(i, 7L)) {
            stop("i == 7")
        } else rnorm(1)
    iter_factory <- function(n){
        i <- 0L
        function() if(i<n) i <<- i + 1L
    result <- bptry(bpiterate(iter_factory(11), FUN0, BPPARAM = param))
    checkIdentical(unlist(result[-7]), target[-7])
    checkTrue(inherits(attr(result,"errors")[[1]], "remote_error"))

    FUN1 <- function(i) {
        if (identical(i, 7L)) {
            ## the random number stream should be in the same state as the
            ## first time through the loop, and rnorm(1) should return
            ## same result as FUN
        } else {
            ## if this branch is used, then we are incorrectly updating
            ## already calculated elements -- '0' in the output would
            ## indicate this error
    result <- unlist(bpiterate(iter_factory(11), FUN1, BPREDO = result, BPPARAM = param))
    checkIdentical(result, target)

    target1 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = param))
    target2 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = param))
    target3 <- unlist(bplapply(1:11, FUN, BPPARAM = param))

    result1 <- bptry(bpiterate(iter_factory(11), FUN0, BPPARAM = param))
    result1_redo1 <- unlist(bpiterate(iter_factory(11), FUN1, BPREDO = result1, BPPARAM = param))
    result2 <- unlist(bpiterate(iter_factory(11), FUN, BPPARAM = param))
    result1_redo2 <- unlist(bpiterate(iter_factory(11), FUN1, BPREDO = result1, BPPARAM = param))
    result3 <- unlist(bpiterate(iter_factory(11), FUN, BPPARAM = param))

    checkIdentical(target1, result1_redo1)
    checkIdentical(target1, result1_redo2)
    checkIdentical(target2, result2)
    checkIdentical(target3, result3)

test_rng_iterate_bpredo <- function()
    .rng_get_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_get_generator
    .rng_reset_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_reset_generator

    state <- .rng_get_generator()
    on.exit(.rng_reset_generator(state$kind, state$seed))

    param <- SerialParam(RNGseed = 123, stop.on.error = FALSE)

    if (identical(.Platform$OS.type, "unix")) {
        param <- MulticoreParam(3, RNGseed = 123, stop.on.error = FALSE)

test_rng_fallback_SerialParam <- function()
    .rng_get_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_get_generator
    .rng_reset_generator <- BiocParallel:::.rng_reset_generator

    state <- .rng_get_generator()
    on.exit(.rng_reset_generator(state$kind, state$seed))

    FUN <- function(i) rnorm(1)
    param <- SerialParam(RNGseed = 123, stop.on.error = FALSE)
    target <- unlist(bplapply(1:2, FUN, BPPARAM = param))

    param2 <- SnowParam(RNGseed = 123, workers = 1L)
    checkIdentical(unlist(bplapply(1:2, FUN, BPPARAM = param2)), target)

    checkIdentical(bplapply(1, FUN, BPPARAM = param2)[[1]], target[1])
    checkIdentical(bplapply(1, FUN, BPPARAM = param2)[[1]], target[2])

test_rng_reproducibility_across_versions <- function()
    p <- SerialParam(RNGseed = 123)
    bptasks(p) <- 3
    ## This number should NEVER change across version
    res0 <- list(14L, 14L, 6L, 17L, 20L,
                 5L, 16L, 1L, 4L, 16L,
                 4L, 20L, 20L, 3L, 3L,
                 17L, 11L, 19L, 1L, 3L)

    fun <- function(x) sample(1:20, 1)

    res1 <- bplapply(1:20, fun, BPPARAM = p)
    checkIdentical(res1, res0)

    iter_factory <- function(n){
        i <- 0L
        function() if(i<n) i <<- i + 1L
    res2 <- bpiterate(iter_factory(20), fun, BPPARAM = p)
    checkIdentical(res2, res0)

test_rng_reset_seed <- function()
    ## the seed stream must be the same
    ## if the seed is set to the same value
    ## no matter if the BPPARAM has been started or not
    p <- SerialParam()

    opts <- bpoptions(RNGseed = 123)
    res1 <- bplapply(1:3, function(x) runif(1),
                     BPPARAM = p,
                     BPOPTIONS = opts)

    res2 <- bplapply(1:3, function(x) runif(1),
                     BPPARAM = p,
                     BPOPTIONS = opts)
    checkIdentical(res1, res2)
Bioconductor/BiocParallel documentation built on Oct. 31, 2024, 6:58 a.m.