# Functions for smoothing mutation networks using interaction networks
#' This function applies the random walk with restart propagation algorithm to a
#' matrix of patients profiles
#' @details A network is an undirected graph G defined by a set of nodes
#' corresponding to genes, and edges connecting nodes with an experimental
#' evidence of interaction. A priori nodes are genes for which an information
#' is known. A novel node is a candidate for being associated to the nodes
#' above based on their information. A node prediction task leads to detect
#' novel nodes and propagation techniques are largely applied for the purpose.
#' Network-based propagation algorithms for node prediction transfer the
#' information from a priori nodes to any other node in a network. Each node
#' gets an imputation value which assesses how much information got. The
#' prediction is based on the guilty-by-association principle. A node with a
#' high imputation value has a high probability to be associated to a priori
#' nodes. E.g. in a house where room A has one heater, if room B is the second
#' hottest room it means that B is close to A and that there is a high
#' probability that they share a door or wall. These algorithms exploit the
#' global topology of the network. However, when they are applied to detect if
#' unknown nodes are functionally associated to known ones, they may suffer of
#' a drawback depending by the context. In biology, two functionally related
#' fragments interact physically (direct interaction) or interact indirectly
#' thanks to one or very few mediators. Therefore, exploring too far
#' similarities between nodes can introduce noise in the prediction. We apply
#' a random walk with restart propagation algorithm which resolution is set to
#' 0.2 for giving high values only to the close neighbours of the a priori
#' nodes.
#' @param mat (data.frame) Sparse matrix of binarized patient profiles, with
#' rownames being unique patients and columns, unique genes. Entry [i,j] is
#' set to 1 if patient j has a mutation in gene i.
#' @param net (data.frame) Interaction network provided as an adjacency
#' matrix (i.e. symmetric)
#' @param numCores (integer) Number of cores for parallel processing
#' @return (data.frame) Continuous matrix of patient profiles in which each gene
#' has the final propagation score
#' @import doParallel
#' @examples
#' suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(require(MultiAssayExperiment)))
#' require(doParallel)
#' # load mutation and phenotype data
#' genoFile <- system.file("extdata","TGCT_mutSmooth_geno.txt",package="netDx")
#' geno <- read.delim(genoFile,sep="\t",header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE)
#' phenoFile <- system.file("extdata", "TGCT_mutSmooth_pheno.txt",
#' package="netDx")
#' pheno <- read.delim(phenoFile,sep="\t",header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE)
#' rownames(pheno) <- pheno$ID
#' # load interaction nets to smooth over
#' require(BiocFileCache)
#' netFileURL <- paste("https://download.baderlab.org/netDx/",
#' "supporting_data/CancerNets.txt",sep="")
#' cache <- rappdirs::user_cache_dir(appname = "netDx")
#' bfc <- BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache(cache,ask=FALSE)
#' netFile <- bfcrpath(bfc,netFileURL)
#' cancerNets <- read.delim(netFile,sep="\t",header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE)
#' # smooth mutations
#' prop_net <- smoothMutations_LabelProp(geno,cancerNets,numCores=1L)
#' @export
smoothMutations_LabelProp <- function(mat,net,numCores=1L) {
if (class(mat) == "data.frame") mat <- as.matrix(mat)
if (class(net) == "data.frame") net <- as.matrix(net)
#Split the matrix into sections, each one will be processed by one core
inds <- split(seq_len(ncol(mat)),
res.l <- list()
required <- c("scater","clusterExperiment","netSmooth")
ctr <- 0
for (cur in required) {
if (!requireNamespace(cur, quietly=TRUE)) {
message(sprintf("Package \"%s\" needed for smoothMutations_LabelProp() to work. Please install it."))
ctr <- ctr+1
if (ctr >0) stop("Please install needed packages before proceeding.",call.=FALSE)
#Apply parallelized propagation
cl <- makeCluster(numCores)
# to address the "no visible binding for global variable" error
k <- NULL
res.l <- foreach(k = 1:length(inds),
.packages=c("netSmooth","scater","clusterExperiment")) %dopar% {
net , alpha=0.2, verbose = 'auto',
normalizeAdjMatrix = c("columns"))
#Merge the results
nS.res <- do.call(cbind, res.l)
#Return the final propagated matrix
#' Apply discretization to the matrix resulted from the propagation on the
#' sparse patient matrix
#' @details This function is included in the netDx use case which involves
#' propagating the sparse matrix of patient's profiles to reduce its sparsity.
#' This function applies discretization on the propagated matrix of patient
#' profiles. It sets to 1 the genes which got the highest propagation value.
#' While, the remaining genes are set to 0. This discretization is driven by
#' the fact that higher is the propagation value and higher is the chance that
#' the gene is involved in the patient condition and expression/mutation
#' profile. On the contrary, genes which got either a medium or a low value
#' are not trustable.
#' @param smoothedMutProfile (data.frame) continous matrix of patient profiles
#' resulting from applying :.,$ s/network-based propagation algorithm
#' (smoothMutations_LabelProp()) on a binary somatic mutation sparse matrix.
#' @param unsmoothedMutProfile (data.frame) binary somatic mutation sparse
#' matrix. Rownames are unique genes. Colnames are unique patients. A cell
#' contains a zero or a one.
#' @param nameDataset (char) for titles on plot
#' @param n_topXmuts (numeric between 0 and 1) percent of top mutations
#' to keep. This function converts these to 1.0 when binarizing, so they
#' remain in the thresholded output matrix; other mutations are set to zero.
#' @return (data.frame) binary somatic mutation matrix which sparsity has been
#' decreased
#' @examples
#' suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(require(MultiAssayExperiment)))
#' require(doParallel)
#' # load mutation and phenotype data
#' genoFile <- system.file("extdata","TGCT_mutSmooth_geno.txt",package="netDx")
#' geno <- read.delim(genoFile,sep="\t",header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE)
#' phenoFile <- system.file("extdata", "TGCT_mutSmooth_pheno.txt",
#' package="netDx")
#' pheno <- read.delim(phenoFile,sep="\t",header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE)
#' rownames(pheno) <- pheno$ID
#' # load interaction nets to smooth over
#' require(BiocFileCache)
#' netFileURL <- paste("https://download.baderlab.org/netDx/",
#' "supporting_data/CancerNets.txt",sep="")
#' cache <- rappdirs::user_cache_dir(appname = "netDx")
#' bfc <- BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache(cache,ask=FALSE)
#' netFile <- bfcrpath(bfc,netFileURL)
#' cancerNets <- read.delim(netFile,sep="\t",header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE)
#' # smooth mutations
#' prop_net <- smoothMutations_LabelProp(geno,cancerNets,numCores=1L)
#' genoP <- thresholdSmoothedMutations(
#' prop_net,geno,"TGCT_CancerNets",c(20)
#' )
#' @export
thresholdSmoothedMutations <- function(smoothedMutProfile,
for(k_top in 1:length(n_topXmuts)){
for(i_col in 1:length(n_new_muts)){
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