#' Get all taxa that share a common ancestor
#' @description Identify the common ancestor for a selected taxa and return a
#' list of all taxa that have that common ancestor from an large input taxa set.
#' @export
#' @param inputTaxa ID list of all input taxa (e.g. "ncbi12345")
#' @param inGroup ID list of selected taxa used for identify the common ancestor
#' (e.g.: "ncbi55555")
#' @param taxDB Path to the taxonomy DB files
#' @return A list containing the taxonomy rank and name of the common ancestor,
#' together with a dataframe storing the full taxonomy info of all taxa that
#' share that corresponding common ancestor.
#' @author Vinh Tran (tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de)
#' @examples
#' inputTaxa <- c("ncbi34740", "ncbi9606", "ncbi374847", "ncbi123851",
#' "ncbi5664", "ncbi189518", "ncbi418459", "ncbi10116", "ncbi284812",
#' "ncbi35128", "ncbi7070")
#' inGroup <- c("ncbi9606", "ncbi10116")
#' getCommonAncestor(inputTaxa, inGroup)
getCommonAncestor <- function(inputTaxa = NULL, inGroup = NULL, taxDB = NULL) {
if (is.null(inputTaxa) | is.null(inGroup))
stop("Input taxa and in-group ID list cannot be NULL!")
# get list of pre-calculated taxonomy info
taxMatrix <- getTaxonomyMatrix(taxDB, TRUE, inputTaxa)
# get subset taxonomy info for selected in-group taxa
selectedTaxMatrix <- taxMatrix[
taxMatrix$abbrName %in% inGroup,
# identify common ancestor
V1 <- vapply(
selectedTaxMatrix[,c(seq(4, ncol(selectedTaxMatrix)))], max,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
V2 <- vapply(
selectedTaxMatrix[,c(seq(4, ncol(selectedTaxMatrix)))],
function (x) as.integer(sum(x)/length(x)),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
checkDf <- t(rbind(V1, V2))
commonRank <- rownames(checkDf[V1 == V2,])[1]
commonID <- checkDf[V1 == V2,][1]
commonTaxa <- taxMatrix[taxMatrix[, commonRank] == commonID, ]
return(list(commonRank, commonID, commonTaxa))
#' Compare the score distributions between 2 taxon groups
#' @description Given the phylogenetic profiles that contains up to 2 additional
#' variables besides the presence/absence information of the orthologous
#' proteins. This function will compare the distribution of those variables
#' between 2 different taxon groups (e.g. parasitic species vs non-parasitic
#' species), which are defined as in-group and out-group. In-group is identified
#' by the user. Out-group contains all taxa in the input phylogenetic profiles
#' that are not part of the in-group.
#' @usage compareTaxonGroups(data, inGroup, useCommonAncestor, variable,
#' significanceLevel, taxDB)
#' @export
#' @param data input phylogenetic profile in long format (see ?mainLongRaw and
#' ?createLongMatrix)
#' @param inGroup ID list of in-group taxa (e.g. "ncbi1234")
#' @param useCommonAncestor TRUE/FALSE if using all taxa that share the same
#' common ancestor with the pre-selected in-group as the in-group taxa.
#' Default = TRUE.
#' @param variable name of the variable that need to be compared
#' @param significanceLevel significant cutoff for the statistic test (between
#' 0 and 1). Default = 0.05.
#' @param taxDB Path to the taxonomy DB files
#' @return list of genes that have a significant difference in the variable
#' distributions between the in-group and out-group taxa and their corresponding
#' p-values.
#' @author Vinh Tran (tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de)
#' @examples
#' data("mainLongRaw", package="PhyloProfile")
#' data <- mainLongRaw
#' inGroup <- c("ncbi9606", "ncbi10116")
#' variable <- colnames(data)[4]
#' compareTaxonGroups(data, inGroup, TRUE, variable, 0.05)
compareTaxonGroups <- function(
data = NULL,
inGroup = NULL,
useCommonAncestor = TRUE,
variable = NULL,
significanceLevel = 0.05,
taxDB = NULL
) {
if (is.null(data) | is.null(inGroup) | is.null(variable))
stop("Input profiles, in-group IDs and variable name cannot be NULL!")
if (!(variable %in% colnames(data))) stop("Invalid variable")
# add other taxa that share a common ancestor with the given in-group
commonTaxa <- getCommonAncestor(
levels(as.factor(data$ncbiID)), inGroup, taxDB
if (useCommonAncestor == TRUE)
inGroup <- as.character(commonTaxa[[3]]$abbrName)
# perform distribution comparison test
data$geneID <- as.character(data$geneID)
pvalues <- vapply(
function (x) {
varIn <- data[data$geneID == x & data$ncbiID %in% inGroup, variable]
varOut <- data[
data$geneID == x & !(data$ncbiID %in% inGroup), variable
pvalue <- try(distributionTest(varIn, varOut, significanceLevel))
if (is.numeric(pvalue))
return(distributionTest(varIn, varOut, significanceLevel))
else return(999)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
#' Compare the distribution of 2 numeric vectors
#' @description This function tests the difference between the distributions of
#' two input numeric samples using the statistical tess. First the
#' Kolmogorov-Smirnov is used to check if 2 samples have the same distribution.
#' If yes, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney will be used to compare the distribution
#' difference.
#' @usage distributionTest(varIn, varOut, significanceLevel)
#' @param varIn first numeric vector
#' @param varOut second numeric vector
#' @param significanceLevel significant cutoff of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
#' Default = 0.05.
#' @return p-value of the comparison test.
#' @author Carla Mölbert (carla.moelbert@gmx.de)
distributionTest <- function(
varIn = NULL, varOut = NULL, significanceLevel = 0.05
if (is.null(varIn) | is.null(varOut))
stop("Vector of in-group and out-group cannot be NULL!")
# remove NA values
varIn <- varIn[!is.na(varIn)]
varOut <- varOut[!is.na(varOut)]
# if there is no data in one of the groups the p-value is NULL
if (length(varIn) == 0 | length(varOut) == 0)
stop("No data for In/Out-group taxa!")
else {
# * Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
# H0 : The two samples have the same distribution
ks <- suppressWarnings(
stats::ks.test(unique(varIn), unique(varOut), exact = FALSE)
if (ks$p.value <= significanceLevel) return(ks$p.value)
else {
# * Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test
# H0: the samples have the same location parameters
wilcox <- suppressWarnings(
varIn, varOut, alternative = "two.sided", paired = FALSE
#' Compare the median values of a variable between 2 taxon groups
#' @description Given the phylogenetic profiles that contains up to 2 additional
#' variables besides the presence/absence information of the orthologous
#' proteins. This function will compare the median scores of those variables
#' between 2 different taxon groups (e.g. parasitic species vs non-parasitic
#' species), which are defined as in-group and out-group. In-group is identified
#' by the user. Out-group contains all taxa in the input phylogenetic profiles
#' that are not part of the in-group.
#' @usage compareMedianTaxonGroups(data, inGroup, useCommonAncestor, variable,
#' taxDB)
#' @export
#' @param data input phylogenetic profile in long format (see ?mainLongRaw and
#' ?createLongMatrix)
#' @param inGroup ID list of in-group taxa (e.g. "ncbi1234")
#' @param useCommonAncestor TRUE/FALSE if using all taxa that share the same
#' common ancestor with the pre-selected in-group as the in-group taxa.
#' Default = TRUE.
#' @param variable name of the variable that need to be compared
#' @param taxDB Path to the taxonomy DB files
#' @return List of genes that have a difference in the variable's median scores
#' between the in-group and out-group taxa and their corresponding delta-median.
#' @author Vinh Tran (tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de)
#' @examples
#' data("mainLongRaw", package="PhyloProfile")
#' data <- mainLongRaw
#' inGroup <- c("ncbi9606", "ncbi10116")
#' variable <- colnames(data)[4]
#' compareMedianTaxonGroups(data, inGroup, TRUE, variable)
compareMedianTaxonGroups <- function(
data = NULL, inGroup = NULL, useCommonAncestor = TRUE, variable = NULL,
taxDB = NULL
) {
if (is.null(data) | is.null(inGroup) | is.null(variable))
stop("Input profiles, in-group IDs and variable name cannot be NULL!")
if (!(variable %in% colnames(data))) stop("Invalid variable")
# add other taxa that share a common ancestor with the given in-group
commonTaxa <- getCommonAncestor(
levels(as.factor(data$ncbiID)), inGroup, taxDB
if (useCommonAncestor == TRUE)
inGroup <- as.character(commonTaxa[[3]]$abbrName)
# return delta-median scores for two taxa groups
data$geneID <- as.character(data$geneID)
deltaMedian <- vapply(
function (x) {
varIn <- data[data$geneID == x & data$ncbiID %in% inGroup, variable]
varOut <- data[
data$geneID == x & !(data$ncbiID %in% inGroup), variable]
- stats::median(varOut[!is.na(varOut)])
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
#' Create data for variable distribution comparison plot
#' @description Create data for plotting the distribution comparison between 2
#' groups of taxa for a selected gene.
#' @usage dataVarDistTaxGroup(data, inGroup, gene, variable)
#' @export
#' @param data input phylogenetic profile in long format (see ?mainLongRaw and
#' ?createLongMatrix)
#' @param inGroup ID list of in-group taxa (e.g. "ncbi1234")
#' @param gene ID of gene that need to be plotted the distribution comparison
#' between in- and out-group taxa.
#' @param variable var1 or c(var1, var2)
#' @return Dataframe containing list of values for all available variables for
#' the selected genes in in-group and out-group taxa (max. 3 columns).
#' @author Vinh Tran (tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de)
#' @seealso \code{\link{createLongMatrix}}
#' @examples
#' data("mainLongRaw", package="PhyloProfile")
#' data <- mainLongRaw
#' inGroup <- c("ncbi9606", "ncbi10116")
#' variable <- colnames(data)[c(4, 5)]
#' dataVarDistTaxGroup(data, inGroup, "101621at6656", variable)
dataVarDistTaxGroup <- function(
data = NULL, inGroup = NULL, gene = NULL, variable = NULL
) {
if (is.null(data) | is.null(inGroup) | is.null(gene) | is.null(variable))
stop("Input profiles, in-group IDs, gene & variable ID cannot be NULL!")
# remove "empty" variable (char "")
variable <- variable[unlist(lapply(variable, function (x) x != ""))]
# get 2 lists of values for in-group and out-group
varIn <- data.frame(
data[data$geneID == gene & data$ncbiID %in% inGroup, ][, variable]
colnames(varIn) <- variable
varOut <- data.frame(
data[data$geneID == gene & !(data$ncbiID %in% inGroup), ][, variable]
colnames(varOut) <- variable
if (nrow(varIn) == 0 & nrow(varOut) == 0) stop("No data for in-/out-group!")
varIn$type <- "In-group"
varOut$type <- "Out-group"
out <- rbind(
return(out[, c(variable, "type")])
#' Create a single violin distribution plot
#' @export
#' @param plotDf dataframe for plotting containing values for each variable in
#' in-group and out-group.
#' @param parameters plot parameters, including size of x-axis, y-axis,
#' legend and title; position of legend ("right", "bottom" or "none");
#' mean/median point; names of in-group and out-group; and plot title.
#' NOTE: Leave blank or NULL to use default values.
#' @param variable name of variable that need to be plotted (one of the column
#' names of input dataframe plotDf).
#' @return A violin plot as a ggplot object.
#' @author Vinh Tran tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' data("mainLongRaw", package="PhyloProfile")
#' data <- mainLongRaw
#' inGroup <- c("ncbi9606", "ncbi10116")
#' varNames <- colnames(data)[c(4, 5)]
#' plotDf <- dataVarDistTaxGroup(data, inGroup, "101621at6656", varNames)
#' plotParameters <- list(
#' "xSize" = 12,
#' "ySize" = 12,
#' "titleSize" = 15,
#' "legendSize" = 12,
#' "legendPosition" = "right",
#' "mValue" = "mean",
#' "inGroupName" = "In-group",
#' "outGroupName" = "Out-group",
#' "title" = "101621at6656"
#' )
#' generateSinglePlot(plotDf, plotParameters, colnames(plotDf)[1])
generateSinglePlot <- function(plotDf, parameters, variable) {
type <- .data <- NULL
xNames <- c(
parameters$inGroupName, " \n n = ",
nrow(plotDf[plotDf$type == parameters$inGroupName,]), sep = ""
parameters$outGroupName, " \n n = ",
nrow(plotDf[plotDf$type == parameters$outGroupName,]), sep = ""
plot <- ggplot(plotDf, aes(x = factor(type), y = .data[[variable]])) +
aes(fill = factor(type)), position = position_dodge(),
scale = "width", alpha = .5) +
geom_boxplot(width = 0.1) +
scale_x_discrete(labels = xNames) +
# add mean/median point and color of that point
aes(colour = parameters$mValue), fun = parameters$mValue,
geom = "point", size = 3, show.legend = TRUE, shape = 8
) +
scale_color_manual("", values = c("red")) +
# add title and theme
labs(x = element_blank(), y = variable) +
theme_minimal() +
axis.text.x = element_text(size = parameters$xSize, hjust = 1),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = parameters$ySize),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = parameters$ySize),
legend.position = parameters$legendPosition,
legend.text = element_text(size = parameters$legendSize),
legend.title = element_blank()
#' Plot Multiple Graphs with Shared Legend in a Grid
#' @export
#' @usage gridArrangeSharedLegend(..., ncol = length(list(...)), nrow = 1,
#' position = c("bottom", "right"), title = NA, titleSize = 12)
#' @param ... Plots to be arranged in grid
#' @param ncol Number of columns in grid
#' @param nrow Number of rows in grid
#' @param position Gird position (bottom or right)
#' @param title Title of grid
#' @param titleSize Size of grid title
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom gridExtra arrangeGrob
#' @return Grid of plots with common legend
#' @author Phil Boileau, \email{philippe.boileau@rimuhc.ca}
#' @note adapted from https://rdrr.io/github/PhilBoileau/CLSAR/src/R/
#' gridArrangeSharedLegend.R
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("mainLongRaw", package="PhyloProfile")
#' data <- mainLongRaw
#' inGroup <- c("ncbi9606", "ncbi10116")
#' varNames <- colnames(data)[c(4, 5)]
#' plotDf <- dataVarDistTaxGroup(data, inGroup, "101621at6656", varNames)
#' plotParameters <- list(
#' "xSize" = 12,
#' "ySize" = 12,
#' "titleSize" = 15,
#' "legendSize" = 12,
#' "legendPosition" = "right",
#' "mValue" = "mean",
#' "inGroupName" = "In-group",
#' "outGroupName" = "Out-group",
#' "title" = "101621at6656"
#' )
#' plotVar1 <- generateSinglePlot(plotDf, plotParameters, colnames(plotDf)[1])
#' plotVar2 <- generateSinglePlot(plotDf, plotParameters, colnames(plotDf)[2])
#' g <- gridArrangeSharedLegend(
#' plotVar1, plotVar2,
#' position = plotParameters$legendPosition,
#' title = plotParameters$title,
#' size = plotParameters$titleSize
#' )
#' }
gridArrangeSharedLegend <- function(
..., ncol = length(list(...)), nrow = 1, position = c("bottom", "right"),
title = NA, titleSize = 12
) {
plots <- list(...)
position <- match.arg(position)
g <- ggplotGrob(plots[[1]] + theme(legend.position = position))$grobs
legend <- g[[
which(vapply(g, function(x) x$name, FUN.VALUE = "") == "guide-box")
lheight <- sum(legend$height)
lwidth <- sum(legend$width)
gl <- lapply(plots, function(x) x + theme(legend.position="none"))
gl <- c(gl, ncol = ncol, nrow = nrow)
combined <- switch(
"bottom" = gridExtra::arrangeGrob(
do.call(arrangeGrob, gl),
ncol = 1,
heights = grid::unit.c(grid::unit(1, "npc") - lheight, lheight),
top = grid::textGrob(
vjust = 1,
gp = grid::gpar(
fontface = "bold", fontsize = titleSize
"right" = gridExtra::arrangeGrob(
do.call(arrangeGrob, gl),
ncol = 2,
widths = grid::unit.c(grid::unit(1, "npc") - lwidth, lwidth),
top = grid::textGrob(
vjust = 1,
gp = grid::gpar(
fontface = "bold", fontsize = titleSize
#' Create variable distribution comparison plot
#' @description Create variable distribution plots between 2 groups of taxa for
#' a selected gene.
#' @export
#' @param data dataframe for plotting. Last column
#' indicates what type of taxon group (in- or out-group). The first (or first 2)
#' column contains values of the variables. See ?dataVarDistTaxGroup
#' @param plotParameters plot parameters, including size of x-axis, y-axis,
#' legend and title; position of legend ("right", "bottom" or "none");
#' mean/median point; names of in-group and out-group; and plot title.
#' NOTE: Leave blank or NULL to use default values.
#' @return Distribution plots as a grob (gtable) object. Use grid.draw to plot.
#' @author Vinh Tran tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
#' @seealso \code{\link{dataVarDistTaxGroup}}
#' @examples
#' data("mainLongRaw", package="PhyloProfile")
#' data <- mainLongRaw
#' inGroup <- c("ncbi9606", "ncbi10116")
#' variable <- colnames(data)[c(4, 5)]
#' plotDf <- dataVarDistTaxGroup(data, inGroup, "101621at6656", variable)
#' plotParameters <- list(
#' "xSize" = 12,
#' "ySize" = 12,
#' "titleSize" = 15,
#' "legendSize" = 12,
#' "legendPosition" = "right",
#' "mValue" = "mean",
#' "inGroupName" = "In-group",
#' "outGroupName" = "Out-group",
#' "title" = "101621at6656"
#' )
#' g <- varDistTaxPlot(plotDf, plotParameters)
#' grid::grid.draw(g)
varDistTaxPlot <- function(data, plotParameters) {
if (is.null(data)) stop("Input data cannot be NULL!")
if (missing(plotParameters)) stop("Plot parameters are missing!")
# rename in-group and out-group
data$type[data$type == "In-group"] <- plotParameters$inGroupName
data$type[data$type == "Out-group"] <- plotParameters$outGroupName
# return plot(s)
if (ncol(data) == 2) {
plotVar1 <- generateSinglePlot(data, plotParameters, colnames(data)[1])
top = grid::textGrob(
plotParameters$title, vjust = 1,
gp = grid::gpar(
fontface = "bold", fontsize = plotParameters$titleSize
} else {
plotVar1 <- generateSinglePlot(data, plotParameters, colnames(data)[1])
plotVar2 <- generateSinglePlot(data, plotParameters, colnames(data)[2])
if (plotParameters$legendPosition == "none") {
plotVar1, plotVar2,
nrow = 1,
top = grid::textGrob(
plotParameters$title, vjust = 1,
gp = grid::gpar(
fontface = "bold",
fontsize = plotParameters$titleSize
} else {
plotVar1, plotVar2,
position = plotParameters$legendPosition,
title = plotParameters$title
#' Create data for feature distribution comparison plot
#' @description Create data for plotting the distribution of the protein domain
#' features between 2 group of taxa for a selected gene (average number of
#' feature occurrency per protein/ortholog).
#' @usage dataFeatureTaxGroup(mainDf, domainDf, inGroup, gene)
#' @export
#' @param mainDf input phylogenetic profile in long format (see ?mainLongRaw
#' and ?createLongMatrix)
#' @param domainDf dataframe contains domain info for the seed and ortholog.
#' This including the seed ID, orthologs IDs, sequence lengths, feature names,
#' start and end positions, feature weights (optional) and the status to
#' determine if that feature is important for comparison the architecture
#' between 2 proteins* (e.g. seed protein vs ortholog) (optional). (see
#' ?parseDomainInput)
#' @param inGroup ID list of in-group taxa (e.g. "ncbi1234")
#' @param gene ID of gene that need to be plotted the feature distribution
#' comparison between in- and out-group taxa.
#' @return Dataframe containing all feature names, their frequencies (absolute
#' count and the average instances per protein - IPP) in each taxon group and
#' the corresponding taxa group type (in- or out-group).
#' @author Vinh Tran (tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de)
#' @seealso \code{\link{createLongMatrix}}, \code{\link{parseDomainInput}}
#' @examples
#' data("mainLongRaw", package="PhyloProfile")
#' mainDf <- mainLongRaw
#' gene <- "101621at6656"
#' inputFile <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "domainFiles/101621at6656.domains",
#' package = "PhyloProfile", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' type <- "file"
#' domainDf <- parseDomainInput(gene, inputFile, type)
#' inGroup <- c("ncbi9606", "ncbi10116")
#' dataFeatureTaxGroup(mainDf, domainDf, inGroup, gene)
dataFeatureTaxGroup <- function(
mainDf = NULL, domainDf = NULL, inGroup = NULL, gene = NULL
) {
if (is.null(mainDf) | is.null(inGroup) | is.null(gene) | is.null(domainDf))
stop("Input profiles, in-group IDs, gene & domain data cannot be NULL!")
# get ncbiIDs for the domain data
mainDf$orthoID <- gsub("\\|", ":", mainDf$orthoID)
domainDfSub <- merge(
domainDf[grep(paste0(gene, "#"), domainDf$seedID),][
mainDf[, c("orthoID", "ncbiID")], by = "orthoID", all.x = TRUE
domainDfSub <- domainDfSub[stats::complete.cases(domainDfSub),]
# identify in-group and out-group
domainDfSub$type[domainDfSub$ncbiID %in% inGroup] <- "In-group"
domainDfSub$type[!(domainDfSub$ncbiID %in% inGroup)] <- "Out-group"
# count number of orthologs for each taxon group
nInGroup <- length(
unique(domainDfSub$seedID[domainDfSub$type == "In-group"]))
nOutGroup <- length(
unique(domainDfSub$seedID[domainDfSub$type == "Out-group"]))
# get intances and count the number of intances for each taxon group
domainIn <- domainDfSub$feature[domainDfSub$ncbiID %in% inGroup]
domainOut <- domainDfSub$feature[!(domainDfSub$ncbiID %in% inGroup)]
countDomainIn <- data.frame(table(unlist(as.character(domainIn))))
countDomainIn$type <- "In-group"
countDomainIn$ipp <- countDomainIn$Freq/nInGroup
countDomainOut <- data.frame(table(unlist(as.character(domainOut))))
countDomainOut$type <- "Out-group"
countDomainOut$ipp <- countDomainOut$Freq/nOutGroup
# calculate delta IPP
mergedDf <- merge(countDomainIn, countDomainOut, by = "Var1", all = TRUE)
mergedDf[is.na(mergedDf)] <- 0
mergedDf$dIPPtmp <- mergedDf$ipp.x - mergedDf$ipp.y
mergedDf$dIPP <- mergedDf$dIPPtmp / (mergedDf$ipp.x + mergedDf$ipp.y)
# return
outDf <- merge(
rbind(countDomainIn, countDomainOut), mergedDf[, c("Var1", "dIPP")],
by = "Var1", all.x = TRUE)
colnames(outDf) <- c("Feature", "Count", "Taxon_group", "IPP", "dIPP")
#' Create feature distribution comparison plot
#' @description Create protein feature distribution plots between 2 groups of
#' taxa for a selected gene.
#' @export
#' @param data dataframe for plotting (see ?dataFeatureTaxGroup)
#' @param plotParameters plot parameters, including size of x-axis, y-axis,
#' legend and title; position of legend ("right", "bottom" or "none"); names of
#' in-group and out-group; flip the plot coordinate ("Yes" or "No").
#' NOTE: Leave blank or NULL to use default values.
#' @return Distribution plots as a ggplot2 object.
#' @author Vinh Tran tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
#' @seealso \code{\link{dataFeatureTaxGroup}}
#' @examples
#' data("mainLongRaw", package="PhyloProfile")
#' data <- mainLongRaw
#' gene <- "101621at6656"
#' inputFile <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "domainFiles/101621at6656.domains",
#' package = "PhyloProfile", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' type <- "file"
#' domainDf <- parseDomainInput(gene, inputFile, type)
#' inGroup <- c("ncbi9606", "ncbi10116")
#' plotDf <- dataFeatureTaxGroup(data, domainDf, inGroup, gene)
#' plotParameters <- list(
#' "xSize" = 12,
#' "ySize" = 12,
#' "angle" = 15,
#' "legendSize" = 12,
#' "inGroupName" = "In-group",
#' "outGroupName" = "Out-group",
#' "flipPlot" = "No"
#' )
#' featureDistTaxPlot(plotDf, plotParameters)
featureDistTaxPlot <- function(data, plotParameters) {
Feature <- NULL
Taxon_group <- NULL
if (is.null(data)) stop("Input data cannot be NULL!")
if (missing(plotParameters)) stop("Plot parameters are missing!")
data$Taxon_group[data$Taxon_group == "In-group"] <-
data$Taxon_group[data$Taxon_group == "Out-group"] <-
plot <- ggplot(data, aes(x = Feature, y = IPP, fill = Taxon_group)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=.5, position = "dodge") +
theme_minimal() +
axis.title.y = element_text(size = plotParameters$ySize),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = plotParameters$ySize),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = plotParameters$xSize),
axis.text.x = element_text(
size = plotParameters$xSize,
angle = plotParameters$angle,
hjust = 1
legend.text = element_text(size = plotParameters$legendSize),
legend.title = element_blank()
if (plotParameters$flipPlot == "Yes") plot <- plot + coord_flip()
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