#' Performs feature selection using multiple resamplings of the data
#' @details This function is used for feature selection of patient networks,
#' using multiple resamplings of input data. It is intended for use in
#' the scenario where patient networks are sparse and binary.
#' This function should be called after defining all patient networks. It
#' performs the following steps:
#' For i = 1..numSplits
#' randomly split patients into training and test
#' (optional) filter training networks to exclude random-like networks
#' compile features into database for cross-validation
#' score networks out of 10
#' end
#' using test samples from all resamplings, measure predictor performance.
#' In short, this function performs all steps involved in building and
#' evaluating the predictor.
#' @param phenoDF (data.frame) sample metadat. patient ID,STATUS
#' @param cnv_GR (GRanges) genetic events. Must contain "ID" column mapping
#' the event to a patient. ID must correspond to the ID column in phenoDF
#' @param group_GRList (list) List of GRangesList indicating grouping
#' rules for CNVs.
#' For example, in a pathway-based design, each key value would be a pathway
#' name, and the value would be a RangesList containing coordinates of the
#' member genes
#' @param predClass (char) patient class to predict
#' @param outDir (char) path to dir where results should be stored.
#' Results for resampling i are under \code{<outDir>/part<i>}, while
#' predictor evaluation results are directly in \code{outDir}.
#' @param numSplits (integer) number of data resamplings to use
#' @param featScoreMax (integer) max score for features in feature selection
#' @param filter_WtSum (numeric between 5-100) Limit to top-ranked
#' networks such that cumulative weight is less than this parameter.
#' e.g. If filter_WtSum=20, first order networks by decreasing weight;
#' then keep those whose cumulative weight <= 20.
#' @param enrichLabels (logical) if TRUE, applies label enrichment to train
#' networks
#' @param enrichPthresh (numeric between 0 and 1) networks with label
#' enrichment p-value below this threshold pass enrichment
#' @param numPermsEnrich (integer) number of permutations for label enrichment
#' @param minEnr (integer -1 to 1) minEnr param in enrichLabelsNets()
#' @param numCores (integer) num cores for parallel processing
#' @param FS_numCores (integer) num cores for running GM. If NULL, is set
#' to max(1,numCores-1). Set to a lower value if the default setting
#' gives out-of-memory error. This may happen if networks are denser than
#' expected
#' @param ... params for runFeatureSelection()
#' @return (list) Predictor results
#' 1) phenoDF (data.frame): subset of phenoDF provided as input, but limited
#' to patients that have at least one event in the universe of possibilities
#' e.g. if using pathway-level features, then this table excludes patients
#' with zero CNVs in pathways
#' 2) netmat (data.frame): Count of genetic events by patients (rows) in
#' pathways (columns). Used as input to the feature selection algorithm
#' 3) pathwayScores (list): pathway scores for each of the data splits.
#' Each value in the list is a data.frame containing pathway names and
#' scores.
#' 4) enrichedNets (list): This entry is only found if enrichLabels is set
#' to TRUE. It contains the vector of features that passed label enrichment
#' in each split of the data.
#' 5 - 9) Output of RR_featureTally:
#' 5) cumulativeFeatScores: pathway name, cumulative score over
#' N-way data resampling.
#' 6) performance_denAllNets: positive,negative calls at each cutoff:
#' network score cutoff (score); num networks at cutoff (numPathways) ;
#' total +, ground truth (pred_tot); + calls (pred_ol);
#' + calls as pct of total (pred_pct); total -, ground truth (other_tot) ;
#' - calls (other_ol) ; - calls as pct of total (other_pct) ; ratio of
#' pred_pct and other_pct (rr) ; min. pred_pct in all resamplings
#' (pred_pct_min) ; max pred_pct in all resamplings (pred_pct_max) ;
#' min other_pct in all resamplings (other_pct_min); max other_pct in all
#' resamplings (other_pct_max)
#' 7) performance_denEnrichedNets: positive, negative calls at each cutoff
#' label enrichment option: format same as performance_denAllNets.
#' However, the denominator here is limited to
#' patients present in networks that pass label enrichment
#' 8) resamplingPerformance: breakdown of performance for each of the
#' resamplings, at each of the cutoffs.
#' This is a list of length 2, one for allNets and one for enrichedNets.
#' The value is a matrix with (resamp * 7) columns and S rows,
#' one row per score. The columns contain the following information
#' per resampling:
#' 1) pred_total: total num patients of predClass
#' 2) pred_OL: num of pred_total with a CNV in the selected net
#' 3) pred_OL_pct: 2) divided by 1) (percent)
#' 4) other_total: total num patients of other class(non-predClass)
#' 5) other_OL: num of other_total with CNV in selected net
#' 6) other_OL_pct: 5) divided by 4) (percent)
#' 7) relEnr: 6) divided by 3).
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' suppressMessages(require(GenomicRanges))
#' suppressMessages(require(BiocFileCache))
#' # read CNV data
#' phenoFile <- system.file("extdata","AGP1_CNV.txt",package="netDx")
#' pheno <- read.delim(phenoFile,sep="\t",header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE)
#' colnames(pheno)[1] <- "ID"
#' pheno <- pheno[!duplicated(pheno$ID),]
#' # create GRanges with patient CNVs
#' cnv_GR <- GRanges(pheno$seqnames,IRanges(pheno$start,pheno$end),
#' ID=pheno$ID,LOCUS_NAMES=pheno$Gene_symbols)
#' # get gene coordinates
#' geneURL <- paste("http://download.baderlab.org/netDx/",
#' "supporting_data/refGene.hg18.bed",sep="")
#' cache <- rappdirs::user_cache_dir(appname = "netDx")
#' bfc <- BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache(cache,ask=FALSE)
#' geneFile <- bfcrpath(bfc,geneURL)
#' genes <- read.delim(geneFile,sep="\t",header=FALSE,as.is=TRUE)
#' genes <- genes[which(genes[,4]!=""),]
#' gene_GR <- GRanges(genes[,1],IRanges(genes[,2],genes[,3]),
#' name=genes[,4])
#' # create GRangesList of pathways
#' pathFile <- fetchPathwayDefinitions("February",2018,verbose=TRUE)
#' pathwayList <- readPathways(pathFile)
#' path_GRList <- mapNamedRangesToSets(gene_GR,pathwayList)
#' #### uncomment to run - takes 5 min
#' #out <- buildPredictor_sparseGenetic(pheno, cnv_GR, "case",
#' # path_GRList,outDir,
#' # numSplits=3L, featScoreMax=3L,
#' # enrichLabels=TRUE,numPermsEnrich=20L,
#' # numCores=1L)
#' #summary(out)
#' #head(out$cumulativeFeatScores)
buildPredictor_sparseGenetic <- function(phenoDF,cnv_GR,predClass,
numSplits=3L, featScoreMax=10L,
numCores=1L,FS_numCores=NULL,...) {
if (file.exists(outDir)) {
stop("outDir exists. Please specify another output directory.")
netDir <- paste(outDir,"networks_orig",sep=getFileSep())
message("making rangesets")
netList <- makePSN_RangeSets(cnv_GR, group_GRList,netDir,
message("counting patients in net")
p <- countPatientsInNet(netDir,netList, phenoDF$ID)
message("updating nets")
tmp <- updateNets(p,phenoDF,writeNewNets=FALSE,verbose=FALSE)
netmat <- tmp[[1]]
phenoDF <- tmp[[2]]
if (is.null(FS_numCores)) FS_numCores <- max(1,numCores-1)
# split into testing and training - resampling mode
message("* Resampling train/test samples")
TT_STATUS <- splitTestTrain_resampling(phenoDF, nFold=numSplits,
predClass=predClass, verbose=TRUE)
p_full <- netmat
pheno_full <- phenoDF
if (any(colnames(pheno_full)%in% "TT_STATUS")) {
message(paste("** Warning, found TT_STATUS column. ",
"netDx adds its own column so this one will be removed **",
pheno_full <- pheno_full[,-which(colnames(pheno_full)%in%"TT_STATUS")]
pScore <- list()
enrichedNets <- list()
for (k in seq_len(length(TT_STATUS))) {
p <- p_full
pheno <- pheno_full
pheno <- cbind(pheno, TT_STATUS=TT_STATUS[[k]])
message(sprintf("Resampling round %i", k))
newOut <- paste(outDir,sprintf("part%i",k),
# write patient status for this round.
outF <- paste(newOut,"TT_STATUS.txt",sep=getFileSep())
message("# patients: train only")
pheno_train <- subset(pheno, TT_STATUS %in% "TRAIN")
p_train <- p[which(rownames(p) %in% pheno_train$ID),]
# update nets
message("Training only:")
trainNetDir <- paste(newOut,"networks",sep=getFileSep())
tmp <- updateNets(p_train,pheno_train,
oldNetDir=netDir, newNetDir=trainNetDir,
p_train <- tmp[[1]]
pheno_train <- tmp[[2]]
# label enrichment
if (enrichLabels) {
message("Running label enrichment")
tmpDir <- paste(outDir,"tmp",sep=getFileSep())
if (!file.exists(tmpDir)) dir.create(tmpDir)
netInfo <- enrichLabelNets(trainNetDir,pheno_train,newOut,
pvals <- as.numeric(netInfo[,"pctl"])
netInfo <- netInfo[which(pvals < enrichPthresh),]
p_train <- p_train[,
which(colnames(p_train) %in% rownames(netInfo))]
# update nets after enrichment
trainNetDir <- paste(newOut,"networksEnriched",
tmp <- updateNets(p_train, pheno_train,
p_train <- tmp[[1]]
pheno_train <- tmp[[2]]
enrichedNets[[k]] <- rownames(netInfo)
pheno_train <- setupFeatureDB(pheno_train,trainNetDir)
# Check: need to replace commas used as decimal separators, into periods
tmp <- dir(path=sprintf("%s/INTERACTIONS",trainNetDir),pattern="txt$")[1]
tmp <- sprintf("%s/INTERACTIONS/%s",trainNetDir,tmp)
if (sum(grepl(pattern=",",readLines(tmp,n=1))>0)) { # detect comma
# create networks for cross-validation
x <- compileFeatures(trainNetDir,newOut,verbose=FALSE)
# we query for training samples of the predictor class
trainPred <- pheno_train$ID[
which(pheno_train$STATUS %in% predClass)]
resDir <- paste(newOut,"GM_results",sep=getFileSep())
dbPath <- paste(newOut,"dataset",sep=getFileSep())
t0 <- Sys.time()
outDir=resDir, dbPath=dbPath,
t1 <- Sys.time()
message("Score features for this train/test split")
# collect results
tmp <- dir(path=resDir,pattern="RANK$")[1]
tmp <- sprintf("%s/%s",resDir,tmp)
if (sum(grepl(pattern=",",readLines(tmp,n=6))>0)) { # detect comma
nrankFiles <- paste(resDir,dir(path=resDir,pattern="NRANK$"),
pathwayRank <- compileFeatureScores(nrankFiles,
pScore[[k]] <- pathwayRank
# Measure performance after adding pathway tally across pplits
out2 <- RR_featureTally(netmat, phenoDF, TT_STATUS, predClass,pScore,
outDir,enrichLabels, enrichedNets,verbose=FALSE,
colnames(netmat) <- sub("_cont.txt","",colnames(netmat))
out <- list(
for (k in names(out2)) {
out[[k]] <- out2[[k]]
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