#' Randomly select patients for queries for feature selection
#' @param incPat (char) vector of patient IDs to be included in query
#' @param featScoreMax (integer) Number of times to run query, usually equal
#' to the max score for features in the design (e.g. if featScoreMax=10, then
#' this value is 10).
#' @param verbose (logical) print messages
#' @return (list) of length \code{featScoreMax}, containing names of patients
#' in query file for each fold
#' @examples
#' data(pheno)
#' x <- makeQueries(pheno$ID)
#' @export
makeQueries <- function(incPat, featScoreMax = 10L, verbose = TRUE) {
# randomly reorder for N-fold partitioning.
incPat <- sample(incPat, replace = FALSE)
# num in query file
num2samp <- floor(((featScoreMax - 1)/featScoreMax) * length(incPat))
# num to retrieve from GM database in each iteration
csize <- round((1/featScoreMax) * length(incPat))
if (verbose) {
message(sprintf("\t\t%i IDs; %i queries (%i sampled, %i test)",
featScoreMax, num2samp, csize))
out <- list()
for (k in seq_len(featScoreMax)) {
sidx <- ((k - 1) * csize) + 1
eidx <- k * csize
if (k == featScoreMax)
eidx <- length(incPat)
p1 <- sprintf("\t\tQ%i: %i test; ", k, eidx - sidx + 1)
out[[k]] <- setdiff(incPat, incPat[sidx:eidx])
if (verbose)
message(sprintf("%s %i query", p1, length(out[[k]])))
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