#' @export
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %do%
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @importFrom ExperimentHub ExperimentHub
#' @importFrom octad.db get_ExperimentHub_data
#' @importFrom utils write.csv data txtProgressBar read.csv2 head read.csv
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#' @importFrom utils write.csv data txtProgressBar read.csv2 head read.csv
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
####### computeCellLine #######
computeCellLine <- function(case_id = case_id, expSet = NULL, LINCS_overlaps = TRUE, source = c("octad.small",
"octad.whole", "expSet"), file = NULL, output = TRUE, outputFolder = NULL) {
if (missing(case_id)) {
stop("Case ids vector input not found")
# output check
if (output == TRUE & is.null(outputFolder)) {
outputFolder <- tempdir()
message("outputFolder is NULL, writing output to tempdir()")
} else if (output == TRUE & !is.null(outputFolder)) {
if (output == TRUE & !dir.exists(outputFolder)) {
} else if (output == TRUE & dir.exists(outputFolder)) {
warning("Existing directory ", outputFolder, " found, containtment might be overwritten")
# helper function by Ke
pick.out.cell.line <- function(expr.of.samples, expr.of.cell.lines, marker.gene) {
marker.gene <- intersect(rownames(expr.of.samples), (marker.gene))
marker.gene <- intersect(rownames(expr.of.cell.lines), (marker.gene))
correlation.matrix <- cor(expr.of.samples[marker.gene, ], expr.of.cell.lines[marker.gene, ], method = "spearman")
correlation.matrix[is.na(correlation.matrix)] <- 0
cell.line.median.cor <- apply(correlation.matrix, 2, median) %>%
sort(decreasing = TRUE)
best.cell.line <- names(cell.line.median.cor)[1]
cell.line <- setdiff(names(cell.line.median.cor), best.cell.line)
p.value.vec <- NULL
for (i in cell.line) {
v <- correlation.matrix[, i]
p.value.vec <- c(p.value.vec, wilcox.test(correlation.matrix[, best.cell.line], v, alternative = "greater",
paired = TRUE)$p.value)
names(p.value.vec) <- setdiff(names(cell.line.median.cor), best.cell.line)
fdr.vec <- p.adjust(p.value.vec, method = "fdr")
list(cell.line.median.cor = cell.line.median.cor, best.cell.line = best.cell.line, compare.fdr.vec = fdr.vec,
correlation.matrix = correlation.matrix)
source <- match.arg(source)
if (source == "octad.whole") {
message("loading whole octad expression data for ", length(c(case_id)), " samples")
transcripts <- as.character(rhdf5::h5read(file, "meta/transcripts"))
samples <- as.character(rhdf5::h5read(file, "meta/samples"))
case_counts <- rhdf5::h5read(file, "data/count", index = list(seq_len(length(transcripts)), which(samples %in%
colnames(case_counts) <- samples[samples %in% case_id]
rownames(case_counts) <- transcripts
case_id <- samples[samples %in% case_id]
case_counts <- cbind(case_counts)
message("computing correlation between cell lines and selected samples", sep = " ")
} else if (source == "octad.small") {
message("loading whole octad expression data for ", length(c(case_id)), " samples", sep = " ")
octad.LINCS.counts <- suppressMessages(octad.db::get_ExperimentHub_data("EH7273"))
case_counts <- octad.LINCS.counts[, c(case_id)]
message("computing correlation between cell lines and selected samples", sep = " ")
} else if (source != "octad" | source != "octad.small" & !missing(expSet)) {
case_counts <- expSet[, case_id]
} else {
stop("Expression data not sourced, please, modify expSet option")
if (LINCS_overlaps == TRUE) {
CCLE.overlaps <- octad.db::get_ExperimentHub_data("EH7262")
CCLE.median <- apply(CCLE.overlaps, 1, median)
CCLE.log2.read.count.matrix <- octad.db::get_ExperimentHub_data("EH7261")
CCLE.expressed.gene <- names(CCLE.median)[CCLE.median > 1]
} else {
CCLE.log2.read.count.matrix <- octad.db::get_ExperimentHub_data("EH7261") # bioconductor addon
CCLE.median <- apply(CCLE.log2.read.count.matrix, 1, median)
CCLE.expressed.gene <- names(CCLE.median)[CCLE.median > 1]
# bioconductor addon
tmp <- CCLE.log2.read.count.matrix[CCLE.expressed.gene, ]
tmp.rank <- apply(tmp, 2, rank)
rank.mean <- apply(tmp.rank, 1, mean)
rank.sd <- apply(tmp.rank, 1, sd)
CCLE.rna.seq.marker.gene.1000 <- names(sort(rank.sd, decreasing = TRUE))[seq_len(1000)]
TCGA.vs.CCLE.polyA.expression.correlation.result <- pick.out.cell.line(case_counts, CCLE.overlaps, CCLE.rna.seq.marker.gene.1000)
correlation.dataframe <- TCGA.vs.CCLE.polyA.expression.correlation.result$cell.line.median.cor %>%
colnames(correlation.dataframe) <- "cor"
topline <- data.frame(medcor = TCGA.vs.CCLE.polyA.expression.correlation.result$cell.line.median.cor) # could also do first
if (output == TRUE) {
write.csv(correlation.dataframe, file = file.path(outputFolder, "CellLineCorrelations.csv"))
} else {
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