
Defines functions PlotProteinCoverage

Documented in PlotProteinCoverage

#' Protein coverage and degradation.
#' @param MQCombined Object list containing all the files from the MaxQuant
#' output. It is the result from using \code{make_MQCombined}.
#' @param UniprotID Uniprot ID of the protein of interest.
#' @param log_base The logarithmic scale for the intensity. Default is 2.
#' @param segment_width Width of the segments to improve visualization.
#' Default is 1.
#' @param palette The palette from the Package RColorBrewer. By default is
#' 'Set2'.
#' @param plots_per_page Establish the maximum number of plots per page.
#' @return Two plots for each sample, the end position vs the start position of
#'  each peptide of the given protein found. And the Intensity of a given
#'  peptide and its length.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' MQPathCombined <- system.file('extdata/combined/', package = 'MQmetrics')
#' MQCombined <- make_MQCombined(MQPathCombined)
#' PlotProteinCoverage(MQCombined, UniprotID = 'Q15149')
PlotProteinCoverage <- function(MQCombined,
                                UniprotID = NULL,
                                log_base = 2,
                                segment_width = 2,
                                palette = 'Set2',
                                plots_per_page = 5){

    if (is.null(UniprotID)) {


    peptides <- MQCombined$peptides.txt
    proteinGroups <- MQCombined$proteinGroups.txt

    `Start position` <-  `End position` <- variable <- value <- coverage <- NULL

    # all_plots are a list of all UniprotIDs plots.
    all_plots <- list()

    for (index in seq_len(length(UniprotID))) {

        table_peptides <- peptides %>%
            select(contains(c('Intensity ', 'Start position',
                              'End position', 'Proteins', 'Gene names',
            select(-contains('Unique')) %>%

        #Select rows for the protein selected
        table_peptides <- table_peptides[grepl(UniprotID[index],
                                               table_peptides$Proteins ),]

    if(nrow(table_peptides) == 0){
        print(paste0('The protein: ',
                       UniprotID[index] ,
                    ' provided was not identified in any of the samples.'))
    } else{

                #Total protein coverage

        prot_info <- proteinGroups[grepl(UniprotID[index],
                                        proteinGroups$`Protein IDs` ),]

        prot_len <- prot_info$`Sequence length`[1] # Protein length

        pep_melt <- melt(table_peptides, id.vars = c('Start position',
                                                    'End position',
                                                    'Gene names', 'Length'))

        # If intensity is 0, remove it.

        pep_melt <- pep_melt[!pep_melt$value==0,]

        pep_melt$variable <- gsub('Intensity ', '', pep_melt$variable)

        # Calculate Individual's protein Coverage for each sample.

        # Counting overlaps (good)

        individual_coverage <- pep_melt %>%
            select(contains(c('Position','variable'))) %>%
            group_by(variable) %>%
            arrange(`End position`) %>%
            summarise(coverage = (
                (sum(1+`End position` - pmax(
                    `Start position`, dplyr::lag(`End position`, default = 0)
                .groups = 'drop')

        # Format the individual coverage to only one decimal
        individual_coverage$coverage <- format(round(
            individual_coverage$coverage , 1), nsmall = 1)

        colourCount = length(unique(pep_melt$variable))

        getPalette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, palette))

        n_pages_needed <- ceiling(
            colourCount/ plots_per_page

        myplots <- list()

        for (ii in seq_len(n_pages_needed)) {

            if(colourCount <plots_per_page){
                nrow = colourCount
            } else{
                nrow = plots_per_page

            ## Plot Start position vs length position
            a <- ggplot(pep_melt)+
                geom_segment(aes(x = `Start position`,
                                xend = `End position`,
                                y = `Start position`,
                                yend = `End position`,
                                colour = variable),
                                size = segment_width)+

                          mapping =  aes(
                            x = prot_len*0.3,
                            y = prot_len* 0.9,
                            label = paste0(coverage, ' % Prot. Cov.')))+
                facet_wrap_paginate(.~ variable, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow,
                                    page = ii)+
                ylab('End position')+
                theme(legend.position = 'none')+
                scale_color_manual(values = getPalette(colourCount))+
                coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, prot_len), ylim = c(0, prot_len))

            ## Create a plot for the protein length vs the intensity

            b <- ggplot(pep_melt )+
                geom_segment(aes(x=`Start position`,
                                 xend=`End position`,
                                 y = log(value, base = log_base ),
                                 yend =log(value, base = log_base ),
                                 colour = variable), size = segment_width )+
                facet_wrap_paginate(.~ variable, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow,
                                    page = ii)+
                theme(legend.position = 'none')+
                scale_color_manual(values = getPalette(colourCount))+
                coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, prot_len))

            if(log_base == 10){
                b <- b + ylab(expression('Log'[10]*'(Intensity)'))
            } else{
                b <- b + ylab(expression('Log'[2]*'(Intensity)'))

            #Plot them together
            c <- plot_grid(a,b)
            #Make a title
            title <- ggdraw()+ draw_label(paste0('Protein Coverage of: ',
                                                ' (',prot_len,' amino acids)',
                                                ', Gene: ',
                                                pep_melt$`Gene names`[1]))

            myplots[[ii]] <- plot_grid(title, c, ncol = 1,rel_heights=c(0.1, 1))

        all_plots[[index]] <- myplots
BioAlvaro/MQmetrics documentation built on Jan. 12, 2022, 3:02 p.m.