## TODO: should probably print out a message about how to use mirrors,
## the way sourcing biocLite.R does now.
biocinstallRepos <-
## siteRepos argument is public, but need biocVersion internally
.biocinstallRepos(siteRepos=siteRepos, biocVersion())
.biocinstallRepos <-
function(siteRepos=character(), biocVersion)
old.opts <- options("repos")
## Starting at some point in R-2.14, Omegahat is included in
## the list of available repositories, on windows only, it seems.
## on mac and linux:
## 1: + CRAN
## 2: + CRAN (extras)
## 3: + BioC software
## 4: + BioC annotation
## 5: + BioC experiment
## 6: + BioC extra
## 7: R-Forge
## 8: rforge.net
## on windows:
## 1: + CRAN
## 2: + CRAN (extras)
## 3: Omegahat
## 4: BioC software
## 5: BioC annotation
## 6: BioC experiment
## 7: BioC extra
## 8: R-Forge
## 9: rforge.net
## So it's probably better not to rely on the numbers.
setRepositories(ind=1:20) # in case more repos are added
repos <- getOption("repos")
biocMirror <- getOption("BioC_mirror", "http://bioconductor.org")
biocPaths <- c(BioCsoft="bioc", BioCann="data/annotation",
BioCexp="data/experiment", BioCextra="extra")
biocRepos <- paste(biocMirror, "packages", biocVersion,
biocPaths, sep="/")
repos[names(biocPaths)] <- biocRepos
keepRepos <- if (.Platform$OS.type %in% "windows") {
c(names(biocPaths), "CRAN", "CRANextra")
} else {
c(names(biocPaths), "CRAN")
repos <- repos[keepRepos]
## This needs to be commented out a few months (3? 4?) after the
## next development cycle has started, when we are confident that
## no developper is still using an early R devel with a
## tools:::.BioC_version_associated_with_R_version still pointing
## to the release repository.
if (!IS_USER)
## comment repos here as they become available.
inactive <- c(
## "BioCsoft"
## , "BioCextra"
## , "BioCann"
## , "BioCexp"
## No need to touch below.
tmpRepos <- paste(biocMirror, "packages", DOWNGRADE_VERSION,
biocPaths[inactive], sep="/")
repos[inactive] <- tmpRepos
repos <- subset(repos, !is.na(repos))
if ("@CRAN@" %in% repos)
repos["CRAN"] <- "http://cran.fhcrc.org"
if (includeMBNI &&
(getOption("pkgType") %in% c("source", "win.binary")))
repos[["MBNI"]] <- mbniUrl
c(siteRepos=siteRepos, repos)
biocLiteInstall <-
function(pkgs, repos, ask, suppressUpdates, siteRepos=character(),
lib.loc=.libPaths(), lib=.libPaths()[1], ...)
if (!missing(repos))
.stop("'repos' argument to 'biocLite' not allowed")
if (!(is.character(suppressUpdates) || is.logical(suppressUpdates)) ||
(is.logical(suppressUpdates) && 1L != length(suppressUpdates)))
.stop("'suppressUpdates' must be character() or logical(1)")
type <- list(...)[["type"]]
if (is.null(type))
type <- getOption("pkgType")
biocMirror <- getOption("BioC_mirror", "http://bioconductor.org")
.message("BioC_mirror: %s", biocMirror)
version <- getRversion()
thisRVer <- sprintf("%d.%d", version$major, version$minor)
.message("Using Bioconductor version %s (BiocInstaller %s), R version %s.",
biocVersion(), packageVersion("BiocInstaller"), version)
if (!suppressPackageStartupMessages(require("utils", quietly=TRUE)))
.stop("failed to load package 'utils'")
if (compareVersion(thisRVer, NEXT_R_DEVEL_VERSION) >= 0)
.message("Temporarily using Bioconductor version %s",
repos <- biocinstallRepos(siteRepos)
if (length(pkgs)) {
if ((type %in% c("mac.binary", "mac.binary.leopard")) &&
("MBNI" %in% names(repos)))
url <- contrib.url(repos[["MBNI"]])
mbniPkgs <- intersect(pkgs,
if (length(mbniPkgs) > 0)
.message("MBNI Brain Array packages '%s' are not
available as Mac binaries, use biocLite with
paste(mbniPkgs, collapse="' '"))
.message("Installing package(s) '%s'",
paste(pkgs, collapse="' '"))
install.packages(pkgs=pkgs, lib=lib, repos=repos, ...)
## early exit if suppressUpdates
if (is.logical(suppressUpdates) && suppressUpdates)
pkgsToUpdate <- old.packages(repos=repos, lib.loc=lib.loc)
if (is.null(pkgsToUpdate))
if (!is.logical(suppressUpdates)) {
pkgsToUpdate <-
filterPackagesToUpdate(suppressUpdates, pkgsToUpdate)
suppressUpdates <- FALSE
oldPkgs <- getUpdatablePackages(pkgsToUpdate)
if (nrow(oldPkgs)) {
pkgList <- paste(oldPkgs[,"Package"], collapse="', '")
if (ask==TRUE) {
.message("Old packages: '%s'", pkgList)
answer <-
.getAnswer("Update all/some/none? [a/s/n]: ",
allowed = c("a", "A", "s", "S", "n", "N"))
a = update.packages(repos=repos, oldPkgs=oldPkgs, ask=FALSE),
s = update.packages(repos=repos, oldPkgs=oldPkgs, ask=TRUE),
n = invisible(pkgs))
} else {
.message("Updating packages '%s'", pkgList)
update.packages(repos=repos, oldPkgs=oldPkgs, ask=ask)
.getAnswer <- function(msg, allowed)
if (interactive()) {
repeat {
answer <- readLines(n = 1)
if (answer %in% allowed)
} else {
biocLite <-
siteRepos=character(), ask=TRUE, ...)
if (missing(pkgs)) # biocLite() update w/out installing defaults
pkgs <- pkgs[!pkgs %in% rownames(installed.packages())]
if (!suppressAutoUpdate && !bioconductorPackageIsCurrent()) {
on.exit(updateBioconductorPackage(pkgs, ask=ask,
siteRepos=siteRepos, ...))
} else if ("BiocUpgrade" %in% pkgs) {
} else {
biocLiteInstall(pkgs, ask=ask, siteRepos=siteRepos,
suppressUpdates=suppressUpdates, ...)
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