# BiocPackage-class -------------------------------------------------------
#' @name BiocPackage-class
#' @aliases BiocPackage
#' @title A class for representing files in a Bioconductor package
#' @description The BiocPackage class is used to represent a Bioconductor
#' package. It is used by BiocCheck to store information about the package
#' being checked. The class has several methods to identify the type of
#' package, check for common issues, and store metadata about the package.
#' @field isValid `logical` indicating whether the package's `DESCRIPTION` file
#' was able to be read without any errors
#' @field isTar `logical` indicating whether the package is a tarball
#' @field isSourceDir `logical` indicating whether the package being checked is
#' from a source directory
#' @field isInfrastructure `logical` indicating whether the package is an
#' Bioconductor infrastructure package based on the `biocViews` field
#' @field usesRoxygen `logical` indicating whether the package uses `roxygen2`
#' documentation
#' @field usesRdpack `logical` indicating whether the package uses `Rdpack`
#' package
#' @field DESCRIPTION `matrix` containing the DCF contents of the `DESCRIPTION`
#' file
#' @field dependencies `character` vector of package dependencies
#' @field readError `character` error message if the `DESCRIPTION` file could
#' not be read
#' @field packageVersion `character` version of the package
#' @field packageType `character` indicating the type of package based on the
#' `biocViews` field; can be `NA_character_` there are invalid `biocViews`
#' terms
#' @field sourceDir `character` path to the source directory
#' @field vignettesDir `character` path to the vignettes directory
#' @field RSources `character` vector of R source files
#' @field VigSources `character` vector of vignette source files
#' @field manSources `character` vector of Rd source files
#' @field BiocCheckDir `character` path to the directory where the package
#' BiocCheck logs are written
#' @field packageName `character` name of the package
#' @field tarFilename `character` filename of the tarball
#' @field metadata `list` containing metadata about the package
#' @return An object of class `BiocPackage`
#' @keywords internal
#' @section methods:
#' * `initialize`: Initialize a `BiocPackage` object
#' * `getPackageDir`: Get the package directory
#' * `getRSources`: Get the R source files
#' * `getVigSources`: Get the vignette source files
#' * `getManSources`: Get the Rd source files
#' * `getBiocCheckDir`: Get the directory where the BiocCheck logs are written
#' * `getBiocViews`: Get the `biocViews` field from the `DESCRIPTION` file
#' * `getPackageType`: Get the package type based on the `biocViews` field
#' * `readDESCRIPTION`: Read the `DESCRIPTION` file
#' * `getVigBuilder`: Get the vignette builder
#' * `getAllDependencies`: Get all dependencies from the `DESCRIPTION` file
#' * `findInfrastructure`: Is the package an infrastructure package?
#' * `findRoxygen`: Does the package use `roxygen2`?
#' * `getPackageVersion`: Get the package version
#' * `untarTarball`: Untar the source tarball
#' @examples
#' # Create a BiocPackage object
#' packageDirectory <- "path/to/package"
#' if (dir.exists(packageDirectory))
#' .bioctest <- .BiocPackage$initialize(packageDirectory)
#' .bioctest <- BiocCheck:::.BiocPackage
#' .bioctest$DESCRIPTION
#' @importFrom utils untar
#' @exportClass BiocPackage
.BiocPackage <- setRefClass(
fields = list(
isValid = "logical",
isTar = "logical",
isSourceDir = "logical",
isInfrastructure = "logical",
usesRoxygen = "logical",
usesRdpack = "logical",
DESCRIPTION = "matrix",
dependencies = "character",
readError = "character",
packageVersion = "character",
packageType = "character",
sourceDir = "character",
vignettesDir = "character",
RSources = "character",
VigSources = "character",
VigBuilder = "character",
manSources = "character",
BiocCheckDir = "character",
packageName = "character",
tarFilename = "character",
metadata = "list"
methods = list(
initialize = function(packageDir, checkDir = dirname(packageDir), ...) {
if (!missing(packageDir)) {
packageDir <- normalizePath(packageDir)
.self[["isTar"]] <- grepl("\\.tar\\.[gx]z$", packageDir)
.self[["isSourceDir"]] <-
!.self$isTar && file.info(packageDir)[["isdir"]]
getPackageDir = function(packageDir) {
if (.self[["isTar"]]) {
.self[["tarFilename"]] <- packageDir
packageDir <- .self$untarTarball(packageDir)
} else if (!file.info(packageDir)[["isdir"]]) {
"'%s' is not a directory or package source tarball.",
if (identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows"))
packageDir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", packageDir)
.self[["sourceDir"]] <- packageDir
getRSources = function() {
Rdir <- file.path(.self[["sourceDir"]], "R")
rfiles <-
list.files(Rdir, pattern = "\\.[Rr]$", full.names = TRUE)
if (length(rfiles))
names(rfiles) <- paste0("R/", basename(rfiles))
.self[["RSources"]] <- rfiles
getVigSources = function() {
.self[["vignettesDir"]] <-
file.path(.self[["sourceDir"]], "vignettes")
vigfiles <- list.files(
ignore.case=TRUE, full.names=TRUE
if (length(vigfiles))
names(vigfiles) <- paste0("vignettes/", basename(vigfiles))
.self[["VigSources"]] <- vigfiles
getManSources = function() {
mandir <- file.path(.self[["sourceDir"]], "man")
manfiles <- list.files(
mandir, pattern="\\.Rd$", full.names = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE
if (length(manfiles))
names(manfiles) <- paste0("man/", basename(manfiles))
.self[["manSources"]] <- manfiles
getBiocCheckDir = function(checkDir) {
checkDir <- normalizePath(checkDir, winslash = "/")
.self[["BiocCheckDir"]] <- file.path(
checkDir, paste(.self[["packageName"]], "BiocCheck", sep = ".")
getBiocViews = function() {
views <- ""
dcf <- .self[["DESCRIPTION"]]
if ("biocViews" %in% colnames(dcf))
views <- strsplit(dcf[, "biocViews"], "\\s*,\\s*")[[1]]
getPackageType = function() {
views <- .self$getBiocViews()
if (identical(length(views), 1L) && !nzchar(views))
type <- NA
biocViewsVocab <- .load_data("biocViewsVocab", "biocViews")
if (any(!views %in% nodes(biocViewsVocab)))
type <- NA
parents <- vapply(views, getParent, character(1L), biocViewsVocab)
u <- unique(parents)
type <- if (identical(length(u), 1L)) u else NA_character_
.self[["packageType"]] <- type
readDESCRIPTION = function() {
desc <- file.path(.self[["sourceDir"]], "DESCRIPTION")
dcf <- try({ read.dcf(desc) }, silent=TRUE)
.self[["isValid"]] <- !inherits(dcf, "try-error")
if (.self[["isValid"]]) {
.self[["DESCRIPTION"]] <- dcf
.self[["packageName"]] <- as.character(dcf[, "Package"])
.self[["packageVersion"]] <- as.character(dcf[, "Version"])
} else {
.self[["readError"]] <- conditionMessage(attr(dcf, "condition"))
getVigBuilder = function() {
dcf <- .self[["DESCRIPTION"]]
if (.self[["isValid"]] && "VignetteBuilder" %in% colnames(dcf))
.self[["VigBuilder"]] <- unlist(
strsplit(dcf[, "VignetteBuilder"], ",\\s*\\n?"),
use.names = FALSE
getAllDependencies = function() {
dcf <- .self[["DESCRIPTION"]]
fields <-
c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests", "Enhances", "LinkingTo")
afields <- intersect(fields, colnames(dcf))
out <- lapply(afields, function(field) {
cleanupDependency(dcf[, field])
.self[["dependencies"]] <- as.character(unlist(out))
.self[["usesRdpack"]] <- "Rdpack" %in% out
findInfrastructure = function() {
dcf <- .self[["DESCRIPTION"]]
if (!nrow(dcf) || !"biocViews" %in% colnames(dcf))
biocViews <- dcf[, "biocViews"]
views <- strsplit(gsub("\\s", "", biocViews), ",")[[1]]
.self[["isInfrastructure"]] <- "Infrastructure" %in% views
findRoxygen = function() {
.self[["usesRoxygen"]] <-
"RoxygenNote" %in% colnames(.self[["DESCRIPTION"]])
getPackageVersion = function() {
untarTarball = function(pkgTarball, tempDir = tempfile()) {
if (!dir.exists(tempDir))
suppressMessages({ untar(pkgTarball, exdir = tempDir) })
.self[["packageName"]] <-
list.dirs(tempDir, recursive = FALSE, full.names = FALSE)
file.path(tempDir, .self[["packageName"]])
#' @export
.BiocPackage <- .BiocPackage()
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