#' Parse GMT file and return pathways as list
#' @details The GMT file format currently supported should match the ones
#' found at http://downloads.baderlab.org. The original GMT file format is:
#' <set name><set description><member 1><member 2>...<member N>,
#' one row per set, with values tab-delimited.
#' The version at baderlab.org has additional unique formatting of the
#' <set name> column as follows:
#' <pathway_full_name>%<pathway_source>%<pathway_source_id>
#' This function requires the specific formatting of the first column
#' to assign the key name of the output list (see \code{useIDasName}
#' argument).
#' @param fname (char) path to pathway file in gmt format
#' pathway score to include pathway in the filter list
#' @param MIN_SIZE (integer) min num genes allowed in a pathway. Pathways
#' with fewer number of genes are excluded from the output list
#' @param MAX_SIZE (integer) max num genes allowed in a pathway. Pathways
#' with gene counts greater than this are excluded from the output list
#' @param EXCLUDE_KEGG (boolean) If TRUE exclude KEGG pathways. Our
#' experience has been that some KEGG gene sets are to broad to be
#' physiologically relevant
#' @param IDasName (boolean) Value for key in output list.
#' If TRUE, uses db name and ID as name (e.g. KEGG:hsa04940)
#' If FALSE, pathway name.
#' @param getOrigNames (logical) when TRUE also returns a mapping of the
#' cleaned pathway names to the original names
#' @param verbose (logical) print detailed messages
#' @return Depends on value of getOrigNames. If FALSE (Default), list with
#' pathway name as key, vector of genes as value. If TRUE, returns list of
#' length two, (1) geneSets: pathway-gene mappings as default,
#' (2) pNames: data.frame with original and cleaned names.
#' @examples
#' pathFile <- fetchPathwayDefinitions("October",2020)
#' pathwayList <- readPathways(pathFile)
#' @export
readPathways <- function(fname, MIN_SIZE = 10L, MAX_SIZE = 200L,
IDasName = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, getOrigNames = FALSE) {
# change locale to accommodate nonstandard chars in pathway names
oldLocale <- Sys.getlocale("LC_ALL")
Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "C")
out <- list()
srcList <- list()
# read list of master pathways
if (verbose)
if (verbose)
message(sprintf("File: %s\n\n", basename(fname)))
f <- file(fname, "r")
# pName <- list()
ctr <- 0
options(warn = 1)
repeat {
s <- scan(f, what = "character", nlines = 1, quiet = TRUE, sep = "\t")
if (length(s) == 0)
pPos <- gregexpr("%", s[1])[[1]]
src <- ""
src_id <- ""
if (pPos[1] == -1) {
# message('\n\n% symbol not found in pathway name')
s[1] <- s[1]
} else {
src <- substr(s[1], pPos[1] + 1, pPos[2] - 1)
src_id <- substr(s[1], pPos[2] + 1, nchar(s[1]))
if (IDasName)
s[1] <- paste(src, src_id, sep = ":")
s[1] <- substr(s[1], 1, pPos[1] - 1)
if (!EXCLUDE_KEGG || (src != "KEGG")) {
idx <- which(s == "") # remove trailing blank rows.
if (any(idx))
s <- s[-idx]
out[[s[1]]] <- s[3:length(s)]
srcList[[s[1]]] <- src
# pName[[s[1]]] <- s[2] # stores pathway source - prob not needed
ctr <- ctr + 1
if (verbose) {
message(sprintf(paste("Read %i pathways in total, ",
"internal list has %i entries",
sep = ""), ctr, length(out)))
message(sprintf("\tFILTER: sets with num genes in [%i, %i]",
ln <- unlist(lapply(out, length))
idx <- which(ln < MIN_SIZE | ln >= MAX_SIZE)
if (any(idx)) {
out[idx] <- NULL
srcList[idx] <- NULL
# pName[idx] <- NULL
if (verbose)
message(sprintf("\t => %i pathways excluded\n\t => %i left",
length(idx), length(out)))
# clean pathway names
nm <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(cleanPathwayName(names(out))))
idx <- which(duplicated(nm))
if (any(idx)) {
message("Resolving duplicate pathway names by appending source...")
nm[idx] <- sprintf("%s_%s", nm[idx], srcList[[idx]])
if (getOrigNames) {
pnames <- cbind(names(out), nm)
names(out) <- nm
out <- list(geneSets = out, pNames = pnames)
} else {
names(out) <- nm
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