#' Process GM PRANK files to get the ROC curve for the query
#' @param pFile (char) path to PRANK file
#' @param pheno_DF (data.frame) patient IDs ('ID') and label('STATUS')
#' @param predClass (character) class label for which predictor is built
#' @param plotIt (logical) if TRUE plots ROC curve
#' @param verbose (logical) print messages
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
#' @return (list)
#' 1) predLbl: GeneMANIA scores (predicted labels). Higher score for
#' higher ranked patient.
#' 2) realLbl: binary value indicating if patient label matches predictor
#' label (real labels)
#' 3) fullmat: pheno_DF merged with similarity scores ('similarityScore')
#' and real label ('isPredClass')
#' 4) roc: output of ROCRs performance(,'tpr','fpr') - ROC curve
#' 5) auc: output of ROCRs auc()
#' 6) precall: output of ROCRs performance(, 'prec','rec')
#' 7) f: output of ROCRs performance(,'f')
#' If < 2 patients in PRANK file, roc,auc, precall, f are all returned as
#' NA.
#' @examples
#' data(pheno)
#' prankFile <- system.file("extdata",
#' paste("GM_PRANK","CV_1.query-results.report.txt.PRANK",sep=getFileSep()),
#' package="netDx")
#' x <- getPatientRankings(prankFile, pheno, 'LumA')
getPatientRankings <- function(pFile, pheno_DF, predClass, plotIt = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE) {
# Read in PRANK file need to skip comment line with new format
dat <- read.table(pFile, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE,
skip = 1)
pheno_DF$ID <- as.character(pheno_DF$ID)
# 1 is what we predict, 0 is the other class
pheno_DF$STATUS <- as.integer(pheno_DF$STATUS == predClass)
if (verbose)
message(sprintf("%i total ; ", nrow(dat)))
dat <- dat[which(!is.na(dat[, 2])), ]
if (verbose)
message(sprintf("%i non-query entries in PRANK file\n", nrow(dat)))
# match the pheno matrix to the labels
midx <- match(dat[, 1], pheno_DF$ID)
if (all.equal(pheno_DF$ID[midx], dat[, 1]) != TRUE) {
stop("\tgetPatientRankings:IDs in GM results don't match pheno\n")
curlbl <- pheno_DF[midx, , drop = FALSE]
# ROCR prediction object requires the label assignments
# to range from 0 to 1.
# GeneMANIA gene scores appear to be positive but unbounded. We therefore
# rescale GM score to range from 0 to 1.
curlbl <- cbind(curlbl, similarityScore = order(dat[, 2])/nrow(dat),
IsPredClass = curlbl$STATUS)
curlbl <- curlbl[, -which(colnames(curlbl) %in% c("STATUS", "TT_STATUS"))]
# compute quality measures for classifier
pred <- NA
perf <- NA
auc <- NA
precall <- NA
f <- NA
# second condition is because ROCRs functions fail if there aren't exactly
# two unique values in the real class label
if (nrow(curlbl) >= 2 && length(unique(curlbl$IsPredClass)) == 2) {
pred <- prediction(curlbl$similarityScore, curlbl$IsPredClass)
perf <- performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr")
auc <- performance(pred, "auc")@y.values[[1]]
precall <- performance(pred, "prec", "rec")
f <- performance(pred, "f")
if (plotIt) {
plot(perf, main = sprintf("%i predictions; AUC= %1.2f",
nrow(curlbl), auc), bty = "n", las = 1, cex.axis = 1.3)
out <- merge(x = curlbl, y = pheno_DF, by = "ID", all.y = TRUE)
# return data incase caller would use it.
return(list(predLbl = curlbl$similarityScore,
realLbl = curlbl$IsPredClass, fullmat = out,
pred = pred, roc = perf, auc = auc, precall = precall, f = f))
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