#' @keywords internal
#' @title Authenticate with gcloud service account.
#' @details The function requires a secret service account key file
#' which is shared with the kubernetes cluster. The service
#' account secret has minimum requirements to run functionality
#' for `gsutil mb` and `gsutil rsync`.
#' @param secret character(1) path to the location of the secret key
#' for the service account.
#' @return `.gcloud_auth()` shows a message on successful
#' authentication.
#' @importFrom AnVIL gcloud_cmd
.gcloud_service_account_auth <-
cmd_args <- c('auth', 'activate-service-account',
'--key-file', secret)
## use gcloud_cmd in AnVIL
#' @keywords internal
#' @title Validate gsutil URI.
.gsutil_is_uri <-
.is_character(source) & grepl("gs://[^/]+", source)
#' @keywords internal
#' @title Make a bucket on the google cloud
#' @param bucket character(1) bucket name for the google storage
#' bucket.
#' @param uniform_bucket_level_access "-b" Specifies the uniform
#' bucket-level access setting. Default is "off"
#' @param storage_class "-c" standard: >99.99% in multi-regions and
#' dual-regions
#' @param location "-l" bucket is created in the location US, which is
#' multi-region
#' @return `.gcloud_make_bucket()` returns invisibly
.gsutil_make_bucket <-
function(bucket, uniform_bucket_level_access = FALSE,
storage_class = "standard", location = "us")
## Validity checks
## create bucket
args <- c(
"-b", ifelse(uniform_bucket_level_access, "on", "off"),
"-c", storage_class,
"-l", location,
## use .gsutil_do from AnVIL
system2("gsutil", args = args)
#' Create a CRAN style google bucket with appropriate ACL
#' @details Create a CRAN style bucket used to store the package
#' binaries built for a specific docker image. The CRAN style
#' bucket takes is created using the following format,
#' "bucket_name/production_version/bioc_version/src/contrib". All
#' buckets created with this function come with Uniform
#' Bucket-Level Access and are made public. To create a private
#' bucket, toggle the `public` argument to FALSE. The bucket once
#' made public is available at the URL provided by google,
#' `https://storage.googleapis.com/`.
#' An example location for a package would be,
#' https://storage.googleapis.com/bioconductor_docker/packages/3.11/bioc/src/contrib/ABAData_1.19.0_R_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz
#' @param bucket character(1) bucket name for the google storage
#' bucket.
#' @param bioc_version character(1) version number for Bioconductor,
#' defaults to `BiocManager::version()`.
#' @param secret character(1) path to the location of the secret key
#' for the service account.
#' @param public logical(1) if the bucket should be publicly
#' accessible. Defauly is TRUE, if FALSE the bucket is made
#' private.
#' @return `gcloud_create_cran_bucket()` returns a character vector of
#' the path of the workspace bucket.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gcloud_create_cran_bucket(
#' bucket = "bioconductor_docker",
#' bioc_version = "3.11",
#' secret = "/home/mysecret.json",
#' public = TRUE
#' )
#' }
#' @importFrom AnVIL gsutil_cp gsutil_exists
#' @export
gcloud_create_cran_bucket <-
secret, public = TRUE,
bucket = 'bioconductor-packages')
if (!grepl("^gs://", bucket)) {
bucket <- paste0("gs://", bucket)
## Validity checks
stopifnot(.gsutil_is_uri(bucket), .is_scalar_logical(public),
.is_scalar_character(secret), file.exists(secret))
## Authenticate
## Create a bucket on gcloud
if (!gsutil_exists(bucket)) {
.gsutil_make_bucket(bucket, TRUE, "standard", "us")
## create CRAN style directory structure
place_holder <- ".cran_dir"
res <- file.create(place_holder)
if (res) {
## destination is CRAN style
destination <- paste(
bucket, bioc_version, "container-binaries", folder,
"src/contrib", place_holder,
sep = "/"
## Copy placeholder file folder into CRAN style repo
source = place_holder, destination = destination,
recursive = FALSE, parallel = FALSE
## Make bucket public
if (public) {
cmd_iam <- c("iam", "-r", "ch", "allUsers:objectViewer", bucket)
system2('gsutil', args = cmd_iam)
## Return TRUE if bucket exists on the cloud
#' Sync all artifacts to cloud
#' @details Sync packages, logs to cloud storage based on which cloud
#' is used.
#' @importFrom AnVIL gsutil_rsync gsutil_exists
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.info flog.appender appender.tee
#' @param secret character() path where secret, i.e a service key for
#' access to an object store on google or azure.
#' @param artifacts list()
#' @param repos list()
#' @export
cloud_sync_artifacts <-
function(secret, artifacts, repos)
log_file <- file.path(artifacts$logs_path, 'kube_install.log')
flog.appender(appender.tee(log_file), name = 'kube_install')
## authenticate with secret
.gcloud_service_account_auth(secret = secret)
flog.info('Authenticated with object storage', name = 'kube_install')
## Move .out files from bin_path to logs_path
## This avoids duplicate copy of PACKAGES* files to contrib(cran path)
## and to package_logs
flog.info('Moved .out files to %s: ', artifacts$logs_path,
name = 'kube_install')
## Sync binaries from /host/binary_3_13 to /src/contrib/
## rsync with .gz (gsutil_rsync exclude option)
source = artifacts$bin_path,
destination = repos$cran,
dry = FALSE,
exclude = ".*out$"
flog.info('Finished moving binaries to cloud storage: %s',
artifacts$bin_path, name = 'kube_install')
## Sync logs from /host/logs_3_13 to /src/package_logs
source = artifacts$logs_path,
destination = repos$logs,
dry = FALSE,
exclude = ".*tar.gz$"
flog.info('Finished moving logs to cloud storage: %s',
artifacts$logs_path, name = 'kube_install')
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