#' Parse domain input file
#' @description Get all domain annotations for one seed protein IDs.
#' @export
#' @param seed seed protein ID
#' @param inputFile name of input file (file name or path to folder contains
#' individual domain files)
#' @param type type of data (file" or "folder"). Default = "file".
#' @return A dataframe for protein domains including seed ID, its orthologs IDs,
#' sequence lengths, feature names, start and end positions, feature weights
#' (optional) and the status to determine if that feature is important for
#' comparison the architecture between 2 proteins* (e.g. seed protein vs
#' ortholog) (optional).
#' @author Vinh Tran tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
#' @importFrom stringr str_split_fixed
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @seealso \code{\link{getDomainFolder}}
#' @examples
#' seed <- "101621at6656"
#' inputFile <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "domainFiles/101621at6656.domains",
#' package = "PhyloProfile", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' type <- "file"
#' parseDomainInput(seed, inputFile, type)
parseDomainInput <- function(seed = NULL, inputFile = NULL, type = "file") {
file <- NULL
# check parameters
if (type == "folder" & is.null(seed)) stop("Seed ID cannot be NULL!")
if (is.null(inputFile)) stop("Input domain file cannot be NULL!")
# get domain from single file
if (type == "file") {
file <- inputFile
# or from a domain folder
else {
file <- getDomainFolder(seed, inputFile)
if (file == "noSelectHit") {return("noSelectHit")}
else if (file == "noFileInFolder") {return("noFileInFolder")}
if (file != FALSE) {
exeptions <- c("noFileInput", "noSelectHit", "noFileInFolder")
if (!(file %in% exeptions)) {
domains <- data.frame(fread(file, sep = "\t", header = FALSE))
if (ncol(domains) == 5) {
colnames(domains) <-
c("seedID", "orthoID", "feature", "start", "end")
} else if (ncol(domains) == 6) {
colnames(domains) <-
c("seedID", "orthoID", "length", "feature", "start", "end")
} else if (ncol(domains) == 7) {
colnames(domains) <-
c("seedID", "orthoID", "length", "feature", "start", "end","weight")
} else if (ncol(domains) == 8) {
colnames(domains) <- c(
"seedID", "orthoID", "length", "feature", "start", "end","weight",
} else if (ncol(domains) == 14) {
domains <- domains[-1,]
colnames(domains) <- c(
"seedID", "orthoID", "length", "feature", "start", "end","weight",
domains$length <- as.integer(domains$length)
domains$start <- as.integer(domains$start)
domains$end <- as.integer(domains$end)
domains$pStart <- as.integer(domains$pStart)
domains$pEnd <- as.integer(domains$pEnd)
domains$pLen <- as.integer(domains$pLen)
domains$evalue <- as.numeric(domains$evalue)
domains$bitscore <- as.numeric(domains$bitscore)
} else {
if (nrow(domains) == 0) return("ERR-0")
domains$seedID <- as.character(domains$seedID)
domains$orthoID <- as.character(domains$orthoID)
domains$seedID <- gsub("\\|",":",domains$seedID)
domains$orthoID <- gsub("\\|",":",domains$orthoID)
domains[c("feature_type","feature_id")] <-
stringr::str_split_fixed(domains$feature, '_', 2)
domains$feature_id[domains$feature_type == "smart"] <-
paste0(domains$feature_id[domains$feature_type == "smart"], "_smart")
#' Get domain file from a folder for a seed protein
#' @param seed seed protein ID
#' @param domainPath path to domain folder
#' @return Domain file and its complete directory path for the selected protein.
#' @author Vinh Tran tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
#' @examples
#' domainPath <- paste0(
#' path.package("PhyloProfile", quiet = FALSE), "/extdata/domainFiles"
#' )
#' PhyloProfile:::getDomainFolder("101621at6656", domainPath)
getDomainFolder <- function(seed, domainPath){
if (is.null(seed)) {
fileDomain <- "noSelectHit"
} else {
# check file extension
allExtension <- c("txt", "csv", "list", "domains", "architecture")
fileDomain <- paste0(domainPath, "/", seed, ".", allExtension)
checkExistance <- lapply(fileDomain, function (x) file.exists(x))
fileDomain <- fileDomain[match(TRUE, checkExistance)]
if (is.na(fileDomain)) fileDomain <- "noFileInFolder"
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