#' Compile network scores into a matrix
#' @details Given network scores over a set of train/test splits, compiles
#' these into a matrix for downstream analysis. See the section on
#' 'Output Files'
#' @param inDir (char/list) directory containing directories with all split
#' info or list of all CV score files.
#' if inDir is a single directory then the expected format for CV score files
#' is <inDir>/rngX/predClassX/GM_results/predClassX_pathway_CV_score.txt'
#' if inDir is a list, it should have one key per class. The value should be
#' the corresponding set of filenames for pathway_CV_score.txt
#' @param predClasses (char) possible STATUS for patients
#' @param getFullCons (logical) if TRUE, does not remove rows with NA.
#' Recommended only when the number of input features is extensively
#' pruned by first-pass feature selection.
#' @return (list) one key per patient class. Value is matrix of network
#' scores across all train/test splits. Each score is the output of
#' the inner fold of CV.
#' @examples
#' inDir <- system.file("extdata","example_output",package="netDx")
#' netScores <- getFeatureScores(inDir, predClasses = c('LumA','notLumA'))
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
getFeatureScores <- function(inDir, predClasses, getFullCons = TRUE) {
if (missing(inDir))
stop("inDir not provided")
if (missing(predClasses))
stop("predClasses missing; please specify classes")
out <- list()
for (gp in predClasses) {
message(sprintf("%s\n", gp))
if (is(inDir, "character")) {
message("\tSingle directory provided, retrieving CV score files\n")
rngDirs <- dir(path = inDir, pattern = "^rng")
fList <- paste(inDir,rngDirs,gp,"GM_results",
} else {
message("\tList of filenames provided\n")
fList <- inDir[[gp]]
message(sprintf("Got %i iterations", length(fList)))
netColl <- list()
for (scoreFile in fList) {
tmp <- read.delim(scoreFile, sep = "\t", header = TRUE,
as.is = TRUE)
colnames(tmp)[1] <- "PATHWAY_NAME"
netColl[[scoreFile]] <- tmp
spos <- gregexpr("\\/", fList)
# get the name of the iteration (rngX) assuming directory structure
# rngX/<class>/GM_results>/pathway_CV_score.txt
fNames <- lapply(seq_len(length(spos)), function(x) {
n <- length(spos[[x]])
y <- substr(fList[x], spos[[x]][n - 3] + 1, spos[[x]][n - 2] - 1)
fNames <- unlist(fNames)
names(netColl) <- fNames
# filter for nets meeting cutoff criteria
message("* Computing consensus\n")
cons <- getNetConsensus(netColl)
x1 <- nrow(cons)
na_sum <- rowSums(is.na(cons))
full_cons <- cons
cons <- cons[which(na_sum < 1), ]
if (getFullCons)
out[[gp]] <- full_cons else out[[gp]] <- cons
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