#' cleaner sparsification routine - faster, matrix-based version
#' @details Sparsifies similarity matrix to keep strongest edges.
#' Sets diagonal and edges < cutoff to NA. Keeps strongest maxInt edges
#' per node. Ties are ignored. Keeps a max of EDGE_MAX edges in the network.
#' @param W (matrix) similarity matrix
#' @param outFile (char) path to file to write sparsified network
#' @param cutoff (numeric) edges with weight smaller than this are set to NA
#' @param maxInt (numeric) max num edges per node.
#' @param EDGE_MAX (numeric) max num edges in network
#' @param includeAllNodes (logical) if TRUE, ensures at least one edge is
#' present for each patient. This feature is required when sparsification
#' excludes test patients that are required to be classified. If the
#' sparsification rules exclude all edges for a patient and this flag is set,
#' then the strongest edge for each missing patient is added to the net. Note
#' that this condition results in the total number of edges potentially
#' exceeding EDGE_MAX
#' @param verbose (logical) print detailed messages, useful for debugging
#' @return writes SIF content to text file (node1,node2,edge weight)
#' @import reshape2
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @examples
#' m <- matrix(runif(500*500),nrow=500)
#' y <- sparsify2(m)
#' @examples
#' m <- matrix(runif(500*500),nrow=500)
#' y <- sparsify2(m)
#' @export
sparsify3 <- function(W, outFile = sprintf("%s/tmp.txt",tempdir()),
cutoff = 0.3, maxInt = 50,
includeAllNodes = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
if (maxInt > ncol(W))
maxInt <- ncol(W)
if (!is(W, "matrix"))
W <- as.matrix(W)
W[which(is.na(W))] <- .Machine$double.eps # don't allow missing values
diag(W) <- NA
mytop <- cbind(colnames(W), colnames(W)[apply(W, 1, which.max)],
apply(W, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE))
# don't want same patient edge twice, nor self-similarity
W[upper.tri(W, diag = TRUE)] <- NA
W[W < cutoff] <- NA
maxind <- min(ncol(W), maxInt)
# effectively empty out the slots that are not the top interactions create
# a 'switch off' matrix with NA in non-top edges
W_order <- t(apply(W, 1, order, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = TRUE))
W_order[which(W_order > maxInt)] <- NA
W_order[which(W_order <= maxInt)] <- .Machine$double.eps
W2 <- W + W_order # NA for non-top edges, unchanged for top edges
mmat <- na.omit(melt(W2, varnames = names(dimnames(W2))))
maxEdge <- nrow(mmat)
if (!is.infinite(EDGE_MAX)) {
if (maxEdge > EDGE_MAX)
maxEdge <- EDGE_MAX
mmat <- mmat[seq_len(maxEdge), ]
# we should guarantee an edge from all patients- in this case the edge_max
# would be violated unless we come up with a better rule message('past
# this\n')
if (includeAllNodes) {
mmat[, 1] <- as.character(mmat[, 1])
mmat[, 2] <- as.character(mmat[, 2])
univ <- c(mmat[, 1], mmat[, 2])
missing <- setdiff(rownames(W), univ)
# message(sprintf('missing = { %s }\n',paste(missing, collapse=',')))
if (length(missing) > 0) {
message(sprintf(paste("Sparsify2: found %i missing patients; ",
"adding strongest edge\n",
sep = ""), length(missing)))
for (k in missing) {
# add the strongest edge for the patient
tmp <- mytop[which(mytop[, 1] %in% k), ]
x <- as.numeric(tmp[3])
if (x < cutoff) {
message(paste("\tMissing edge is below cutoff; ",
"setting to cutoff\n"))
x <- cutoff
mmat <- rbind(mmat, c(k, tmp[2], x))
mmat <- na.omit(mmat) # boundary case where cutoff exceeds net max
mmat[, 3] <- as.numeric(mmat[, 3])
mmat[, 3] <- round(mmat[, 3], digits = 4)
write.table(mmat, file = outFile, sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
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