#' compare intra-cluster shortest distance to overall shortest distance of the
#' network
#' @details Uses Dijkstra's algorithm for weighted edges. Pairwise nodes with
#' infinite distances are excluded before computing average shortest path
#' for a network. This function requires the igraph package to be installed.
#' @param net (data.frame) network on which to compute shortest path.
#' Column names are ignored but expects a header row. Distances will be
#' computed based on the third column
#' @param pheno (data.frame) Node information. ID (node name) and GROUP
#' (cluster name)
#' @param plotDist (logical) if TRUE, creates a violin plot showing the
#' shortest path distributions for each group.
#' @param verbose (logical) print messages
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom combinat combn
#' @examples data(silh);
#' colnames(silh$net)[3] <- 'weight'
#' compareShortestPath(silh$net, silh$groups)
#' @return (list) Two lists, 'avg' and 'all'. keys are cluster names.
#' values for 'avg' are mean shortest path ; for 'all', are all pairwise
#' shortest paths
#' for subnetworks that contain only the edges where source and target both
#' belong to the corresponding cluster. In addition, there is an 'overall'
#' entry for the mean shortest distance for the entire network.
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
compareShortestPath <- function(net, pheno, plotDist = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
colnames(net) <- c("source", "target", "weight")
if (verbose) {
message("Weight distribution:")
print(summary(net[, 3]))
.getAvgD <- function(mat) {
tmp <- mat[upper.tri(mat, diag = FALSE)]
idx <- which(is.infinite(tmp))
if (any(idx))
tmp <- tmp[-idx]
## if (verbose) message(sprintf('\tN=%i distances\n', length(tmp)))
c(mean(tmp, na.rm = TRUE), sd(tmp, na.rm = TRUE), length(tmp))
.getAllD <- function(mat) {
tmp <- mat[upper.tri(mat, diag = FALSE)]
idx <- which(is.infinite(tmp))
if (any(idx))
tmp <- tmp[-idx]
g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(net, vertices = pheno$ID)
d_overall <- igraph::shortest.paths(g, algorithm = "dijkstra")
if (verbose) message(sprintf("Overall: %i nodes", length(pheno$ID)))
tmp <- .getAvgD(d_overall)
if (verbose) {
message(sprintf("All-all shortest path = %2.3f (SD=%2.3f)",
tmp[1], tmp[2]))
message(sprintf("(N=%i distances)", tmp[3]))
cnames <- unique(pheno$GROUP)
dset <- list()
dall <- list()
for (curr_cl in cnames) {
cl <- pheno$ID[which(pheno$GROUP %in% curr_cl)]
if (verbose) {
message(sprintf("\n%s: N=%i nodes", curr_cl, length(cl)))
# subgraph with intra-cluster connections
tmp <- net[which(net[, 1] %in% cl & net[,2] %in% cl),]
g2 <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(d = tmp,vertices = cl)
tmp <- igraph::shortest.paths(g2, algorithm = "dijkstra")
if (verbose) message(sprintf("%s", curr_cl))
dset[[curr_cl]] <- .getAvgD(tmp)
dall[[curr_cl]] <- .getAllD(tmp)
tmp <- dset[[curr_cl]]
if (verbose) {
message(sprintf("\t%s-%s: Mean shortest = %2.3f (SD= %2.3f)",
curr_cl, curr_cl, tmp[1], tmp[2]))
message("(N=%i dist)", tmp[3])
# now repeat for all pairwise classes
cpairs <- as.matrix(combinat::combn(cnames, 2))
if (verbose) message("Pairwise classes:")
for (k in seq_len(ncol(cpairs))) {
type1 <- pheno$ID[which(pheno$GROUP %in% cpairs[1, k])]
type2 <- pheno$ID[which(pheno$GROUP %in% cpairs[2, k])]
idx <- which(net[, 1] %in% type1 & net[, 2] %in% type2)
idx2 <- which(net[, 1] %in% type2 & net[, 2] %in% type1)
idx <- c(idx, idx2)
g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(d = net[idx, ])
tmp <- igraph::shortest.paths(g, algorithm = "dijkstra")
cur <- sprintf("%s-%s", cpairs[1, k], cpairs[2, k])
dset[[cur]] <- .getAvgD(tmp)
# dset[[curr_cl]] <- .getAvgD(tmp)
dall[[cur]] <- .getAllD(tmp)
tmp <- dset[[curr_cl]]
if (verbose) {
message(sprintf("\t%s-%s: Mean shortest = %2.3f (SD= %2.3f)",
cpairs[1,k], cpairs[2, k], tmp[1], tmp[2]))
message(sprintf("(N=%i dist)", tmp[3]))
dset[["overall"]] <- .getAvgD(d_overall)
dall[["overall"]] <- .getAllD(d_overall)
out <- list(avg = dset, all = dall)
if (plotDist) {
par(las = 1, bty = "n")
dl <- data.frame(intType = rep(names(dall),
lapply(dall, length)), dijk = unlist(dall))
plotList <- list()
p <- ggplot(dl, aes(dl[,"intType"], dl[,"dijk"]))
p <- p + ylab("Pairwise Dijkstra distance\n(smaller is better)")
p <- p + xlab("Pair groups")
p2 <- p + geom_violin(scale = "width") + geom_boxplot(width = 0.02)
out[["plot"]] <- p2
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