#' @export
#' @importFrom GSVA gsva
#' @importFrom limma barcodeplot
#' @import octad.db
#' @importFrom ExperimentHub ExperimentHub
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @importFrom AnnotationHub query
#' @importFrom octad.db get_ExperimentHub_data
#' @importFrom utils write.csv data txtProgressBar read.csv2 head read.csv
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf dev.off
octadDrugEnrichment <- function(sRGES = NULL, target_type = "chembl_targets", enrichFolder = "enrichFolder", outputFolder = NULL,
outputRank = FALSE) {
# require(GSVA)
if (missing(sRGES)) {
stop("sRGES input not found")
if (is.null(sRGES$sRGES) | is.null(sRGES$pert_iname)) {
stop("Either sRGES or pert_iname collumn in Disease signature is missing")
options(warn = -1)
if (is.null(outputFolder)) {
outputFolder <- tempdir()
message("outputFolder is NULL, writing output to tempdir()")
stop('Looks like output path ', outputFolder,' is either non-existent or obstructed. Check outputFolder option.')
if (!dir.exists(file.path(outputFolder, enrichFolder))) {
dir.create(file.path(outputFolder, enrichFolder))
# eh_dataframe <- as.data.frame(S4Vectors::mcols(AnnotationHub::query(.eh, 'octad.db')))['title']
# data('eh_dataframe',package='octad')
eh_dataframe <- data.frame(title = c("cmpd_sets_ChemCluster", "cmpd_sets_chembl_targets", "cmpd_sets_mesh"))
row.names(eh_dataframe) <- c("EH7266", "EH7267", "EH7268")
random_gsea_score <- get_ExperimentHub_data("EH7275")
for (target_type_selected in target_type) {
message("Running enrichment for ", target_type_selected, "\n")
enrichFolder.n <- file.path(outputFolder, enrichFolder, target_type_selected)
if (!dir.exists(enrichFolder.n)) {
# load required random scores from octad.db
eh_dataframe$object <- row.names(eh_dataframe)
cmpd_sets <- get_ExperimentHub_data((eh_dataframe[eh_dataframe$title == paste0("cmpd_sets_", target_type_selected),
cmpdSets <- cmpd_sets$cmpd.sets
names(cmpdSets) <- cmpd_sets$cmpd.set.names
drug_pred <- sRGES
rgess <- matrix(-1 * drug_pred$sRGES, ncol = 1)
if (is.null(dim(rgess))) {
warning("rgess have zero rows, recompute it and try again")
} else {
rownames(rgess) <- drug_pred$pert_iname
rgess <- cbind(rgess, rgess) # PLUG FOR GSVA BUG, FIX AS THEY WOULD FIX THEIR CODE
gsea_results <- GSVA::gsva(rgess, cmpdSets, method = "ssgsea", parallel.sz = 8, ssgsea.norm = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE)
gsea_results <- gsea_results[-1, ]
gsea_results <- merge(random_gsea_score[[target_type_selected]], gsea_results, by = "row.names")
if (is.null(dim(gsea_results))) {
warning("gsea_results have zero rows, recompute it and try again")
} else {
rownames(gsea_results) <- gsea_results$Row.names
gsea_results$Row.names <- NULL
gsea_summary <- data.frame(score = gsea_results[, ncol(random_gsea_score[[target_type_selected]]) +
# calculating p.value
gsea_p <- apply(gsea_results, 1, function(x) {
sum(x[seq_len(ncol(random_gsea_score[[target_type_selected]]))] > x[ncol(random_gsea_score[[target_type_selected]]) +
gsea_p <- data.frame(target = names(gsea_p), score = gsea_summary, p = gsea_p, padj = p.adjust(gsea_p,
method = "fdr"))
gsea_p <- gsea_p[order(gsea_p$padj), ]
write.csv(gsea_p, file.path(enrichFolder.n, paste0("enriched_", target_type_selected, ".csv")),
row.names = FALSE)
top.out.num <- nrow(gsea_p[which(gsea_p$padj <= 0.05), ])
if (top.out.num == 0) {
top.out.num <- 1
if (top.out.num > 50) {
top.out.num <- 50
if (nrow(gsea_p) > 0) {
for (i in seq_len(top.out.num)) {
top_target <- as.character(gsea_p$target[i])
sRGES$rank <- rank(sRGES$sRGES)
target_drugs_score <- sRGES$rank[sRGES$pert_iname %in% cmpdSets[[top_target]]]
if (length(target_drugs_score) < 3) {
pdf(file.path(enrichFolder.n, paste0("/top_enriched_", top_target, "_", target_type_selected,
limma::barcodeplot(sRGES$sRGES, target_drugs_score, main = top_target, xlab = "sRGES")
# output detailed rank
if (outputRank) {
write.csv(sRGES[sRGES$pert_iname %in% cmpdSets[[top_target]], c("pert_iname", "rank")],
file.path(enrichFolder.n, paste0("/top_enriched_", top_target, "_", target_type_selected,
if (target_type_selected == "ChemCluster") {
clusternames <- as.character((gsea_p[which(gsea_p$padj <= 0.05), ])$target)
if (length(clusternames) != 0) {
topclusterlist <- cmpdSets[clusternames]
#clusterdf <- read.csv2(paste0(enrichFolder.n, "misc.csv"), header = FALSE)
clusterdf=as.data.frame(sapply(topclusterlist, toString))
clusterdf$cluster <- clusternames
clusterdf$pval <- (gsea_p[which(gsea_p$padj <= 0.05), ])$padj
colnames(clusterdf)[1] <- "drugs.in.cluster"
write.csv(clusterdf, file = file.path(enrichFolder.n, "drugstructureclusters.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
# msg <- paste('Done for', target_type_selected, 'for', nrow(gsea_p[which(gsea_p$padj <=
# 0.05), ]), 'genes')
message("Done for", target_type_selected, "for", nrow(gsea_p[which(gsea_p$padj <= 0.05), ]),
} else {
# msg <- paste('No signigicant enrichment found for', target_type_selected)
message("No signigicant enrichment found for", target_type_selected)
options(warn = 0)
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