#' @title A function to construct a signature matrix
#' @param samples dataframe, has first column IDs, rest of columns are samples
#' (must have column name as sample accession ID which should be found in
#' sampleMeta), rows are units of signature (e.g. CpGs)
#' @param sampleMeta dataframe, must have first column for accession ID of each
#' sample, and second column for cell type of sample, rows are samples
#' @param atlas dataframe, the reference atlas to which new signatures can be
#' added, if not present then a new reference atlas will be created using
#' sample(s). Should be dataframe with column for each cell type, rows units of
#' signature (e.g. CpGs)
#' @param variation_cutoff either a number between 0 to 1, or NULL.For multiple
#' samples from the same cell type, ignore CpGs with variation >
#' variation_cutoff with that cell type. defaults to NULL (i.e. no cutoff)
#' @param tissueSpecCpGs if TRUE and atlas provided, it will extract tissue
#' specific CpGs.
#' @param K only valid when tissueSpecCpGs is TRUE. K is the number of top
#' methylation signature to be extracted.
#' @param tissueSpecDMPs if TRUE and atlas provided, it will extract tissue
#' specific DMPs. Note that both tissueSpecCpGs and tissueSpecDMPs can't be
#' TRUE at the same time.
#' @param IDs the name of the column indicates ids
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom data.table merge.data.table .SD setDT :=
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowVars rowSums2
#' @importFrom stats na.omit setNames
#' @importFrom minfi dmpFinder logit2
#' @examples
#' data("HumanCellTypeMethAtlas")
#' exampleSamples <- simulateCellMix(1,
#' reference = HumanCellTypeMethAtlas
#' )$simulated
#' exampleMeta <- data.table(
#' "Experiment_accession" = "example_sample",
#' "Biosample_term_name" = "example_cell_type"
#' )
#' colnames(exampleSamples) <- c("CpGs", "example_sample")
#' colnames(HumanCellTypeMethAtlas)[1] <- c("CpGs")
#' signatures <- findSignatures(
#' samples = exampleSamples,
#' sampleMeta = exampleMeta,
#' atlas = HumanCellTypeMethAtlas,
#' IDs = "CpGs", tissueSpecCpGs = FALSE
#' )
#' signatures <- findSignatures(
#' samples = exampleSamples,
#' sampleMeta = exampleMeta,
#' atlas = HumanCellTypeMethAtlas,
#' IDs = "CpGs", K = 100, tissueSpecCpGs = TRUE
#' )
#' @return A dataframe extendedAtlas which contains all cell types in atlas
#' (if given), and those in samples added by cell type, has first column "IDs",
#' rest of columns are cell types, rows are have first cell with the ID
#' (e.g. CpG ID) and then values of signature (e.g. methylation values)
#' If tissueSpecCpGs is TRUE, it will return a list of list containing tissue
#' specific methylation signatures.
#' If tissueSpecDMPs is TRUE, it will return a list containing tissue specific
#' DMPs.
#' @export
findSignatures <- function(samples, sampleMeta, atlas = NULL,
variation_cutoff = NULL, K = 100, IDs = NULL,
tissueSpecCpGs = FALSE, tissueSpecDMPs = FALSE) {
msg = "Please set an ID column name"
assert_that(length(IDs) == 1,
msg = "Please set provide a valid ID column name"
if (isTRUE(tissueSpecCpGs) && isTRUE(tissueSpecDMPs)) {
stop("Both tissueSpecCpGs and tissueSpecDMPs can't be TRUE at the same time.")
if (tissueSpecCpGs && !is.numeric(K)) {
stop("Please provide numeric K value to use tissueSpecCpGs")
if (tissueSpecCpGs && is.numeric(K) && length(K) != 1) {
stop("Please provide a valid K value to use tissueSpecCpGs")
if (tissueSpecCpGs && is.null(atlas)) {
stop("Please provide a reference atlas get tissueSpecCpGs")
if (!(is.null(variation_cutoff))) {
## first just checking variation_cutoff is valid number if not null
msg = "Variation cutoff should be a number"
assert_that(variation_cutoff >= 0,
variation_cutoff <= 1,
msg = "Variation cutoff should be between 0 and 1"
assert_that(colnames(samples)[1] == IDs,
msg = "First column of samples should be IDs"
for (sample_id in colnames(samples)[-1]) {
assert_that(sample_id %in% unlist(sampleMeta[, 1]),
msg = "All column names of samples
(other than IDs column) should be present in
sampleMeta Experiment_accession"
if (is.null(atlas)) {
extendedAtlas <- samples
## if there's no atlas given then just work with samples
} else {
assert_that(colnames(atlas)[1] == IDs,
msg = "First column of atlas should be IDs"
for (celltype in colnames(atlas)[-1]) {
if (!(celltype %in% unlist(sampleMeta[, 1]))) {
sampleMeta <- rbind(sampleMeta, list(celltype, celltype))
## if the cell type isn't in metadata,
# just add a row saying it maps to itself
extendedAtlas <- merge.data.table(atlas, samples,
by = IDs, sort = FALSE
# merge atlas with samples
rowsToDelete <- c()
for (i in seq_len(NROW(sampleMeta))) {
if (!(sampleMeta[i, 1] %in% colnames(extendedAtlas))) {
rowsToDelete <- append(rowsToDelete, i)
if (length(rowsToDelete) > 0) {
sampleMeta <- sampleMeta[-rowsToDelete, ]
# get rid of metadata entries not relevant to the atlas
for (tissue in unlist(unique(sampleMeta[, 2]))) {
accession_ids <- sampleMeta[sampleMeta[[2]] %in% tissue, 1]
if (length(accession_ids) > 0) {
# if no accession IDs map to this cell type
tissueLabel <- gsub(" ", "_", tissue)
# units with variance within tissue above variation_cutoff excluded
if (!(is.null(variation_cutoff))) {
tissue_variance <-
extendedAtlas[, rowVars(as.matrix(.SD)),
.SDcols = unlist(accession_ids)
tissue_variance <- nafill(tissue_variance, fill = 0)
# variance NA (e.g. if only one sample), will be replaced with 0
extendedAtlas <- extendedAtlas[tissue_variance <=
variation_cutoff, ]
extendedAtlas <- na.omit(extendedAtlas)
# units with missing values are excluded
pooled_column <- rowMeans(extendedAtlas[, .SD,
.SDcols = unlist(accession_ids),
drop = FALSE
# pool samples for same tissue
extendedAtlas[, as.character(unlist(accession_ids)) := NULL]
# remove single samples
extendedAtlas <- cbind(extendedAtlas, pooled_column)
# add new column pooling samples
colnames(extendedAtlas)[NCOL(extendedAtlas)] <- tissueLabel
# pooled column named as Biosample_term_name
cat(tissue, "\n")
if (tissueSpecCpGs) {
# scale the extended atlas
methMat2 <- as.matrix(extendedAtlas, rownames = IDs)
scaledMethMat2 <- methMat2 / matrixStats::rowSums2(methMat2)
revMethMat2 <- 1 - methMat2
revScaledMethMat2 <- revMethMat2 / matrixStats::rowSums2(revMethMat2)
usedCpGs <- c()
tissueSpec <- lapply(stats::setNames(
function(tissue, K) {
message("Unique used IDs: ", length(usedCpGs))
message(tissue, "\n")
availableCpGS <- setdiff(row.names(scaledMethMat2), usedCpGs)
topKHyperCpGs <- sort(scaledMethMat2[availableCpGS, tissue],
decreasing = TRUE
topKHypoCpGs <- sort(revScaledMethMat2[availableCpGS, tissue],
decreasing = TRUE
usedCpGs <<- c(usedCpGs, names(c(topKHypoCpGs, topKHyperCpGs)))
return(list("hyper" = topKHyperCpGs, "hypo" = topKHypoCpGs))
K = K
if (tissueSpecDMPs) {
# call logit
M <- minfi::logit2(as.matrix(extendedAtlas, rownames = IDs))
# Extract DMPs
tissueDMPs <- lapply(unique(sampleMeta[[1]]), function(tissue, M) {
message("Extracting DMPs for ", tissue)
grp <- ifelse(sampleMeta[[1]] %in% tissue, tissue, "other")
dmp <- minfi::dmpFinder(M, pheno = grp, type = "categorical")
message("DMPs hyper: ", sum(dmp$qval < 0.05, na.rm = TRUE), "\n")
}, M = M)
names(tissueDMPs) <- unique(sampleMeta[[1]])
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