# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' title
#' description
#' details
#' @param circs circs
#' @param organism organism
#' @param assembly assembly
#' @param chrom chromosome
#' @param start start
#' @param end end
#' @param strand strand
getIDs <- function(circs, organism, assembly, chrom = "chrom", start = "start",
end = "end", strand = "strand") {
con <- dbConnect(drv = dbDriver("MySQL"),
host = getOption("circbase.host"),
user = getOption("circbase.user"),
pass = getOption("circbase.pass"),
dbname = getOption("circbase.db"))
query <- paste( "SELECT circID, chrom, pos_start, pos_end, strand FROM ",
organism, "_", assembly, "_circles", sep = "")
rs <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
chunk <- data.table(fetch(rs, n = -1))
chunk$id <- paste(chunk$chrom, ":", chunk$pos_start, "-", chunk$pos_end,
sep = "")
circs$id <- paste(circs[[chrom]], ":", circs[[start]], "-", circs[[end]],
sep = "")
out <- merge(circs, chunk[, .(id, circID)], by = "id", all.x = T)
return(out[, !"id", with = F])
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' title
#' description
#' details
#' @param organism organism
#' @param assembly assembly
#' @param study study
#' @param sample sample
#' @export
getStudiesList <- function(organism = NA, assembly = NA, study = NA,
sample = NA) {
con <- dbConnect(drv = dbDriver("MySQL"),
host = getOption("circbase.host"),
user = getOption("circbase.user"),
pass = getOption("circbase.pass"),
dbname = getOption("circbase.db"),
port = getOption("circbase.port"))
# fetch all _stats tables
tbls <- dbListTables(con)
tbls <- tbls[grep("stats", tbls)]
# get all the orgn\assm\study\sample 4-mers
out <- data.table(orgn = factor(), asm = factor(), stdy = factor(),
smpl = factor())
for (tbl in tbls) {
ORGN <- strsplit(tbl, "_")[[1]][1]
ASM <- strsplit(tbl, "_")[[1]][2]
query <- paste("SELECT DISTINCT expID, sample FROM ", tbl,
" order by expID, sample", sep = "")
rs <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
chunk <- data.table(fetch(rs, n = -1))
setnames(chunk, c("stdy", "smpl"))
out <- rbind(out, cbind(orgn = ORGN, asm = ASM, chunk))
# reduce to arguments
if (!is.na(organism)) {
out <- out[orgn %in% organism]
if (!is.na(assembly)) {
out <- out[asm %in% assembly]
if (!is.na(study)) {
out <- out[stdy %in% study]
if (!is.na(sample)) {
out <- out[smpl %in% sample]
setnames(out, c("organism", "assembly", "study", "sample"))
if (nrow(out) == 0) {
stop(paste("no circBase data for organism ", organism, ", assembly ",
assembly, ", study ", study, ", and sample ", sample, ".",
sep = ""))
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